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Algemene Oblivion Helpthread [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door C H i L, 5 apr 2006.

  1. RobbertN

    RobbertN Banned

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben z'n gate in gegaan en daar moet mannetjes gaan redden.
    Maar toen moest ik ook een Sigil Stone (steen) zoeken, aar die kan ik niet vinden.
    Weet iemand in welke toren die ligt en/of buiten.
  2. darth malak

    darth malak Day Dreamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    de sigil stone bevindt zich altijd in de grootste toren boven in het sigilim singuis. Activeer hem en de gate wordt vernietigd.
  3. RobbertN

    RobbertN Banned

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oke maar ik had hem al gevonden maar toch bedankt :) .
    Maar nu moet ik die Martin in veiligheid brengen bij de ''blades''.
    We gaan wel allemaal wel mooi op een paardje maar ik weet niet waar ik heem moet.
    Er staat niet eens een pijltje op het kompas ?!

    Wie helpt :) ?
  4. darth malak

    darth malak Day Dreamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    je weet al dat de amulet is gestolen en je hebt jauffre al verteld dat martin gered.
    zo ja, dan moet je naar de cloud ruler tempel van de blades. Bij mij stond er gewoon een pijltje maar ja travel naar bruma exit uit de north gate en volg het pad ten noordwesten van bruma ligt de cloud ruler temple.
  5. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kijk op de kaart, het is dacht ik boven Bruma. En anders ga je naar je journal en klik je op location van waar je heen moet. :)
  6. praetorian

    praetorian Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    het is ten noordwesten van bruma ergens in de bergen. Je kan er in een keer heen fast travellen ( een van de weinig locaties waar je niet eerst hoeft te zijn geweest).
  7. RobbertN

    RobbertN Banned

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bij mij staat er niet eens een pijltje (groen of rood geen één) .
    Ik kijk straks wel weer even.
  8. Chorus

    Chorus youtube.com/CH0RUS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je moet wel ff die quest aanzetten!
  9. darth malak

    darth malak Day Dreamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    altijd handig ja.
    Maar als het goed is is die quest geactiveerd omdat hij gelijk naar de andere komt. Meestal staat hij dan op active
  10. Dik KlootWijk

    Dik KlootWijk Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    probleem met de main quest

    Ik moet in Anvil die gate sluiten, maar geraak niet tot bij die tower, die staat op een berg maar geraak er niet bij

    weet iemand hoe erbij te geraken?

  11. casy

    casy Afwezig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    waarschijnlijk is dit al gevraagd maar toch:
    (bij de quest dat je die vampire cure moet maken)
    hoe krijg je 5 LEGE soulgems want ik heb er wel meer dan 5 maar geen lege of ik heb er miscien wel 1 die leeg is,

    btw het ging toch net over Daedra armor ik heb mijne gewoon gekregen als je de hele dark brother hood moet uitmoorden (wat vet leuk is:p)
    probleem met de main quest

    als de grote toren op een ''stijle'' berg staat moet je eerst goed rondkijken naar een grot die helpt je meestal verder, want via die grotten kom je steeds op hogere niveaus(teminste zo gaat het bij mijn Oblion gates)
  12. Dik KlootWijk

    Dik KlootWijk Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thx buddy

    ingang van grot gevonden :cool:
  13. RobbertN

    RobbertN Banned

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was ik ook al achter gekomen :9
    Maar mij Priester loopt de heletijd weg maar Martin loopt gewoon met mij mee.
    Ik wordt er gek van 8)
  14. fireflame127

    fireflame127 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ojah thanks
  15. Inf1nity

