Fitness en aanverwanten [Deel 5]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door Nerrion, 12 jan 2011.

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  1. Nerrion

    Nerrion yikes

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fitness Deel 4

    Hell yeah, het is weer tijd voor alweer het vijfde deel \o/

    Heb je altijd al willen beginnen met serieus sporten binnen de gym of weet je niet precies hoe je een schema in elkaar moet zetten? Dan is dit de plek om je antwoorden op te zoeken!

    Belangrijke sites:

    Ik heb een aantal boeken in pdf formaat, als iemand voor een host kan zorgen upload ik ze wel even :)

    Hoe/wat 6-pack
    Zal weer even wat leerzaams schrijven

    De buik bestaat uit de abdominal en obliques. Het abdominal gedeelte is wat je een de voorkant ziet mbt de 6pack waarbij de obliques de zijkanten zijn. De buikspieren zijn zoals elk ander en moeten ook zodanig getraind worden. Maximaal 3x in de week met een hoge intensiteit. Intensiteit is veel herhalingen, zwaar gewicht/weerstand, in een korte tijd.

    Waarom maar 3x in de week en niet elke dag trainen? Tijdens training dien je stress toe aan de spieren. Na het trainen hersteld de spier van de stress en past zich aan om die stress de volgende keer te kunnen weerstaan. Dat aanpassen is de groei en als je het niet voldoende rust geeft komt niet de groei die je wilt. Daarnaast is er ook de reden mbt het motorisch en zenuwstelsel wat na een intense work-out 24uur herstel nodig heeft eer het lichaam kan beginnen met herstel van de spier zelf. Dus wil je echt optimale groei hebben neem je zelfs 2 dagen rust.

    Verscheidene nuttige oefeningen zijn: (hanged) Leg Raise (onderkant abs), Sit-ups (gehele abs), Crunch (bovenkant), Reversed Crunch (onderkant), zijwaartse Leg Raise (obliqeus+onderkant), Zijwaartse Sit-ups (obliques).

    Op zich pak je de buikspieren ook mee in oefeningen zoals Squat, Deadlift en anderen. Alleen dit doe je vaak onbewust.

    Het is niet verstandig al je aandacht op 1 spiergroep te richten, dus blijf ook de rest van je lichaam goed trainen. Dit ivm je testosteron productie welk vetverbranding+spieraanzet stimuleert. Train de grote spiergroepen en de kleinere zullen er ook profijt van hebben.

    Om de buikspieren zichtbaar te krijgen is het zaak die spieren zo dik mogelijk te maken, of te wel spiermassa te bouwen. Train in 3 sets van 15-20 herhalingen en zodra je dit bereikt ga dan niet meer herhalingen doen, maar gebruik een gewicht om de uitvoering te verzwaren. Je buikspieren worden op die wijze dikker en zullen eerder de pezen tussen hen in “zuigen” zodat de blokjes ontstaan.

    Maar dit alleen is niet voldoende. Je kan dan wel buikspieren van staal hebben, maar als je een te hoog lichaamsvet% hebt zal het alsnog niet zichtbaar worden. Wat die dikke buikspieren wel doen is dat ze eerder zichtbaar zullen zijn. Hierdoor verschilt het per persoon wanneer de eerste blokjes te zien zullen zijn. Het verschil ligt tussen de 12-15%. Wil je de complete 6pack zien dan moet je het vet% laten zakken tot 9.8%

    Ditzelfde is van toepassing op de obliques welk naast de abdominals zitten. Deze zullen tussen de 6-8% zichtbaar worden afhankelijk van hun dikte.

    Thuis Oefeningen gemaakt. Leef je uit :)
    Lichaamsgewicht Thuisoefeningen

    Niet iedereen heeft toegang tot een sportschool of thuisgym. Gebrek aan tijd, geld, nog te jong bevonden door instructeurs of wat voor reden dan ook. Toch wil je iets aan je lichaam doen om een goed basis fysiek te hebben en in de zomer wellicht wat leuke meiden te kunnen imponeren. Voor die mensen is dit kleine artikeltje bestemd.

