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[Algemeen] Nieuwtjes, geruchten en discussie

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 18 jun 2010.

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  1. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jammer.. Zie altijd wel graag nieuwe IP's.

    Al vind ik het eigenlijk erger dat ze niet de tijd nemen voor een waardige Assassin's Creed trilogie afsluiter. Deel 1 is denk nog steeds mijn favo 360 game ooit (ja echt :eek:)
  2. koennn

    koennn Science Fiction Fan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lijkt me wel dat die nog komt hoor;)

    En @ Valve aankondiging... Elke keer als Valve iets gaat aankondigen denken mensen weer dat ze HL3 gaan aankondigen. Ik wacht gewoon lekker voordat ik uitspraken ga doen als 'Ze gaan HL3 aankondigen!'.
  3. fredfenster

    fredfenster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou fucked zin, keek uit naar die game
  4. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet ik, ik zeg ook 'ze nemen de tijd er niet voor'.
    Wordt meer een Assassin's Creed 2.5 dan een echt nieuw deel.
  5. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij is development tijd bij AC niet echt een issue, daar gooien ze gewoon gigantisch veel mensen tegen aan. Ik meen dat aan het eind van de development er 300+ mensen rechstreeks aan AC2 werkten. Dan kan het natuurlijk snel gaan
  6. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar als je de screens ziet en de info leest moet je het met me eens zijn dat het niet als een echt nieuw deel voelt, maar meer een 2.5
    Nu was 2 natuurlijk al niet zo'n stap verder dan 1, maar dat was iig andere settings, andere dude etc.
  7. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Brotherhood is dan ook geen AC3 hé, ze noemen het zelf geen AC 2.5 maar ook geen AC3. Assassins Creed 3 komt nog wel.
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  9. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Huh, ik zie nergens iets over Duke forever, neem aan dat het daar om gaat?
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien. Iedereen kent de uitdrukking 'when pigs fly'? Mja nu post de 3Drealms meneer een plaatje van vliegende varkentjes. Gearbox zou dacht ik over een paar dagen iets @ PAX aankondigen, en nu dus dat plaatje van hem... Toeval? Of vliegen de varkentjes nu echt en zal een Duke Nukem game (of zelfs DNF) dan toch eindelijk komen?

    Of misschien zit ie te pesten.

    Dus geen bevestiging ofzo, maar gewoon wat speculatie. ;)

    edit: Zie deze qoute van Broussard in een interview met 1up
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 sep 2010
  11. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Meh, kan me echt niet meer boeien.
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mij wel, al is het alleen maar om te zien wat ze na al die jaren ervan hebben gemaakt. :D
  13. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het zou echt cool zijn dat wanneer Duke Nukem Forever uitkomt dat het gewoon de beste game ooit blijkt te zijn! :+
  14. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Overigens is de review er al:
  15. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    :lol:, wat een held
  16. fredfenster

    fredfenster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Activision looks set to release an all-new violent racing game this year, CVG has learnt.

    Blood Drive has never been formally announced by the publisher - but has fleetingly cropped up on retail release schedules.

    However, the BBFC has today given it a 15 rating in the UK, and revealed that it contains nine minutes of cutscenes and 54 minutes of 'supplementary gameplay footage' - bits where control is taken over by the CPU.

    Other than that, we're still in the dark - but we have found a listing on Amazon.com in the US According to the retailer, Blood Drive is due for release in late October. The 'not final' packshot (which you can see here) also reveals that at least part of the game will take place in Las ('Lost') Vegas.

    The BBFC reports that the game: 'Contains strong language and gory violence.'

    By that description and the name alone, we're expecting it to be more Carmageddon and less Gran Turismo.