    Inf1nity Guest

    Full Name Attack Damage Max. Enchantment Health Value Weight

    Akavari Sunderblade 15 3000 350 1500 18
    Akavari Warblade 16 3000 240 2000 24
    Akaviri Dai-Katana 16 0 240 150 24
    Akaviri Katana 14 0 200 120 20
    Akaviri Katana 14 0 200 0 20
    Akaviri Warhammer Burden 20 800 400 430 57
    Ancient Akaviri Katana 15 0 240 180 18
    Apotheosis 0 3000 20 2200 10
    Arrow of Blizzards 14 9 20 0.2
    Arrow of Brilliance 12 22 8 0.1
    Arrow of Burning 9 2 2 0.1
    Arrow of Cleansing 5 32 3 0.1
    Arrow of Cold 11 5 5 0.1
    Arrow of Cowardice 9 13 2 0.1
    Arrow of Discord 9 125 2 0.1
    Arrow of Dispel 10 13 3 0.1
    Arrow of Drain Magicka 10 36 3 0.1
    Arrow of Embers 8 2 1 0.1
    Arrow of Extrication 1 0 0 0.2
    Arrow of Fatigue 9 4 2 0.1
    Arrow of Fear 8 13 1 0.1
    Arrow of Fire 13 30 12 0.1
    Arrow of Flames 12 6 8 0.1
    Arrow of Freezing 12 7 8 0.1
    Arrow of Frost 8 3 1 0.1
    Arrow of Harm 12 560 8 0.1
    Arrow of Hexing 13 450 12 0.1
    Arrow of Illumination 11 13 5 0.1
    Arrow of Immolation 8 8 12 0.1
    Arrow of Jinxing 10 4 3 0.1
    Arrow of Jolts 9 4 2 0.1
    Arrow of Light 8 2 1 0.1
    Arrow of Lightning 14 10 20 0.2
    Arrow of Misery 9 13 2 0.1
    Arrow of Numbing 9 3 2 0.1
    Arrow of Qualms 8 13 1 0.1
    Arrow of Savage Frost 6 61 5 0.1
    Arrow of Scorching 11 4 5 0.1
    Arrow of Shocking 11 6 5 0.1
    Arrow of Silence 11 61 5 0.1
    Arrow of Sparks 8 4 1 0.1
    Arrow of Stillness 12 250 8 0.1
    Arrow of Storm Strike 9 10 20 0.2
    Arrow of Storms 15 10 35 0.25
    Arrow of Sunlight 13 30 12 0.1
    Arrow of the Blaze 14 8 20 0.2
    Arrow of the Dynamo 13 8 12 0.1
    Arrow of the Glacier 13 7 12 0.1
    Arrow of the Inferno 15 8 35 0.25
    Arrow of the North Winds 7 250 8 0.1
    Arrow of Voltage 12 8 8 0.1
    Arrow of Winter 15 9 35 0.25
    Arrow of Withering 5 32 3 0.1
    Axe of Hazards 18 800 360 300 48
    Axe of Icy Darkness 18 1200 432 710 32
    Ayleid Long Sword 18 0 396 420 36
    Ayleid Mace 18 0 396 380 31
    Battle Axe of Absorption 22 1200 528 1050 62
    Battle Axe of Beguilement 22 1200 528 1050 62
    Battle Axe of Blizzards 24 1600 624 2100 69
    Battle Axe of Cold 18 800 360 300 48
    Battle Axe of Damnation 26 1600 728 3800 76
    Battle Axe of Decay 18 800 360 300 48
    Battle Axe of Deception 20 1200 440 580 55
    Battle Axe of Depletion 16 800 288 125 41
    Battle Axe of Diminishing 14 300 224 75 35
    Battle Axe of Dispel 16 800 288 125 41
    Battle Axe of Dissolution 20 1200 440 580 55
    Battle Axe of Embers 12 300 168 35 27
    Battle Axe of Enfeeblement 18 800 360 300 48
    Battle Axe of Feeding 24 1600 624 2100 69
    Battle Axe of Fire 22 1200 528 1050 62
    Battle Axe of Flames 20 1200 440 580 55
    Battle Axe of Freezing 20 1200 440 580 55
    Battle Axe of Frost 12 300 168 35 27
    Battle Axe of Jinxing 16 800 288 125 41
    Battle Axe of Lightning 24 1600 624 2100 69
    Battle Axe of Putrification 26 1600 728 3800 76
    Battle Axe of Rending 24 1600 624 2100 69
    Battle Axe of Sapping 16 800 288 125 41
    Battle Axe of Scorching 18 800 360 300 48
    Battle Axe of Shocking 18 800 360 300 48
    Battle Axe of Siphoning 20 1200 440 580 55
    Battle Axe of Soul Snares 24 1600 624 2100 69
    Battle Axe of Soul Traps 18 800 360 300 48
    Battle Axe of Souls 12 300 168 35 27
    Battle Axe of Sparks 12 300 168 35 27
    Battle Axe of Storms 26 1600 728 3800 76
    Battle Axe of the Blaze 24 1600 624 2100 69
    Battle Axe of the Dynamo 22 1200 528 1050 62
    Battle Axe of the Glacier 22 1200 528 1050 62
    Battle Axe of the Inferno 26 1600 728 3800 76
    Battle Axe of Transmogrify 26 1600 728 3800 76
    Battle Axe of Voltage 20 1200 440 580 55
    Battle Axe of Weakness 20 1200 440 580 55
    Battle Axe of Winter 26 1600 728 3800 76
    Battleaxe of Hatred 10 3000 300 6200 40
    Baurus's Akaviri Katana 15 0 240 0 18
    Black Bow 10 0 200 70 8
    Blackwater Blade 12 2000 220 45 24
    Blackwater Blade 16 3500 350 200 32
    Blackwater Blade 20 5000 510 840 40
    Blackwater Blade 22 6250 615 1700 44
    Blackwater Blade 24 8750 725 3100 48
    Blackwater Blade 10 1000 170 20 20
    Blade of Fiery Light 18 1200 396 420 36
    Blade of Woe 7 0 400 20 1
    Blade of Woe 7 2640 400 20 4
    Blade of Woe 7 6510 400 20 4
    Blade of Woe 7 10800 400 20 4
    Blade of Woe 7 15930 400 20 4
    Blade of Woe 7 21180 400 20 4
    Blade of Woe 7 26790 400 20 4
    Blade of Woe 7 32640 400 20 4
    Blizzard Bow 14 1200 264 360 16
    Boreal 22 1200 528 1150 50
    Bound Axe 18 0 3500 0 0
    Bound Bow 15 0 2800 0 0
    Bound Dagger 13 0 2500 0 0
    Bound Mace 22 0 4200 0 0
    Bound Sword 29 0 3200 0 0
    Bow of Blizzards 18 1600 364 1550 20
    Bow of Burning 9 300 144 30 10
    Bow of Cold 12 800 220 155 14
    Bow of Curses 18 1600 364 1550 20
    Bow of Despair 12 800 220 155 14
    Bow of Embers 8 300 112 11 8
    Bow of Fire 16 1200 312 735 18
    Bow of Flames 14 1200 264 360 16
    Bow of Freezing 14 1200 264 360 16
    Bow of Frost 8 300 112 11 8
    Bow of Gloom 14 1200 264 360 16
    Bow of Harm 16 1200 312 735 18
    Bow of Infernal Frost 8 200 100 7000 14
    Bow of Infliction 18 3000 364 4000 20
    Bow of Jolts 9 300 144 30 10
    Bow of Lightning 18 1600 364 1550 20
    Bow of Numbing 9 300 144 30 10
    Bow of Quietus 18 1600 364 1550 20
    Bow of Scorching 12 800 220 155 14
    Bow of Shocking 12 800 220 155 14
    Bow of Silence 16 1200 312 735 18
    Bow of Sparks 8 300 112 11 8
    Bow of Storms 20 1600 420 3200 22
    Bow of the Blaze 18 1600 364 1550 20
    Bow of the Dynamo 16 1200 312 735 18
    Bow of the Glacier 16 1200 312 735 18
    Bow of the Inferno 20 1600 420 3200 22
    Bow of Voltage 14 1200 264 360 16
    Bow of Weariness 12 800 220 155 14
    Bow of Winter 20 1600 420 3200 22
    Broken Sword 0 0 0 2 28
    Brother of Nab 10 100 500 1000 20
    Brusef Amelion's Sword 14 500 250 125 28
    Burden of Agnosticism 12 450 100 40 43
    Burden of Anger 12 620 100 40 43
    Burden of Arrogance 12 620 100 40 43
    Burden of Flesh 12 1310 100 40 43
    Burden of Secrecy 12 620 100 40 43
    Burden of Sin 12 450 100 40 43
    Burz's Glass Mace 14 0 180 75 35
    Burz's Glass Mace 17 0 460 150 35
    Burz's Glass Mace 20 0 460 750 35
    Caelia's Steel Longsword 12 0 192 45 24
    Calliben's Grim Retort 18 6160 396 380 31
    Captain Kordan's Saber 15 3000 180 2500 25
    Ceremonial Dagger 7 0 400 20 4
    Chillrend 7 640 120 10 8
    Chillrend 9 1280 175 25 10
    Chillrend 13 1920 295 145 14
    Chillrend 17 2480 450 670 18
    Chillrend 19 3200 525 1400 20
    Chillrend 21 4160 615 2900 22
    Claymore of Blizzards 24 1600 624 2200 56
    Claymore of Brittleness 20 1200 440 600 44
    Claymore of Burning 14 300 224 80 26
    Claymore of Cold 18 800 360 310 38
    Claymore of Depletion 16 800 288 130 38
    Claymore of Depletion 20 1200 440 600 44
    Claymore of Disintegration 26 1600 728 4000 62
    Claymore of Dispel 16 800 288 130 38
    Claymore of Embers 12 300 168 40 22
    Claymore of Fire 22 1200 528 1150 50
    Claymore of Flames 20 1200 440 600 44
    Claymore of Fracturing 22 1200 528 1150 50
    Claymore of Fragments 18 800 360 310 38
    Claymore of Freezing 20 1200 440 600 44
    Claymore of Frost 12 300 168 40 22
    Claymore of Jinxing 16 800 288 130 38
    Claymore of Jolts 14 300 224 80 26
    Claymore of Lightning 24 1600 624 2200 56
    Claymore of Numbing 14 300 224 80 26
    Claymore of Pain 18 800 360 310 38
    Claymore of Sapping 16 800 288 130 38
    Claymore of Scorching 18 800 360 310 38
    Claymore of Shattering 24 1600 624 2200 56
    Claymore of Shocking 18 800 360 310 38
    Claymore of Sparks 12 300 168 40 22
    Claymore of Storms 26 1600 728 4000 62
    Claymore of the Blaze 24 1600 624 2200 56
    Claymore of the Dynamo 22 1200 528 1150 50
    Claymore of the Glacier 22 1200 528 1150 50
    Claymore of the Inferno 26 1600 728 4000 62
    Claymore of Voltage 20 1200 440 600 44
    Claymore of Weariness 12 300 168 40 22
    Claymore of Winter 26 1600 728 4000 62
    Club 7 0 70 3 8
    Club 7 0 70 3 8
    Cursed Mace 10 0 4200 320 43
    Daedric Arrow 15 0 35 0.25
    Daedric Battle Axe 26 0 728 3800 76
    Daedric Bow 20 0 420 3200 22
    Daedric Bow 20 0 420 3200 22
    Daedric Claymore 26 0 728 4000 62
    Daedric Dagger 19 0 532 2700 10
    Daedric Longsword 24 0 672 3100 48
    Daedric Longsword 24 0 672 3100 48
    Daedric Mace 24 0 672 3200 43
    Daedric Shortsword 21 0 588 2900 22
    Daedric War Axe 22 0 616 3100 40
    Daedric Warhammer 28 0 784 5000 93
    Dagger of Absorption 15 1200 360 570 8
    Dagger of Blizzards 17 1600 442 1250 9
    Dagger of Brittleness 13 1200 286 260 7
    Dagger of Burning 7 300 112 20 4
    Dagger of Cold 11 800 220 110 6
    Dagger of Depletion 9 800 162 40 5
    Dagger of Depletion 13 1200 286 260 7
    Dagger of Diminishing 7 300 112 20 4
    Dagger of Discipline 9 300 70 0 5
    Dagger of Disintegration 19 1600 532 2700 10
    Dagger of Dispel 9 800 162 40 5
    Dagger of Embers 5 300 360 6 3
    Dagger of Enfeeblement 11 800 220 110 6
    Dagger of Fire 15 1200 360 570 8
    Dagger of Flames 13 1200 286 260 7
    Dagger of Fracturing 15 1200 360 570 8
    Dagger of Fragments 11 800 220 110 6
    Dagger of Freezing 13 1200 286 260 7
    Dagger of Frost 5 300 360 6 3
    Dagger of Jinxing 9 800 162 40 5
    Dagger of Jolts 7 300 112 20 4
    Dagger of Lightning 17 1600 442 1250 9
    Dagger of Numbing 7 300 112 20 4
    Dagger of Pacification 5 800 360 6 3
    Dagger of Pain 11 800 220 110 6
    Dagger of Paralysis 19 1600 532 2700 10
    Dagger of Sapping 9 800 162 40 5
    Dagger of Scorching 11 800 220 110 6
    Dagger of Shattering 17 1600 442 1250 9
    Dagger of Shocking 11 800 220 110 6
    Dagger of Sparks 5 300 360 6 3
    Dagger of Storms 19 1600 532 2700 10
    Dagger of the Blaze 17 1600 442 1250 9
    Dagger of the Dynamo 15 1200 360 570 8
    Dagger of the Glacier 15 1200 360 570 8
    Dagger of the Inferno 19 1600 532 2700 10
    Dagger of Voltage 13 1200 286 260 7
    Dagger of Weakness 13 1200 286 260 7
    Dagger of Weariness 5 300 360 6 3
    Dagger of Winter 19 1600 532 2700 10
    Dalvilu Cermonial Dagger 7 0 400 20 4
    Debaser 13 2400 250 90 22
    Debaser 16 3600 350 200 32
    Debaser 20 4800 510 840 40
    Debaser 22 6000 605 1700 44
    Debaser 24 7200 705 3100 48
    Debaser 11 1200 180 40 18
    Defiler 12 800 216 60 20
    Destarine's Cleaver 15 3000 350 2400 26
    Dragon's Bow 14 1200 264 360 16
    Dremora Barbed Arrow 12 0 4 2
    Dremora Bow 10 0 80 28 22
    Dremora Broadhead Arrow 10 0 2 1.5
    Dremora Claymore 22 0 340 575 62
    Dremora Field Arrow 8 0 1 1
    Dremora Heavy Bow 14 0 240 180 22
    Dremora Light Bow 8 0 60 6 22
    Dremora Longsword 16 0 150 100 48
    Dremora Mace 12 0 100 40 43
    Dwarven Arrow 11 0 5 0.15
    Dwarven Battle Axe 18 0 360 300 48
    Dwarven Bow 12 0 220 155 14
    Dwarven Bow 12 0 220 155 14
    Dwarven Bow Replica 1 0 1 0 14
    Dwarven Claymore 18 0 360 310 38
    Dwarven Claymore 18 0 360 310 38
    Dwarven Claymore Replica 1 0 1 0 38
    Dwarven Dagger 11 0 220 110 6
    Dwarven Longsword 16 0 320 200 32
    Dwarven Longsword 16 0 320 200 32
    Dwarven Mace 16 0 320 180 27
    Dwarven Shortsword 13 0 260 145 14
    Dwarven War Axe 14 0 280 165 24
    Dwarven War Axe Replica 1 0 1 0 24
    Dwarven Warhammer 20 0 400 430 57
    Ebony Arrow 14 0 20 0.2
    Ebony Battle Axe 24 0 624 2100 69
    Ebony Blade 23 3700 800 5000 46
    Ebony Bow 18 0 364 1550 20
    Ebony Bow 18 0 364 1550 20
    Ebony Claymore 24 0 624 2200 56
    Ebony Dagger 17 0 442 1250 9
    Ebony Dagger Replica 1 0 1 0 9
    Ebony Longsword 22 0 572 1700 44
    Ebony Longsword 22 0 572 1700 44
    Ebony Mace 22 0 572 1500 39
    Ebony Mace 22 0 572 1500 39
    Ebony Mace Replica 1 0 1 0 39
    Ebony Shortsword 19 0 494 1400 20
    Ebony Shortsword Replica 1 0 1 0 20
    Ebony War Axe 20 0 520 1450 36
    Ebony War Axe 20 0 520 1450 36
    Ebony Warhammer 26 0 676 2800 84
    Ebony Warhammer Replica 1 0 1 0 84
    Elven Arrow 12 0 8 0.1
    Elven Battle Axe 20 0 440 580 55
    Elven Bow 14 0 264 360 16
    Elven Bow 14 0 264 360 16
    Elven Claymore 20 0 440 600 44
    Elven Dagger 13 0 286 260 7
    Elven Long Sword 18 0 396 420 36
    Elven Long Sword 18 0 396 420 36
    Elven Mace 18 0 396 380 31
    Elven Shortsword 15 0 330 320 16
    Elven Shortsword Replica 1 0 1 0 16
    Elven War Axe 16 0 352 345 28
    Elven Warhammer 22 0 484 800 66
    Enchanted Dagger 9 10 350 40 5
    Essence of Regret 16 120 150 100 48
    Fine Iron Battle Axe 13 0 185 70 24.3
    Fine Iron Bow 9 0 123 22 7.2
    Fine Iron Claymore 13 0 185 80 19.8
    Fine Iron Dagger 6 0 77 12 2.7
    Fine Iron Longsword 11 0 154 40 18
    Fine Iron Mace 11 0 154 34 13.5
    Fine Iron Shortsword 8 0 108 20 7.2
    Fine Iron War Axe 9 0 123 26 10.8
    Fine Iron Warhammer 15 0 216 120 27
    Fine Steel Battle Axe 15 0 246 150 30.6
    Fine Steel Bow 10 0 158 60 9
    Fine Steel Claymore 15 0 246 160 23.4
    Fine Steel Dagger 8 0 123 40 3.5
    Fine Steel Longsword 13 0 211 90 21.6
    Fine Steel Mace 13 0 211 80 17.1
    Fine Steel Shortsword 10 0 158 50 9
    Fine Steel War Axe 11 0 176 70 14.4
    Fine Steel Warhammer 17 0 282 250 35.1
    Flare Arrow 9 8 2 0.1
    Frostwyrm Bow 15 500 300 500 14
    Ghost Axe 12 800 216 60 20
    Gift of Flame 12 50 100 40 43
    Gladiator's Sword 13 3600 211 90 22
    Glass Arrow 13 0 12 0.1
    Glass Battle Axe 22 0 528 1050 62
    Glass Battle Axe Replica 1 0 1 0 62
    Glass Bow 16 0 312 735 18
    Glass Bow 16 0 312 735 18
    Glass Claymore 22 0 528 1150 50
    Glass Dagger 15 0 360 570 8
    Glass Dagger Replica 1 0 1 0 8
    Glass Longsword 20 0 480 840 40
    Glass Longsword 20 0 480 840 40
    Glass Longsword Replica 1 0 1 0 40
    Glass Mace 20 0 480 750 35
    Glass Shortsword 17 0 408 670 18
    Glass Shortsword Replica 1 0 1 0 18
    Glass War Axe 18 0 432 710 32
    Glass Warhammer 24 0 576 1500 75
    Glass Warhammer 24 0 576 1500 75
    Glenroy's Akaviri Katana 18 0 240 0 18
    Goblin Shaman Staff 0 150 20 125 10
    Goblin Totem Staff 0 3000 20 6550 10
    Goldbrand 25 3000 900 5400 52
    Greater Staff of Anarchy 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Apathy 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Blundering 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Burden 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Calm 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Catastrophe 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Charm 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Confusion 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Corrosion 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Demoralize 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Dispel 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Domination 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Fatigue 0 2800 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Feeblemind 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Fire 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Fireball 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Fragility 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Frailty 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Frost 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Ice Storm 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Lethargy 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Light 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Lightning 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Open 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Ruin 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Severing 0 450 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Sickness 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Silence 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Stopping 0 2800 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Storms 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Sundering 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Taming 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Telekinesis 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of the Dazed 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of the Doomed 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of the Grave 0 3200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of the Oaf 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of the Pariah 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of the Plague 0 1200 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of the Weary 0 1600 100 100 10
    Greater Staff of Weakness 0 1600 100 100 10
    Hatreds Heart 14 1200 252 125 28
    Hatreds Heart 16 2400 320 200 32
    Hatreds Heart 18 3200 396 420 36
    Hatreds Heart 20 3600 480 840 40
    Hatreds Heart 22 4200 572 1700 44
    Hatreds Heart 24 4800 672 3100 48
    Hatreds Soul 15 1200 300 125 12
    Hatreds Soul 16 2400 320 200 12
    Hatreds Soul 18 3200 400 420 12
    Hatreds Soul 20 3600 500 840 12
    Hatreds Soul 22 4200 572 1700 12
    Hatreds Soul 24 4800 600 3100 12
    Hatreds Soul Arrow 20 100 80 0.2
    Heat of Sinfulness 16 700 150 100 48
    Honorblade of Chorrol 23 0 610 1000 44
    Hrormir's Icestaff 3 1000 30 800 12
    Hrormir's Icestaff 3 1000 30 800 12
    Immolator 20 1200 440 600 44
    Iron Arrow 8 0 1 0.1
    Iron Battle Axe 12 0 168 35 27
    Iron Bow 8 0 112 11 8
    Iron Bow 8 0 112 11 8
    Iron Claymore 12 0 168 40 22
    Iron Dagger 5 0 70 6 3
    Iron Longsword 10 0 140 20 20
    Iron Longsword 10 0 140 20 20
    Iron Mace 10 0 140 17 15
    Iron Shortsword 7 0 98 10 8
    Iron War Axe 8 0 112 13 12
    Iron War Axe 8 0 112 13 12
    Iron Warhammer 14 0 196 60 30
    Languorwine Blade 2 0 500 5 5
    Lesser Staff of Anarchy 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Apathy 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Blundering 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Burden 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Calm 0 600 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Catastrophe 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Charm 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Confusion 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Corrosion 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Demoralize 0 600 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Dispel 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Domination 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Fatigue 0 600 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Feeblemind 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Fire 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Fireball 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Fragility 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Frailty 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Frost 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Ice Storm 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Lethargy 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Light 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Lightning 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Open 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Ruin 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Severing 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Sickness 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Silence 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Stopping 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Storms 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Sundering 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Taming 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Telekinesis 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of the Dazed 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of the Doomed 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of the Grave 0 1200 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of the Oaf 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of the Pariah 0 800 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of the Plague 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of the Weary 0 450 100 100 10
    Lesser Staff of Weakness 0 800 100 100 10
    Long Sword of Brittleness 18 1200 396 420 36
    Long Sword of Depletion 18 1200 396 420 36
    Long Sword of Flames 18 1200 396 420 36
    Long Sword of Freezing 18 1200 396 420 36
    Long Sword of Voltage 18 1200 396 420 36
    Longsword of Absorption 20 1200 480 840 40
    Longsword of Blizzards 22 1600 572 1700 44
    Longsword of Burning 12 300 192 45 24
    Longsword of Cold 16 800 320 200 32
    Longsword of Depletion 14 800 252 80 28
    Longsword of Diminishing 12 300 192 45 24
    Longsword of Disintegration 24 1600 672 3100 48
    Longsword of Dispel 14 800 252 80 28
    Longsword of Embers 10 300 140 20 20
    Longsword of Enfeeblement 16 800 320 200 32
    Longsword of Fire 20 1200 480 840 40