    Benen zijn de fundering van je lichaam. Als deze niet voldoende getraind worden zullen ze de groei van je bovenlichaam beperken. En voor dat je begint met voetballen, fietsen en joggen…die zijn niet bedoeld voor spiermassa en kracht, maar voor spieruithoudingsvermogen.

    One Legged Pistol Squat
    Bij deze oefening train je de benen, onder rug, heup stabiliteit, onderbuik. De uitvoering is vrij simpel, maar toch zwaar. Je begint met een voet plat op de grond en de ander voor je hangend in de lucht. Houd de armen voor je uit voor evenwicht en zak naar beneden. Zorg ten alle tijden dat de gehele voet op de grond staat en niet los komt. Als je op de bal van je voet staat wordt je onstabiel en ontstaan er kansen op blessures. Zodra je beneden bent duw je jezelf weer omhoog en herhaal je het tot de set voltooid is eer je van been wisselt.

    Bij deze oefening leg je meer de nadruk op de quadriceps, stabiliteit van de heup en ondersteunende kracht van je core (buik/rug). Qua uitvoering stelt ook deze oefening weinig voor, maar je zal al snel merken hoe zwaar het werkelijk is. Stap uit met 1 been en zak met je heupen naar de grond en sta weer op.

    Glute Ham Raise
    Deze oefening is specifiek gericht op je hamstrings en kont. Ga op je knieën zitten en zorg dat iets of iemand gewicht op je voeten uitoefent. Ga langzaam naar voren met je bovenlichaam zodat de zwaartekracht aan je lichaam kan gaan trekken. Geef zoveel mogelijk weerstand met je hamstrings zodat je zo traag mogelijk naar de grond gaat.


    One Legged Deadlift
    De deadlift oefeningen verschillen op zich niet zoveel met de Pistol Squats. Je traint er wel andere spiergroepen mee zoals de onderrug en hamstrings naast de stabiliteit.

    One Legged Roman Deadlift
    Vergeleken met de reguliere deadlift houdt je hier je benen gestrekt waardoor de hamstring meer aangesproken wordt.

    (Reversed) Hyperextention
    Bij deze oefening pak je de onderrug nog zwaarder aan. Bij de Reversed gebruik je ook nog de hamstrings. In het filmpje wordt er een medicijnbal gebruikt, maar je kan het ook op de rand van je bed uitvoeren.

    Pull-ups is goed voor je rug. Pak een deur of een stang met een wijde grip

    Reversed Chin-Up
    Chin up is anders dan een Pull Up. Je pakt een stang smaller, in dit geval ook met je handen omgedraaid. Zodoende is je bicep in zijn sterkste positie en kun je de rug sterker aanpakken omdat je de zwakste schakel verminderd.


    Er zijn verscheidene borst oefeningen en variaties van Push-ups. In het onderstaande filmpje worden de belangrijkste variaties getoond. Bij de horizontale variant pak je de algemene borst mee, diagonaal pak je of de onderkant of de bovenkant meer specifiek.



    Beginner Routine

    Intermediate Routine

    Advanced Routine


    Ideaal voor de triceps

    Incline Tricep Press

    Creatine "Encyclopedie"
    Creatine Ethyl Ester
    Alles over creatine qua artikels en onderzoeken.

    Adverse effects of creatine supplementation: fact or fiction?
    Poortmans JR, Francaux M.
    Physiological Chemistry, Higher Institute of Physical Education and Readaptation, Free University of Brussels, Bruxelles, Belgium.

    The consumption of oral creatine monohydrate has become increasingly common among professional and amateur athletes. Despite numerous publications on the ergogenic effects of this naturally occurring substance, there is little information on the possible adverse effects of this supplement. The objectives of this review are to identify the scientific facts and contrast them with reports in the news media, which have repeatedly emphasised the health risks of creatine supplementation and do not hesitate to draw broad conclusions from individual case reports.

