Goed verhaal Tsux. Ik moet zeggen dat, nu het allemaal een beetje gezakt is, het geheel mij toch wat meer mij tegenvalt. Jij hebt een aantal goede zaken opgenoemt en ook (Smart) ass met zijn spuit voorbeeld vind ik erg goed. Zelf heb ik dit op een ander forum ook nog gepost:
Excellent demo.
Alas, my confindence in this game has taken a small hit...
Yes, it has. The demo was great. The graphics, the atmosphere, the audio, those plasmid attacks affected by environment. Seeing the effects of hacking machines (NOT the hacking game itself) was fun too. Superb stuff really. I only had a few niggles:
* No blocking for the wrench. Guess the controller buttons were all mapped already?
* No exploration. One hallway, one room, one hallway etc etc. I'm hoping this is due to demo size limitations. 1.3 Gb (!) is a large enough download as it is.
* Too easy. Loot is literally strewn all over the place. By the end of the demo my character was *packed* with health packs, plasmid stims and bullets for my gun and machinegun. What this means to the game and you as a player? Less tension. I'm the one that hunts, instead of being hunted upon. It's just more exciting being the prey (for a while at least). And SS2 knew that. In the Bioshock demo you're not crying in a corner, instead you're shooting enemies right up in the face. Now, perhaps this is due to the nature of the beast... a demo that's showing off stuff. So perhaps it's nothing and all is well (read: less loot and/or harder enemies) in the final product.
So far so good you could say. I was almost pissed when the demo ended. Really.
But here comes the kicker. After the demo you'll see a sneak preview of things to come. And guess what it's all about?
Immersive environment? Nope.
Interesting recorded dialogues? Nope.
Advanced AI perhaps? Three strikes, you're out.
It was about: combat, combat, COMBAT. How to flame guys, how to electrocute guys, how to shoot guys. Okay, how to hack turrets too and there also a bit about using telekinesis to set up their traps for your own needs. The problem was it all was about ACTION and nothing was shown about the rest. Like slowly exloring stuff, enjoying the environments, audio logs, small details all over the world. Damn, it was almost like I was watching *another* shooter. Sure, this game has ditched some RPG elements in favour of FPS elements and has become slightly more action packed in the process. Cool, I can dig that. It still *feels* like a SS2-esque game (and that's a compliment). But really, that preview was only going on and on about blowing dozens of guys to bits. SS2 wasn't only about shooting stuff. It was also about exploring the vastness of a colonial ship all by yourself, all the while being crushed by the emptiness of space and emotionally and psychologically getting fucked up by the taunts of XerXes.
Watching that preview (NOT counting the demo level itself) I already missed the adult nature of System Shock 2. And that's not a good sign.
Anyway, anyone else feeling the same way about this demo or am I just the only one?
Naast jullie opmerkingen denk ik dat dit mijn mening over Bioshock (op basis van de demo) erg goed verwoord. De demo is zeker erg vet, maar ik mis inderdaad nu al een bepaalde binding. Een binding die bij System Shock 2 veel meer aanwezig was. En dat kwam door hoe het geheel verteld werd. Misschien is het volledige product wel veel sterker op dit punt. Ik wil sowieso meer audio fragementen van mensen horen, want die dragen misschien nog wel het meeste bij aan de sfeer (en verklaren ook een hoop zaken die zich afspelen). Ik vind de demo nog steeds geweldig overkomen op veel punten (vooral technisch, maar dat is hoe ik het ervaar), maar nou de jus er een beetje af is (lees: na een paar keer de demo te hebben gespeeld) begin ik toch wel wat gaten te zien.
Laatst bewerkt: 14 aug 2007