    Longsword of Fracturing 20 1200 480 840 40
    Longsword of Fragments 16 800 320 200 32
    Longsword of Frost 14 800 160 80 28
    Longsword of Frost 10 300 140 20 20
    Longsword of Jinxing 14 800 252 80 28
    Longsword of Jolts 12 300 192 45 24
    Longsword of Lightning 22 1600 572 1700 44
    Longsword of Numbing 12 300 192 45 24
    Longsword of Pain 16 800 320 200 32
    Longsword of Sapping 14 800 252 80 28
    Longsword of Scorching 16 800 320 200 32
    Longsword of Shattering 22 1600 572 1700 44
    Longsword of Shocking 16 800 320 200 32
    Longsword of Sparks 10 300 140 20 20
    Longsword of Storms 24 1600 672 3100 48
    Longsword of the Blaze 22 1600 572 1700 44
    Longsword of the Dynamo 20 1200 480 840 40
    Longsword of the Glacier 20 1200 480 840 40
    Longsword of the Inferno 24 1600 672 3100 48
    Longsword of Weakness 18 1200 396 420 36
    Longsword of Weariness 10 300 140 20 20
    Longsword of Winter 24 1600 672 3100 48
    Mace of Abeyance 20 1200 480 750 35
    Mace of Absorption 20 1200 480 750 35
    Mace of Aversion 16 800 320 180 27
    Mace of Blizzards 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Mace of Burden 16 800 320 180 27
    Mace of Burning 12 300 192 40 19
    Mace of Cold 16 800 320 180 27
    Mace of Deadweight 24 1600 672 3200 43
    Mace of Decay 26 800 320 180 57
    Mace of Depletion 14 800 252 70 23
    Mace of Diminishing 12 300 192 40 19
    Mace of Dispel 14 800 252 70 23
    Mace of Dissolution 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Doom 10 50000 3000 120 5
    Mace of Embers 10 300 140 17 15
    Mace of Encumbrance 20 1200 480 750 35
    Mace of Enfeeblement 16 800 320 180 27
    Mace of Excess 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Mace of Feeding 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Mace of Fire 20 1200 480 750 35
    Mace of Flames 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Fracturing 20 1200 480 750 35
    Mace of Freezing 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Frost 10 300 140 17 15
    Mace of Holy Light 24 1600 672 3200 43
    Mace of Jinxing 14 800 252 70 23
    Mace of Jolts 12 300 192 40 19
    Mace of Legion 10 800 140 17 15
    Mace of Lightning 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Mace of Molag Bal 25 2200 1500 4000 45
    Mace of Numbing 12 300 192 40 19
    Mace of Overload 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Putrification 24 1600 672 3200 43
    Mace of Rending 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Mace of Repelling 10 300 140 17 15
    Mace of Sapping 14 800 252 70 23
    Mace of Scorching 16 800 320 180 27
    Mace of Shocking 16 800 320 180 27
    Mace of Siphoning 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Sparks 10 300 140 17 15
    Mace of Storms 24 1600 672 3200 43
    Mace of Strain 12 300 192 40 19
    Mace of the Blaze 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Mace of the Dynamo 20 1200 480 750 35
    Mace of the Glacier 20 1200 480 750 35
    Mace of the Inferno 24 1600 672 3200 43
    Mace of the Undead 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Mace of Transmogrify 24 1600 672 3200 43
    Mace of Turning 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Voltage 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Warding 12 300 192 40 19
    Mace of Weakness 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mace of Weight 10 300 140 17 15
    Mace of Winter 24 1600 672 3200 43
    Magebane Arrow 10 100 35 0.25
    Mage's Mace 18 1200 396 380 31
    Mages Staff 0 350 100 50 10
    Mage's Staff of Charm 10 360 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Charm 10 1080 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Charm 10 1840 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Charm 10 200 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Dispel 10 560 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Dispel 10 1640 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Dispel 10 2400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Dispel 10 400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Fire 10 800 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Fire 10 1600 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Fire 10 2400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Fire 10 3200 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Frost 10 1600 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Frost 10 2400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Frost 10 3200 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Frost 10 800 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis 10 2000 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis 10 6000 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis 10 8000 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis 10 4000 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Shock 10 1600 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Shock 10 2400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Shock 10 3200 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Shock 10 800 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Silence 10 1800 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Silence 10 3600 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Silence 10 5400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Silence 10 720 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 10 3600 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 10 5400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 10 7200 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 10 1800 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 10 3400 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 10 6600 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 10 9880 100 10 10
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 10 1360 100 10 10
    Mankar Camoran's Staff 3 1000 200 100 12
    Mankar Camoran's Staff 3 2000 200 100 12
    Mankar Camoran's Staff 3 3000 200 100 12
    Mankar Camoran's Staff 3 5000 200 100 12
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver 16 3000 240 150 24
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver 16 500 240 150 24
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver 16 1000 240 150 24
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver 16 2000 240 150 24
    Naked Axe 18 1600 360 300 48
    Nearness of Evil 12 170 100 40 43
    Northwind 15 1000 240 180 18
    Northwind 15 2000 240 180 18
    Northwind 15 3000 240 180 18
    Northwind 15 500 240 180 18
    Oblivion's Caress 16 230 150 100 48
    Oblivion's Embrace 22 710 340 575 62
    Penance of Animosity 16 400 150 100 48
    Penance of Deception 16 620 150 100 48
    Penance of Faithlessness 16 1220 150 100 48
    Penance of Hatred 16 620 150 100 48
    Penance of Larceny 16 620 150 100 48
    Penance of Pride 16 620 150 100 48
    Perdition's Wrath 18 500 400 3000 40
    Pounder 20 800 400 430 57
    Purging Flame 16 140 150 100 48
    Quality Battle Axe Ember 14 300 224 75 35
    Quality Battle Axe Shiver 14 300 224 75 35
    Quality Battle Axe Soul Trap 14 300 224 75 35
    Quality Battle Axe Spark 14 300 224 75 35
    Quintessence of Remorse 22 950 340 575 62
    Redwave 11 500 850 40 25
    Redwave 11 500 850 40 25
    Redwave 11 500 850 40 25
    Redwave 11 500 850 40 25
    Redwave 11 500 850 40 25
    Redwave 11 500 850 40 25
    Redwave 11 500 850 40 25
    Renault's Akaviri Katana 15 0 240 0 18
    Retaliation of Blood 22 80 340 575 62
    Retaliation of Spirit 22 110 340 575 62
    Retribution of Aggression 22 140 340 575 62
    Retribution of Cowardness 22 2120 340 575 62
    Retribution of Hubris 22 140 340 575 62
    Retribution of Hypocrisy 22 140 340 575 62
    Retribution of Rapacity 22 140 340 575 62
    Retribution of Treachery 22 3060 340 575 62
    Revealer of Iniquity 12 1310 100 40 43
    Rockshatter 20 1920 480 750 35
    Rockshatter 10 540 140 17 15
    Rockshatter 13 1020 211 80 17
    Rockshatter 16 1500 320 180 27
    Rockshatter 20 1920 480 750 35
    Rockshatter 22 2520 572 1500 39
    Rockshatter 24 3240 672 3200 43
    Rockshatter 10 540 140 17 15
    Rockshatter 13 1020 211 80 17
    Rockshatter 16 1500 320 180 27
    Rockshatter 22 2520 572 1500 39
    Rockshatter 24 3240 672 3200 43
    Rohssan's Antique Cutlass 10 0 40 90 25
    Rose of Sithis 9 0 2 0.1
    Rugdumph's Sword 14 1500 700 125 28
    Ruined Akaviri Katana 8 0 100 3 20
    Ruma's Staff 10 2000 100 100 10
    Rusty Iron Bow 8 0 90 10 8
    Rusty Iron Dagger 5 0 60 5 3
    Rusty Iron Dagger 3 0 35 2 3
    Rusty Iron Mace 7 0 70 6 15
    Rusty Iron Shortsword 5 0 56 3 8
    Rusty Iron War Axe 5 0 56 4 12
    Sanguine Rose 10 3000 100 10 10
    Shadowhunt 10 100 100 50 8
    Shadowhunt 10 450 100 50 8
    Shadowhunt 10 850 100 50 8
    Shadowhunt 10 1650 100 50 8
    Shadowhunt 10 3400 100 50 8
    Shadowhunt 10 6700 100 50 8
    Shadowhunt 10 9000 100 50 8
    Sharpened Cutlass 11 0 192 40 25
    Shimmerstrike 9 200 500 31 5
    Shortsword of Absorption 17 1200 408 670 18
    Shortsword of Blizzards 19 1600 494 1400 20
    Shortsword of Brittleness 15 1200 330 320 16
    Shortsword of Burning 9 300 144 25 10
    Shortsword of Cold 13 800 260 145 14
    Shortsword of Depletion 11 800 198 50 12
    Shortsword of Depletion 15 1200 330 320 16
    Shortsword of Diminishing 9 300 144 25 10
    Shortsword of Disintegration 21 1600 588 2900 22
    Shortsword of Dispel 11 800 198 50 12
    Shortsword of Embers 7 300 98 10 8
    Shortsword of Enfeeblement 13 800 260 145 14
    Shortsword of Fire 17 1200 408 670 18
    Shortsword of Flames 15 1200 330 320 16
    Shortsword of Fracturing 17 1200 408 670 18
    Shortsword of Fragments 13 800 260 145 14
    Shortsword of Freezing 15 1200 330 320 16
    Shortsword of Frost 7 300 98 10 8
    Shortsword of Jinxing 11 800 198 50 12
    Shortsword of Jolts 9 300 144 25 10
    Shortsword of Lightning 19 1600 494 1400 20
    Shortsword of Numbing 9 300 144 25 10
    Shortsword of Pain 13 800 260 145 14
    Shortsword of Paralysis 19 800 494 1400 20
    Shortsword of Sapping 11 800 198 50 12
    Shortsword of Scorching 13 800 260 145 14
    Shortsword of Shattering 19 1600 494 1400 20
    Shortsword of Shocking 13 800 260 145 14
    Shortsword of Sparks 7 300 98 10 8
    Shortsword of Storms 21 1600 588 2900 22
    Shortsword of the Blaze 19 1600 494 1400 20
    Shortsword of the Dynamo 17 1200 408 670 18
    Shortsword of the Fang 11 800 198 50 12
    Shortsword of the Glacier 17 1200 408 670 18
    Shortsword of the Inferno 21 1600 588 2900 22
    Shortsword of Voltage 15 1200 330 320 16
    Shortsword of Weakness 15 1200 330 320 16
    Shortsword of Weariness 7 300 98 10 8
    Shortsword of Winter 21 1600 588 2900 22
    Silver Arrow 10 0 3 0.1
    Silver BattleAxe 16 0 288 125 41
    Silver BattleAxe 16 0 342 125 41
    Silver Bow 10 0 180 55 12
    Silver Bow 10 0 180 55 12
    Silver Claymore 16 0 288 130 38
    Silver Dagger 9 0 162 40 5
    Silver Longsword 14 0 252 125 28
    Silver Longsword 14 0 252 125 28
    Silver Mace 14 0 252 70 23
    Silver Mace 14 0 252 70 23
    Silver Shortsword 11 0 198 50 12
    Silver Shortsword 11 0 198 50 12
    Silver War Axe 12 0 216 60 20
    Silver Warhammer 18 0 324 200 48
    Sinweaver 21 360 500 1000 55
    Skull of Corruption 10 3000 100 10 10
    Spellbreaker 14 0 700 125 28
    Staff 0 0 20 20 10
    Staff of Anarchy 0 800 100 100 10
    Staff of Apathy 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Banishment 0 4400 100 100 10
    Staff of Blundering 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Burden 0 1900 100 100 10
    Staff of Calm 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Catastrophe 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Charm 0 1100 100 100 10
    Staff of Conflagration 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Confusion 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Corrosion 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Demoralize 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Diminishing 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Discord 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Dispel 0 1900 100 100 10
    Staff of Domination 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Fatigue 0 1900 100 100 10
    Staff of Feeblemind 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Fire 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Fireball 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Flame 10 500 100 100 8
    Staff of Fragility 0 800 100 100 10
    Staff of Frailty 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Frost 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Hoarfrost 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Ice Storm 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Indarys 15 3000 100 200 5
    Staff of Indarys 15 4500 100 200 5
    Staff of Indarys 15 6000 100 200 5
    Staff of Indarys 15 7500 100 200 5
    Staff of Indarys 15 9000 100 200 5
    Staff of Indarys 15 2400 100 200 5
    Staff of Legion 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Lethargy 0 800 100 100 10
    Staff of Light 0 2200 100 100 10
    Staff of Lightning 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Nenalata 0 1400 20 100 10
    Staff of Nenalata 0 1400 20 100 10
    Staff of Nenalata 0 1400 20 100 10
    Staff of Nenalata 0 1400 20 100 10
    Staff of Nenalata 0 1400 20 100 10
    Staff of Nenalata 0 1400 20 100 10
    Staff of Open 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Pacification 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Paralyzing Burst 0 1900 100 100 10
    Staff of Ruin 0 1500 100 100 10
    Staff of Severing 0 450 100 100 10
    Staff of Shock 0 1 0 0 8
    Staff of Sickness 0 1900 100 100 10
    Staff of Silence 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Storms 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Submission 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Sundering 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of Taming 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Telekinesis 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of the Battlemage 3 500 30 10 12
    Staff of the Dazed 0 800 100 100 10
    Staff of the Doomed 0 800 100 100 10
    Staff of the Everscamp 3 0 30 0 12
    Staff of the Grave 0 1600 100 100 10
    Staff of the Healer 0 4400 100 100 10
    Staff of the Mundane 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of the Oaf 0 800 100 100 10
    Staff of the Pariah 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of the Plague 0 800 100 100 10
    Staff of the Weary 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Thunderbolts 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Unholy Terror 0 2800 100 100 10
    Staff of Vulnerability 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Weakness 0 1200 100 100 10
    Staff of Weakness 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Withering 0 3200 100 100 10
    Staff of Worms 10 5000 100 0 10
    Steel Arrow 9 0 2 0.1
    Steel Battle Axe 14 0 224 75 35
    Steel Bow 9 0 144 30 10
    Steel Bow 9 0 100 10 5
    Steel Bow 9 0 144 30 10
    Steel Claymore 14 0 224 80 26
    Steel Cutlass 11 0 192 40 25
    Steel Dagger 7 0 112 20 4
    Steel Longsword 12 0 192 45 24
    Steel Longsword 12 0 100 45 5
    Steel Longsword 12 0 192 45 24
    Steel Mace 12 0 192 40 19
    Steel Shortsword 9 0 144 25 10
    Steel Shortsword 9 0 144 25 10
    Steel War Axe 10 0 160 35 16
    Steel Warhammer 16 0 256 125 39
    Steel Warhammer 16 0 60 50 5
    Storm Bow 14 1200 264 360 16
    Stormcall Arrow 7 250 8 0.1
    Sufferthorn 9 1000 70 31 5
    Sufferthorn 9 1500 70 31 5
    Sufferthorn 9 2000 70 31 5
    Sufferthorn 9 3000 70 31 5
    Sufferthorn 9 3400 70 31 5
    Sufferthorn 9 6700 70 31 5
    Sufferthorn 9 8000 70 31 5
    Sword of Nab 14 100 200 120 20
    Sword of Submission 10 800 140 20 20
    Sword of Wounding 17 1200 408 670 18
    Tempest 24 1600 624 2200 56
    Test AE Arrow 8 30 4 0.1
    TestStaff 10 0 100 10 10
    TestStaff03 14 0 100 10 10
    Thieve's Dagger 15 1200 360 570 8
    Thornblade 13 2100 211 90 22
    Thornblade 16 3000 350 200 32
    Thornblade 20 4500 510 840 40
    Thornblade 22 6000 605 1700 44
    Thornblade 24 9000 705 3100 48
    Thornblade 11 1200 185 40 18
    Truncheon of Submission 10 3330 200 1700 8
    Umbra 28 2500 700 4500 45
    Unfinished Staff 12 0 900 50 24
    Volendrung 14 0 700 125 28
    Volendrung 20 2500 3200 4300 60
    Voltag 22 1600 572 1500 39
    Wabbajack 10 3000 100 10 10
    War Axe of Absorption 18 1200 432 710 32
    War Axe of Beguilement 18 1200 432 710 32
    War Axe of Blizzards 20 1600 520 1450 36
    War Axe of Burning 10 300 160 35 16
    War Axe of Cold 14 800 280 165 24
    War Axe of Damnation 22 1600 616 3100 40
    War Axe of Decay 14 800 280 165 24
    War Axe of Deception 16 1200 352 345 28
    War Axe of Depletion 12 800 216 60 20
    War Axe of Diminishing 10 300 160 35 16
    War Axe of Dispel 12 800 216 60 20
    War Axe of Dissolution 16 1200 352 345 28
    War Axe of Embers 8 300 112 13 12
    War Axe of Enfeeblement 14 800 280 165 24
    War Axe of Feeding 20 1600 520 1450 36
    War Axe of Fire 18 1200 432 710 32
    War Axe of Flames 16 1200 352 345 28
    War Axe of Fracturing 18 1200 432 710 32
    War Axe of Freezing 16 1200 352 345 28
    War Axe of Frost 8 300 112 13 12
    War Axe of Jinxing 12 800 216 60 20
    War Axe of Jolts 10 300 160 35 16
    War Axe of Lightning 20 1600 520 1450 36
    War Axe of Numbing 10 300 160 35 16
    War Axe of Putrification 22 1600 616 3100 40
    War Axe of Rending 20 1600 520 1450 36
    War Axe of Sapping 12 800 216 60 20
    War Axe of Scorching 14 800 280 165 24
    War Axe of Seduction 10 300 160 35 16
    War Axe of Shocking 14 800 280 165 24
    War Axe of Siphoning 16 1200 352 345 28
    War Axe of Soul Snares 20 1600 520 1450 36
    War Axe of Soul Traps 14 800 280 165 24
    War Axe of Souls 8 300 112 13 12
    War Axe of Sparks 8 300 112 13 12
    War Axe of Storms 22 1600 616 3100 40
    War Axe of the Blaze 20 1600 520 1450 36
    War Axe of the Dynamo 18 1200 432 710 32
    War Axe of the Glacier 18 1200 432 710 32
    War Axe of the Inferno 22 1600 616 3100 40
    War Axe of Transmogrify 22 1600 616 3100 40
    War Axe of Voltage 16 1200 352 345 28
    War Axe of Weakness 16 1200 352 345 28
    War Axe of Winter 22 1600 616 3100 40
    Warhammer of Abeyance 24 1200 576 1500 75
    Warhammer of Absorption 24 1200 576 1500 75
    Warhammer of Aversion 20 800 400 430 57
    Warhammer of Blizzards 26 1600 676 2800 84
    Warhammer of Burning 16 300 256 125 39
    Warhammer of Cold 20 800 400 430 57
    Warhammer of Deadweight 28 1600 784 5000 93
    Warhammer of Decay 20 800 400 430 57
    Warhammer of Depletion 18 800 324 200 48
    Warhammer of Diminishing 16 300 256 125 39
    Warhammer of Dispel 18 800 324 200 48
    Warhammer of Dissolution 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Embers 14 300 196 60 30
    Warhammer of Encumbrance 24 1200 576 1500 75
    Warhammer of Enfeeblement 20 800 400 430 57
    Warhammer of Excess 26 1600 676 2800 84
    Warhammer of Feeding 26 1600 676 2800 84
    Warhammer of Fire 24 1200 576 1500 75
    Warhammer of Flames 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Fracturing 24 1200 576 1500 75
    Warhammer of Freezing 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Frost 14 300 196 60 30
    Warhammer of Holy Light 28 1600 784 5000 93
    Warhammer of Jinxing 18 800 324 200 48
    Warhammer of Jolts 16 300 256 125 39
    Warhammer of Lightning 26 1600 676 2800 84
    Warhammer of Numbing 16 300 256 125 39
    Warhammer of Overload 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Putrification 28 1600 784 5000 93
    Warhammer of Rending 26 1600 676 2800 84
    Warhammer of Sapping 18 800 324 200 48
    Warhammer of Scorching 20 800 400 430 57
    Warhammer of Shocking 20 800 400 430 57
    Warhammer of Siphoning 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Sparks 14 300 196 60 30
    Warhammer of Storms 28 1600 784 5000 93
    Warhammer of Strain 16 300 256 125 39
    Warhammer of the Blaze 26 1600 676 2800 84
    Warhammer of the Dynamo 24 1200 576 1500 75
    Warhammer of the Glacier 24 1200 576 1500 75
    Warhammer of the Grave 14 300 196 60 30
    Warhammer of the Inferno 28 1600 784 5000 93
    Warhammer of the Undead 26 1600 676 2800 84
    Warhammer of Transmogrify 28 1600 784 5000 93
    Warhammer of Turning 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Voltage 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Warding 16 300 256 125 39
    Warhammer of Weakness 22 1200 484 800 66
    Warhammer of Weight 14 300 196 60 30
    Warhammer of Winter 28 1600 784 5000 93
    Weight of Guilt 12 340 100 40 43
    Witsplinter 6 1800 100 12 2.7
    Witsplinter 8 1980 155 40 3.5
    Witsplinter 13 2220 310 260 7
    Witsplinter 15 2460 400 570 8
    Witsplinter 17 2700 475 1250 9
    Witsplinter 19 2940 532 2700 10

