Na dit weekend een goede indruk kunnen krijgen van de game.
Ik hoop dat de uiteindelijke game mij meer afwisseling gaat brengen dan de beta.
Iets wat normaal gesproken wel een normaal verschil zou moeten zijn tussen beta en final build.
Hoogtepunt voor mij dit weekend:
Cheating @thiez met zn invisibility. Zelfs tijdens rogue kon men hem niet zien. 
Dat zijn easy team kills!
By the way:
Beta Extension
Over the last few days, we’ve seen an incredible amount of excitement for the game, leading to many of you registering on the waitlist for a chance to join our Closed Beta. We’ve been working very hard to let as many players as possible join, while still maintaining a smooth experience for everyone.
Earlier today, we announced that we were now inviting as many players as possible from the waitlist, in addition to those who had guaranteed pre-order access. We’ve started sending invites, with priority given to those who signed up first.
In order to allow everyone who has access to fully enjoy the Beta, we’re happy to announce we’re extending the duration by 24h for all players. As a result servers will remain open until Tuesday, February 2nd, 12pm CET | 6 am EST | 3 am PST.
Thank you all for your amazing support!
Laatst bewerkt: 31 jan 2016