Gister nieuw Xbox account aangemaakt, kan ik weer 1 maand gamepass doen voor 1 euro . Speel op PC dus mis verder geen savegames ofzo, want speelde niks meer via m'n andere Xbox account. Ga gamepass niet verlengen denk ik, kan ik mooi een maand spelen en dan weer verder met m'n backlog (ben nu halverwege ME3 LE, daarna wil ik nog RDR2 opnieuw spelen en/of ME Andromena, Fallout NV of Skyrim). Vannacht FH5 gedownload, vanochtend ff gespeeld. Start menu muziek is wel magisch, de intro was ook heel dik, voor de rest voelde het wel vergelijkbaar met FH4 maar net even wat gelikter. Grafisch wel dik op PC op high.
Eindelijk The Trial gehaald, echt een irritante ervaring deze week. CPU skill-level is ‘unbeatable’, vrije car class keuze maar AI scaled mee, dus wanneer je hele team S2 en X class auto’s pakt, dan CPU natuurlijk ook, en wanneer je dan normaal afremt voor de bochten om daar normaal doorheen te gaan, dan crashen je ‘teamgenoten’ je er 9 van de 10 keer keihard af. Anyway, de 10 puntjes zijn binnen, maar als dit elke week zo moet dan denk ik niet dat ik deze game zo lang blijf spelen als Horizon 4. Die had ook soms best pittige en uitdagende Trials, maar dit was gewoon frustrerend, en dan dus vooral omdat je te vaak met idioten in het team zit. Daarna terug naar de offline mode, en al het CPU verkeer ontbreekt, de tunnel aan de noordkant van de map is pitch black (dus je ziet NIKS), en de sky map krijgt opeens massive palmbomen (jpg) erin … (!) Heb hem maar uitgegooid en maybe later vandaag weer eens opnieuw aangooien, maar lijkt erop dat ze nog wel wat shit mogen fixen de komende weken.
Waar zijn nou die audio ray tracing effecten in de game te vinden dan? Ze zeiden toch dat als je in de canyons rijdt dat het geluid aan alle kanten weerkaatst met doppler en al? Serieus, ik merk er niks van............... Horizon 4 had wel dat effect in de stad op sommige plekken.
NVIDIA DLSS, AMD FSR and DirectX Ray Tracing Improvements in Forza Horizon 5 Boost your Forza Horizon 5 framerates on PC whilst maximising image quality by enabling NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution or AMD FSR 2. These resolution upscaling features are coming in the Donut Media series update available to download from the Microsoft Store and Steam on Tuesday, November 8. In addition, we're enhancing our DirectX Raytracing implementation on PC with two new presets: Ultra and Extreme, which render true-to-life reflections for the player car in Free Roam and Races, as well as realistic Drivatar reflections in Photo Mode. Ray tracing is also available in Forzavista as before. We continually evaluate our tools and processes, and have introduced new security improvements to the PC version of Forza Horizon 5 to promote a healthy and secure gameplay experience for our community.
The next Xbox game being ported over to PlayStation 5 is Playground Games' Forza Horizon 5, the Xbox teams revealed on Thursday. Over the past year, Microsoft has made no secret of its plan to begin launching more and more games on the PlayStation ecosystem. Sea of Thieves was among the first, then Indiana Jones was announced, and now, Microsoft is going even further. Forza Horizon 5 is one of Microsoft's most successful games in history, serving tens of millions of players. The flagship racing game is the gold standard for the genre, and is a multi-award winner. It's also a huge money maker for Microsoft, owing to its live service nature, on-going updates, and in-app purchases. Forza Horizon 5 first launched back on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, and Windows PC in November 21. The game was a roaring success, rapidly reaching over 20 million players and, like its predecessors, achieving critical acclaim. Detailed on Forza Horizon 5's website, developer Playground Games discussed its partnership with Panic Button, and a new update coming dubbed "Realms." "The PlayStation 5 version of Forza Horizon 5, developed by Panic Button Studios in partnership with Turn 10 Studios and Playground Games, will have the same content as the Xbox and PC releases of the game. Previously released Car Packs, as well as the Hot Wheels and Rally Adventure expansions, will also be available for purchase. We are excited to see the Forza Horizon 5 community grow with new players on PS5, and we can't wait to see the creativity and skill these new creators, builders, and racers will bring to our vibrant community. In addition to bringing Forza Horizon 5 to PS5, we're working on a special new free content update for all platforms, Horizon Realms. Realms will give players the chance to explore a curated collection of some of the community's favorite previously released Evolving Worlds, alongside some other surprises. Stay tuned to our channels for more details soon."