[Discussie] Bestaat er Buitenaards leven? [Deel 3]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door DulleNL, 6 jul 2011.

  1. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    The Truth is Out There
    - Iemand-


    Goedenmiddag/avond/ochtend/nacht (doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is).

    Welkom bij alweer het 3e deel van dit controversiële topic. Ja, zelfs in 2011 wordt je vaak nog vreemd aangekeken als je een mening durft te hebben over dit onderwerp. En dan vooral als je een mening hebt die neigt naar 'Ja, er bestaat (intelligent) buitenaards leven!' Maar daar trekken we ons hier niks van aan.
    In dit topic verwacht ik dus respect voor elkaar en voor elkaars mening! Heb je niks nuttigs te melden en ben je hier alleen om te trollen? Dan zou ik nog maar eens goed nadenken voordat je post want anders roep ik mijn pappa erbij! Hij werkt bij de McDonalds, dus ik zou maar opletten!

    Prima. Nu dat geregeld is gaan we verder.

    Je kijkt nu misschien naar de scrollbalk rechts, en denkt iets in deze richting: OMGWTFBBQ enzo. Dit is een veel te grote post. Truth is...; Deze startpost is eigenlijk zelfs met deze lengte heel basic. Om 2 redenen ben ik nergens al te diep op in gegaan:
    1. Ervaring heeft me geleerd dat maar heel weinig mensen dit allemaal lezen. Ik zou hier de meest vreselijke beledigingen tov members kunnen uiten want er is toch geen hond die dit aan het lezen is. Toch?
    2. Dit is zó een breed onderwerp. Alleen al over Roswell kun je een startpost maken waar je scrollwiel het halverwege van zal opgeven.

    Dus ik houd het bij de absolute basis;
    • De Basis; zaken die je toch echt moet kennen. Of het hoaxes zijn of niet laat ik in het midden, maar ze zijn zo bekend en belangrijk (geweest) dat het bij je algemene UFO kennis hoort
    • Onderwerpen; Dit vraagstuk gaat natuurlijk niet alleen over UFO's. Er zijn veel verschillende onderwerpen die bij dit topic horen. Hier laat ik kort zien welke de meest bekende zijn. Al is het achteraf gezien niet zo kort als ik voor ogen had.
    • Astonauten; Wat hebben deze mensen gezegd over dit onderwerp? Ze moeten toch wel een mening hebben?
    • Feitjes; Meer het uit de wereld helpen van bepaalde aannames over het soort mensen wat geinteresseerd is in dit onderwerp.
    • Documentaires; er zijn veel heel interessante documentaires in de loop der jaren uitgekomen. Hier post ik er een paar.
    • Size Matters; Everyone knows that! Iedereen die anders beweert... tsja... Even demonstreren hoe nietig wij aardmensjes wel niet zijn.

    Ik weet ook dat er hier members zijn die een interesse hebben in het onderwerp, maar tegelijk niet echt een fan zijn van de onderwerpen die ik hier aanhaal. Nou, screw them! Ik maak de startpost; zij niet!

    Dat wilt natuurlijk niet zeggen dat er niet over andere onderwerpen gesproken mag worden! Graag zelfs! Hoe meer variatie hoe beter. Ik vind die meer 'down to earth' onderwerpen ook interessant om te lezen, maar ik voel me niet gekwalificeerd genoeg om er een startpost over te maken.

    Ook mijn excuses dat de gehele startpost misschien ietwat rommelig overkomt, maar het is lastig om zoveel onderwerpen (die allemaal een eigen startpost zouden kunnen hebben) te verwerken tot 1 startpost.
    En als ik kijk hoeveel mensen dit allemaal zullen lezen... Is het niet eens de moeite waard om me er al te veel in het zweet voor te werken.​



    The Roswell Crash is allegedly an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) crash that took place near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947. It was found by rancher Mac Brazel, on the Foster Ranch.

