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[Overig] [Algemeen] Games

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 3 dec 2013.

  1. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
  2. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
  3. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vind er weinig aan eerlijk gezegd.....:confused:
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  4. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aan wat, Paladins? Spreekt mij ook niet aan. Grafische stijl is ook niet mijn ding, maar het zorgt er wel voor dat de game super snel draait.
  5. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    True, maar ik zie het verschil bijna niet tussen de 'heroes' tijdens het spelen....geen leuke one-liners....

    Het wordt veel vergeleken met Overwatch, maar het mist in alles de charme, de glans en de kwaliteit.
    Zifnap en AnubisNefer vinden dit leuk.
  6. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach, begrijp ook de massale appeal van Overwatch niet, qua game play althans. Qua uitstraling vind ik ook dat die game wel veel meer te bieden heeft. Concurrentie is goed zullen we maar zeggen.
  7. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet? Wel eens gespeeld?

    Persoonlijk vind ik Overwatch heerlijk wegspelen. Leuke heroes, leuke gamemodi, leuke gameplay; elke hero is anders en heeft zijn zwakke en sterke punten. Teamwork is key.
    Solo zal je er inderdaad snel klaar mee zijn, maar met extra medespelers is het echt top.

    Leuke is ook dat je de game een paar weken/maanden niet aan hoeft te raken en daarna gewoon weer verder kunt zonder achter te lopen ofzo.
    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  8. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zou eerder DOTA2 weer eens op willen pakken, maar heb gewoon teveel games om nu al te spelen. Bij DOTA2 raak je echter wel duidelijk achterop. Begreep dat die game binnenkort ook een fatsoenlijke SP campaign/scenario krijgt.
  9. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wil ook steeds verder met Persona 5, maar dan zie ik een paar Overwatch spelen en kan ik het niet laten om toch mee te doen; dat is een goed teken.
    Nadeel is dan wel dat Persona 5 doorspelen ietsje langzamer gaat dan dat ik geplanned had.:+
    Zifnap vindt dit leuk.
  10. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk dat ik op dit moment zo'n vijf games tegelijk speel. Steeds in hapklare sessies. Luxe wereldproblemen toch ook. :+
    MAD 1976 en AnubisNefer vinden dit leuk.
  11. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuw Divinity: Original Sin 2 materiaal:

    Deel 1 was een grote verrassing voor velen en een topper, dus ben super benieuwd wat deel 2 op de tafel gaat brengen! :)
    Killamonkey vindt dit leuk.
  13. Killamonkey

    Killamonkey Niet zo aanstellen! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deel een helemaal kapot gespeeld en deel twee gelijk gebacked toen het kon. Fantastische games :) Heb twee stiekem ook al paar uurtjes gespeeld maar ga nu wel wachten tot hij echt uit is voor ik opnieuw begin. Speciaal hiervoor ook game laptop gekocht :eek:
    Zifnap vindt dit leuk.
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wipeout Omega Collection op 7 juni naar PlayStation 4

    De fysieke versie van Wipeout Omega Collection krijgt een limited edition 'Classic Sleeve' uitgave. Het hoesje van de game lijkt op dat van PlayStation 1-games. Spelers die deze uitgave aanschaffen krijgen er ook vier Wipeout PS4-thema's bij. Afbeeldingen van de 'Classic Sleeve' zijn hieronder te bekijken.

    Oorspronkelijk bericht:De racegame Wipeout Omega Collection is vanaf 7 juni fysiek en digitaal te koop voor PlayStation 4.

    De game is een collectie van parkoersen en voertuigen uit de futuristische racegames Wipeout HD, Fury en 2048. Alle tracks van die games zitten met verbeterde graphics in de game.

    Het spel loopt in een resolutie van 1080p op PlayStation 4 en in dynamische 4K op PS4 Pro. Daarbij is er hdr-ondersteuning en wordt er 60 frames per seconde aangehouden. Ook geluidseffecten zijn volledig op de schop genomen. De game bevat 28 gelicenseerde nummers van onder andere Swedish House Mafia en The Prodigy.

    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  15. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nostalgie zegt vet! kopen!
    Maar mijn herrinneringen zeggen niet doen, je ramt toch steeds de muren.
    Zifnap en Servantes vinden dit leuk.
  16. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Students Explore Pain and Coping in Deliriant, Out May 23 on PS4
    A team of 12 take inspiration from Gone Home, Journey, and Myst in their debut PlayStation game.

    Hello, I’m Ben Steele, one of the creators of Deliriant. It’s a visually beautiful slice of the 1970s that takes a subtle approach to the exploration of serious topics like abuse, coping mechanisms, and familial relationships. Today we’re announcing our upcoming launch on May 23, and would like to use this opportunity to reflect on our journey through school that has led to one of the first student-made games to successfully self-publish on PS4.

