[XOne] xbox on-line store (beta testers only) + FAQ

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Fardo, 26 aug 2002.

  1. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    xbox on-line store... maar ehm deze konden jullie vast al?
    De beta testers gebruiken deze om zich aan te melden en hun xbox live kit te bestellen8)


    It is not allowing me to "Validate" my account.
    A: The information required to validate your identity must match the account information that you supplied when you registered on Xbox.com. Please check your Xbox.com account information and enter your email address and last name EXACTLY as it appears on Xbox.com. NOTE: If you updated your account on Xbox.com, those changes will not be reflected when you attempt to validate your identity on the order site. The old information must be supplied.
    Click here to check your Xbox account information.

    Q: Can I buy multiple BETA STARTER PACKS?
    A: No, quantities are limited to 1 BETA STARTER PACK per beta tester.

    Q: How much is the monthly fee?
    A: There is no monthly fee for the first year of service. The price for 1 year of service is included in the PRICE OF $49.95 FOR THE BETA STARTER PACK Plus YOU GET YOUR TIME ON THE BETA FOR FREE UNTIL LAUNCH.

    Q: Is this IN US or Canadian CURRENCY?
    A: US Dollars

    Q: What games will I be able to play online?
    A: During the beta period, you will receive a copy of NFL Fever 2003 online edition, Revolt, and at least one additional game in early October. See Xbox.com for the latest information on Xbox Live titles that will be available THIS HOLIDAY SEASON.

    Q: Have all the e-mails gone out?
    A: As of 12:00PM PDT on 8/21, e-mail was sent to a) all those who applied for beta but aren't in the first phase b) all those who will be part of the first phase. If you did not receive a message, check your registration on Xbox.com to verify your information is complete and accurate.

    Q: What do I do if I applied but I didn't get an e-mail?
    A: Various e-mail systems recognize messages from Xbox.com as spam and delete the message automatically. Check your spam folder or deleted messages folder for a message from Xbox.com

    Q: Can I still apply?
    A: Yes, you can still register for the second phase of consumer beta which will begin in late September/early October.

    Q: What if I got the "no in the current phase" e-mail---what happens next?
    A: If you didn't get into the first phase, you are included on the list of people who will get a chance to participate in the second phase in early October.
  2. ErroX

    ErroX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja k zag het laatst ... maar niet proberen voor je het weet heb je MS op je dak...:{
  3. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je komt er toch niet in ;) .... men heeft alleen beta testers uitgenodigd.... en deze kunnen alleen gevalideerd worden

    :{ dus wij moeten afwachten *zucht*
  4. ErroX

    ErroX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ALS ik beta tester wor gaa ik da niet zeggen.
    want je heb alleen mail adrres nodig en naam...

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