    The Roswell event is highly regarded as the Holy Grail of Ufology. Conspiracy buffs believe the United States government covered up the crash retrieval. ​

    Phoenix Lights
    The Phoenix Lights are one of the most talked about incidents in the UFO community. It is one case that even today is still being discussed and analyzed. This case has a lot of supporting evidence with photo’s, video footage and reports on various news stations.


    Kenneth Arnold
    Kenneth A. Arnold (March 29, 1915 in Sebeka, Minnesota – January 16, 1984 in Bellevue, Washington) was an American businessman and pilot.

    He is best-known for making what is generally considered the first widely reported unidentified flying object sighting in the United States, after claiming to see nine unusual objects flying in a chain near Mount Rainier, Washington on June 24, 1947. Arnold described the objects' shape as resembling a flat saucer or disc (see quotes below), and also described their erratic motion as resembling a saucer skipped across water; from this, the press quickly coining the new terms "flying saucer" and "flying disc" to describe such objects, many of which were reported within days after Arnold's sighting. Later Arnold would add that one of the objects resembled a crescent or flying wing. (image at right)

    The U.S. Air Force formally listed the Arnold case as a mirage; this is one of many explanations that have been rebutted by critics, and researchers Jerome Clark[1] and Ronald Story[2] both argue that there has never been an entirely persuasive conventional explanation of the Arnold sighting.
    Showing a drawing of the crescent-shaped object

    George Adamski
    George Adamski (April 17, 1891 – April 23, 1965) was a Polish-born American citizen who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he claimed to have photographed ships from other planets, met with friendly "Space Brothers", and to have taken flights with them. The first of the so-called contactees of the 1950s, he styled himself to be a "philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher", though was often considered to be deluded or a fraud.


    Billy Meier
    "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier (February 3, 1937) is a citizen of Switzerland who claims to be a UFO contactee. He is also the source of many controversial UFO photographs, which he states are evidence of his encounter. Meier reports regular contact with extraterrestrials who impart spiritual and philosophical wisdom. He describes the Plejaren (aliens from the Pleiades) as humanoid.​



    De 'Hill abduction'

    The Hill Abduction is one of the earliest and most well known stories of abduction. The abduction story, which involves Betty and Barney Hill, includes so-called missing time.

    This case is also largely responsible for introducing the Zeta Reticuli star system as an important part of the stories about aliens.

    Battle of LA

    The Battle of Los Angeles is the name given by contemporary news agencies to a sighting of one or more unidentified flying objects which took place from late February 24 to early February 25, 1942 in which eyewitness reports of an unknown object or objects over Los Angeles, California, triggered a massive anti-aircraft artillery barrage. The Los Angeles incident occurred less than three months after America's entry into World War II as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    Initially the target of the aerial barrage was thought to be an attacking force from Japan, but it was later suggested to be imaginary and a case of "war nerves", a lost weather balloon, a blimp, a Japanese fire balloon or psychological warfare technique, staged for the benefit of coastal industrial sites, or even an extraterrestrial aircraft. The true nature of the object or objects remains unknown.


    Area 51
    Area 51 (also known as Dreamland, Watertown, The Ranch, Paradise Ranch, The Farm, The Box, Groom Lake, and The Directorate for Development Plans Area) is a remote tract of land in southern Nevada, owned by the federal government of the United States, containing an airfield apparently used for the secret development and testing of new military aircraft. It is famed as the subject of many UFO conspiracy theories.


    Cattle Mutilation

    For decades, cattle farmers around his world have been plagued by a problem, a problem that is as inexplicable as it is horrifying. This horrible phenomenon is known as Cattle Mutilations.

    Standing for more then just a massive financial loss of livestock for farmers around the globe, these grizzly actions of cruelty may have a purpose, but like those behind these events, they are cloaked in shadows.

    The majority of these strange events occur in the United States (Particularly in New Mexico), however these events have been happening all around the globe including places like Canada, Puerto Rico and South America.


    An abduction is when a person is taken away by primarily alien, but sometimes paranormal, entities.

