Oh well -- we've got our systems, and that makes us happy, no matter how many people actually buy the thing. One word describes this particular hardware launch, though: boring. There was no madness, no shortages, and no surprises. Perhaps this is what Nintendo wanted. And perhaps this is what actual people want as well.
hmm dus toch, nu kunnen we ons nog steeds 2 dingen afvragen
*heeft Nintendo de launch beter verzorgd dan de PS2?
*slechte launch?
edit: PGC zegt: Moving on to the final launch news Billy said the final line was probably around 75 people.
Das al wat meer dan gamespot's 6 mensen
edit:BBC news just reported that 300,000 GameCubes have already been sold in Japan. They also explained that Nintendo wanted stores to open at 7am, but most opened early at 12 midnight to avoid long queues
Laatst bewerkt: 15 sep 2001