[Anime] Bleach! [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door Goiz, 14 jan 2007.

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  1. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:


    Zo. Inmiddels bij het welverdiende deeltje 2 van de Bleach thread! Yay! :D


    Bleach is een serie die gaat over Ichigo + friends die bijzondere bovenmenselijke krachten hebben gekregen (niet al te bealchelijk, gewoon zodat zij goede vechters worden enzo O-)) die zij gebruiken om deze wereld te beschermen tegen talloze verschillende soorten bad guys. De gebeurtenissen spelen zich zowel op aarde als op andere vreemde locaties af.

    Hier gaan we het hebben over de anime (serie dus!). Mensen die al meer weten uit de manga's en anderen van wat meer info willen voorzien; post je berichten aub in de spoiler tags.

    Ook discussies over nieuwe eps niet spoilen voor anderen, dus gebruik de spoiler tags waar nodig. Thanks. :)

    Momenteel begint de anime aan de nieuwe arc na de verdomde fillers! Finally! :cool: Deze nieuwe arc begint vanaf episode 110.

    Episodes zijn te downloaden op o.a. www.bleach7.com (meestal 1 x per week)

    Leuke website(s) m.b.t. Bleach:

    http://www.bleachexile.com/ --> Manga download & videos in .avi
    http://yhbt.mine.nu/ --> voor directe torrent download bij de subber zelf.

    Bleach forum (voor de die-hards 8)):


    Random gifjes:

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    Vorige deeltje.
  2. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Algemene Character Info
    Kurosaki Ichigo
    The main character of the manga. He goes one day from being a normal every day kid who can see ghosts, to attacked by a hollow. During this battle, when he is about to parish, a new shinsingami he has just recently met descideds to transfer half of her energy into him. Unfortunately, due to his spiritual awareness already, the moment her sword touches his soul, he takes virtually all of her power, transforming him into a shinigami. After this, he is given the role of a shinigami to protect those who are being attacked by hollows, which usually means protecting/fighting against people he already knows. Over a short period of time, Ichigo has shown that he has been able to do many things that no human should be able to do, such as fight at the level he does, as well as be able to see spiritual aura in a physical form (which allows him to locate people by sensing there aura, even if it is very weak). He is slowly begining to learn how to use and regulate his spiritual power.

    Yoruichi Shihouin
    Yoruichi is well known as the cat who trained Orihime and Chad so that they can hone their powers and be prepared to use them during their travel in Soul Society. Yoruichi is the one who leads Ichigo and crew around Soul Society, and she is well versed in the history of Soul Society and knows where the best place to enter.

    Urahara Kisuke
    This is the manager of the Uraha shop, who has an unshaven face and wears a beach hat most of the time. He cares alot about the reputation of the shop and tries his best to provide his costomers with the products that they want. When he realizes the mistake he made in giving Rukia a mod soul, he descides he will fix the problem himself. He seems to have some abilities, but at this point he mostly remains a mystery.

    Later it became clear that he was a Captain as well. He obtained BanKai in just 3 days and nights and he and Yuruichi helped Ichigo to do the same thing

    Hanakari Jinta
    This is a young boy who works at the Uraha shop. He likes to fantasize about being the worlds best baseball player and often neglects his work.

    Shun Shun Rikka
    They are Orihime's "protectors", and resemble little fairies. Their names are: Hinaginku (Ability to repel), Shonou (inner shield), Tsubaki (Breaks through enemy)

    Inoue Orihime
    One of Ichigo's classmates who has a very big crush on him, but is afraid to act on it. She lost her brother in a car accident many years ago, and he came back as a hollow to eat her soul. Just before he did it, he realized that this would not make her happy and that what he was doing was wrong and so he "cleansed himself" by making himself dissapear. After being in contact with Ichigo's shinigami form, her spiritual power was awakened.

    Ishida Uuryu
    He is the last surviving quincy, and has a deep seeded hatred for all Shinigami because his sensei died fighting hollows when the Shinigami were late to show up. He challenges Ichigo by putting out hollow bait and thus attracting alot of hollows, so much that they couldnt not handle them all. Ishida and Ichigo then team up to beat the hollows and save the city.