    Exogenous creatine supplements are often consumed by athletes in amounts of up to 20 g/day for a few days, followed by 1 to 10 g/day for weeks, months and even years. Usually, consumers do not report any adverse effects, but body mass increases.

    There are few reports that creatine supplementation has protective effects in heart, muscle and neurological diseases. Gastrointestinal disturbances and muscle cramps have been reported occasionally in healthy individuals, but the effects are anecdotal. Liver and kidney dysfunction have also been suggested on the basis of small changes in markers of organ function and of occasional case reports, but well controlled studies on the adverse effects of exogenous creatine supplementation are almost nonexistent.

    We have investigated liver changes during medium term (4 weeks) creatine supplementation in young athletes. None showed any evidence of dysfunction on the basis of serum enzymes and urea production.

    Short term (5 days), medium term (9 weeks) and long term (up to 5 years) oral creatine supplementation has been studied in small cohorts of athletes whose kidney function was monitored by clearance methods and urine protein excretion rate.

    We did not find any adverse effects on renal function.

    The present review is not intended to reach conclusions on the effect of creatine supplementation on sport performance, but we believe that there is no evidence for deleterious effects in healthy individuals. Nevertheless, idiosyncratic effects may occur when large amounts of an exogenous substance containing an amino group are consumed, with the consequent increased load on the liver and kidneys.

    Regular monitoring is compulsory to avoid any abnormal reactions during oral creatine supplementation.

    PMID: 10999421 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Few adverse effects of long-term creatine supplementation in a placebo-controlled trial.
    Groeneveld GJ, Beijer C, Veldink JH, Kalmijn S, Wokke JH, van den Berg LH.
    Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    Although oral creatine supplementation is very popular among athletes, no prospective placebo-controlled studies on the adverse effects of long-term supplementation have yet been conducted.

    We performed a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of creatine monohydrate in patients with the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, because of the neuroprotective effects it was shown to have in animal experiments.

    The purpose of this paper is to compare the adverse effects, and to describe the effects on indirect markers of renal function of long-term creatine supplementation. 175 subjects (age = 57.7 +/- 11.1 y) were randomly assigned to receive creatine monohydrate 10 g daily or placebo during an average period of 310 days.

    After one month, two months and from then on every fourth month, adverse effects were scored using dichotomous questionnaires, plasma urea concentrations were measured, and urinary creatine and albumin concentrations were determined.

    No significant differences in the occurrence at any time of adverse effects due to creatine supplementation were found (23 % nausea in the creatine group, vs. 24 % in the placebo group, 19 % gastro-intestinal discomfort in the creatine group, vs. 18 % in the placebo group, 35 % diarrhoea in the creatine group, vs. 24 % in the placebo group).

    After two months of treatment, oedematous limbs were seen more often in subjects using creatine, probably due to water retention. Severe diarrhoea (n = 2) and severe nausea (n = 1) caused 3 subjects in the creatine group to stop intake of creatine, after which these adverse effects subsided.

    Long-term supplementation of creatine did not lead to an increase of plasma urea levels (5.69 +/- 1.47 before treatment vs. 5.26 +/- 1.44 at the end of treatment) or to a higher prevalence of micro-albuminuria (5.4 % before treatment vs. 1.8 % at the end of treatment).

    PMID: 15795816 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Voor degene die nog steeds denken dat creatine eng en gevaarlijk is of hun ouders wilt overtuigen dat het niet gevaarlijk is.

    Kre-alkalyn® supplementation has no beneficial effect on creatine-to-creatinine conversion rates.
    Tallon MJ1 and Child R2

    1University of Northumbria, Sport Sciences, Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2Department of Life Sciences, Kingston University, Penrhyn Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames, United Kingdom.