    Alien abductions are one of the most controversial subjects in ufology, and many professional ufologists are in divided camps regarding the phenomenon. Abductions are very difficult to prove, although there is a lot of evidence amongst the body of abductees to at least suggest to all but the most hard-headed that something is indeed happening. A definitive explanation for abductions and whether or not aliens are involved remains the topic of much heated debate.



    Crop Circles are a world-wide phenomenon of strange markings usually found in farmer’s fields that are purposefully created. Large areas of crops are flattened into various geometric patterns that range from the simple to the complex.


    UFO sightings

    UFO's die door normale mensen als ons gespot worden. Helaas is het door de opkomst van Photoshop en video editing software een steeds moeilijker onderwero geworden. De hoaxes zien er 'te' echt uit om er nog een goed oordeel over te kunnen geven.

    A History of UFO pictures



    Zonder zelf naar de Maan of Mars te gaan zullen we het nooit weten. Maar dat stopt de speculatie niet!
    Vaak een gevalletje van misidentificatie (waarom verkleden die stomme rotsen zich ook als andere dingen!) maar soms zitten er toch dingen bij die niet zo 1,2,3 worden verklaard.

    Ancient Astronaut Theory

    AAT say that earth has been visited by ETs and/or technologically superior humans in very ancient times and that these events have been recorded as encounters with "Gods", "Flying Chariots", "Wars of Worlds" in ancient mythologies, legends and religions.

    Dit onderwerp kan gaan over oude schilderijen die UFo's laten zien )of zo lijk het iig!), oude muurschilderingen, vreemde beeldjes, de Nazca Lines, Stonehenge, piramides, Paaseiland, etc etc etc
    Alle oude shit dus.



    Nazi's en hun belangstelling voor het occulte, vreemde, paranormale etc

    Zal ik hier stoppen? Meneer Hitler en vrinden interesseerden zich in zo veel verschillende dingen dat ik deze startpost nog eens zou kunnen verdubbelen als ik die zou noemen.

    Zeker een aanrader om eens wat meer over op te zoeken!

    Untersberg mysterie dingetje vond ik een tijd terug interessant. Moet dat maar weer eens verder lezen!


    Major Gordon Cooper

    One of the original Mercury Astronauts and the last American to fly in space alone. On May 15, 1963, he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Gordon Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea (near Perth Australia) that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid, because it was picked up by Muchea's tracking radar.

    Cooper's sighting was reported by the National Broadcast Company, which was covering the flight step by step; but when Cooper landed, reporters were told that they would not be allowed to question him about the UFO sighting.

    Major Cooper was a firm believer in UFOs. Ten years earlier, in 1951 he had sighted a UFO while piloting an F-86 Sabrejet over Western Germany. They were metallic, saucer-shaped discs at considerable altitude and could out-maneuver all American fighter planes.

    Major Cooper also testified before the United Nations:
    "I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets... Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs."

    "I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe."

    And according to a taped interview by J. L. Ferrando, Major Cooper said:

    "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public.

    Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means."

    "I was furthermore a witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, here on this planet Earth. It happened a few months ago in Florida. There I saw with my own eyes a defined area of ground being consumed by flames, with four indentations left by a flying object which had descended in the middle of a field. Beings had left the craft (there were other traces to prove this). They seemed to have studied topography, they had collected soil samples and, eventually, they returned to where they had come from, disappearing at enormous speed...I happen to know that authority did just about everything to keep this incident from the press and TV, in fear of a panicky reaction from the public."

    Ed White & James McDivitt

    In June 1965, astronauts Ed White (first American to walk in space), and James McDivitt were passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft when they saw a weird-looking metallic object. The UFO had long arms sticking out of it. McDivitt took pictures with a cine-camera. Those pictures have never been released.

    James Lovell and Frank Borman

    In December 1965, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman also saw a UFO during their second orbit of their record-breaking 14 day flight. Borman reported that he saw an unidentified spacecraft some distance from their capsule. Gemini Control, at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the final stage of their own Titan booster rocket. Borman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket all right, but that he could also see something completely different.

    During James Lovell's flight on Gemini 7:

    Lovell: BOGEY AT 10 O'CLOCK HIGH.

