Ohja voor de mensen die niet geloofden dat de graphics beter zijn in de uiteindelijke versie:
Scott Davis of PlanetBattlefield sat down with an early build of Battlefield 3 tonight in San Francisco at EA's "Final Hours" press event. Davis definitely comes across as a Battlefield veteran, so this is not your average press preview of Battlefield 3. Most notable is the two new maps (nine total maps) for Battlefield 3 Operation Firestorm and Grand Bazarr. A big thing to be noted for console players is that the graphics on the PS3 and Xbox 360 look better than the current beta we're playing right now.
"First thing I noticed on the consoles were the graphics. They looked much better than the beta. Textures were smoother, character movements were much more fluid, and environments seemed to have more warmth to them. Also, the lighting was more dynamic, atmospherics more gritty and present, things just seem to run smoother on this build. All the frame rate issues, glitches, pops and sound drops of the beta were nowhere to be found. And what was played, wasn't even the final build of Battlefield 3. Here's some more information............... "
Laatst bewerkt: 7 okt 2011