    All American Pharmaceutical and Natural Foods Corp. (Billings, MT, USA) claim that Kre-alkalyn® (KA) a “Buffered” creatine, is 100% stable in stomach acid and does not convert to creatinine. In contrast, they also claim that creatine monohydrate (CM) is highly pH labile with more than 90% of the creatine converting to the degradation product creatinine in stomach acids. To date, no independent or university laboratory has evaluated the stability of KA in stomach acids, assessed its possible conversion to creatinine, or made direct comparisons of acid stability with CM.

    This study examined whether KA supplementation reduced the rate of creatine conversion to creatinine, relative to commercially available CM (CreapureÒ). Creatine products were analyzed by an independent commercial laboratory using testing guidelines recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Each product was incubated in 900ml of pH 1 HCL at 37* 1oC and samples where drawn at 5, 30 and 120 minutes and immediately analyzed by HPLC (UV) for creatine and creatinine.

    In contrast to the claims of All American Pharmaceutical and Natural Foods Corp., the rate of creatinine formation from CM was found to be less than 1% of the initial dose, demonstrating that CM is extremely stable under acidic conditions that replicate those of the stomach. This study also showed that KA supplementation actually resulted in 35% greater conversion of creatine to creatinine than CM. In conclusion the conversion of creatine to creatinine is not a limitation in the delivery of creatine from CM and KA is less stable than CM in the acid conditions of the stomach.

    Creatine Efficacy Headlines At Sports Nutrition Meeting :: News :: Natural and Nutritional Products Industry Center

    Creatine werkt niet tijdens de laadfase
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise:Volume 36(5) SupplementMay 2004p S334

    Power Output Response during Loading Creatine Supplementation Period[Annual Meeting Abstracts: H-19 - Free Communication/Poster: Creatine]
    Laks, Daniel M.; Duarte, Julia S.; Alves, Letícia A.; Neves, Carlos E.B; Santos, Edil L.

    Graduate School of Physical Education, Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Estácio de Sá University, Campus Rebouças., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



    Response to Creatine supplementation (CS) has been frequently focused on physical performance, maximal strength and power output (PO). However, few works investigated PO response during loading CS period (LCSP).

    PURPOSE: To evaluate the peak (PPO), mean (MPO), variation (ΔPO) of PO and total work done (TW) during LCSP.

    Methods: Ten male subjects (22.8 * 2.94 yrs; 75.3 * 7.9 kg; 12.57 * 5.16 % of fat), were divided in two groups - Creatine (CR) and placebo (Pl), taking 4 × 5g.d-1 of CR or maltodextrine, respectively.

    After a familiarization test, all subjects accomplished 4 modified 60-s Wingate test (W1, W2, W3, W4). Experimental design was double blind placebo-controlled during 7-d, with 48h rest. The PPO, MPO, ΔPO (computed as the ratio between PO30s/PPO, PO60s/PPO, and PO60s/PO30s), and TW achieved in each test were compared through analysis of variance (ANOVA) two-way for each group (α=.05). Additionally, the PO response during LCSP was modeled by linear regression (least square method).

    Results: The PPO attained within W1 and W4 showed a progressive but non-significant decrease - 75.6 * 12.9kpm.s-1, 71.8 * 17.4kpm.s-1 (CR) and 89.2 * 23.3 kpm.s-1 and 73.2 * 14.8 kpm.s-1 (Pl). The MPO presented similar results concerning W1 and W4 50.3 * 7.1kpm.s-1; 48.5 * 7.4 kpm.s-1, (CR); and 56 * 7.5kpm.s-1; 46.4 * 5.3kpm.s-1, (Pl) as well as TW 3018.8 * 426.3kpm.s-1; 2912.8 * 441.8kpm.s-1 (CR) and 3362.8 * 450.3 kpm.s-1; 2783.1 * 319.8 kpm.s-1. (Pl).