    Hopsa :D Het is gekopieerd van een tabel, dus het is maar effe uitzoeken welk getal wat voorsteld :)

    EDIT: Ohja, cheats vergeten:

    Akavari Sunderblade FormID: 000CA154
    Akavari Warblade FormID: 000CA155
    Akaviri Dai-Katana FormID: 0009DAC5
    Akaviri Katana FormID: 00024DCA
    Akaviri Katana FormID: 000977C9
    Akaviri Warhammer Burden FormID: 000387B5
    Ancient Akaviri Katana FormID: 000E78E5
    Apotheosis FormID: 000CA153
    Axe of Hazards FormID: 0003CCFF
    Axe of Icy Darkness FormID: 0003BF64
    Ayleid Long Sword FormID: 00014F14
    Ayleid Mace FormID: 00014F15
    Battle Axe of Absorption FormID: 0003841F
    Battle Axe of Beguilement FormID: 0003539C
    Battle Axe of Blizzards FormID: 0002308B
    Battle Axe of Cold FormID: 000220A8
    Battle Axe of Damnation FormID: 000353C2
    Battle Axe of Decay FormID: 0003B407
    Battle Axe of Deception FormID: 0003539A
    Battle Axe of Depletion FormID: 000387AE
    Battle Axe of Diminishing FormID: 0003D7D3
    Battle Axe of Dispel FormID: 0003D7CB
    Battle Axe of Dissolution FormID: 0003B40A
    Battle Axe of Embers FormID: 0003DAE7
    Battle Axe of Enfeeblement FormID: 0003CD09
    Battle Axe of Feeding FormID: 0003B402
    Battle Axe of Fire FormID: 0003DB0C
    Battle Axe of Flames FormID: 0003DB03
    Battle Axe of Freezing FormID: 000225D9
    Battle Axe of Frost FormID: 0003DB8F
    Battle Axe of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB6F
    Battle Axe of Lightning FormID: 0002C278
    Battle Axe of Putrification FormID: 0003B40C
    Battle Axe of Rending FormID: 0003B40E
    Battle Axe of Sapping FormID: 0003D7E2
    Battle Axe of Scorching FormID: 0003DAFA
    Battle Axe of Shocking FormID: 0002B8D6
    Battle Axe of Siphoning FormID: 0003B3FF
    Battle Axe of Soul Snares FormID: 000353CA
    Battle Axe of Soul Traps FormID: 00035397
    Battle Axe of Souls FormID: 00035C27
    Battle Axe of Sparks FormID: 0002B561
    Battle Axe of Storms FormID: 0002C286
    Battle Axe of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB15
    Battle Axe of the Dynamo FormID: 0002BFFA
    Battle Axe of the Glacier FormID: 00022738
    Battle Axe of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB1E
    Battle Axe of Transmogrify FormID: 0003B403
    Battle Axe of Voltage FormID: 0002BDDD
    Battle Axe of Weakness FormID: 0003AB43
    Battle Axe of Winter FormID: 000230D9
    Battleaxe of Hatred FormID: 000CA152
    Baurus's Akaviri Katana FormID: 0006B843
    Black Bow FormID: 000908AD
    Blackwater Blade FormID: 0006B697
    Blackwater Blade FormID: 0006B698
    Blackwater Blade FormID: 0006B699
    Blackwater Blade FormID: 0006B69A
    Blackwater Blade FormID: 0006B69B
    Blackwater Blade FormID: 0000C201
    Blade of Fiery Light FormID: 0003BF60
    Blade of Woe FormID: 00022BA8
    Blade of Woe FormID: 000918FF
    Blade of Woe FormID: 00091900
    Blade of Woe FormID: 00091901
    Blade of Woe FormID: 00091902
    Blade of Woe FormID: 00091903
    Blade of Woe FormID: 00091904
    Blade of Woe FormID: 00091905
    Blizzard Bow FormID: 0003CD06
    Boreal FormID: 0003CD05
    Bound Axe FormID: 00026276
    Bound Bow FormID: 0002627D
    Bound Dagger FormID: 0002627C
    Bound Mace FormID: 00026274
    Bound Sword FormID: 00026273
    Bow of Blizzards FormID: 0002308D
    Bow of Burning FormID: 0003DAF2
    Bow of Cold FormID: 000220F6
    Bow of Curses FormID: 0003AB87
    Bow of Despair FormID: 0003AC88
    Bow of Embers FormID: 0003DAE9
    Bow of Fire FormID: 0003DB0D
    Bow of Flames FormID: 0003DB04
    Bow of Freezing FormID: 000225DA
    Bow of Frost FormID: 0003DB91
    Bow of Gloom FormID: 0003AC89
    Bow of Harm FormID: 0003AB6C
    Bow of Infernal Frost FormID: 00082DE4
    Bow of Infliction FormID: 000CA156
    Bow of Jolts FormID: 0002B585
    Bow of Lightning FormID: 0002C27A
    Bow of Numbing FormID: 0003DB7B
    Bow of Quietus FormID: 0002B558
    Bow of Scorching FormID: 0003DAFB
    Bow of Shocking FormID: 0002B8D7
    Bow of Silence FormID: 0002B559
    Bow of Sparks FormID: 0002B562
    Bow of Storms FormID: 0002C287
    Bow of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB16
    Bow of the Dynamo FormID: 0002BFFB
    Bow of the Glacier FormID: 00022854
    Bow of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB1F
    Bow of Voltage FormID: 0002BEB2
    Bow of Weariness FormID: 0003AB6B
    Bow of Winter FormID: 000230DD
    Broken Sword FormID: 0002D72B
    Brusef Amelion's Sword FormID: 000091FB
    Burden of Agnosticism FormID: 00014953
    Burden of Anger FormID: 0001494F
    Burden of Arrogance FormID: 00014950
    Burden of Flesh FormID: 00014952
    Burden of Secrecy FormID: 00014951
    Burden of Sin FormID: 00014954
    Burz's Glass Mace FormID: 000C760E
    Burz's Glass Mace FormID: 000C760F
    Burz's Glass Mace FormID: 000C7610
    Caelia's Steel Longsword FormID: 0006AA99
    Calliben's Grim Retort FormID: 000CB6F3
    Captain Kordan's Saber FormID: 000CA158
    Ceremonial Dagger FormID: 0008DA4A
    Chillrend FormID: 00068BFC
    Chillrend FormID: 00068BFD
    Chillrend FormID: 00068BFE
    Chillrend FormID: 00068BFF
    Chillrend FormID: 00068C00
    Chillrend FormID: 00068C01
    Claymore of Blizzards FormID: 00023095
    Claymore of Brittleness FormID: 0003D7BB
    Claymore of Burning FormID: 0003DAF3
    Claymore of Cold FormID: 0002224D
    Claymore of Depletion FormID: 0003AB75
    Claymore of Depletion FormID: 0003D7E8
    Claymore of Disintegration FormID: 0003D7C7
    Claymore of Dispel FormID: 0003D7CC
    Claymore of Embers FormID: 0003DAEA
    Claymore of Fire FormID: 0003DB0E
    Claymore of Flames FormID: 0003DB05
    Claymore of Fracturing FormID: 0003D7BF
    Claymore of Fragments FormID: 0003D7B8
    Claymore of Freezing FormID: 000225F6
    Claymore of Frost FormID: 0003DB73
    Claymore of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB74
    Claymore of Jolts FormID: 0002B586
    Claymore of Lightning FormID: 0002C27B
    Claymore of Numbing FormID: 0003DB7C
    Claymore of Pain FormID: 0003D7DE
    Claymore of Sapping FormID: 0003D7E3
    Claymore of Scorching FormID: 0003DAFC
    Claymore of Shattering FormID: 0003D7C3
    Claymore of Shocking FormID: 0002B8D8
    Claymore of Sparks FormID: 0002B563
    Claymore of Storms FormID: 0002C289
    Claymore of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB17
    Claymore of the Dynamo FormID: 0002BFFC
    Claymore of the Glacier FormID: 00022A2B
    Claymore of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB20
    Claymore of Voltage FormID: 0002BFF3
    Claymore of Weariness FormID: 0003D7DA
    Claymore of Winter FormID: 000230DE
    Club FormID: 00159829
    Club FormID: 0003B375
    Cursed Mace FormID: 00026F98
    Daedric Battle Axe FormID: 00035E77
    Daedric Bow FormID: 000733DD
    Daedric Bow FormID: 00035E7C
    Daedric Claymore FormID: 00035E78
    Daedric Dagger FormID: 00035E72
    Daedric Longsword FormID: 000733D8
    Daedric Longsword FormID: 00035E76
    Daedric Mace FormID: 00035E75
    Daedric Shortsword FormID: 00035E73
    Daedric War Axe FormID: 00035E74
    Daedric Warhammer FormID: 00035E79
    Dagger of Absorption FormID: 0003841A
    Dagger of Blizzards FormID: 00023098
    Dagger of Brittleness FormID: 0003D7BC
    Dagger of Burning FormID: 0003DAF4
    Dagger of Cold FormID: 0002257F
    Dagger of Depletion FormID: 000387AA
    Dagger of Depletion FormID: 0003D7E9
    Dagger of Diminishing FormID: 0003D7D4
    Dagger of Discipline FormID: 000C891F
    Dagger of Disintegration FormID: 0003D7C8
    Dagger of Dispel FormID: 0003D7CD
    Dagger of Embers FormID: 0003DAEB
    Dagger of Enfeeblement FormID: 000389E6
    Dagger of Fire FormID: 0003DB0F
    Dagger of Flames FormID: 0003DB06
    Dagger of Fracturing FormID: 0003D7C0
    Dagger of Fragments FormID: 0003D7B7
    Dagger of Freezing FormID: 000225FC
    Dagger of Frost FormID: 0003DB74
    Dagger of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB6E
    Dagger of Jolts FormID: 0002B588
    Dagger of Lightning FormID: 0002C27D
    Dagger of Numbing FormID: 0003DB7D
    Dagger of Pacification FormID: 0003BF61
    Dagger of Pain FormID: 0003D7DF
    Dagger of Paralysis FormID: 0002B560
    Dagger of Sapping FormID: 0003D7E4
    Dagger of Scorching FormID: 0003DAFD
    Dagger of Shattering FormID: 0003D7C4
    Dagger of Shocking FormID: 0002B8D9
    Dagger of Sparks FormID: 0002B564
    Dagger of Storms FormID: 0002C28D
    Dagger of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB18
    Dagger of the Dynamo FormID: 0002BFFD
    Dagger of the Glacier FormID: 00022A2C
    Dagger of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB21
    Dagger of Voltage FormID: 0002BFF4
    Dagger of Weakness FormID: 0003AB3F
    Dagger of Weariness FormID: 0003D7DB
    Dagger of Winter FormID: 000230DF
    Dalvilu Cermonial Dagger FormID: 0001ECE5
    Debaser FormID: 0006BD81
    Debaser FormID: 0006BD82
    Debaser FormID: 0006BD83
    Debaser FormID: 0006BD84
    Debaser FormID: 0006BD85
    Debaser FormID: 0001D0B4
    Defiler FormID: 0003CB6B
    Destarine's Cleaver FormID: 000CA159
    Dragon's Bow FormID: 0003CD04
    Dremora Bow FormID: 000872AA
    Dremora Claymore FormID: 0003E9C4
    Dremora Heavy Bow FormID: 000872AB
    Dremora Light Bow FormID: 000872A9
    Dremora Longsword FormID: 0003E9C3
    Dremora Mace FormID: 0003E9C2
    Dwarven Battle Axe FormID: 00035DCD
    Dwarven Bow FormID: 000733DB
    Dwarven Bow FormID: 00035DCE
    Dwarven Bow Replica FormID: 000C7979
    Dwarven Claymore FormID: 00035DCF
    Dwarven Claymore FormID: 000977CA
    Dwarven Claymore Replica FormID: 000C5606
    Dwarven Dagger FormID: 00035DD0
    Dwarven Longsword FormID: 000732B6
    Dwarven Longsword FormID: 00035DD1
    Dwarven Mace FormID: 00035DD2
    Dwarven Shortsword FormID: 00035DD3
    Dwarven War Axe FormID: 00035DD4
    Dwarven War Axe Replica FormID: 000C5602
    Dwarven Warhammer FormID: 00035DD5
    Ebony Battle Axe FormID: 00035E6F
    Ebony Blade FormID: 00027109
    Ebony Bow FormID: 00035E7B
    Ebony Bow FormID: 000977D0
    Ebony Claymore FormID: 00035E70
    Ebony Dagger FormID: 00035E6A
    Ebony Dagger Replica FormID: 000C5616
    Ebony Longsword FormID: 000732DE
    Ebony Longsword FormID: 00035E6E
    Ebony Mace FormID: 00035E6D
    Ebony Mace FormID: 000977CE
    Ebony Mace Replica FormID: 000C561F
    Ebony Shortsword FormID: 00035E6B
    Ebony Shortsword Replica FormID: 000C798A
    Ebony War Axe FormID: 00035E6C
    Ebony War Axe FormID: 000977CF
    Ebony Warhammer FormID: 00035E71
    Ebony Warhammer Replica FormID: 000C5604
    Elven Battle Axe FormID: 00035E67
    Elven Bow FormID: 000229BF
    Elven Bow FormID: 000977CC
    Elven Claymore FormID: 00035E68
    Elven Dagger FormID: 00035E63
    Elven Long Sword FormID: 000229B3
    Elven Long Sword FormID: 000977CD
    Elven Long Sword Replica FormID: 000C55FF
    Elven Mace FormID: 00035E66
    Elven Shortsword FormID: 00035E64
    Elven Shortsword Replica FormID: 000C7985
    Elven War Axe FormID: 00035E65
    Elven Warhammer FormID: 00035E69
    Enchanted Dagger FormID: 0003FBCE
    Essence of Regret FormID: 00014963
    Fine Iron Battle Axe FormID: 0003A85F
    Fine Iron Bow FormID: 0003A860
    Fine Iron Claymore FormID: 0003A861
    Fine Iron Dagger FormID: 0003A862
    Fine Iron Longsword FormID: 0003A863
    Fine Iron Mace FormID: 0003A864
    Fine Iron Shortsword FormID: 0003A865
    Fine Iron War Axe FormID: 0003A866
    Fine Iron Warhammer FormID: 0003A867
    Fine Steel Battle Axe FormID: 0003A856
    Fine Steel Bow FormID: 0003A857
    Fine Steel Claymore FormID: 0003A858
    Fine Steel Dagger FormID: 0003A859
    Fine Steel Longsword FormID: 0003A85A
    Fine Steel Mace FormID: 0003A85B
    Fine Steel Shortsword FormID: 0003A85C
    Fine Steel War Axe FormID: 0003A85D
    Fine Steel Warhammer FormID: 0003A85E
    Frostwyrm Bow FormID: 000C55E4
    Ghost Axe FormID: 0003CD07
    Gift of Flame FormID: 0001494C
    Gladiator's Sword FormID: 0003E45B
    Glass Battle Axe FormID: 00035E60
    Glass Battle Axe Replica FormID: 000C5608
    Glass Bow FormID: 000733DC
    Glass Bow FormID: 00035E7A
    Glass Claymore FormID: 00035E61
    Glass Dagger FormID: 00035E5B
    Glass Dagger Replica FormID: 000C7973
    Glass Longsword FormID: 000732DD
    Glass Longsword FormID: 00035E5F
    Glass Longsword Replica FormID: 000C5601
    Glass Mace FormID: 00035E5E
    Glass Shortsword FormID: 00035E5C
    Glass Shortsword Replica FormID: 000C7989
    Glass War Axe FormID: 00035E5D
    Glass Warhammer FormID: 00035E62
    Glass Warhammer FormID: 000977CB
    Glenroy's Akaviri Katana FormID: 00022F82
    Goblin Shaman Staff FormID: 00066C45
    Goblin Totem Staff FormID: 000AA01F
    Goldbrand FormID: 00027105
    Greater Staff of Anarchy FormID: 00091322
    Greater Staff of Apathy FormID: 000912EC
    Greater Staff of Blundering FormID: 000912D4
    Greater Staff of Burden FormID: 000912BF
    Greater Staff of Calm FormID: 000912C2
    Greater Staff of Catastrophe FormID: 000912E3
    Greater Staff of Charm FormID: 000912C8
    Greater Staff of Confusion FormID: 000912F2
    Greater Staff of Corrosion FormID: 000912FC
    Greater Staff of Demoralize FormID: 000912F6
    Greater Staff of Dispel FormID: 000912FF
    Greater Staff of Domination FormID: 000912D1
    Greater Staff of Fatigue FormID: 000912DA
    Greater Staff of Feeblemind FormID: 000912D7
    Greater Staff of Fire FormID: 00091326
    Greater Staff of Fireball FormID: 00091329
    Greater Staff of Fragility FormID: 0009131F
    Greater Staff of Frailty FormID: 000912EF
    Greater Staff of Frost FormID: 0009132C
    Greater Staff of Ice Storm FormID: 0009132F
    Greater Staff of Lethargy FormID: 0009131C
    Greater Staff of Light FormID: 00091332
    Greater Staff of Lightning FormID: 000914B6
    Greater Staff of Open FormID: 00091335
    Greater Staff of Ruin FormID: 00091302
    Greater Staff of Severing FormID: 000912E6
    Greater Staff of Sickness FormID: 000912DD
    Greater Staff of Silence FormID: 000914BC
    Greater Staff of Stopping FormID: 00091338
    Greater Staff of Storms FormID: 000914B9
    Greater Staff of Sundering FormID: 00091316
    Greater Staff of Taming FormID: 000912CE
    Greater Staff of Telekinesis FormID: 000914BF
    Greater Staff of the Dazed FormID: 00091310
    Greater Staff of the Doomed FormID: 00091313
    Greater Staff of the Grave FormID: 000914C2
    Greater Staff of the Oaf FormID: 00091305
    Greater Staff of the Pariah FormID: 000912E9
    Greater Staff of the Plague FormID: 00091308
    Greater Staff of the Weary FormID: 0009130A
    Greater Staff of Weakness FormID: 000912E1
    Hatreds Heart FormID: 00014836
    Hatreds Heart FormID: 00014C6C
    Hatreds Heart FormID: 00014C6D
    Hatreds Heart FormID: 00014C6E
    Hatreds Heart FormID: 00014C6F
    Hatreds Heart FormID: 00014C70
    Hatreds Soul FormID: 00014D65
    Hatreds Soul FormID: 00014D66
    Hatreds Soul FormID: 00014D67
    Hatreds Soul FormID: 00014D68
    Hatreds Soul FormID: 00014D69
    Hatreds Soul FormID: 00014D6A
    Heat of Sinfulness FormID: 00014960
    Honorblade of Chorrol FormID: 00028BA0
    Hrormir's Icestaff FormID: 00002DDF
    Hrormir's Icestaff FormID: 00047372
    Immolator FormID: 0003CD01
    Iron Battle Axe FormID: 00000D7F
    Iron Bow FormID: 00025231
    Iron Bow FormID: 000977C6
    Iron Claymore FormID: 0001C6CD
    Iron Dagger FormID: 00019171
    Iron Longsword FormID: 00000C0C
    Iron Longsword FormID: 000977D1
    Iron Mace FormID: 00000D82
    Iron Shortsword FormID: 00000C0D
    Iron War Axe FormID: 00000D81
    Iron War Axe FormID: 000977C8
    Iron Warhammer FormID: 00019172
    Languorwine Blade FormID: 00028277
    Lesser Staff of Anarchy FormID: 00091323
    Lesser Staff of Apathy FormID: 000912ED
    Lesser Staff of Blundering FormID: 000912D2
    Lesser Staff of Burden FormID: 000912D8
    Lesser Staff of Calm FormID: 000912C0
    Lesser Staff of Catastrophe FormID: 000912E4
    Lesser Staff of Charm FormID: 000912C6
    Lesser Staff of Confusion FormID: 000912F3
    Lesser Staff of Corrosion FormID: 000912FA
    Lesser Staff of Demoralize FormID: 000912F4
    Lesser Staff of Dispel FormID: 000912FD
    Lesser Staff of Domination FormID: 000912CF
    Lesser Staff of Fatigue FormID: 000912DB
    Lesser Staff of Feeblemind FormID: 000912E0
    Lesser Staff of Fire FormID: 00091324
    Lesser Staff of Fireball FormID: 00091327
    Lesser Staff of Fragility FormID: 00091320
    Lesser Staff of Frailty FormID: 000912F0
    Lesser Staff of Frost FormID: 0009132A
    Lesser Staff of Ice Storm FormID: 0009132D
    Lesser Staff of Lethargy FormID: 0009131D
    Lesser Staff of Light FormID: 00091330
    Lesser Staff of Lightning FormID: 000914CA
    Lesser Staff of Open FormID: 00091334
    Lesser Staff of Ruin FormID: 00091300
    Lesser Staff of Severing FormID: 000912E7
    Lesser Staff of Sickness FormID: 000912DE
    Lesser Staff of Silence FormID: 000914BA
    Lesser Staff of Stopping FormID: 00091336
    Lesser Staff of Storms FormID: 000914B7
    Lesser Staff of Sundering FormID: 00091317
    Lesser Staff of Taming FormID: 000912CC
    Lesser Staff of Telekinesis FormID: 000914BD
    Lesser Staff of the Dazed FormID: 00091311
    Lesser Staff of the Doomed FormID: 00091314
    Lesser Staff of the Grave FormID: 000914C0
    Lesser Staff of the Oaf FormID: 00091303
    Lesser Staff of the Pariah FormID: 000912EA
    Lesser Staff of the Plague FormID: 00091306
    Lesser Staff of the Weary FormID: 00091309
    Lesser Staff of Weakness FormID: 000912D5
    Long Sword of Brittleness FormID: 0003D7BD
    Long Sword of Depletion FormID: 0003D7EA
    Long Sword of Flames FormID: 0003DB07
    Long Sword of Freezing FormID: 0002263D
    Long Sword of Voltage FormID: 0002BFF5
    Longsword of Absorption FormID: 0003841D
    Longsword of Blizzards FormID: 000230A6
    Longsword of Burning FormID: 0003DAF5
    Longsword of Cold FormID: 00022580
    Longsword of Depletion FormID: 000387AC
    Longsword of Diminishing FormID: 0003D7D5
    Longsword of Disintegration FormID: 0003D7C9
    Longsword of Dispel FormID: 0003D7CE
    Longsword of Embers FormID: 0003DAEC
    Longsword of Enfeeblement FormID: 000389E8
    Longsword of Fire FormID: 0003DB10
    Longsword of Fracturing FormID: 0003D7C1
    Longsword of Fragments FormID: 0003D7B9
    Longsword of Frost FormID: 000B0705
    Longsword of Frost FormID: 0003DB75
    Longsword of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB70
    Longsword of Jolts FormID: 0002B589
    Longsword of Lightning FormID: 0002C27E
    Longsword of Numbing FormID: 0003DB7E
    Longsword of Pain FormID: 0003D7E0