    It won't be the only Activision game with 'Blood' in the title released this year - with James Bond: Blood Stone due to hit shelves for 360, PS3 and PC.
  17. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Cool, zou wel vet zijn als het iets als Twisted Metal wordt, die game was episch op de PSX.
  18. fredfenster

    fredfenster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rockstar Toronto reportedly worked on a 1960s gang game

    Twitter usually isn’t the most reliable place for inside gaming news and rumors as it’s often a pit of garbage. But there is one reliable source of juicy gaming news on Twitter, and that's Veracious Shit. In the past Veracious Shit has informed us on the history behind L.A. Noire along with dropping the first word on Avalanche Studios (Just Cause 2) working on a game based on an upcoming sci-fi movie. Once again Veracious Shit has delivered the goods and this time it concerns Rockstar Toronto.

    I don’t know who Veracious Shit is but he/she seems to have terrific sources as evident by today’s nugget of info about Rockstar Toronto. We all know that when it comes to producing games, Rockstar often takes a long, long time as shown by the five year dev cycle of Red Dead Redemption.

    Most of us had assumed that the long development cycle for Rockstar’s productions was a fairly recent thing in the wake of the HD consoles and the sheer amount of hype that surrounds projects like GTA and Max Payne. But according to Veracious Shit, Rockstar’s long dev process goes as way back as to a decade ago when the company began work on The Warriors. Released in 2005, Rockstar’s video game adaptation of the cult 1979 film The Warriors wasn’t a major commercial success but garnered a cult following from gamers thanks to the old-school brawler mechanics and the amount of respect that was paid to the source material.

    But according to the sources of Veracious Shit, Rockstar wasn’t too thrilled with the result of The Warriors, mainly because it took over five years to finish. As per Veracious Shit, Take Two acquired the rights to The Warriors in 2000 and then preceded to hand off the dev duties to Rockstar Canada for a planned 2002 release. At the time, Rockstar Canada was also responsible for porting games (such as Bungie’s Oni) thus the resources of the studio were spread a bit thin. Nonetheless Rockstar expected the game to make its planned 2002 release but soon enough that year came and went with the game still being unfinished.

    Eventually The Warriors was pushed to a 2003 release but with a feeling within the studio that the project wasn’t progressing well, members of the dev team decided to leave the studio altogether. Eventually, after pressure from Rockstar New York and two years of additional development time, The Warriors was finally released in 2005. Based on Veracious Shit, Rockstar wasn’t too pleased with the finished product of The Warriors considering the time the game took to develop and as a result half of Rockstar Canada (who at that point was now known as Rockstar Toronto) was fired.

    But here’s a piece of Rockstar history that was up until now wasn’t publicly known. Despite the “lackluster” result of The Warriors, Rockstar Toronto began work on a game set in the 1960s that revolved around battling mod and rocker gangs. This untitled project, which was also a brawler like The Warriors, began life on the PS2 but was then moved to the PS3/360. At this point the project has most likely been cancelled, but who knows if Rockstar has any intentions on reviving it in the future.

    Currently, Rockstar Toronto is helming Max Payne 3, a game which has had murmurs of an equally troubled dev cycle which includes the game script being rewritten three times. Max Payne was originally set for release in winter 2009 but has subsequently been bumped to a “sometime in 2011” release schedule. Supposedly the current feeling amongst the members of Rockstar Toronto is that the studio could face more layoffs if it isn’t completely closed.

    There have always been proclaims of mismanagement with Rockstar as a whole and the with the whole Rockstar Toronto situation it’s hard to figure out who to blame. Rockstar may take a long ass time to release a game and there may be countless revisions/changes made throughout the dev cycle, but usually the finished product is better than everything else that’s on the market.

    I guess we’ll learn the fate of Rockstar Toronto whenever Max Payne 3 ships as that certainly could be a make or break moment for the studio if this recent crop of rumors were actually legit. Just like the other Rockstar studios, I’m fond of the work Rockstar Toronto has done in the past years and I’m bummed that their 1960s gang game never got off the ground.

    We should all keep in mind that this is an unconfirmed rumor so it should be taken with a grain of salt. In the past Veracious Shit has been on the mark, but for all we know this new concerning Rockstar and Rockstar Toronto could be far from the truth.
  19. fredfenster

    fredfenster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    Laatst bewerkt: 3 sep 2010
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wordt het dan toch echt eindelijk de Duke? \o/
    Find out out @ 10 AM PT. Live

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