For all “next generation” (Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC) products SimBin will have its own game engine that is called Lizard. Lizard is fully developed in-house and owned by the SimBin group of companies.
The Lizard-engine contains all basic components that are required in order to develop game products: simulation, physics, rendering, networks, animation, sound, user interface, data pipeline, editor and tools. It is mainly written in the portable C++ programming language.
Lizard is a reusable engine, written with stability, performance and developing efficiency in focus. In the present situation, it is tailored to handle racing games, but thanks to its modular structure, it is prepared to constitute the basis for any type of game. This gives SimBin the possibility to quickly broaden the product portfolio with other genres, for example a "First Person Shooter".
To use an in-house developed, reusable, game engine is a very cost effective solution that gives SimBin a lot of flexibility to handle new projects, both its own IP’s or assigned productions. The concept is the same that has been used the last decades within the car manufacturing industry. In order to create cost efficient and competitive new cars, several car models from the same group are built on the same platform. The basic architecture is the same, but the experience is totally different since the interior and exterior are unique.
Reusable game engines (sometimes referred to as “middleware”) are no news in the game sector. As a matter of fact, there is a large number of companies that offer their middleware to game companies. Lizards big advantage is that it is 100% developed and owned by SimBin, which means that SimBin has all necessary knowledge and can use it to pursue products that are desired without having to pay external parties.
SimBin works continuously with the development of Lizard focusing mainly on X-Box 360 and PC but will be adapting it to other consoles such as the PlayStation3.
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