    After modeling PO during LCSP, the angular coefficient fitted for CR was lower than for Pl (p<0.05), as expressed by the following equations: PPO = -2.1671.x + 78.892 (CR) and PPO = -5.5158.x + 94.166 (Pl), which could indicate a lower decrease rate in CR, compared to Pl.

    Conclusion: Although no differences were obtained when comparing CR to Pl, in opposite to CR, Pl presented a significant decrease during LCSP. In summary, even though PO parameters have not shown an increase during LCSP, the PPO attained by CR presented a lower decrease, when compared to Pl.[/I]
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise - Fulltext: Volume 36(5) May 2004 p S334 Power Output Response during Loading Creatine Supplementation Period.

    Uitleg door Coachsci


    Laks, D. M., Duarte, J. S., Alves, L. A., Neves, C. E., & Santos, E. L. (2004). Power output response during loading creatine supplementation period. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36(5), Supplement abstract 2299.

    This study investigated the power output during a creatine supplement loading period. It evaluated the peak power output, mean power output, power output variation, and total work done during the loading period. Males (N = 10) were divided in two groups - creatine and placebo, taking 4 × 5gm/day of creatine or maltodextrine, respectively. After a familiarization test, Ss completed a modified 60-s Wingate test on four alternate days. Testing was over seven days with 48 hours of rest between each test.

    Peak power output, mean power output, and total work performed showed a non-significant decrease over the seven days. The amount of decrease was slightly less in the creatine group than in the placebo group.

    Implication. Power output does not increase during a creatine supplement loading period.

    Fuel and Ergogenic Aids 4.1 - Creatine

    Creatine ethyl ester rapidly degrades to creatinine in stomach acid
    Child R1 and Tallon MJ2

    1Department of Life Sciences, Kingston University, Penrhyn Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames, United Kingdom. 2University of Northumbria, Sport Sciences, Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom,

    Creatine ethyl ester (CEE) is a commercially available synthetic creatine that is now widely used in dietary supplements. It comprises of creatine with an ethyl group attached and this molecular configuration is reported to provide several advantages over creatine monohydrate (CM). The Medical Research Institute (CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (CE2) provides greater solubility in lipids, leading to improved absorption. Similarly San (San Corporation, CA, USA) claim that the CEE in their product (San CM2 Alpha) avoids the breakdown of creatine to creatinine in stomach acids. Ultimately it is claimed that CEE products provide greater absorption and efficacy than CM. To date, none of these claims have been evaluated by an independent, or university laboratory and no comparative data are available on CEE and CM.

    This study assessed the availability of creatine from three commercial creatine products during degradation in acidic conditions similar to those that occur in the stomach. They comprised of two products containing CEE (San CM2 Alpha and CE2) and commercially available CM (CreapureÒ). An independent laboratory, using testing guidelines recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), performed the analysis. Each product was incubated in 900ml of pH 1 HCL at 37* 1oC and samples where drawn at 5, 30 and 120 minutes. Creatine availability was assessed by immediately assaying for free creatine, CEE and the creatine breakdown product creatinine, using HPLC (UV)

    After 30 minutes incubation only 73% of the initial CEE present was available from CE2, while the amount of CEE available from San CM2 Alpha was even lower at only 62%. In contrast, more than 99% of the creatine remained available from the CM product. These reductions in CEE availability were accompanied by substantial creatinine formation, without the appearance of free creatine. After 120minutes incubation 72% of the CEE was available from CE2 with only 11% available from San CM2 Alpha, while more than 99% of the creatine remained available from CM.

    CEE is claimed to provide several advantages over CM because of increased solubility and stability. In practice, the addition of the ethyl group to creatine actually reduces acid stability and accelerates its breakdown to creatinine. This substantially reduces creatine availability in its esterified form and as a consequence creatines such as San CM2 and CE2 are inferior to CM as a source of free creatine.
    Creatine Efficacy Headlines At Sports Nutrition Meeting :: News :: Natural and Nutritional Products Industry Center

    What is the best creatine for muscle development?
    by Alfredo Franco-Obregón, PhD


    Many commercially available nutritional supplements are marketed on the promise that they will potentiate muscle development in response to exercise. That is, many manufacturers would have you believe that your efforts in the gym will be rewarded sooner by taking their products…. However, when examined in controlled scientific studies, most of these putative anabolic agents fail to promote muscle growth.

