Fitness en aanverwanten [Deel 5]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door Nerrion, 12 jan 2011.

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  1. PineaPPle JOE

    PineaPPle JOE Registered Abuser

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog steeds blijft dat dom wat je zegt.

    En jawel, elke gezonde man kan, mits hij inderdaad die wilskracht heeft die ik, en jij ook noemde, bezit. De ene, zoals die Zyzzz, kan dat misschien in 5 jaar, en de ander doet er wat langer over. Maar technisch gezien, wanneer iemand geen beperkingen zou hebben, zou dat moeten kunnen.

    En denk jij nou serieus, dat ik denk dat het vanzelf zou gaan als je sterioden gaat gebruiken? Kom op man.

    En ik train wel, maar geen BB, eerder Bodyfit en doe het alleen maar om zo beter resultaat voor mn sport (honkbal) te krijgen. Dus niet per se om een mooi lichaam te krijgen.
  2. Remco

    Remco Guest

    Inderdaad, ik ben te breed voor dit topic.
  3. Mr Xen0

    Mr Xen0 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    God oh god, hele discussie hier komt zo'n opmerking tussendoor. Geweldig.

    En @ hele Zyzz discussie: Ja hij is dood, RIP, jammer, balen. Life goes on. Niemand van ons kende hem persoonlijk, sommigen zijn door hem geïnspireerd, anderen niet. Maakt het echt wat uit?

    Jullie kunnen in ieder geval allemaal 1 ding van hem leren: Lighten the fuck up.

    En nee ik bedoel hier niet mee te zeggen dat ik pro ben en weet ik wel niet hoeveel bench press voor we die discussie krijgen. :')
  4. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gast wat kom je praten, hoeveel druk jij dan?
  5. Mr Xen0

    Mr Xen0 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    1000kg jong, ik druk jullie er allemaal uit. Maar als we het over trekken gaan hebben helemaal.
  6. Remco

    Remco Guest

  7. JeePee

    JeePee Guest

    Nerrion trekt jou eruit jonge!
  8. Tom

    Tom Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoog niveau van oppervlakkigheid hier, shiiit.
    Vond het wel een leuk topic, maar als iedereen gaat lopen bitchen op elkaar, WHY?
  9. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Okee zullen we nu weer ontopic gaan..? Ik stel voor dat we Zyzz ook even niet meer noemen.
  10. Remco

    Remco Guest

    And I Zyzzed in my pants..
  11. Tom

    Tom Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rem, sst. Is nu wel leuk geweest, anders ben je de volgende trollerdt en worden alle mannetjes hier gevaarlijk :lol:
  12. PineaPPle JOE

    PineaPPle JOE Registered Abuser

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nu we het toch over jizz hebben; laatst zei een dude in de gym dat hij minder ging trekken omdat dat je dan proteine zou verliezen ofzo?

    Niet dat ik minder ga fappen maar volgens mij is dat echt een load of BS..:+
  13. Seh

    Seh Guest

    Dan moet je even googlen waar je sperm precies zijn dingen vandaan haalt om gemaakt te worden. :p
  14. Pine NL

    Pine NL WannaB | BannaW

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "Frequently Asked Questions

    Why are we doing this?
    -To work on self control: The sexual urge is one of the most primary instincts in humans, so if you can conquer this you truly are master of your domain.

    -To become more social and get a girlfriend: It is usually allowed within the rules to have sex, but this should only be for people who do NOT already get sex regularly. The only reason that sex rule has been allowed is because it's expected that if you don't fap you will become more social and try to get a girlfriend to fornicate with. If you already get sex regularly, you aren't gaining anything and this competition will be too easy for you so you might as well not even join.

    Effects of not fapping?
    -Boner goggles: Females that are normally a 5/10 will start to look like a 7/10. This happens because there's so much sperm build up inside you that your body starts saying, "I need to procreate and spread my DNA so I can bless the globe with my offspring." You become so desperate for sex that even the ugly chicks look do-able. Be careful, because you'll be disgusted when you're done. The boner goggles usually start on about day 3-5 for me, but it really depends on your sex drive.