    Kon is a modified soul that was created by soul society to fight hollows. In creating him, they gave him more strength than they would normally, so when he is free he can do amazing things. By mistake on the Uraha shop, he is inserted into Ichigo's body while Ichigo takes his Shinigami form. During this period he explores the human world, by impressing people and showing off his ability. Once it is realize what has happend, he is tracked down and removed from Ichigo's body and paced in the body of a teddy bear. After this he began to idolize Rukia and he sometimes fills in for Ichigo when Ichigo must leave his body to fulfill his Shinigami duties.

    Kuchiki Rukia
    She is the first real Shinigami that Ichigo ever encountered, and to save both Ichigo and herself she transfered her Shinigami powers to him. She currently is still working for soul society, but as Ichigo's Shinigami teacher. She hides herself in her human form from Hollows until her strength returns - all the while coaching Ichigo and helping him with his Soul Society missions. She aslo puts up a wonderful facade around her class mates, and is still trying to adapt and understand many things about the human world.

    Kurosaki Isshin
    The father of the Kurosaki family, he is a widower, who is the neighborhood doctor, and the only one in their family who can't see ghosts at all. He is very overprotective of Ichigo (As he makes him come in every night by 7:00 pm) and is very strict on the rules. He uses physical violence to tend to matters that he is not very good at talking about, and wishes his son would communicate more with him.

    Kurosaki Karin
    Ichigo's little sister who, although she can see ghosts (in a blurred way), claims she doesnt believe in them - but if the opprotunity presents itself, she will try to make money off of her ability.

    Kurosaki Masaki
    This is Ichigo's mother who died 6 years ago. She was the most wonderful beautiful woman Ichigo has ever seen and he loved her very much. She died trying to protect him from getting killed - thus proving her love for him. She is near to the hearts of the whole Kurosaki family, and they visit her grave on the day she died every year in her memory.

    Kurosaki Yuzu
    Ichigo's other younger sister who looks up to him and envies that he can see ghosts so well. She wants to some day be able to see ghosts as well as he can. She feels like its her responsibility to help maintain the family since their mother died.

    Grand Fisher
    This is the hollow that killed Ichigo's mother - one that he swears to defeat. This hollow takes the form of a girl, but when she does battle she goes into the brain of the "hollow" that follows her. Once one of her bodies (the girl or the hollow) are defeated, she just retreats to the other one. She has the ability to look into people's memories and then display the one person that they cannot kill, and therefore leaves them open to attack.

    Sado Yasutora (Chad)
    Chad is Ichigo's very large friend, who seems to be incredibly strong. He is able to even hold a steel beam on his back, as well as endure being hit by a car and many other accidents. He has a parakeet that has a goul's soul in it as well, and this parakeet brings about the death of every one of its owners. After coming in contact with Ichigo's shinigami form, his spiritual powers were awakened and he was able to defeat a hollow.

    He is a middle aged man who works for the Uraha shop. He is under the manager but still tends to take control of the two children working there. The children - although they would not admit it - seem to be somewhat afraid of him.

    This is a young girl who works at the Uraha shop with Jinta. Although she is 3 years yonger than Jinta, she provides the voice of reason in telling him that they should be working instead of playing.

    Shiba Kuukaku
    Shiba Kuukaku is foremost known all around Soul Society as the best fireworks maker around. Kuukaku is also known for her weird designs around her house which complies to the different themes she makes (this year?s design was 2 arms holding a banner).

    Don Kanonji
    He is a television "spirit medium" who tells fortunes and preforms exorsisms on ghosts. He travels to an old abandoned hospital, where many fans watch, and mistakenly opens the hole that turns a wandering ghost into a hollow. Once this happens he feels it is his sworn duty to not let his fans down so he prepares to fight the hollow, only to be interupted by Ichigo. Ichigo comes in and defeats the hollow, showing him what a true hero is. After this, Kanonji has great respect for Ichigo and even says he will let Ichigo be his "pupil".