    Longsword of Sapping FormID: 0003D7E5
    Longsword of Scorching FormID: 0003DAFE
    Longsword of Shattering FormID: 0003D7C5
    Longsword of Shocking FormID: 0002B8DD
    Longsword of Sparks FormID: 0002B565
    Longsword of Storms FormID: 0002C28F
    Longsword of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB19
    Longsword of the Dynamo FormID: 0002C00C
    Longsword of the Glacier FormID: 00022A2E
    Longsword of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB22
    Longsword of Weakness FormID: 0003AB41
    Longsword of Weariness FormID: 0003D7DC
    Longsword of Winter FormID: 000230E0
    Mace of Abeyance FormID: 000359E7
    Mace of Absorption FormID: 0003841C
    Mace of Aversion FormID: 000353D1
    Mace of Blizzards FormID: 000230AB
    Mace of Burden FormID: 000387B6
    Mace of Burning FormID: 0003DAF6
    Mace of Cold FormID: 0002258C
    Mace of Deadweight FormID: 000387BE
    Mace of Decay FormID: 0003AF07
    Mace of Depletion FormID: 000387AD
    Mace of Diminishing FormID: 0003D7D6
    Mace of Dispel FormID: 0003D7CF
    Mace of Dissolution FormID: 0003AF08
    Mace of Embers FormID: 0003DAED
    Mace of Encumbrance FormID: 000387BA
    Mace of Enfeeblement FormID: 000389E9
    Mace of Excess FormID: 000387BC
    Mace of Feeding FormID: 000387A8
    Mace of Fire FormID: 0003DB11
    Mace of Flames FormID: 0003DB08
    Mace of Fracturing FormID: 0003AF0A
    Mace of Freezing FormID: 00022642
    Mace of Frost FormID: 0003DB76
    Mace of Holy Light FormID: 00035A64
    Mace of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB73
    Mace of Jolts FormID: 0002B58A
    Mace of Legion FormID: 0003BF65
    Mace of Lightning FormID: 0002C280
    Mace of Molag Bal FormID: 00027117
    Mace of Numbing FormID: 0003DB7F
    Mace of Overload FormID: 000387B7
    Mace of Putrification FormID: 0003AF0D
    Mace of Rending FormID: 0003AF0E
    Mace of Repelling FormID: 000353CC
    Mace of Sapping FormID: 0003D7E6
    Mace of Scorching FormID: 0003DAFF
    Mace of Shocking FormID: 0002BAAA
    Mace of Siphoning FormID: 000387A7
    Mace of Sparks FormID: 0002B566
    Mace of Storms FormID: 0002C290
    Mace of Strain FormID: 000387B4
    Mace of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB1A
    Mace of the Dynamo FormID: 0002C00D
    Mace of the Glacier FormID: 00022A2F
    Mace of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB23
    Mace of the Undead FormID: 00035AB3
    Mace of Transmogrify FormID: 0003B404
    Mace of Turning FormID: 000353D4
    Mace of Voltage FormID: 0002BFF6
    Mace of Warding FormID: 000353D0
    Mace of Weakness FormID: 0003AB40
    Mace of Weight FormID: 000387B1
    Mace of Winter FormID: 000230E1
    Mage's Mace FormID: 0003E45D
    Mages Staff FormID: 0002C6A8
    Mage's Staff of Charm FormID: 000E9442
    Mage's Staff of Charm FormID: 000E9443
    Mage's Staff of Charm FormID: 000E9444
    Mage's Staff of Charm FormID: 0001FE11
    Mage's Staff of Dispel FormID: 000E9445
    Mage's Staff of Dispel FormID: 000E9446
    Mage's Staff of Dispel FormID: 000E9447
    Mage's Staff of Dispel FormID: 0001FE16
    Mage's Staff of Fire FormID: 000E9448
    Mage's Staff of Fire FormID: 000E9449
    Mage's Staff of Fire FormID: 000E944A
    Mage's Staff of Fire FormID: 000E944B
    Mage's Staff of Frost FormID: 000E944C
    Mage's Staff of Frost FormID: 000E944D
    Mage's Staff of Frost FormID: 000E944E
    Mage's Staff of Frost FormID: 0001FE0F
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis FormID: 000E944F
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis FormID: 000E9450
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis FormID: 000E9451
    Mage's Staff of Paralysis FormID: 0001FE12
    Mage's Staff of Shock FormID: 000E9452
    Mage's Staff of Shock FormID: 000E9453
    Mage's Staff of Shock FormID: 000E9454
    Mage's Staff of Shock FormID: 0001FE10
    Mage's Staff of Silence FormID: 000E9455
    Mage's Staff of Silence FormID: 000E9456
    Mage's Staff of Silence FormID: 000E9457
    Mage's Staff of Silence FormID: 0001FE13
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap FormID: 000E9458
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap FormID: 000E9459
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap FormID: 000E945A
    Mage's Staff of Soul Trap FormID: 0001FE14
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis FormID: 000E945B
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis FormID: 000E945C
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis FormID: 000E945D
    Mage's Staff of Telekinesis FormID: 0001FE15
    Mankar Camoran's Staff FormID: 000477FC
    Mankar Camoran's Staff FormID: 000BE320
    Mankar Camoran's Staff FormID: 000BE321
    Mankar Camoran's Staff FormID: 000BE322
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver FormID: 00187BC0
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver FormID: 00187BC5
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver FormID: 00187BC6
    Mishaxhi's Cleaver FormID: 00187BC7
    Naked Axe FormID: 0003E45E
    Nearness of Evil FormID: 0001493D
    Northwind FormID: 00187BC1
    Northwind FormID: 00187BC2
    Northwind FormID: 00187BC3
    Northwind FormID: 00187BC4
    Oblivion's Caress FormID: 00014962
    Oblivion's Embrace FormID: 000149E2
    Penance of Animosity FormID: 00014966
    Penance of Deception FormID: 0001496A
    Penance of Faithlessness FormID: 0001496B
    Penance of Hatred FormID: 00014967
    Penance of Larceny FormID: 00014968
    Penance of Pride FormID: 00014969
    Perdition's Wrath FormID: 00082DE3
    Pounder FormID: 0003BF66
    Purging Flame FormID: 00014961
    Quality Battle Axe Ember FormID: 0003DAF1
    Quality Battle Axe Shiver FormID: 0003DB7A
    Quality Battle Axe Soul Trap FormID: 00035385
    Quality Battle Axe Spark FormID: 0002B573
    Quintessence of Remorse FormID: 000149E5
    Redwave FormID: 00095A39
    Redwave FormID: 00095A3A
    Redwave FormID: 00095A3B
    Redwave FormID: 00095A3C
    Redwave FormID: 00095A3D
    Redwave FormID: 00095A3E
    Redwave FormID: 00095A3F
    Renault's Akaviri Katana FormID: 00066C44
    Retaliation of Blood FormID: 000149ED
    Retaliation of Spirit FormID: 000149EF
    Retribution of Aggression FormID: 000149E7
    Retribution of Cowardness FormID: 000149E6
    Retribution of Hubris FormID: 000149E9
    Retribution of Hypocrisy FormID: 000149EA
    Retribution of Rapacity FormID: 000149E8
    Retribution of Treachery FormID: 000149EC
    Revealer of Iniquity FormID: 0001494E
    Rockshatter FormID: 00061421
    Rockshatter FormID: 0000CF1A
    Rockshatter FormID: 0000CF1B
    Rockshatter FormID: 0000CF1C
    Rockshatter FormID: 0000CF1D
    Rockshatter FormID: 0000CF1E
    Rockshatter FormID: 0000CF1F
    Rockshatter FormID: 00014EC2
    Rockshatter FormID: 00014EC3
    Rockshatter FormID: 00014EC4
    Rockshatter FormID: 00014EC5
    Rockshatter FormID: 00014EC6
    Rohssan's Antique Cutlass FormID: 0001C14B
    Rugdumph's Sword FormID: 0000BEA6
    Ruined Akaviri Katana FormID: 000980DF
    Ruma's Staff FormID: 0001FB1C
    Rusty Iron Bow FormID: 00047ACA
    Rusty Iron Dagger FormID: 00047AC2
    Rusty Iron Dagger FormID: 00090616
    Rusty Iron Mace FormID: 00090614
    Rusty Iron Shortsword FormID: 00090615
    Rusty Iron War Axe FormID: 00090613
    Sanguine Rose FormID: 000228EF
    Shadowhunt FormID: 00034897
    Shadowhunt FormID: 00034898
    Shadowhunt FormID: 00034899
    Shadowhunt FormID: 0003489A
    Shadowhunt FormID: 0003489B
    Shadowhunt FormID: 0003489C
    Shadowhunt FormID: 0003489D
    Sharpened Cutlass FormID: 000055AB
    Shimmerstrike FormID: 0002990E
    Shortsword of Absorption FormID: 0003841E
    Shortsword of Blizzards FormID: 000230AC
    Shortsword of Brittleness FormID: 0003D7BE
    Shortsword of Burning FormID: 0003DAF7
    Shortsword of Cold FormID: 0002259C
    Shortsword of Depletion FormID: 000387AB
    Shortsword of Depletion FormID: 0003D7EB
    Shortsword of Diminishing FormID: 0003D7D7
    Shortsword of Disintegration FormID: 0003D7CA
    Shortsword of Dispel FormID: 0003D7D0
    Shortsword of Embers FormID: 0003DAEE
    Shortsword of Enfeeblement FormID: 000389E7
    Shortsword of Fire FormID: 0003DB12
    Shortsword of Flames FormID: 0003DB09
    Shortsword of Fracturing FormID: 0003D7C2
    Shortsword of Fragments FormID: 0003D7BA
    Shortsword of Freezing FormID: 00022643
    Shortsword of Frost FormID: 0003DB77
    Shortsword of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB71
    Shortsword of Jolts FormID: 0002D72E
    Shortsword of Lightning FormID: 0002C281
    Shortsword of Numbing FormID: 0003DB80
    Shortsword of Pain FormID: 0003D7E1
    Shortsword of Paralysis FormID: 0002B55F
    Shortsword of Sapping FormID: 0003D7E7
    Shortsword of Scorching FormID: 0003DB00
    Shortsword of Shattering FormID: 0003D7C6
    Shortsword of Shocking FormID: 0002BB17
    Shortsword of Sparks FormID: 0002B567
    Shortsword of Storms FormID: 0002C292
    Shortsword of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB1B
    Shortsword of the Dynamo FormID: 0002C00E
    Shortsword of the Fang FormID: 0003CB6A
    Shortsword of the Glacier FormID: 00022EBD
    Shortsword of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB24
    Shortsword of Voltage FormID: 0002BFF7
    Shortsword of Weakness FormID: 0003AB42
    Shortsword of Weariness FormID: 0003D7DD
    Shortsword of Winter FormID: 000230E2
    Silver BattleAxe FormID: 00025221
    Silver BattleAxe FormID: 000977D2
    Silver Bow FormID: 00025227
    Silver Bow FormID: 000733DA
    Silver Claymore FormID: 00025226
    Silver Dagger FormID: 00025224
    Silver Longsword FormID: 0002521F
    Silver Longsword FormID: 000977C7
    Silver Mace FormID: 00025223
    Silver Mace FormID: 000977C4
    Silver Shortsword FormID: 00025220
    Silver Shortsword FormID: 000977C5
    Silver War Axe FormID: 00025222
    Silver Warhammer FormID: 00025225
    Sinweaver FormID: 0000172E
    Skull of Corruption FormID: 00027116
    Spellbreaker FormID: 00027112
    Staff of Anarchy FormID: 00091321
    Staff of Apathy FormID: 000912EB
    Staff of Banishment FormID: 000914D2
    Staff of Blundering FormID: 000912D3
    Staff of Burden FormID: 000912BE
    Staff of Calm FormID: 000912C1
    Staff of Catastrophe FormID: 000912E2
    Staff of Charm FormID: 000912C7
    Staff of Conflagration FormID: 000914C5
    Staff of Confusion FormID: 000912F1
    Staff of Corrosion FormID: 000912FB
    Staff of Demoralize FormID: 000912F5
    Staff of Diminishing FormID: 000914C4
    Staff of Discord FormID: 000914CD
    Staff of Dispel FormID: 000912FE
    Staff of Domination FormID: 000912D0
    Staff of Fatigue FormID: 000912D9
    Staff of Feeblemind FormID: 000912DF
    Staff of Fire FormID: 00091325
    Staff of Fireball FormID: 00091328
    Staff of Flame FormID: 0001CECC
    Staff of Fragility FormID: 0009131E
    Staff of Frailty FormID: 000912EE
    Staff of Frost FormID: 0009132B
    Staff of Hoarfrost FormID: 000914C6
    Staff of Ice Storm FormID: 0009132E
    Staff of Indarys FormID: 0006B66D
    Staff of Indarys FormID: 0006B66E
    Staff of Indarys FormID: 0006B66F
    Staff of Indarys FormID: 0006B670
    Staff of Indarys FormID: 0006B671
    Staff of Indarys FormID: 000335AF
    Staff of Legion FormID: 000914CC
    Staff of Lethargy FormID: 0009131B
    Staff of Light FormID: 00091331
    Staff of Lightning FormID: 000914B5
    Staff of Nenalata FormID: 00058EEC
    Staff of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5DC
    Staff of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5DD
    Staff of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5DE
    Staff of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5DF
    Staff of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5E0
    Staff of Open FormID: 00091333
    Staff of Pacification FormID: 000914C9
    Staff of Paralyzing Burst FormID: 00091337
    Staff of Ruin FormID: 00091301
    Staff of Severing FormID: 000912E5
    Staff of Sickness FormID: 000912DC
    Staff of Silence FormID: 000914BB
    Staff of Storms FormID: 000914B8
    Staff of Submission FormID: 000914CB
    Staff of Sundering FormID: 00091315
    Staff of Taming FormID: 000912CD
    Staff of Telekinesis FormID: 000914BE
    Staff of the Battlemage FormID: 000493BD
    Staff of the Dazed FormID: 0009130F
    Staff of the Doomed FormID: 00091312
    Staff of the Everscamp FormID: 0004F790
    Staff of the Grave FormID: 000914C1
    Staff of the Healer FormID: 000914D1
    Staff of the Mundane FormID: 000914D0
    Staff of the Oaf FormID: 00091304
    Staff of the Pariah FormID: 000912E8
    Staff of the Plague FormID: 00091307
    Staff of the Weary FormID: 0009130B
    Staff of Thunderbolts FormID: 000914C7
    Staff of Unholy Terror FormID: 00056E50
    Staff of Vulnerability FormID: 000914CF
    Staff of Weakness FormID: 000912D6
    Staff of Weakness FormID: 000914C8
    Staff of Withering FormID: 000914C3
    Staff of Worms FormID: 0004A24E
    Steel Battle Axe FormID: 000229B6
    Steel Bow FormID: 000229B7
    Steel Bow FormID: 0018ABF9
    Steel Bow FormID: 000733D9
    Steel Claymore FormID: 000229B8
    Steel Cutlass FormID: 0003AA82
    Steel Dagger FormID: 000229B9
    Steel Longsword FormID: 000229BA
    Steel Longsword FormID: 0018ABF7
    Steel Longsword FormID: 000977C3
    Steel Mace FormID: 000229BB
    Steel Shortsword FormID: 000229BC
    Steel Shortsword FormID: 00047ABF
    Steel War Axe FormID: 000229BD
    Steel Warhammer FormID: 000229BE
    Steel Warhammer FormID: 0018ABF8
    Storm Bow FormID: 0003CD08
    Sufferthorn FormID: 000347EB
    Sufferthorn FormID: 000347EC
    Sufferthorn FormID: 000347ED
    Sufferthorn FormID: 000347EE
    Sufferthorn FormID: 000347EF
    Sufferthorn FormID: 000347F0
    Sufferthorn FormID: 000347F1
    Sword of Submission FormID: 0003BF63
    Sword of Wounding FormID: 0003CD02
    Tempest FormID: 0003CCFE
    Thieve's Dagger FormID: 0003E45C
    Thornblade FormID: 0006B661
    Thornblade FormID: 0006B662
    Thornblade FormID: 0006B663
    Thornblade FormID: 0006B664
    Thornblade FormID: 0006B665
    Thornblade FormID: 000335AE
    Truncheon of Submission FormID: 000CA157
    Umbra FormID: 00026B22
    Unfinished Staff FormID: 000355A6
    Volendrung FormID: 00027108
    Volendrung FormID: 0009DB4F
    Voltag FormID: 0003BF62
    Wabbajack FormID: 000228F0
    War Axe of Absorption FormID: 00038420
    War Axe of Beguilement FormID: 0004F036
    War Axe of Blizzards FormID: 000230AD
    War Axe of Burning FormID: 0003DAF8
    War Axe of Cold FormID: 000225B4
    War Axe of Damnation FormID: 000353C5
    War Axe of Decay FormID: 0003B408
    War Axe of Deception FormID: 0003539B
    War Axe of Depletion FormID: 000387AF
    War Axe of Diminishing FormID: 0003D7D8
    War Axe of Dispel FormID: 0003D7D1
    War Axe of Dissolution FormID: 0003B409
    War Axe of Embers FormID: 0003DAEF
    War Axe of Enfeeblement FormID: 000389EB
    War Axe of Feeding FormID: 0003B401
    War Axe of Fire FormID: 0003DB13
    War Axe of Flames FormID: 0003DB0A
    War Axe of Fracturing FormID: 0003B40B
    War Axe of Freezing FormID: 00022647
    War Axe of Frost FormID: 0003DB78
    War Axe of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB72
    War Axe of Jolts FormID: 0002B58B
    War Axe of Lightning FormID: 0002C283
    War Axe of Numbing FormID: 0003DB81
    War Axe of Putrification FormID: 0003B40D
    War Axe of Rending FormID: 0003B40F
    War Axe of Sapping FormID: 0004F038
    War Axe of Scorching FormID: 0003DB01
    War Axe of Seduction FormID: 00035396
    War Axe of Shocking FormID: 0002BD0F
    War Axe of Siphoning FormID: 0003B400
    War Axe of Soul Snares FormID: 000353CB
    War Axe of Soul Traps FormID: 00035398
    War Axe of Souls FormID: 0003537A
    War Axe of Sparks FormID: 0002B571
    War Axe of Storms FormID: 0002C296
    War Axe of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB1C
    War Axe of the Dynamo FormID: 0002C020
    War Axe of the Glacier FormID: 00023003
    War Axe of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB25
    War Axe of Transmogrify FormID: 0003B405
    War Axe of Voltage FormID: 0002BFF8
    War Axe of Weakness FormID: 0003AB44
    War Axe of Winter FormID: 000230E3
    Warhammer of Abeyance FormID: 00035A24
    Warhammer of Absorption FormID: 0003841B
    Warhammer of Aversion FormID: 000353D2
    Warhammer of Blizzards FormID: 000230D3
    Warhammer of Burning FormID: 0003DAF9
    Warhammer of Cold FormID: 000225D8
    Warhammer of Deadweight FormID: 000387BD
    Warhammer of Decay FormID: 0003AF06
    Warhammer of Depletion FormID: 000387B0
    Warhammer of Diminishing FormID: 0003D7D9
    Warhammer of Dispel FormID: 0003D7D2
    Warhammer of Dissolution FormID: 0003AF09
    Warhammer of Embers FormID: 0003DAF0
    Warhammer of Encumbrance FormID: 000387B9
    Warhammer of Enfeeblement FormID: 000389EA
    Warhammer of Excess FormID: 000387BB
    Warhammer of Feeding FormID: 000387A9
    Warhammer of Fire FormID: 0003DB14
    Warhammer of Flames FormID: 0003DB0B
    Warhammer of Fracturing FormID: 0003AF0B
    Warhammer of Freezing FormID: 00022650
    Warhammer of Frost FormID: 0003DB79
    Warhammer of Holy Light FormID: 00035AAE
    Warhammer of Jinxing FormID: 0003AB6D
    Warhammer of Jolts FormID: 0002B58C
    Warhammer of Lightning FormID: 0002C284
    Warhammer of Numbing FormID: 0003DB82
    Warhammer of Overload FormID: 000387B8
    Warhammer of Putrification FormID: 0003AF0C
    Warhammer of Rending FormID: 0003AF0F
    Warhammer of Sapping FormID: 0004F03A
    Warhammer of Scorching FormID: 0003DB02
    Warhammer of Shocking FormID: 0002BD6B
    Warhammer of Siphoning FormID: 000387A6
    Warhammer of Sparks FormID: 0002B572
    Warhammer of Storms FormID: 0002C298
    Warhammer of Strain FormID: 000387B3
    Warhammer of the Blaze FormID: 0003DB1D
    Warhammer of the Dynamo FormID: 0002C025
    Warhammer of the Glacier FormID: 00023087
    Warhammer of the Grave FormID: 000353CE
    Warhammer of the Inferno FormID: 0003DB26
    Warhammer of the Undead FormID: 00035AB6
    Warhammer of Transmogrify FormID: 0003B406
    Warhammer of Turning FormID: 00035644
    Warhammer of Voltage FormID: 0002BFF9
    Warhammer of Warding FormID: 000353CF
    Warhammer of Weakness FormID: 0003AB3E
    Warhammer of Weight FormID: 000387B2
    Warhammer of Winter FormID: 000230E4
    Weight of Guilt FormID: 0001494D
    Witsplinter FormID: 0006B1B9
    Witsplinter FormID: 0006B1C0
    Witsplinter FormID: 0006B1C1
    Witsplinter FormID: 0006B1C2
    Witsplinter FormID: 0006B1C3
    Witsplinter FormID: 0006B1C4