    We’re a diverse team of 12 students working from the Entertainment Arts and Engineering graduate program at the University of Utah, one of the top academic game design programs. We are given relative autonomy in regards to the development, ownership, and publication of our own work, but it’s a bit of a double-edged sword. Where most student games are able to focus their efforts on pure development, we took on a lot more of the process you might see out of a professional studio, like creating our own dev business (Manic Interactive) and self publishing on our favorite console while still trying to do something experimental; a huge creative benefit of student games.


    Going to school for a game development degree can, in some ways, be a risky decision. Games are a talent-packed, intensely competitive industry of entertainment. People are so passionate about making games! Meanwhile, our budget was $20 that each team member generously donated in order to pay the fee to register our company and make a website.

    So how to stand out? The people, for one. That same passion that drives the video game industry is stamped into the essence of every member of our team. Our ambitions weren’t necessarily focused on school as much as success in our field. In large part, that’s possible due to the freedom our school afforded us.

    It’s that autonomy that led us to the decision that our small game needed to be something kind of different. I’m hesitant to even call it a game in the traditional sense. More of an experience. We began with the idea of “gaslighting,” a subtle form of psychological manipulation in which one person uses the other person’s reliance on their relationship to make them doubt their perceptions and reality. Inspired by the emotional power of Fullbright’s Gone Home, the beautiful non-traditional presentation of TGC’s Journey, and influence from the original Myst, we combined this theme of psychological abuse with our own developed concept of nontraditional storytelling.


    What emerged is an experiment in empathy. A victim of intense suffering cannot get over their trauma because their mind re-lives that event again and again, keeping it inescapably cemented in their thoughts. So what if your own home — every room, every object, every person who lives there — was the very prison of obligation that trapped you within your suffering? How would you escape? Could you?

    With Deliriant, we ask the player for some reflection. When trauma is shared with you, you experience some fraction of it yourself, and that creates understanding. We’re definitely offering something out of the box and asking a lot of the player, but my greatest hope is that someone’s perspective will be positively impacted by our game. That by itself would be success.

    Thank you for reading, and we can’t wait to see all of you on May 23!
  17. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Van de week aan begonnen..
    Was in begin even wennen hoe het een beetje werkte maar vind het leuke game..:)
    Sfeer is tof en de stemmen zijn inderdaad goed gedaan..
  18. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Laatst bewerkt: 11 mei 2017
    L.A. vindt dit leuk.
  19. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    The wait is over Wangsters, Shadow Warrior 2 slashes onto Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on May 19!


    Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars on PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

    Developer Haemimont Games, creators of the critically acclaimed Tropico 3-5 teams up with publisher Paradox Interactive to bring you Surviving Mars.

    Laatst bewerkt: 12 mei 2017
  20. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Director Miyauchi-san mentioned that it’ll be possible to play in 4K resolution (without specifying if native of checkerboard) at stable 30 frames per second, or in 1080p resolution at stable 60 FPS.

    He also admitted that Dynasty Warriors 8‘s visuals were a result of the game being developed for PS3, and then improved for the PS4 port. On the other hand, Dynasty Warriors 9 has been developed from the ground up for PS4, achieving much better graphics.

    Consoles Confirmed So Far: PlayStation 4
    Release Date: TBA* (Hinted to be when the climate has gotten a bit colder in Japan [read: between Fall-Winter, Oct-Dec 2017])
    Official Site: ttp://www.gamecity.ne.jp/smusou8/ (Tentative URL as it's currently not up yet; will fix once it's actually up)

    New Characters

    Zhou Cang

    • A fictional character who used to serve Zhang Bao in Yellow Turbans, then later served under Guan Yu. Immortalized in real-life statues that depict himself with Guan Yu & Guan Ping as a trio.
    • Weapon: Butcher Sword
    • Seiyuu (JP VA): Chiharu Sawashiro (Miyuki Sawashiro's younger brother, aka. Argon in Show By Rock)

    程普 (德謀)
    Cheng Pu (Demou) *NEW*
    • Veteran Wu general who had served three generations of Sun Jian, Ce & Quan. Respected by other officers for not only seniority but also his wise leadership.
    • Weapon: Double Pike*
    • Seiyuu (JP VA):
    • *Double Pike is the same weapon type assigned to Zhang Fei as of DW8E. It's currently unknown if Zhang Fei will get a new weapon type or if he'll accept weapon cloning.
    and more*
    *It has been noted that while there are more new characters coming, the number will be not too many.
    (For the record, DW8 vanilla added 10 new characters, so DW9's new character number might be less than that)

    Returning Characters
    • All 83 existing characters as of DW8 Empires are confirmed returning.

