List of changes in Area 1 for cars:
1) Full Elimination first variant
2) making the straight 1400 meters long
T1 building curve with width 12 meters to reunification with the current route (blue line the proposal from the line of protection, in red the current)
4) use of curb internal plate (for pilots visual reference)
5) construction T2-T3 variant
6) curb outside T1 and T2 type negative FIM 2.5 cm, 5 cm positive smooth type internal T2 back connection
7) positive smooth type 5 cm curb internal T3 back connection
T3 curb output type negative FIA FIM + 2.5 + 5 cm
9) updated drainage system
10) it integrated with the existing IT infrastructure
11) Total resurfacing with asphalt designed specifically on the needs of Monza.
List of system protections Area 1 car
A) reprofiling of the Old Curva Grande and its FIA protections to be used as an escape and rejoin the track in case of failure / error
B) new service lane 4 meters wide that connects straight to the Second Variant (not visible in the diagram)
C) new internal security lines T1 and T2 (guard rails) with Anti-debris protection
D) maintenance of escape routes in outdoor gravel Curva Grande
E) between T1 and T2 integration via composite asphalt + lightweight aggregate escape with specific technology to maximize braking power during loss of control and reduce chances of cutting between T2 and T3
F) between T2 and T3 integration via composite asphalt + gravel escape with specific technology to maximize braking power during loss of control
G) remodeling attack before outside line to the T1 and reprofiling of the straight lines protection
H) painted with special paint of the escape in asphalt for security purposes