    Aegis of Reflection FormID: 00053D77
    Aegis of the Apocalypse FormID: 000CA117
    Agronak's Raiment FormID: 0003B1DC
    Ambassador's Cuirass FormID: 0004965F
    Ancient Blades Helmet FormID: 000C8540
    Ancient Blades Shield FormID: 000C8541
    Ancient Elven Helm FormID: 000150BA
    Annealed Cuirass FormID: 0004939B
    Anvil Cuirass FormID: 0002766D
    Anvil Shield FormID: 000352C3
    Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4A
    Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4B
    Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4C
    Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4D
    Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4E
    Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4F
    Archer's Gauntlets FormID: 00049170
    Arena Heavy Raiment FormID: 000236EF
    Arena Heavy Raiment FormID: 00029921
    Arena Light Raiment FormID: 000236F0
    Arena Light Raiment FormID: 00029920
    Armor Crafter's Gauntlets FormID: 0004F3F7
    Armor of Tiber Septim FormID: 0001FECF
    Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000A55FA
    Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000A933E
    Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000BE5D1
    Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000BE5D2
    Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000BE5D3
    Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000BE5D4
    Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000BE5DA
    Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000A55FB
    Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5D5
    Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5D6
    Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5D7
    Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5D8
    Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000BE5D9
    Bands of Kwang Lao FormID: 000C47B1
    Bands of the Chosen FormID: 0003C803
    Barkeep's Gauntlets FormID: 0004950B
    Battle Medic's Cuirass FormID: 00049362
    Battlehunter Gauntlets FormID: 00049685
    Battlehunter Helmet FormID: 00049686
    Beveled Gauntlets FormID: 00049397
    Birthright of Astalon FormID: 000CA110
    Black Marsh Helmet FormID: 0004951A
    Blackwood Boots FormID: 00038514
    Blackwood Cuirass FormID: 00038510
    Blackwood Gauntlets FormID: 00038511
    Blackwood Greaves FormID: 00038512
    Blackwood Helmet FormID: 00038513
    Blackwood Shield FormID: 0003647D
    Bladefall Cuirass FormID: 00049389
    Blades Boots FormID: 00022F20
    Blades Boots FormID: 00023921
    Blades Cuirass FormID: 00022F65
    Blades Cuirass FormID: 00023318
    Blades Gauntlets FormID: 00022F6F
    Blades Gauntlets FormID: 0002391C
    Blades Greaves FormID: 00022F70
    Blades Greaves FormID: 00023329
    Blades Helmet FormID: 00000C09
    Blades Helmet FormID: 00022F71
    Blades Helmet FormID: 000738D6
    Blades Shield FormID: 00022F7F
    Blades Shield FormID: 00023922
    Blades Shield FormID: 000738D7
    Bloodworm Helm FormID: 00014673
    Bloodworm Helm FormID: 0007BE3F
    Bloodworm Helm FormID: 0007BE40
    Bloodworm Helm FormID: 0007BE41
    Bloodworm Helm FormID: 0007BE42
    Bloodworm Helm FormID: 0007BE43
    Blower's Cuirass FormID: 000A577F
    Bonfire Greaves FormID: 0004F401
    Boots of Bloody Bounding FormID: 000348A6
    Boots of Bloody Bounding FormID: 000348A7
    Boots of Bloody Bounding FormID: 000348A8
    Boots of Bloody Bounding FormID: 000348A9
    Boots of Bloody Bounding FormID: 000348AA
    Boots of Bloody Bounding FormID: 000348AB
    Boots of Bloody Bounding FormID: 000348AC
    Boots of Grounding FormID: 0004917A
    Boots of Insulation FormID: 00049160
    Boots of Legerity FormID: 0004916A
    Boots of Plain Striding FormID: 0004F3F2
    Boots of Running FormID: 00049509
    Boots of Shock Resistance FormID: 00049370
    Boots of Silence FormID: 00049173
    Boots of Soft Walking FormID: 000A5785
    Boots of the Atronach FormID: 00047892
    Boots of the Calming Sea FormID: 00049392
    Boots of the Cheetah FormID: 0004899E
    Boots of the Cutpurse FormID: 0004914E
    Boots of the Eel FormID: 000489AF
    Boots of the Forest Stalker FormID: 000A5784
    Boots of the Harbinger FormID: 00049652
    Boots of the Jument FormID: 00049667
    Boots of the Olympian FormID: 0004788D
    Boots of the Savannah FormID: 0004F3F8
    Boots of the Shark FormID: 000489B3
    Boots of the Silt~runner FormID: 00049377
    Boots of the Storm FormID: 0002C23F
    Boots of the Swift Merchant FormID: 000CA111
    Boots of the Taskmaster FormID: 0002C21E
    Boots of the Thrall FormID: 0002C215
    Boots of the Tiger FormID: 000489A6
    Boots of the Unburdened FormID: 0004951D
    Borosilicate Boots FormID: 000493A6
    Bound Boots FormID: 0002626A
    Bound Cuirass FormID: 0002626B
    Bound Gauntlets FormID: 0002626C
    Bound Greaves FormID: 00026270
    Bound Helmet FormID: 00026272
    Bound Helmet FormID: 00051B47
    Bound Mythic Dawn Armor FormID: 00033525
    Bound Shield FormID: 00026263
    Bravil Cuirass FormID: 00027673
    Bravil Shield FormID: 000352C5
    Broadhead Gauntlets FormID: 000A577A
    Broken Shield FormID: 0006E2E1
    Bruma Cuirass FormID: 00027677
    Bruma Shield FormID: 000352C7
    Brusef Amelion's Boots FormID: 0012DD1B
    Brusef Amelion's Cuirass FormID: 000091FA
    Brusef Amelion's Gauntlets FormID: 0012DD1A
    Brusef Amelion's Greaves FormID: 0012DD18
    Brusef Amelion's Helmet FormID: 0012DD19
    Brusef Amelion's Shield FormID: 0012DD1C
    Burning Shield FormID: 00049688
    Canopy Helmet FormID: 00049388
    Cave Diver's Helmet FormID: 00049684
    Cave Scout Helmet FormID: 00049676
    Cavern Guide Gauntlets FormID: 00049674
    Chainmail Boots FormID: 0001C6D4
    Chainmail Cuirass FormID: 0001C6D3
    Chainmail Gauntlets FormID: 0001C6D6
    Chainmail Greaves FormID: 0001C6D5
    Chainmail Helmet FormID: 000977BC
    Chainmail Helmet FormID: 0001C6D7
    Chameleon Cuirass FormID: 00049165
    Cheydinhal Cuirass FormID: 00027678
    Cheydinhal Shield FormID: 000352C9
    Chorrol Cuirass FormID: 00027679
    Chorrol Shield FormID: 000352CB
    Clannfear Hide Shield FormID: 0004F3F9
    Clear Sight Gauntlets FormID: 000A577C
    Copperhead Cuirass FormID: 0004915F
    Crystal Greaves FormID: 0004939A
    Crystalline Cuirass FormID: 00049393
    Cuirass of Anu's Blessing FormID: 00049380
    Cuirass of Battle FormID: 00049672
    Cuirass of Cleansing FormID: 000493A5
    Cuirass of Fortitude FormID: 0002C218
    Cuirass of Health FormID: 0004916C
    Cuirass of Lifeblood FormID: 0004966C
    Cuirass of Natural Assi~milation FormID: 0004938B
    Cuirass of Pain Resistance FormID: 0004969B
    Cuirass of Poison Blood FormID: 0004969D
    Cuirass of Protection FormID: 00049179
    Cuirass of Resilience FormID: 00049520
    Cuirass of Resistance FormID: 00049515
    Cuirass of Skill FormID: 0004950C
    Cuirass of Tenacity FormID: 0004968A
    Cuirass of the Assassin FormID: 00049147
    Cuirass of the Bear FormID: 0004899F
    Cuirass of the Blood Legion FormID: 0002C223
    Cuirass of the Cameleon FormID: 00048997
    Cuirass of the Cave Viper FormID: 0004967C
    Cuirass of the Cobra FormID: 000489AE
    Cuirass of the Diplomat FormID: 00049660
    Cuirass of the Elephant FormID: 000489AD
    Cuirass of the Farlands Trader FormID: 000A577E
    Cuirass of the Fox FormID: 000489A4
    Cuirass of the Herald FormID: 00049521
    Cuirass of the Jugger~naut FormID: 00049692
    Cuirass of the Pit Viper FormID: 0002C23B
    Cuirass of the Ranger FormID: 00049378
    Cuirass of the Spy FormID: 00049359
    Cuirass of the Thief~catcher FormID: 0004914F
    Cuirass of the Undefeated FormID: 0002C21B
    Cuirass of Vitality FormID: 0004966A
    Cured Shield FormID: 0004914C
    Daedric Boots FormID: 00036359
    Daedric Cuirass FormID: 0003635B
    Daedric Gauntlets FormID: 0000C582
    Daedric Gauntlets FormID: 00036358
    Daedric Greaves FormID: 0003635A
    Daedric Helmet FormID: 000733F4
    Daedric Helmet FormID: 00036357
    Daedric Shield FormID: 000733F0
    Daedric Shield FormID: 0003635C
    Darksplitter Helmet FormID: 00049696
    Deathmarch Greaves FormID: 0002C21A
    Deepdweller's Shield FormID: 00049668
    Deer Skin Gauntlets FormID: 00048999
    Deer Skin Helmet FormID: 0004899B
    Defender's Shield FormID: 00049670
    Dondoran's Juggernaut FormID: 000CA10F
    Dremora Caitiff Boots FormID: 0003E9BA
    Dremora Caitiff Cuirass FormID: 0003E9BE
    Dremora Caitiff Greaves FormID: 0003E9BF
    Dremora Caitiff Helmet FormID: 0008B882
    Dremora Caitiff Robe FormID: 00066A34
    Dremora Caitiff Shield FormID: 0003E9C0
    Dremora Churl Boots FormID: 0003E9B9
    Dremora Churl Cuirass FormID: 0003E9BD
    Dremora Churl Greaves FormID: 0003E9BC
    Dremora Churl Robe FormID: 00066A33
    Dremora Kynmarcher Boots FormID: 0003E9B3
    Dremora Kynmarcher Cuirass FormID: 0003E9B4
    Dremora Kynmarcher Greaves FormID: 0003E9B5
    Dremora Kynmarcher Helmet FormID: 0008B88C
    Dremora Kynmarcher Helmet FormID: 0008B88D
    Dremora Kynmarcher Robe FormID: 00066A38
    Dremora Kynreeve Boots FormID: 0003E9AF
    Dremora Kynreeve Cuirass FormID: 0003E9B0
    Dremora Kynreeve Greaves FormID: 0003E9B1
    Dremora Kynreeve Helmet FormID: 0008B88A
    Dremora Kynreeve Helmet FormID: 0000C57D
    Dremora Kynreeve Robe FormID: 00066A36
    Dremora Kynreeve Shield FormID: 0000C57E
    Dremora Kynreeve Shield FormID: 0003E9B2
    Dremora Kynval Boots FormID: 0003E9BB
    Dremora Kynval Cuirass FormID: 0003E9C1
    Dremora Kynval Greaves FormID: 0003E9AE
    Dremora Kynval Helmet FormID: 0008B888
    Dremora Kynval Robe FormID: 00066A35
    Dremora Markynaz Boots FormID: 0000C57F
    Dremora Markynaz Boots FormID: 0003E9B6
    Dremora Markynaz Cuirass FormID: 0000C580
    Dremora Markynaz Cuirass FormID: 0003E9B7
    Dremora Markynaz Greaves FormID: 0000C581
    Dremora Markynaz Greaves FormID: 0003E9B8
    Dremora Markynaz Robe FormID: 00066A39
    Dremora Valkynaz Robe FormID: 00066A3A
    Dwarven Boots FormID: 00036347
    Dwarven Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C5610
    Dwarven Cuirass FormID: 00036349
    Dwarven Gauntlets FormID: 00036346
    Dwarven Greaves FormID: 00036348
    Dwarven Helmet FormID: 000733F1
    Dwarven Helmet FormID: 00036345
    Dwarven Shield FormID: 000733EE
    Dwarven Shield FormID: 0003634A
    Dwarvenskin Shield FormID: 0002C220
    Eagle Feather Shield FormID: 000489AA
    Ebony Boots FormID: 00036353
    Ebony Ceremonial Gauntlets FormID: 000C5615
    Ebony Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C561E
    Ebony Cuirass FormID: 0002AD85
    Ebony Gauntlets FormID: 00036352
    Ebony Greaves FormID: 00036354
    Ebony Helmet FormID: 000733F3
    Ebony Helmet FormID: 00036351
    Ebony Shield FormID: 000733EF
    Ebony Shield FormID: 00036356
    Elven Boots FormID: 0002299F
    Elven Boots FormID: 00014F13
    Elven Ceremonial Cuirass FormID: 000C55FE
    Elven Ceremonial Helmet FormID: 000CAB65
    Elven Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C7984
    Elven Cuirass FormID: 0002299C
    Elven Cuirass FormID: 00014F0D
    Elven Gauntlets FormID: 0002299E
    Elven Gauntlets FormID: 00014F10
    Elven Greaves FormID: 0002299D
    Elven Greaves FormID: 00014F11
    Elven Helmet FormID: 000229A1
    Elven Helmet FormID: 000733E5
    Elven Helmet FormID: 00014F12
    Elven Shield FormID: 000229A0
    Elven Shield FormID: 000977C1
    Emperor's Boots FormID: 0001FECE
    Emperor's Cuirass FormID: 0003ABB9
    Emperor's Gauntlets FormID: 0001FED0
    Emperor's Greaves FormID: 0001FED1
    Emperor's Helmet FormID: 0001FED2
    Emperor's Robe FormID: 0000C4D5
    Enchanterbane Helmet FormID: 00049514
    Escutcheon of Chorrol FormID: 0008B07D
    Escutcheon of Chorrol FormID: 0006BDFA
    Escutcheon of Chorrol FormID: 0006BDFB
    Escutcheon of Chorrol FormID: 0006BDFC
    Escutcheon of Chorrol FormID: 0006BDFD
    Escutcheon of Chorrol FormID: 0006BDFE
    Extinguishing Shield FormID: 0004951E
    Eyes of Akatosh FormID: 0004951B
    Fence Cuirass FormID: 00049154
    Ferocious Cuirass FormID: 0004968C
    Fin Gleam FormID: 00082DD8
    Fire Greaves FormID: 00049512
    Fire Ritual Greaves FormID: 00049699
    Firewalker Greaves FormID: 00049176
    Fists of the Drunkard FormID: 000CA11A
    Flamewalker Greaves FormID: 0002C229
    Fleetfoot Boots FormID: 00049360
    Flowing Greaves FormID: 0004939C
    Footpad's Boots FormID: 00049156
    Forgemaster's Gauntlets FormID: 00049523
    Fortress Shield FormID: 00049653
    Frost Shield FormID: 00049656
    Frozen Shield FormID: 00049693
    Fur Boots FormID: 00024767
    Fur Cuirass FormID: 00024766
    Fur Gauntlets FormID: 00024765
    Fur Greaves FormID: 00024764
    Fur Helmet FormID: 00024768
    Fur Helmet FormID: 000733E2
    Fur Shield FormID: 00025056
    Fur Shield FormID: 000977BE
    Gauntlets of Blinding Speed FormID: 00047891
    Gauntlets of Brutality FormID: 00049691
    Gauntlets of Brutality FormID: 0002C217
    Gauntlets of Force FormID: 0004F3F3
    Gauntlets of Gluttony FormID: 000CA11C
    Gauntlets of Infiltration FormID: 00049155
    Gauntlets of Life Detection FormID: 00049167
    Gauntlets of Life Seeing FormID: 0004935C
    Gauntlets of Life Sight FormID: 0004937C
    Gauntlets of Lockbreaking FormID: 000A5780
    Gauntlets of Might FormID: 00049669
    Gauntlets of Passing FormID: 000A5781
    Gauntlets of Potence FormID: 0004951F
    Gauntlets of Punishment FormID: 0002C221
    Gauntlets of Revelation FormID: 00049507
    Gauntlets of Survival FormID: 0004969A
    Gauntlets of the Battle~mage FormID: 00047894
    Gauntlets of the Equinox FormID: 0004936C
    Gauntlets of the Forge FormID: 00049524
    Gauntlets of the Fray FormID: 00049671
    Gauntlets of the Gladiator FormID: 00049654
    Gauntlets of the Horker FormID: 000489AB
    Gauntlets of the Hunter FormID: 0004F3F0
    Gauntlets of the North FormID: 0004965D
    Gauntlets of the Pugilist FormID: 0004789B