  3. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:


    Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni
    Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni is the Commander-Captain of the 1st Division, and is the overall leader of all of Soul Society. Yama-jii takes the appearance of an old man, and at times, is an old man (urinating in the hot springs for example).

    Aizen Sosuke
    He was a captain turned to the other side. He's always searching to became stronger. He fooled everybody by acting nice. With absurd powers he's realy a huge treat.

    Kuchiki Byakuya
    He is the captain of the 6th squad and is also Rukia's older brother (later it will become clear that this isn't true and Rukia is the sister of his dead wife). He comes from a very nobel family and is very powerful. He travels from soul society to return Rukia (whom he is not on good terms with) and to kill Ichigo.

    Zaraki Kenpachi
    Captain of the 11th division in Soul Society.. Bad ass 'Always-looking-for-a-fight' type of captain..

    Hitsugaya Toshiro
    Captain of the 10th Division, Hitsugaya is the youngest member of the Gotei 13, and wields the most powerful ice type Soul Slayer, Hyourinmaru. It is unknown how he actually got into the academy, and rose to a captain level, considering Hinamori joined way, way before him, but nontheless, Hitsugaya is considered a genius.

    Ichimaru Gin
    Ichimaru Gin the captain of the 3rd Division, the man with the face of a snake. If you don?t know who I am talking about it?s not very hard to spot him, look for the man with the eyes so thin and a smile so sinister it makes you wonder what he is thinking.

    Soi Fong
    Soi Fong is the ruthless captain of the 2nd Division and commander of the Covert Operations and Executive Militia. Fong was born into a poor family line that was directly under the Shihouin noble family.

    Tousen Kaname
    Tousen Kaname is the blind but skilled Captain of the 9th Division. It is unknown whether he was born blind, or if he became blind at some point, all we know is that he's blind.

    Kurotsuchi Mayuri
    12th division captain

    Kyoraku Shunsui
    8th division captain

    Ukitake Juushirou
    13th division captain

    Unohana Retsu
    4th division captain

    Vice Captains
    Abarai Renji
    He is the vice-captain of the Shinigami Squad 6 - directly under Kuchiki Byakuya. He retunrs with Byakuya to help bring back rukia, whom he seems to personally have something against. He seems somewhat strong but acts very impulsively most of the time.

    Matsumoto Rangiku
    Vice-Captain of the 10th division, Rangiku is Hitsugaya's very lazy assistant, needless to say. She appears to have some sort of past with Ichimaru, and seems to consider him a friend, and vice-versa, but due to his loyalty to Aizen, that friendship of theirs remains curious.

    Kusajishi Yachiru
    Shinigami Vice Captain of the 11th division under Zaraki Kempachi. Friends with Kempachi before they became shinigami, and Kempachi gave Yachiru her name Yachiru. Unbelievable loyalty to Kempachi. Gives everyone nicknames.

    Ayasegawa Yumichika
    Yumichika is a vain man that considers himself very beautiful. During his fight with Ganju, Yumichika makes many comments on Ganju's "below average" appearances.

    Madarame Ikkaku
    Upon landing in Soul Society, Ichigo and Ganju are confronted by Ikkaku and Yumichika. Ikkaku, being of the strongest Division, was quite excited to finally be getting some action while on patrol.

    Kira Izuru
    3rd division vice captain under Ichimaru

    Koutetsu Isane
    4th division vice captain under Unohana

  4. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Zanpaktous namen en Shikai/Bankai info van de verschillende Characters.

    Kurosaki Ichigo
    Kurosaki Ichigo
    Zanpaktous name: Zangetsu (Slashing Moon)
    Shikai: ????
    Bankai: Tensa (Chains of Heaven)
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: Getsu Gatenshou (Moon Fang Sky Charge)
    Ichigo's "hollow form"

    De captains
    Yamamoto Genryuusai :
    Zanpaktous name: Ryujinjakka (Flowing Flame Blade)
    Shikai: Banshou Issai Kaijin To Nase (Disintegrate All Existence)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Soi Fong :
    Zanpaktous name: Suzumebachi (Sparrow Hornet)
    Shikai: Jinteki Shakusetsu (Sting all enemies to death)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Unohana Retsu:
    Zanpaktous name: Minatsuki
    Shikai: ?????
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: injured can be healed inside her zanpaktou stomach in its shikai(???) form, ability to fly