    Capcom: This is Houston. Say again 7.

    Capcom: Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?

    Capcom: ...Estimated distance or size?


    Neil Armstrong & Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

    According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the Aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon.

    According to hitherto un-confirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard.

    According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:

    NASA: Whats there?
    Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

    Apollo11: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, Lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!

    A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.

    Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?

    Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off!(by the Aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.

    Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?

    Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!...and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.

    Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

    Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.

    According to a Dr. Vladimir Azhazha:

    "Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But this message was never heard by the public -- because NASA censored it."

    According to a Dr. Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside.

    Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the

    Donald Slayton

    Donald Slayton a Mercury astronaut revealed in an interview he had seen UFOs in 1951:

    "I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then I realized that no kite is gonna fly that high."

    As I got closer it looked like a weather balloon, gray and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing it didn't look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disk.

    About the same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me -- and there I was, running at about 300 miles per hour. I tracked it for a little way, and then all of a sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45 degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared."

    Major Robert White

    On July 17, 1962 Major Robert White reported a UFO during his fifty-eight-mile high flight of an X-15. Major White reported:

    "I have no idea what it could be. It was grayish in color and about thrity to forty feet away."

    Then according to a Time Magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio:

    "There ARE things out there! There absolutely is!"

    NASA Pilot Joseph A. Walker

    On May 11, 1962 NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April, 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle, Washigton he said:

    "I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight." - Joseph Walker

    To date none of those films has been released to the public for viewing.

    Commander Eugene Cernan

    Eugene Cernan was commander of Apollo 17. In a Los Angeles Times article in 1973 he said, about UFOs:

    "...I've been asked (about UFOs) and I've said publicly I thought they (UFOs) were somebody else, some other civilization."

    NASA's Maurice Chatelain

    In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. Chatelain believes that some UFOs may come from our own solar system -- specifically Titan.

    "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now."

    "...all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."

    "I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public. It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear: 'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.' Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words."

    The rumors persist. NASA may well be a civilian agency, but many of its programs are funded by the defence budget and most of the astronauts are subject to military security regulations. Apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens all films and probably radio communications as well. We have the statements by Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the astronauts were under strict orders not to discuss their sightings. And Gordon Cooper has testified to a United Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the ground. If there is no secrecy, why has this sighting not been made public?

    NASA's Scott Carpenter

    "At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."

    Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

    Last night was another ground breaking testimony from Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell on Kerrang Radio. During the interview Dr. Mitchell further elaborated on previous statements about extraterrestrial life in the universe and possible full disclosure in the near future.

    Note From The Interview : By "UFO REALITY" from ATS

    Edgar Mitchell says there IS life in the Universe.

    He says we have been visited, and that UFOs have been covered up by the government for a long time.

    The host almost has a stroke during the interview he's so shocked.

    Edgar says it is a real phenomena.

    He says he's been inside military circles and they know we've been visited and talk about it behind closed doors.

    He says he's been involved in certain research committees and knows people who know the real story.

    There is quite a bit of contact going on.

    The Roswell crash was real.

    Doesn't know if Disclosure will be this year or not...

    Public acceptance is increasing.

    Not all UFOs are of ET origin. Some are home-grown. But some are ET crafts.

    He's not concerned about his safety talking about it openly anymore.

    Alien intent is not hostile.

    Some others involved in the Moon landing also know the truth.

    The host made the point that this is the first time Edgar has stated so clearly that ET life exists and UFOs are real. He's hinted at it, but this is the first time ever...

    Well to add fuel to the conspiracies what you would think would be ground breaking news world wide has resulted in links via google with error codes "funny that"... but I do believe that Kerrang are going to replay the interview this week at: http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/

    For more information here are some previous Interviews with Edgar Mitchell




    source & references:




    Apollo transcripts.




    People that live in there


    Somebody messed up

    They're mining it


    Vegetation en blij zijn dat ze gestopt waren met die TV show

    They must have run out of money



    [​IMG] Myth: Very few people have really seen a UFO...
    Fact: According to a Roper poll conducted in 2002 for the SciFi channel, one in seven Americans say they or someone they know has had an experience involving a UFO...