    Gauntlets of the Rat FormID: 000489A5
    Gauntlets of the Scout FormID: 0004914A
    Gauntlets of the Sentinel FormID: 00049665
    Gauntlets of the Tundra FormID: 0004915C
    Gauntlets of the Weaponmaster FormID: 0004788C
    Gauntlets of the Woodsman FormID: 000489A3
    Gauntlets of Vigor FormID: 00049500
    Gauntlets of Winter FormID: 0004F402
    General's Cuirass FormID: 00049655
    General's Shield FormID: 00049369
    Glass Boots FormID: 00036341
    Glass Ceremonial Cuirass FormID: 000C560B
    Glass Ceremonial Gauntlets FormID: 000C560D
    Glass Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C560E
    Glass Cuirass FormID: 00036343
    Glass Gauntlets FormID: 00036340
    Glass Greaves FormID: 00036342
    Glass Helmet FormID: 000733E6
    Glass Helmet FormID: 0003633F
    Glass Shield FormID: 000733E1
    Glass Shield FormID: 00036344
    Gloves of the Caster FormID: 00047893
    Greaves of Canyon Striding FormID: 00049364
    Greaves of Fire Resistance FormID: 0004936B
    Greaves of Fluid Motion FormID: 000493A4
    Greaves of Free Movement FormID: 0004936F
    Greaves of Freedom FormID: 0004F404
    Greaves of Grace FormID: 0004937D
    Greaves of Legerity FormID: 00049169
    Greaves of Movement FormID: 0004938A
    Greaves of Poise FormID: 00049398
    Greaves of Proficiency FormID: 00049365
    Greaves of Protection FormID: 00049382
    Greaves of Purity FormID: 000493AB
    Greaves of Quickness FormID: 0004914D
    Greaves of Resilient Flesh FormID: 000478A3
    Greaves of Shaded Rest FormID: 00049387
    Greaves of Skill FormID: 00049152
    Greaves of Spell Absorption FormID: 0004917E
    Greaves of Spell Consumption FormID: 00049376
    Greaves of the Acrobat FormID: 0004916E
    Greaves of the Cat FormID: 0004899D
    Greaves of the Deep Dweller FormID: 00049679
    Greaves of the Everlasting FormID: 0004937F
    Greaves of the Flame FormID: 0004965C
    Greaves of the Foot~soldier FormID: 0004916F
    Greaves of the Kiln FormID: 000493A1
    Greaves of the Laborer FormID: 0004966B
    Greaves of the Monkey FormID: 000489A1
    Greaves of the Rhino FormID: 000489A2
    Greaves of the Sun FormID: 000478A1
    Greaves of the Tree Runner FormID: 00049381
    Greaves of the Tumbler FormID: 00049151
    Greaves of the Unstoppable FormID: 0004969C
    Greaves of the Warmonger FormID: 0004968B
    Greaves of Well-Being FormID: 0004788F
    Grounded Boots FormID: 000478A2
    Guard Helmet FormID: 0002767C
    Hammerfell Shield FormID: 0004950A
    Hand of Akatosh FormID: 00049657
    Hands of Midnight FormID: 00082DDF
    Hands of the Atronach FormID: 000CA118
    Hardened Shield FormID: 000493A9
    Heavy Raiment of Valor FormID: 000355FA
    Helm of Ferocity FormID: 000CA11B
    Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw FormID: 000A5659
    Helm of the Deep Delver FormID: 000CA119
    Helmet of Arkay FormID: 00049506
    Helmet of Enlightenment FormID: 00049363
    Helmet of Exposition FormID: 00049396
    Helmet of Life Detection FormID: 00049168
    Helmet of Life Seeing FormID: 0004935D
    Helmet of Life Sight FormID: 0004937B
    Helmet of Magicka Resistance FormID: 0004936D
    Helmet of Night Eye FormID: 00049175
    Helmet of Power FormID: 00049522
    Helmet of Spell Resistence FormID: 0004F403
    Helmet of the Apprentice FormID: 0004915D
    Helmet of the Deep FormID: 00049664
    Helmet of the Drowned FormID: 000496A5
    Helmet of the Flood FormID: 0002C24E
    Helmet of the Hunter FormID: 0004F3F1
    Helmet of the Lemur FormID: 000489AC
    Helmet of the Mage FormID: 0004789E
    Helmet of the Mind FormID: 00047890
    Helmet of the Owl FormID: 000489A0
    Helmet of the Scout FormID: 0004914B
    Helmet of the Sentinel FormID: 00049666
    High Rock Helmet FormID: 00049503
    Horselord's Cuirass FormID: 0004F3FB
    Huntsman Gauntlets FormID: 000A577B
    Ice Cuirass FormID: 000478A0
    Imperial Dragon Boots FormID: 000ADD4E
    Imperial Dragon Boots FormID: 000ADDA3
    Imperial Dragon Cuirass FormID: 000ADD50
    Imperial Dragon Cuirass FormID: 000ADDAA
    Imperial Dragon Gauntlets FormID: 000ADD51
    Imperial Dragon Gauntlets FormID: 000ADE26
    Imperial Dragon Greaves FormID: 000ADD52
    Imperial Dragon Greaves FormID: 000ADE27
    Imperial Dragon Helmet FormID: 000ADDA2
    Imperial Dragon Helmet FormID: 000ADE2A
    Imperial Horseman Helmet FormID: 0009416A
    Imperial Palace Cuirass FormID: 00064F75
    Imperial Watch Boots FormID: 0018AE4B
    Imperial Watch Cuirass FormID: 0018AE4C
    Imperial Watch Gauntlets FormID: 0018AE4D
    Imperial Watch Greaves FormID: 0018AE4E
    Imperial Watch Helmet FormID: 0018AE4F
    Imperial Watch Shield FormID: 000653F7
    Infiltrator's Gauntlets FormID: 00049172
    Inquisitor's Gauntlets FormID: 0002C214
    Inquisitor's Helmet FormID: 0002C212
    Insulated Shield FormID: 000493AA
    Iron Boots FormID: 0001C6CF
    Iron Cuirass FormID: 0001C6D1
    Iron Gauntlets FormID: 0001C6D2
    Iron Greaves FormID: 0001C6D0
    Iron Helmet FormID: 000733EB
    Iron Helmet FormID: 0001C6CE
    Iron Mountain Shield FormID: 00049681
    Iron Shield FormID: 000733ED
    Iron Shield FormID: 000352C1
    Ironheart Cuirass FormID: 00049502
    Knights of the Thorn Shield FormID: 0012DD1D
    Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49BF
    Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C0
    Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C1
    Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C2
    Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C3
    Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C4
    Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 0002767A
    Kvatch Shield FormID: 000352CD
    Leather Boots FormID: 0002319B
    Leather Bracer FormID: 000229A9
    Leather Cuirass FormID: 0002319A
    Leather Cuirass FormID: 0000C1D6
    Leather Gauntlets FormID: 00023199
    Leather Greaves FormID: 00023198
    Leather Greaves FormID: 0015985E
    Leather Helmet FormID: 0002319C
    Leather Helmet FormID: 000733E3
    Leather Shield FormID: 00025058
    Leather Shield FormID: 000977BF
    Legion Boots FormID: 00028ADE
    Legion Cuirass FormID: 00028ADF
    Legion Gauntlets FormID: 00028AE0
    Legion Greaves FormID: 00028AE1
    Legion Helmet FormID: 00028AE2
    Legion Shield FormID: 000352D3
    Leyawiin Cuirass FormID: 0002767B
    Leyawiin Shield FormID: 000352CF
    Light Iron Shield FormID: 00032D49
    Light Iron Shield FormID: 000733E0
    Light Raiment of Valor FormID: 0003563E
    Lightfoot Boots FormID: 00049508
    Lightning Run Boots FormID: 00049399
    Lightning Strider Boots FormID: 0004F405
    Lightning Strider Shield FormID: 0002ADCF
    Lion's Paw Gauntlets FormID: 0004F3FA
    Mage Fighter's Greaves FormID: 00049683
    Magebane Greaves FormID: 0002C247
    Magehunter's Helmet FormID: 00049178
    Magekiller Greaves FormID: 000496A4
    Mage's Helmet FormID: 0004916D
    Mageslayer's Helmet FormID: 0002C235
    Magnifying Gauntlets FormID: 000A5782
    Marathon Greaves FormID: 0004916B
    Masque of Clavicus Vile FormID: 000228EE
    Master Forge Gauntlets FormID: 0004966E
    Merchant's Cuirass FormID: 00049171
    Mercury Shield FormID: 00049678
    Miner's Boots FormID: 0004966F
    Mirror Shield FormID: 0004789F
    Mithril Boots FormID: 0002C0FC
    Mithril Cuirass FormID: 0002C0FE
    Mithril Gauntlets FormID: 0002C100
    Mithril Greaves FormID: 0002C102
    Mithril Helmet FormID: 0002C104
    Mithril Helmet FormID: 000733E4
    Mithril Shield FormID: 000352BF
    Mithril Shield FormID: 000977C0
    Monkeypants FormID: 000CA112
    Monolithic Shield FormID: 0002C244
    Moonlight Gauntlets FormID: 0004F3FE
    Moonlight Shield FormID: 0004F3FD
    Moonshadow Gauntlets FormID: 0002C224
    Moonshadow Shield FormID: 0002C226
    Mountaineer's Gauntlets FormID: 0004967A
    Mountaineer's Shield FormID: 00049673
    Mudcrab Shield FormID: 000489B2
    Nighteye Helmet FormID: 00049368
    Nimble Greaves FormID: 0004935F
    Nord Gauntlets FormID: 00049177
    Nordslayer Gauntlets FormID: 0002C233
    Ogre Skin Shield FormID: 0002ADCE
    Orcish Boots FormID: 0003634D
    Orcish Cuirass FormID: 0003634F
    Orcish Gauntlets FormID: 0003634C
    Orcish Greaves FormID: 0003634E
    Orcish Helmet FormID: 000733F2
    Orcish Helmet FormID: 0003634B
    Orcish Shield FormID: 00036350
    Orcish Shield FormID: 000977BD
    Outrider Shield FormID: 00049163
    Peak Climber's Boots FormID: 0004968F
    Pinarus' Iron Cuirass FormID: 000CBD4F
    Pit Boots FormID: 00008A78
    Pit Cuirass FormID: 00008A76
    Pit Gauntlets FormID: 00008A79
    Pit Greaves FormID: 00008A77
    Pit Helmet FormID: 00008A7A
    Quartz Cuirass FormID: 000493A3
    Quicksilver Boots FormID: 000CA113
    Rasheda's Special FormID: 000CA114
    Reflecting Helmet FormID: 000493A2
    Retributive Justice FormID: 00049511
    Riverwalking Boots FormID: 00049164
    Rough Leather Boots FormID: 0015985B
    Rough Leather Cuirass FormID: 0015985C
    Rough Leather Gauntlets FormID: 0015985D
    Rough Leather Helmet FormID: 0015985F
    Rough Leather Shield FormID: 00047AC8
    Royal Cuirass FormID: 00049516
    Rugged Cuirass FormID: 00049501
    Ruined Akaviri Shield FormID: 0001C161
    Rusty Iron Cuirass FormID: 000661C1
    Rusty Iron Gauntlets FormID: 000661C2
    Rusty Iron Greaves FormID: 000661C3
    Rusty Iron Helmet FormID: 000661C4
    Rusty Iron Shield FormID: 000661C5
    Salamander Scale Shield FormID: 0004899C
    Salubrious Cuirass FormID: 0004F3F6
    Savage Gauntlets FormID: 00049689
    Saviour's Hide FormID: 00027107
    Seastrider's Helmet FormID: 0002ADD1
    Shaman Helmet FormID: 0004968D
    Shield of Animus FormID: 0002C228
    Shield of Elsweyr FormID: 0004950E
    Shield of Frost FormID: 00049157
    Shield of Grounding FormID: 00053D79
    Shield of Justice FormID: 00053D76
    Shield of Lightning FormID: 000496A3
    Shield of Mirrors FormID: 000493A0
    Shield of Nature's Vengence FormID: 00049385
    Shield of Reflection FormID: 0004F400
    Shield of Retribution FormID: 00049677
    Shield of Retributive Strike FormID: 0004F3FF
    Shield of Returning FormID: 0004936A
    Shield of Shattering FormID: 0004939F
    Shield of Storms FormID: 00049375
    Shield of Summer FormID: 00049366
    Shield of the Divine FormID: 0004965A
    Shield of the Elements FormID: 0004789D
    Shield of the Empire FormID: 00049510
    Shield of the Flame FormID: 00053D74
    Shield of the North FormID: 00053D75
    Shield of the Pathfinder FormID: 00049675
    Shield of the Red Moun~tain FormID: 0004935E
    Shield of the Sun FormID: 00049658
    Shield of the Tower FormID: 00049519
    Shield of the Turtle FormID: 00053D78
    Shield of the Unbroken FormID: 000496A2
    Shield of the Undefeated FormID: 00049663
    Shield of the Unrelenting FormID: 00049690
    Shield of the Untamed FormID: 00049698
    Shield of Vengence FormID: 0002C227
    Shield of Vindication FormID: 0004915A
    Shield of Winter Solstice FormID: 00049383
    Shrouded Armor FormID: 000347F7
    Shrouded Hood FormID: 000347F4
    Silica Boots FormID: 000493AC
    Skingrad Cuirass FormID: 0001DC4B
    Skingrad Shield FormID: 000352D1
    Skyrim Gauntlets FormID: 00049513
    Slavemaster's Greaves FormID: 0002C239
    Smelter Shield FormID: 000494FF
    Smuggler's Boots FormID: 000A5783
    Sniper Gauntlets FormID: 00049153
    Snowblind Gauntlets FormID: 00049694
    Snowblind Shield FormID: 00049695
    Solid Shield FormID: 00049374
    Spell Breaker FormID: 000897C2
    Spellbinder Greaves FormID: 0002ADD0
    Spellblocker Shield FormID: 0004915B
    Spelltaker's Greaves FormID: 00049391
    Spiked Shield FormID: 00049697
    Stalwart Cuirass FormID: 0004F3F4
    Steel Boots FormID: 000229A5
    Steel Cuirass FormID: 000229A2
    Steel Gauntlets FormID: 0001C6D8
    Steel Greaves FormID: 000229A3
    Steel Helmet FormID: 000229A4
    Steel Helmet FormID: 0006AA9B
    Steel Helmet FormID: 000733EC
    Steel Shield FormID: 00023923
    Steel Shield FormID: 000977C2
    Storm Stomper Boots FormID: 0004969E
    Stormhammer Boots FormID: 0004967D
    Stormhammer Shield FormID: 00049682
    Stormlord's Shield FormID: 0002C245
    Stormrider Boots FormID: 0004938C
    Stormrider Shield FormID: 00049390
    Sunburst Gauntlets FormID: 0004950D
    Swamp Boots FormID: 00049687
    Sylvan Barkshield FormID: 0004938F
    Sylvan Scout Boots FormID: 0004937E
    Tempered Greaves FormID: 0004939D
    The Gray Aegis FormID: 0002996A
    Thiefhunter's Gauntlets FormID: 0004951C
    Threefold Shield FormID: 00049386
    Tiger Fang Shield FormID: 000489A9
    Tireless Greaves FormID: 00049361
    Tireless Greaves FormID: 0004F3F5
    Tower of the Nine FormID: 000CA116
    Umbra's Ebony Boots FormID: 0000A307
    Umbra's Ebony Boots FormID: 0000A30D
    Umbra's Ebony Cuirass FormID: 0000A308
    Umbra's Ebony Cuirass FormID: 0000A30E
    Umbra's Ebony Gauntlets FormID: 0000A309
    Umbra's Ebony Gauntlets FormID: 0000A30F
    Umbra's Ebony Greaves FormID: 0000A30A
    Umbra's Ebony Greaves FormID: 0000A310
    Umbra's Ebony Helmet FormID: 0000A30B
    Umbra's Ebony Helmet FormID: 0000A311
    Umbra's Ebony Shield FormID: 0000A30C
    Umbra's Ebony Shield FormID: 0000A312
    Unyielding Cuirass FormID: 0004936E
    Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BB9
    Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBA
    Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBB
    Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBC
    Viperbane Cuirass FormID: 00036355
    Vvardenfell Trader's Cuirass FormID: 000A577D
    Warforger's Gauntlets FormID: 0002C21D
    Warmage's Helmet FormID: 0004966D
    Warmaster Gauntlets FormID: 0004968E
    Waterwalking Boots FormID: 0004917F
    Weaponbane Cuirass FormID: 0004967B
    Weaponward Cuirass FormID: 0004915E
    Winterbane Shield FormID: 0004F3FC
    Witchfinder's Shield FormID: 0004965B
    Witchhunter Helmet FormID: 0004965E
    Wizard's Helmet FormID: 00049150