    Much of the muscle growth that ensues with training arises from the re-initiation of the developmental program that originally ran during fetal development, a process known as myogenesis. Specifically, myogenesis consists of two phases: First, previously dormant muscle stem cells awaken from stasis and start to divide, greatly increasing their numbers. These activated stem cells are now known as myoblasts. Next, myoblasts fuse with existing muscle fibers to replace damaged muscle tissue as well as to add mass and increase overall size to the existing muscle.

    The outcome of myogenesis is subtly different when examined in the laboratory; that is, under artificial conditions using a technology known as tissue culture. When myoblasts are removed from an animal and grown in plastic tissue culture dishes devoid of adult muscle fibers, myoblasts instead first fuse with each other to form elongated myotubes (see figure below). Subsequently, after the first myotubes have been successfully established in the dish, myoblasts fuse with these as well.


    Top: Individual muscle stem cells (myoblasts) aligning themselves into linear arrays in preparation for cell fusion to form myotubes, the first stage in the formation of an muscle fiber.
    Bottom: Close-up of myotubes arising from the fusion of myoblasts as shown above.

    So, given that myoblasts fuse with myoblasts in tissue culture, is examining myogenesis in dishes (in vitro) irrelevant? Most experts agree that myotubes are good approximations to the earliest skeletal muscle fibers produced in an animal and thus, can be taken as an indication of efficacious muscle development. Regardless, it remains unclear whether myotubes are produced at all in humans undertaking training, or if most of the new muscle that results from exercise is a consequence of myoblasts fusing with preexisting muscle fibers – a very important distinction for those working in the fields of muscle and exercise physiology. The production of new myotubes (inside the animal) would give rise to a process known as hyperplasia, whereas myoblasts fusing with preexisting muscle fibers would increase muscle size via a mechanism known as hypertrophy - two fundamentally distinct processes.
    The study we are focusing on today was an initial attempt to quantify the direct myogenic effects of several popular ergogenic agents in vitro. Direct..., since muscle cells grown in tissue culture are not exposed to the hormonal environment present within the animal as well as are not subject to the mechanical forces provoked by the nervous system in initiating movement. In other words, any change in myogenic capacity measured in tissue culture would have to be a direct effect of the ergogenic agent in question and not a downstream consequence of the effect that exercise has on anabolic hormone balance - an indirect consequence of creatine supplementation.

    Description of Study
    This study tested the effects of several reputed ergogenic agents including two forms of creatine (monohydrate and pyruvate), an amino acid (L-glutamine), two steroidal agents (dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione) and two herbal extracts, (Ma Huang (Ephedra sinensis) and Zhi Shi (Citrus aurantium)) on muscle development in vitro.
    The results of this study can be broken down to the effects that each ergogenic agent had over three key aspects of myogenesis: 1) alterations in muscle stem cell (myoblast) proliferation capacity; 2) changes in the ability of myoblasts to form myotubes and; :cool: the influence of insulin over myogensis.

    1) Creatine monohydrate generally did not interfere with the ability of myoblasts to divide and increase in number. Surprisingly, creatine pyruvate more consistently slowed the rate of cell division. On the other hand, androstenedione and DHEA killed myoblasts at a moderate concentration (micromolar) range, whereas Ma Huang and Zhi Shi proved lethal to myoblasts at all concentrations tested. In summary, creatine monohydrate was the most permissive for myoblasts proliferation of all the agents testeds.