    A total of 14 percent have had or know someone who has had at least one Close Encounter of the "First," "Second," or "Third" kind. The largest proportion (12 percent) say they or someone else they know has seen a UFO at close quarters.

    Source: Coalition for Freedom of Information (http://www.freedomofinfo.org/national_poll.html)


    Myth: Airline pilots never see UFOs, so they must not be real...
    There have been many cases of pilot sightings ever since the 1940s...

    The most convincing UFO reports were produced in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s by airline pilots, military pilots and ex-military pilots. These men had the training and the experience to be able to distinguish between normal sky sights and highly abnormal sights. They knew what airplanes looked like, and what meteors looked like, having seen them many times. Their visual observations were frequently supported by radar data which showed essentially the same thing. They were therefore able, on many occasions, to methodically eliminate conventional phenomena from consideration when trying to identify UFOs.

    In those same decades, most UFO sightings were made in the daytime and frequently at close range, when shapes and surface features could be distinguished, thus making positive identification of normal sights easier and the descriptions of unusual sights more detailed. When all normal explanations had been eliminated, the witnesses could concentrate on those aspects of the experience which were most abnormal. ​
    These abnormal aspects included the shapes of UFOs and their behavior. Most of the UFOs seen in the daytime were said to have had simple geometric shapes--discs, ovals, spheres, cylinders--and surfaces that looked like metal. Such shapes are not only nonexistent among known aircraft, but contrary to all known theories of flight, in most cases offering control and performance disadvantages rather than advantages.

    Source: Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, Inc.; 2002


    Myth: UFOs are only reported by uneducated farmers in places you've never heard of...
    Fact: A study by the U.S. Air Force showed that the most puzzling UFO reports came from people who had the best technical backgrounds. They are reported from everyplace where there are people, though fewer are seen from big cities because less of the sky is visible.

    UFOs are reported by every type of person: uneducated yokels and PhDs; laborers and corporation presidents; truck drivers and airline captains; little kids, their parents and their grandparents. People in every state, every province and every country. They are reported by people who are convinced every light in the sky is an alien craft, and by other people who are convinced that no one as smart as them ever sees odd things in the sky.

    People in rural areas may see more UFOs because they can see more of the sky and because they may look at the sky more often. Big city people have a poor view of the sky, and they are usually too busy to look up. Generally speaking, UFOs are seen by people who happen to be in the right place at the right time.

    Source: Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, Inc. (http://www.fufor.com/faq2.htm#17)


    Myth: The U. S. Air Force investigated UFOs and concluded there was nothing to them...
    Fact: The Air Force had an official UFO investigation from 1948 to 1969 (Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book), and collected more than 12,500 reports. It claims to have explained all but about 701 of them, but the facts of most of those reports strongly suggest that something important was seen.

    The U.S. Air Force claims to have explained all but 701 of its reports, though by actual count the number is 584. But as so many of these were made by military and airline pilots, and other unexplained sightings involved radar tracking, they are the heart of the matter. Hundreds of other reports in the official files are alleged to have been explained, but are full of unscientific and illogical reasoning.

    If so many cases are admittedly unexplained, they cannot be used to support any conclusions, as the nature and origins of unexplained cases are, by definition, unknown. If you add those cases that are only "possibly" explained, the total lacking convincing explanations tops 50%, which strongly suggests that the official investigation was a failure.

    Source: Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, Inc. (http://www.fufor.com/faq2.htm#1:cool:

    Myth: UFOs are only seen by Americans...
    Fact: UFOs have been seen wherever there are people. Every continent has had its share, as has almost every country, though local interest plays a role in the apparent level of activity. Wherever there is someone interested in searching out UFO reports, they will be found, but that doesn't mean the investigator lives in a center of activity.

    Some of the first UFOs were seen in Europe and the Pacific (see FAQs #5 and #6). Since then, they have been reported from all continents and probably all countries. There have been major waves of sightings not only in the USA, but in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Russia and elsewhere. Official and private organizations have been established in many countries to study their sightings, and their results are similar to other countries'. The same kinds and variety of UFOs are seen most places, and this has changed little over the years.