    Kuchiki Byakuya
    Zanpaktous name: Senbonzakura (One Thousand Cherry Blossoms)
    Shikai: Chire (Scatter) - 1 | 2
    -Kageyoshi (Blossom Brutal Shadows) - 1 | 2
    -Senkei Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (Thousand Cherry Blossoms Brutal Shadows) - Final Form of Bankai
    -Shuukei Hakuteiken (White Imperial Sword) - Final Bankai ability
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Komamura Sajin :
    Zanpaktous name: Tenken (Heaven's Punishment)
    Shikai: Todoroku (Roar)
    Bankai: Kokujoutengenmyouoh (Black Cord Heaven's Punishment Buddist)
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Kyouraku Shunsui :
    Zanpaktous name: Katen Kyoukotsu (Flower Sky, Crazy Bones)
    Hanakaze midarete (Flowered breeze flutters)
    Kashin naki (Flower god weeps)
    Tenpuu midarete (Heaven's gale blows)
    Tenma warau (Heaven's demon laughs)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: one of the two double bladed Zanpaktous in the entire Soul Society

    Hitsugaya Toushirou :
    Zanpaktous name: Hyourinmaru (Ice Ring)
    Shikai: Souten Ni Zase (Sit upon the frozen heavens)
    Bankai: Daiguren Hyourinmaru (Ice Ring of the Great Frozen Hell)
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: ability to control weather (snow and ice)

    Zaraki Kenpachi :
    Zanpaktous name: doesn't have any
    Shikai: -
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Kurotshuchi Mayuri :
    Zanpaktous name: Ashisogijizou (Legshredder Priest)
    Shikai: Kakimushire (Pillage)
    Bankai: Konjiki Ashisogijizou (Golden Legshredder Priest)
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: ability to change things into water

    Ukitake Jyuushiro :
    Zanpaktous name: Sougyo no Kotowari (Parable of Twin Fish)
    Nami kotogotoku (Be as the waves)
    Wa ga tate to nare (Become my shield)
    Inazuchi kotogotoku (Be as lightning)
    Wa ga yaiba to nare (Become my blade)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: one of the two double bladed Zanpaktous in the entire Soul Society

    De vice captains

    Oomaeda Marechiyo

    Zanpaktous name: Getsuburi (Five-shapes Head)
    Shikai: Bu-tsubuse (Smash Him Into Bits)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Kira Izuru :
    Zanpaktous name: Wabisuke (Apology)
    Shikai: Omote Wo Agero (Raise your head)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: doubles the weight of anything it hits

    Koutestu Isane :
    Zanpaktous name: Itegumo (Frost Cloud)
    Shikai: Hashire (Dash)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Hinamori Momo :
    zanpaktous name: Tobiume (Flying Plum Blossoms)
    Shikai: Hajike (Repel)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites:

    Abarai Renji :
    Zanpaktous name: Zabimaru (Snaketail)
    -Hoero (Howl)
    -Higa Zekkou (Baboon Fang Breach)

    Bankai: Hihiou Zabimaru (Baboon King Snaketail)
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Iba Tetsuzaemon
    Zanpaktous name: -
    Shikai: -
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Ise Nanao
    Zanpaktous name: -
    Shikai: -
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Matsumoto Rangiku
    Zanpaktous name: Haineko (Ash Cat)
    Shikai: Unare (Growl)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Kusajika Yachiru
    Zanpaktous name: ????
    Shikai: -
    Bankai: -

    Kurotshuchi Nemu
    Zanpaktous name: -
    Shikai: -
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Zie post 5 voor vervolg.

  5. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Overig characters met hun Zanpaktous namen en Shikai/Bankai info.