    Arrow of Blizzards FormID: 0004BF0B
    Arrow of Brilliance FormID: 00008A4D
    Arrow of Burning FormID: 0004BEFB
    Arrow of Cleansing FormID: 000CD53F
    Arrow of Cold FormID: 0004BF02
    Arrow of Cowardice FormID: 0003DFDB
    Arrow of Discord FormID: 0003BF67
    Arrow of Dispel FormID: 0004BF11
    Arrow of Drain Magicka FormID: 0004BF00
    Arrow of Embers FormID: 0004BF10
    Arrow of Extrication FormID: 00022DB5
    Arrow of Fatigue FormID: 0003DFD6
    Arrow of Fear FormID: 0003DFD8
    Arrow of Fire FormID: 0004BF07
    Arrow of Flames FormID: 0004BF04
    Arrow of Freezing FormID: 0004BF05
    Arrow of Frost FormID: 0004BEF9
    Arrow of Harm FormID: 0003DFD7
    Arrow of Hexing FormID: 00159676
    Arrow of Illumination FormID: 00008A4C
    Arrow of Immolation FormID: 000CD542
    Arrow of Jinxing FormID: 0004BEFF
    Arrow of Jolts FormID: 0004BEFD
    Arrow of Light FormID: 00008A4F
    Arrow of Lightning FormID: 0004BF0C
    Arrow of Misery FormID: 0003DFD9
    Arrow of Numbing FormID: 0004BEFC
    Arrow of Qualms FormID: 0003DFDA
    Arrow of Savage Frost FormID: 000CD540
    Arrow of Scorching FormID: 0004BF01
    Arrow of Shocking FormID: 0004BF03
    Arrow of Silence FormID: 0003DFDC
    Arrow of Sparks FormID: 0004BEFA
    Arrow of Stillness FormID: 0003DFDD
    Arrow of Storm Strike FormID: 000CD543
    Arrow of Storms FormID: 0004BF0F
    Arrow of Sunlight FormID: 0000BAD9
    Arrow of the Blaze FormID: 0004BF0A
    Arrow of the Dynamo FormID: 0004BF09
    Arrow of the Glacier FormID: 0004BF08
    Arrow of the Inferno FormID: 0004BF0D
    Arrow of the North Winds FormID: 000CD545
    Arrow of Voltage FormID: 0004BF06
    Arrow of Winter FormID: 0004BF0E
    Arrow of Withering FormID: 0003CB6C
    Daedric Arrow FormID: 0001EFD3
    Dremora Barbed Arrow FormID: 000872A7
    Dremora Broadhead Arrow FormID: 000872A6
    Dremora Field Arrow FormID: 000872A5
    Dwarven Arrow FormID: 00022BE2
    Ebony Arrow FormID: 0001EFD5
    Elven Arrow FormID: 000229C0
    Flare Arrow FormID: 00008A4E
    Glass Arrow FormID: 00022BE1
    Hatreds Soul Arrow FormID: 00014EB3
    Iron Arrow FormID: 00017829
    Magebane Arrow FormID: 000CD544
    Rose of Sithis FormID: 0003266D
    Silver Arrow FormID: 0001EFD4
    Steel Arrow FormID: 000229C1
    Stormcall Arrow FormID: 000CD541
    House of Dagoth

    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 29 mei 2006
  16. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En waarom post je dit helemaal hier? En trouwens die cheats zijn voor PC. Niet voor de Xbox 360. :thumbs:
  17. Inf1nity

    Inf1nity Guest

    klopt, niet bij stil gestaan, mja :) :p Nouja, aangezien dit helptread is, hebben mensen hier miss wel wat aan :D (wapens vergelijken etc) Een mooi overzichtje
  18. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is wel een erg lange brok tekst, misschien had je het beter in een spoiler kunnen zetten? *Idee* :)
  19. Xiao Xiu

    Xiao Xiu Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wel handig voor PC gamers al ik:p
    alleen vink het zonde van de game om te cheaten
  20. RobbertN

    RobbertN Banned

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @Inf1nity Amen _O_ .

    Ik heb net alle ArenA gevechten gewonnen en geen één verloren \o/ (thx to Blade zwaard, helm en schild :) )

    Maar ik heb nu die Martin en Jauffrie in veiligheid gebracht, maar komen daar na nog meer opdrachten?

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