    In late 1944, following a gradual build-up of activity, "foo-fighters" were reported in large numbers. Pilots of American and British bombers and night fighters over occupied France and over Germany described glowing balls that flew in formation with them for long periods and then just flew away. The first "explanation" was that they must be experimental German anti-aircraft weapons that were being tested prior to being put into action. But the war ended without a single "foo-fighter" showing unfriendliness. Explainers then tried to blame German jet and rocket fighters in night operations. But it was later determined that there may have been only a single night flight by any German jet, and none by their rocket-powered fighters.

    At about the same time in the Pacific Theater of War, American bombers were followed for hours by bright lights that eventually turned away. Military officials said they were Japanese suicide planes, and that is how they show up in official mission reports. But suicide planes never flew at night, and they never followed our bombers for long periods of time without doing anything. The war ended with hundreds of reports still unexplained.

    Source: Don Berliner, The Fund for UFO Research, Inc. (http://www.fufor.com/faq2.htm#27)


    Myth: UFOs have only been seen since 1947...
    Fact: There are UFO reports in newspapers and literature dating back to 1865 and even earlier...

    For a partial list of significant UFO cases throughout history, check out the UFO Casebook website: http://www.ufocasebook.com/casefiles.html


    UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied

    Capturing the Light

    Area 51 - The Alien Interview

    The Day Before Disclosure

    Black Box Secrets

    Crop Circles - Gateways from other dimensions

    UFO in South America - Disclosure has Begun

    Ancient Aliens
    Hier zijn meerdere afleveringen en seizoenen van. Erg interessant

    The Disclosure Project
    De video van de persconferentie

    Carl Sagan's Cosmos






    Of deze:



    Een lintje voor iedereen die verder heeft gelezen dan *.wav.
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 jul 2011
  2. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Deze moet gewoon weer terug komen :cool:

    *NERAZZURRI* Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Holy shit, wat een openingspost, Dulle _O_

    Vanavond maar 'ns even lekker kansloos in rondneuzen :D
  4. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi hoor, straks maar eens beter bestuderen! Nice! :thumbs:
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heeft natuurlijk weinig met buitenaards leven te maken, maar dit soort filmpjes zijn altijd leuk:
  6. Juunanagou

    Juunanagou Live streamer XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jupiter that would be some scary shit. :+

    Zou wel ubervet zijn om Jupiter van zo dichtbij te zien tho. _O_
  7. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar dan kan je niet meer naar de sterren kijken Juun!
  8. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je van dat soort filmpjes houdt, moet je Hubble 3D in IMax gaan bekijken. Toffe beelden voor iedere ruimtevaartliefhebber en op het einde voegen ze nog even een epische animatie toe om je te laten beseffen hoe groot alles wel niet is. Dat is in IMax toch wel wat gaver dan op youtube. :p
  9. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb nog steeds niks van seizoen 2 gezien (die al minder dan de eerste schijnt te zijn), maar hier is dus de eerste aflevering van Seizoen 3 van Ancient Aliens

  10. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dope, AA is altijd tof.
  11. Seh

    Seh Guest

    Ook alleen deeltje 1 gezien, binnenkort maar eens checken. :cool:
  12. LifeLongGamer

    LifeLongGamer Used Register

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Een lintje voor Dulle. Erg leuk om te lezen!
  13. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wel tof dat je er zo mee doorgaat Dulle, heb ik wel respect voor and you know it! :) By the way, heb je niet toevallig die docu op de National geographig gezien dat over area 51 ? Wilde het graag zien maar heb het gemist helaas lol, weet niet of ik iets heb gemist.:p
  14. jordo

    jordo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Net even eerste ep van seizoen 3 van Ancient Aliens gekeken en die docu uit de startpost , Area 51 - The Alien Interview, had hem als een van de weinige nog niet gezien, ging over een 'gesprek' met een alien. Het is moeilijk om een docu van een jaar of 10 oud echter op waarde te schatten, ik vond het wel indrukwekkend, maar zou waarschijnlijk wel een hoax geweest zijn (het is filmpje 3 uit de startpost van deze docu waarin je het rauwe materiaal ziet van een 'interview', hij kan ook niet praten dus je ziet feitelijk alleen een hoofd spastisch bewegen).