    -Testosterone boost: I've read that when you don't fap your testosterone levels raise slowly until day 10, when the levels peak and start to drop. This might just be bro-science because I've heard conflicting arguments. A few people have told me that they've seen gains in the gym when they don't fap, but that could just be placebo effect. It also could be that when you don't fap you become more aggressive, and lifting weights is just another way to release that aggression.

    -Lack of concentration: When you're horny all the time it gets very difficult to concentrate. There have been times when I was in class using every ounce of willpower to pay attention and not check out the heavenly blessed beauties wearing low cut tops and tight skirts.

    -Irrational thinking: When you get horny all the time and are desperate for vag you start to think differently. Boner goggles plays a part in this, but you'll notice that you start to act like a horn-dog all the time and do things you normally wouldn't, just because of a female.

    It seems like there are a lot of negative effects, but the overall goal is to improve self control so you can meet a heavenly blessed beauty, get married, have sex, and live happily ever after.

    Kegal exercises
    The Pubococcygeus (PC) muscle is the muscle that pulsates when you have an orgasm. There is an exercise called kegals, where you flex the PC muscle for several repetitions. The PC muscle is the same one used to stop the flow of urine, so an easy way to find it is to stop yourself from peeing while you're in the middle of taking a piss. Once you recognize what it feels like you can do kegal exercises anytime you want. You could just sit there and do 100 fast reps, or 10 reps followed by holding it for 10 seconds. Come up with your own routine and the PC muscle will get stronger. I've noticed more powerful orgasms since I starting doing kegals.

    What is edging?
    Edging is when you fap, but then stop before you have an orgasm. It's called "edging" because you're supposed to stop right on the "edge" of an orgasm so that you feel the goodness just slightly, without ejaculating semen. Some people are able to keep fapping and have the entire orgasm without spilling a drop of cum, but I don't know how to do that.
    The two ways that I know of edging are...

    -Relax the PC muscle: When you're about to have an orgasm, just stop and relax the PC muscle so it doesn't pulsate. It get very difficult to do this once you get closer and closer to the orgasm. Sometimes a few drops of semen can come out without wasting the orgasm.

    -Flex the PC muscle: When you're about to have an orgasm, just stop and flex the PC muscle as hard as you can. This stops the semen from coming out, but it requires strength from doing kegals so if your PC muscles are weak you'll probably accidentally let go too early and ruin the orgasm.

    After edging for a while you might get blue balls. This is caused by pooling of blood near the testicular scrotum. You can make the pain go away by having an orgasm, but it sometimes doesn't go away immediately and could come back within the next few hours or days.
    I recommend that you stay away from edging while doing no-fap month, because it's basically setting yourself up for failure. You should also stay away from all porn and hot chicks in general.

    Why is Santa's sack so big?
    He only comes once a year. "
  15. AntraXxX

    AntraXxX Bruce Springsteen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatste zin 8)
  16. killaz

    killaz Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Allemaal niet van toepassing als je samenwoont :cool:

    Benen workout ftw!
    Onderstaande fauteuil + je vriendin = een prima workout :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 10 aug 2011
  17. Flix

    Flix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo weer Deadlift tijd.
    Ga voor de 8x 140kg vandaag. Zal wel even kijken of ik iemand vind die 't ff kan filmen.
  18. Gdzr

    Gdzr Hmmm?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat is je max?
  19. Corona

    Corona Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is toch niet bijzonder veel of ligt het aan mij? Ik deadlift 130kg en heb het gevoel dat ik er over de komende tijd nog wel rond de 50kg aan kan gaan hangen.
  20. LBJ6

    LBJ6 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zie het in perspectief, voor de één is dit peanuts, voor de ander is dit iets wat hij nooit zal halen.
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