    2) Only creatine monohydrate had a positive effect over the ability of myoblasts to produce myotubes. Interestingly, the lowest dose of creatine monohydrate tested turned out to be the most efficacious at promoting myotube formation. Specifically, 0.1% (grams/liter) creatine monohydrate stimulated myotube formation, whereas 0.25%, 0.50% or 1.0% creatine monohydrate actually inhibited the formation of myotubes formation as well as slowed the proliferation of myoblasts. This result implies that overdosing with creatine may be counterproductive to muscle growth (resulting from myoblast fusion). This may be a simplistic interpretation of the data, however, as other anabolic attributes of creatine monohydrate (in conjunction with exercise) may compensate for this possible inhibitory effect.
    Muscle cells in tissue culture must be supplied with a nutrient source (media) containing glucose, amino acids, and animal serum. Moreover, serum is an essential source of metabolites, hormones, currently unidentified nutrients and growth factors that permit the muscle cells to survive outside of the animal. All of the agents tested in this study were added directly to cell media containing serum, which could complicate the analysis of the results.

    :cool: Given the success of the preliminary tests with creatine monohydrate in serum-containing media, the authors of the study next sought to identify any component of animal serum that may act in conjunction with creatine to promote muscle development. The two obvious candidates were insulin and the insulin-like growth factors – known myogenic agents. This group of researchers thus next examined the combined effects of creatine monohydrate and a special (serum-less) media formulation supplemented with insulin. The combination of insulin and creatine monohydrate was better at inducing myotube formation than the defined media containing insulin. On the other hand, somewhat surprising was the finding that creatine monohydrate without insulin was less effective than insulin alone at stimulating myotube formation, suggesting that the myogenic benefit of creatine monohydrate is strongly potentiated by insulin (or the insulin-like growth factors).
    Creatine: A practical guide discusses how creatine monohydrate and the insulin-like growth factors act synergistically to promote muscle development – independently of exercise!

    A Potential Criticism of the Study
    Sheep myobasts were used, as they were readily available to the authors of the study. Therefore, for the sake of relevancy, these same agents should also be tested on myoblasts isolated from human muscle.

    Take Home
    These preliminary results would suggest that creatine monohydrate directly promotes the formation of immature muscle fibers. Oddly, creatine pyruvate instead seemed to compromise myoblast survival and undermine myotube formation. Exactly why creatine monohydrate exhibits this mysterious effect is currently not fully understood. Some hints as to what aspects of creatine monohydrate may contribute to its unique pro-myogenic effect, however, are provided in past issues of the Creatine Newsletter.

    Interestingly, the other commonly used ergogenic agents, L-glutamine, DHEA, androstenedione, Ma Huang and Zhi Shi, had either no effect, or actually killed myoblasts, before they could produce myotubes - an anti-myogenic effect.
    This provocative pilot study certainly merits a follow up...

    Scientific References
    (Ref. 1) Vierck, J. L. et al. (200:cool: The effects of ergogenic compounds on myogenic satellite cells. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Volume 35 (5), pages 769-776.


    Creatine Newsletter #35: What is the best creatine for muscle development?

    "Spier Verzuring Bestaat Niet"
  2. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter VIP VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  3. Flix

    Flix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb een aantal boeken in pdf formaat, als iemand voor een host kan zorgen upload ik ze wel even :)


    Oh, tof dat je die boeken gedaan heb man!
  4. Dusky Demon NL

    Dusky Demon NL Daan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dude. Nerrion. Serieus. Je hebt nog nóóit in dit topic gepost en nou ga je ineens een nieuw deel aanmaken. :emo:
  5. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach ja..

