The Online Pass authentication will not be available until after our mid October patch for PES2013.
Until the patch becomes available, Konami servers will not require an Online Pass authentication, so they will not be requesting the Online Pass code from our users, who will still be able to access the online content.
After the patch is released, the Online Pass authentication process will be in place, however the activation date will be different depending on your territory:
North America, South America and Asia: starts from October 11
Europe: starts from November 13
So please make sure you keep your Online Pass code in a safe and secure place until the authentication is required. Remember that Konami will NOT re-issue a new Online Pass code in the case that the original code is lost or misplaced.
Don't forget that the game releases tomorrow September 20th in EU and September 21st in UK! So get ready to jump on the pitch with PES 2013! om te vergroten...