    Gameplay Features
    • Open World - Overall
    • The reason why the team decides to make DW9 as Open World is they're taking challenges to make new things because as of the last numbered title (DW8), the series is coming to a stale.
    • DW9's Open World system takes some references from Toukiden 2, but it won't be the exact same because the nature of Open World in each games are different.
    • They plan to reproduce the whole lands of China, but with a focus on livable territories, and a further focus on places where major battles took place like Hulao Gate or Zhongyuan (Central Plains, Guandu etc)
    • Time & Weather will be changing in real time. In nighttime and/or rain it will be harder for enemies to notice the player. *NEW*

    Open World - Cities
    • There will be over 10 major unique cities along with more generic towns & villages in the world map. *NEW*
    • The major unique cities such as Luoyang won't be as big as they were actually, but each area will be about 1 kilometer(square?) big so they should still feel large. *NEW*
    • Player can move into cities in the middle of battles.
    • Player should be also able to do purchases inside cities. *NEW*

    Open World - Transportation
    • The main method for land transportation is by riding a horse, but a Fast Travel feature is also planned to be added. *NEW*
    • Swimming is confirmed returning from DW6. Player can also cross large rivers like Changjiang and Yellow River, although it may take about 5 minutes by swimming. *NEW*
    • Boats are also available as a faster transportation method to cross rivers. *NEW*

    Story Progression
    • Story mode is back to character-based (like pre-DW7), but the history progression is basically the same for each character (like pre-DW6). *NEW*
    • There will be no What-If/Hypothetical branches that alter history here. *NEW*
    • Story progression is based on eras (Yellow Turban Rebellion, Anti-Dong Zhuo Coalition, and so on). *NEW*
    • The starting era will depend on the selected character. For example if you choose Wang Yuanji she will start in an era later than what Zhao Yun would start at. *NEW*
    • Due to the different starting era, switching player character in mid-game is currently unconfirmed because they would have to re-introduce the era again if the new character's starting era is different from the current era. *NEW*
    • Discussions in the world map will be pertaining to that era. For example if you go to Nanman during Yellow Turban Rebellion era, you will hear Nanman people talking about Zhang Jiao. *NEW*

    Battles & Missions
    • Each era has a main mission that must be cleared to advance the era. (eg. Defeat Zhang Jiao in YTR era to advance to Dong Zhuo era) *NEW*
    • The main mission starts with having a high difficulty, but it can be lowered by clearing other missions related to the main mission beforehand. *NEW*
    • Multiple battles may occur at the same time in different places, and the player will have to make a choice on which battle they want to participate in. They are no longer split by stages.
    • Player can capture castles in various ways other than the orthodox-from-castle-gate method. For example they can raid the castle from a higher elevation (eg. mountains), or do a stealth infiltration to hit the main target without getting noticed by other enemies. *NEW*
    • There are also subquests such as hunting wild animals with archery and battling against foreign tribes (eg. Shanyue) that have unique visuals. *NEW*

    State Combo
    • In the first interview, the team indicated that they are planning to revise the moveset system from what has been commonly known as Square for normal attacks and Triangle for charge attacks.
    • State Combo is the new moveset system that will change moves depending on the surrounding enemy situations. *NEW*
    • State Combo is comprised of the following 3 attacks: *NEW*
    • -Trigger attack: Begins the combo
    • -Flow attack: Combo that changes based on enemy situations
    • -Finish attack: Powerful attack that ends the combo
    • An example of how State Combo works is that when enemies are mid-air then the player character will jump towards them. *NEW*

    Interactive Action
    • Actions will change depending on the surrounding terrains and objects. *NEW*
    • For example, player will be able to use field objects to attack, such as catapults. *NEW*
    • Player can also use a grapple hook to climb castle walls and high mountains. *NEW*
    • Player can utilize oil cans in field to cause fires. *NEW*

    Other Action Revisions & Additions
    • The team has indicated that they want to keep some other systems like Musou attack to retain the exhilarating feel of one-vs-thousand
    • (Note: In DW8, all characters have 1st Musou, 2nd Musou, Aerial Musou and Awakening Musou)
    • Archery FPS mode from DW5 & before is returning & usable for all characters. It also lets the player to snipe enemies from afar. *NEW*

    • On 31 March 2017, Producer Suzuki held a poll on Twitter asking if the fans prefer Liu Bei with mustache or not. The poll ended with the mustache winning 67% of the votes.
    • Producer Suzuki also said to use the poll comments as reference, in which many are suggesting both versions of Liu Bei (young without mustache & older with mustache) to appear in DW9, just like in SW: Spirit of Sanada.
    • Character models are being reworked from scratch to fit PS4-grade graphics. *NEW*
    • Characters' new costumes in DW9 will have a tendency of getting less flashier and more geared towards realistic based on the costumes in Three Kingdoms era. *NEW*




    NanaOn-Sha and iNiS have launched the teaser website for Project Rap Rabbit, a collaborative new rhythm action game from PaRappa the Rapper creator Masaya Matsuura and Gitaroo Man creator Keiichi Yano.
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 mei 2017

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