How high is your book stack?
Cubic feet
Total cubic feet: 3.4
Total cubic meters: 0.1
U-Haul book boxes: 3.8
Bathtubs: 0.2
Total (pounds): 90.4
Total (kg): 41.1
Total (stones): 6.46
Elephants: 0.01
Blue whales: 0.00038
Pounds per cubic foot: 26.35
Kg per cubic meter: 410.84
Value of weight in gold: $1,474,177
Shelf space/stack height
Total shelf width/stack height (feet): 12.8
Total shelf width/stack height (meters): 3.9
IKEA Billy bookcases: 0.84
If all the pages in all the books were laid end-to-end...
Distance (feet): 12,715
Distance (meters): 3,875
Distance (miles): 2.41
Distance (km): 3.88
Hours to drive: 0.04
Smoots: 2,277
Spaldings: 2,195
Circumference of earth: 0.0097%
To moon: 0.001%
Die site heeft niet al mijn boeken in het systeem, maar toch grappig om te lezen.