    Wel kut dat ik deze week ziek ben trouwens, probeer wel voldoende te eten maar trainen gaat 'm weer niet worden.
  6. Flix

    Flix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze week alweer 3 keer geweest, vanavond op het veld trainen en dan morgen rug pakken.
    Gaat weer lekker, begin ook weer in vorm te raken.
    Merk ook dat ik weer droger aan het worden ben.
  7. Aernhem

    Aernhem Wilfried Daddy Cool

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij was 0,5% per week wel goed haalbaar.. dus reken maar uit.
    Als je op 16 staat en je wil richting 10, 12 weken = +/- 3 maanden.
    Dat zou voor de zomer uitkomen op ong. vanaf april cutten.
  8. Weggooi32

    Weggooi32 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tnx man :) kan ik nog ff paar weken beunen :+
  9. Pine NL

    Pine NL WannaB | BannaW

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vandaag ook heerlijk getraind. Laatste tijd elke keer pumped (zonder booster :p) om te trainen. Vandaag 3x5 132,5kg deadlifts best makkelijk.
  10. jepzel

    jepzel YEAH BUDDY!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi, ik ga in april naar Zwolle verhuizen en daar in de buurt zit een sportschool die voor maar 18 euro voor jongeren onbeperkt trainen aanbied. \o/ Ga ik daar mooi 3 dagen per week trainen want 2x per week voelt echt nep.

    Eten wil mijn moeder dan wel weer aan meehelpen, snap soms niks van haar :+
  11. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vandaag hebben mijn ouders een 'fitness' apparaat gekocht. Het gaat om een roei-apparaat. Het is blijkbaar eentje, waarbij je echte roei bewegingen maakt, en niet met je benen de pedalen weg drukt (oid?). Excuses voor de vage uitleg. IIG, weet iemand wat je hiermee precies traint?
  12. OscarJ

    OscarJ Hip-Hop.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sinds vorige week begonnen met fitness. Ga het 3x per week doen, steeds een uurtje. Probeer gewoon wat breder te worden en m'n rug wat sterker te maken. Loop nu nog vaak een beetje krom, omdat m'n rug soms moe wordt...

    Ben trouwens echt een noobje in vergelijking met de meesten hier in dit topic, maarja:+
  13. Gdzr

    Gdzr Hmmm?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Normaal zit je op een zitje, en door af te zetten, en met je armen zo'n handvat naar je toe te trekken, maak je roeibewegingen.

    Je traint volgens mij je benen, armen en conditie. Maar natuurlijk niet zo snel als normale gym oefeningen
  14. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het werd me ook verteld dat je hiermee je buik traint. Kan dit kloppen?
  15. Gdzr

    Gdzr Hmmm?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    volgens mij is het beetje allround
  16. Flix

    Flix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je traint er voornamelijk benen en een klein beetje onderrug mee.
    Armen nauwelijks omdat er al veel momentum in zit.
  17. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zal de roeiboot volstaan om mijn benen en buik te trainer/''strakker'' te krijgen? Of is het beter dat ik blijf doorgaan met sit-ups en dat ik begin met bicycle crunches?

    Het doel is dus om mijn bovenbenen dunner/strakker te krijgen (want ik vind ze persoonlijk te groot, en het past totaal niet bij mijn onderbenen) en mijn buik iets platter te krijgen.
  18. Pine NL

    Pine NL WannaB | BannaW

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lijkt me meer op een pulley, deze: [​IMG]

    Heb je een goed trainingsschema en eet je goed? Iedereen is klein begonnen, niks van aantrekken.

    Je buik gebruik je bij misschien wel alle compounds, bij de een meer dan de ander. Maar denk niet dat je ze genoeg aanpakt met die oefening.

    Als je dunner wilt zijn dan moet je een goed voedingsschema volgen. Als je je buik en benen dunner wilt hebben en je gaat ze trainen worden ze juist "dikker".

    Waarom wil je ze eigenlijk dunner/strakker krijgen? Ben je een vrouw?
  19. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eh, nee. Maar ik mag me boven benen toch wel iets te groot vinden?
  20. Pine NL

    Pine NL WannaB | BannaW

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dan moet je ze dus niet trainen, maar dan moet je afvallen.
Niet open voor verdere reacties.

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