De klassenstrijd ligt aan de basis van dat racisme (alsook van vrouwenonderdrukking, LGBTQ+ onderdrukking, ableism, etc.). In zijn speech
It's a class struggle, goddammit! haalt Fred Hampton (een Black Panther die 21 was toen hij in een gerichte aanslag werd vermoord door de FBI, dus simpelweg een executie zonder proces) een uitspraak aan die Supreme Court judge Taney ruim 100 jaar eerder deed in de Dred Scott Decision over het stoppen van slavernij: "Nigger, you're nobody, you're property, you're a slave. That the systems--the legal system, the judicial system--all types of systems that are functioning in America today was set up long before you got here, brother. Because we brought you over to make money to keep what we've got going, these avaricious, greedy businessmen, to keep what we've got going, going on." (Tekst is overgenomen van de speech.) En Hampton zegt over de implicaties van die uitspraak het volgende: "You know a lot of people have hang-ups with the Party because the Party talks about a class struggle. And the people that have those hang-ups are opportunists, and cowards, and individualists and everything that's anything but revolutionary. And they use these things as an excuse to justify and to alibi and to bonify their lack of participation in the real revolutionary struggle. (...) First of all, we say primarily that the priority of this struggle is class. That Marx, and Lenin, and Che Guevara end Mao Tse-Tung and anybody else that has ever said or knew or practiced anything about revolution, always said that revolution is a class struggle. It was one class--the oppressed--those other class--the oppressor. (...) If we never negated the fact that there was racism in America, but we said that when you, the by-product, what comes off of racism, that capitalism comes first and next is racism. That when they brought slaves over here, it was to take money. So first the idea came that we want to make money, then the slaves came in order to make that money. That means that capitalism had to, through historical fact, racism had to come from capitalism. It had to be capitalism first and racism was a by-product of that."
De klassenstrijd leidt zeker niet af van de strijd tegen racisme, de klassenstrijd is fundamenteel voor de overwinning op racisme en andere vormen van onderdrukking. Dat los van elkaar zien is onwetendheid of anders sabotage, en zal nooit slagen.
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