Lijkt me wel een vette game, stond in Xbox 360 World, gameblad, met heel veel previews van games waarvan de meesten dit jaar uitkomen.
Dit stond er in over The Outsider:
We're proper excited about The Outsider - it's one of the few games out there that's genuinely attempting to break new ground. Okay, the ingredients, although quite cool-sounding, don't really hint at revolution: you're a CIA agent, Jameson, based in Washington but through no fault of your own end up as PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE in the eyes of the media and the public after the President gets popped. But from here you make your own path - do you wreak revenge on those who wronged you? Try and clear your own name? Exploit the shady types you're mixed up with for your own ends and who cares what anyone else thinks? Or a mix a bit of everything together? It's not just high-concept choice that lies at the heart of The Outsider though - an original approach to the characters throws up a genuinely unique game for each player, adding tons of replayability. Each computercontrolled person in the game has their own objectives which the want to achieve but they don't have predetermined routines. They'll react and adapt to your choices and actions in the game instead, moulding the gameplay experience around you, rather than the other way. And if Frontier pull it off, it'll be absolutely astonishing.
Is it to ambitious? We'll see. But, certainly, if they are to achieve their aims, this could set a new benchmark for narration and freeroaming in games.
Lijkt me echt een vette game, mooie graphics, vet verhaal, en vooral dat je zelf het verhaal bepaalt, zonder dat alles al vast ligt, maar dat de personen echt reageren op wat jij doet in de game, lijkt me erg vet. Ik ben benieuwd hoe ze dat gaan uitwerken. Zul je bijvoorbeeld net zo veel vrijheid hebben in de stad als GTA? Maar dan met verschillende mogelijkheden in het verhaal? Dat zou erg vet zijn.
Nog twee games aan de lijst toegevoegd, deze games zou ik wel willen kopen, en de andere games lijken me ook erg vet.
- Alone in the Dark
- Alan Wake
- Assasin’s Creed
- Brothers in Arms Hell’s Highway
- Black 2
- Call of Duty 4
- Crysis
- Half-Life 2
- Kane & Lynch Dead Men
- The Outsider
- Splinter Cell Conviction
- Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures
- Two Worlds
- The Darkness
- Forza Motorsport 2
- Blackside Area 51
Laatst bewerkt: 15 mei 2007