    Ancient aliens is altijd wel vermakelijk, maar ik vind veel argumenten die daar worden gegeven nooit zo sterk, waarom als er zoveel Aliens op aarde geweest zijn en die neergestort hebben ze nooit gewoon een skelet of iets dergelijks gevonden. En een episode op Comboys&Aliens introduceren vond ik ook niet echt een sterk punt.

    Ik sta echt best open voor dit soort kwesties, maar ik geloof gewoon niet dat je op een legerbasis waar honderden zoniet duizenden mensen werken een dergelijk geheim verborgen kunt houden. Voor een klein geheim van een tv programma als wie is de mol is het al lastig om het verborgen te houden waarbij er maar 10-15 mensen weten wie de mol is, en dat is hoofdzakelijk door een zeer grote geldboete, maar controle houden op zoveel mensen zie ik als onmogelijk, zelfs als je een overheid heeft als die in de VS, en als je ze wilt controleren zit je weer meer mensen hierbij te betrekken waardoor de cirkel weer groter wordt etc.
  15. Seh

    Seh Guest

    Geheimhouding gebeurt ook bij Shell. Denk jij dat de vrachtwagenchauffeur weet wat de hoge heren van plan zijn daar? Daar werken ook duizenden mensen, dus dat is een beetje een non argument imo.
  16. jordo

    jordo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Onzin, als je die verhalen mag geloven zouden er honderden mensen bij zijn als wetenschappers en dergelijke, daarbij zou zelfs ondersteunend personeel ook wel doorhebben dat ze op een legerbasis werken waar iets aan de hand is. Ook in hogere klassen zouden er nog eens tientallen tot honderden mensen van moeten weten. Een dergelijke coverup zou technisch zoveel vereisen, dat ik het voor onmogelijk acht, helemaal vandaag de dag, waar vijanden met satelieten, internet toegang en dergelijke allemaal informatie kunnen uitpozen. Conspiracys spreken erg aan, maar waarschijnlijk zijn ze simpelweg niet.

    *NERAZZURRI* Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, en het is ook ongeloofwaardig dat volledige inlichtingendiensten alles geheim houden. Not...
  18. jordo

    jordo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pfff, een inlichtendienst werkt totaal anders. Daar heb je een informatiestroom van verschillende bronnen die niets van elkaar afweten en die maar verantwoording hoeven af te leggen aan een handvol mensen. Daarbij, zelfs inlichtingendiensten lekken heel vaak informatie, het is niet voor niets dat grote schandalen vaak sneller naar bovenkomen dan geplant. Maarja, als jullie daadwerkelijk denken dat de Amerikaanse overheid honderden zoniet duizenden mensen kan controleren om een dergelijk geheim binnenkamer te houden wens ik jullie veel succes.

    *NERAZZURRI* Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ten eerste zou dit geen regeringsinstantie betreffen maar iets wat zich daarbuiten begeeft en dus aan niemand verantwoording hoeft af te leggen (en ook z'n eigen veiligheidsregeling kan hanteren). Ten tweede, wie zegt dat er niet een gelijksoortige hiërarchie is zoals jij die beschrijft? Sterker nog: Het is bekend dat er een opgaande veiligheidsgraad is voor documenten en informatie (classified, enzovoorts). En ten derde zijn er zeker mensen die hebben gelekt of beweren dat ze informatie geven die echt is.

    Ik zeg overigens niet dat het waar is, maar dat het onmogelijk zou zijn vind ik quatsch.
  20. Seh

    Seh Guest

    Allemaal aannames van jou, allemaal theorieën van jezelf. Wat maakt dat geloofwaardiger dan ''conspiracy theorieën''?

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