    Kuchiki Rukia
    Zanpaktous name: ????
    Shikai: -
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Ayasegawa Yumichika
    Zanpaktous name: Fujikujaku (Wysteria Peacock)
    Shikai: Bloom
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: sucks out the opponents spiritual power

    Madarame Ikkaku:
    Zanpaktous name: Hozukimaru (Ghost Lamp)
    - Nobiro (Grow!)
    - Sakero (Split)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

    Ikkanzaka Jiroubo
    Zanpaktous name: Tsunzaki Garasu (Splitting Crow)
    Shikai: Habatakinasai (Flap away)
    Bankai: -
    Other Zanpaktou abilites: -

  6. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Characters uit de nieuwe arc. Vanaf Episode 110 (Spoiler alert!)


    Grimm Jow




    Note: Zanpakutou naam "Sconosciuto" zal wel iets betekenen in de richting van "onbekend"


    Hirako Shinji

    Sarugaki Hiyori


  7. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Grimm Jow is het niet Grimm Jaw?

    Of heb ik het nu miss, netjese start post btw ^^.

    Gebruiken ze nu trouwens een andere soort tekenstyle alles ziet er net wat mooier uit in de anime of lijkt dat maar zo?
  8. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wordt verschillend gepost :) Al zou 'jaw' idd logisch zijn door de kaak..

    Startpost m.d.a. Orcrist en the only ego en weet ik veel wie geholpen heeft met info verzamelen uit deel 1 :)

    Fillers worden als ik het goed heb wel iets anders getekend. Bij de main storyline willen ze het zo dicht mogelijk bij de manga houden (en terecht) ;)
  9. Vinelli

    Vinelli Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    yoo, weet iemand iets over het spel bleach: heat the soul 3 (psp)????
  10. Orcrist

    Orcrist XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er weer super uit. :cool: En boobs of bleach blijft goud. :+
  11. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze thread gaat met name over de serie.. Over de game kun je beter in het sony subforum zijn.. Maar daar had je al een topic gemaakt zie ik.. Ik heb verder geen idee.

    :thumbs: :cool:
  12. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zet trouwens bij de sites ook ff: http://www.bleachexile.com/

    xD makkelijke manga download site ^^ en ze hebbe alle afleveringen in avi.
  13. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Will do! :)
  14. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    deeltje 2 alweer Nice. Ik kan ook echt niet wachten tot de volgende ep. Ondanks dat ik de fillers goed te doen vond, wordt dit toch weer ouderwets moddervet.

    //edit; Je vergeet nog een site: http://yhbt.mine.nu/ voor directe torrent download bij de subber zelf.
  15. Cr1mson Bl0od

    Cr1mson Bl0od Itsumo hitori janai.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben sinds vandaag de manga gaan lezen, kon mijn nieuwsgierigheid niet bedwingen na anime ep. 110. Dat wordt echt vet in de anime straks met al die actie én humor uit de voorlopende manga!:D
  16. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    o_O stond die er niet eens bij, belangrijke site haal ik alles weg :D.

    Waar haal jij trouwens al die avaters weg goiz? (die van bleach ja)(xD mooie avater trouwens)
  17. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thanks! Check www.bleach7.com --> Bleach gallery --> Avatars

    En de site staat erbij :cool:
  18. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik moet ook maar is aan een nieuwe bleach avatar. Ik zal is kijken
  19. meteorwings

    meteorwings Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik ken die hele serie niet! maar de anime is harstikke cool en de stijl ook wel :) ook die avatars op de site die ik net checkte zien er harstikke cool uit.. denk dat ik mijn avatar ook wel over een tijdje in zo 1 verander ^^
  20. Pegas

    Pegas XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gebruik Bleach7 al een lange tijd om m'n manga te downloaden, maar had nog nooit gezien dat ze er avatars hadden :+. Als ik dat wist kon ik me de moeite besparen er zelf een te maken, al vind ik de mijne ook niet mis :).

    Btw, in welke scène komt dit voor? Kan mij dus geen scene herinneren waarin dat voorkomt :eek:.

    EDIT: Waarom wist ik niet eerder dat die site zoveel "images" had :'-(. Heb nu dankzij Goiz en Bleach7 een mooie wallpaper van Hollow Ichigo (niet de Vaizard, als je het verschil begrijpt).
    Laatst bewerkt: 14 jan 2007
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