Stond mij bij dat ik hem gescanned had. En bij die keeper, als enige, staat examine omdat die Avina volgens mij over keepers gaat. Maar misschien moet je hem ook niet scannen. Hier is een lijst met alle keepers:
4 inside the Citadel Tower
1 outside Citadel Tower, by the avina
1 in the back room of the emporium
1 on the balcony of the embassy lounge
1 in the roughly rectangular room to the right of c-sec HQ at the embassy
1 in the volus and elcor office at the embassy
1 opposite of the avina halfway between the consort chambers and the emporium
1 outside the entrance of the consort chambers
1 outside the wards access entrance, just north of the arguing hana and c-sec officer
1 in the rightmost sideroom in the presidium-wards access corridor
1 in the alleyway
1 in the upper markets
1 inside Flux, behind the quasar machines
1 behind the med clinic
1 at the c-sec academy entrance
1 inside the traffic control room, c-sec
1 inside the requisition office, c-sec
1 in the hangar bay