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[Multi] Battlefield 2042

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Jorrie, 9 jun 2021.

  1. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Neem Skyrim: Was het leuk om in alle skills te kunnen investeren??? Nou nee, dat haalt het hele idee van het kiezen van een klasse weg. Dat is de reden dat er een balans moet zijn, zodat je een goed klasse systeem krijgt en als zodanig teamplay kunt ontwikkelen...!
  2. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zie het meer als Oblivion. Je kunt niet alles kiezen maar moet een aantal skills kiezen.

    Dat is in BF ook.

    Wat maakt het hebben van een smg voor medic of een LMG die gewoon kut is voor support dat je teamplay hebt?

    Je kunt niet én ammo crate én AT raket hebben. Teamplay kan nog steeds uitstekend.

    Teamplay bestaat voornamelijk uit hoe je speelt. In BF 4 die alom geroemd was had je enorm veelone wolves ondanks het klasse systeem.

    Counterstrike heeft geen klasses. Is dat dan geen teamplay game?
  3. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rare vergelijking, je hebt bepaalde slots waar je je gadgets in kwijt kan. Je moet nog steeds kiezen, echter heb je daar nu wat meer vrijheid in dat je niet full medic bent maar wellicht een technische medic.
  4. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klopt maar de gemiddelde speler zal geen gadgets zoals een healthbox of ammobox mee nemen als hij ook uit gadgets kan kiezen waar hij kills mee kan maken

    Wat mij betreft koppel je de specialists aan een traditionele class en geef je ze een vaste gadget en de vrije keuze uit een andere gadget
  5. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De gemiddelde speler koos ook alleen assault voor de kills of sniper om op een berg te gaan liggen. Wat verandert er nu dan?

    Ik denk juist dat dit voor meer teamplay zorgt. Dat zal ik uitleggen.
    Als je met een squad wil spelen willen mensen wel de teamrol aannemen van ammo meenemen, spotten of healen en reviven. Als je echter niet een sniper overweg kan, zul je geen spotter worden. Als je niet met een LMG overweg kan, zul je geen support worden. Bepaalde ondersteunende rollen waren heel lastig om te vinden.
    Nu er vrije keuze is kunnen juist squads veel diverser worden als het gaat om de ondersteunende rollen.

    Teamplay hangt toch altijd af van spelers. Neem Overwatch. Als iets een teamspel is is dat het wel. Maar daar heb je ook run en gun tanks en healers. Zelf speel ik sinds kort Insurgence Sandstorm. Daar kun je zelf je kit helemaal samenstellen. Bijna volledig vrij door het besteden van punten die je verdeeld. Neem je veel granaten en ammo mee of meer attachments?
    Dat spel is veel tactischer en mensen gebruiken nog de microfoon ook om vijanden te spotten.
  6. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  8. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja, als je alle problemen bekijkt....Ik hoop dat de game uitgesteld wordt, en dat ze de tijd krijgen om het fixen.

    Dit wordt sowieso geen day 1 voor mij. Ik wacht effe reviews af, en op die dag komt ook Endwalker uit. Die ga ik eerste ffe een weekje no-lifen.:+
  9. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Verwacht ongeacht wat eigenlijk geen uitstel meer. Ze hebben de game natuurlijk net met een maand uitgesteld en dat was het moment geweest of hem meteen met 3 maanden oid uit te stellen. Op dit moment konden ze natuurlijk wel redelijk inschatten of ze een maand extra nodig hadden of veel langer en hadden het anders wel meteen langer uitgesteld. Andere optie is natuurlijk dat ze om langer uitstel hebben gevraagd maar dat EA dit ivm de feestdagen niet wilde. Ongeacht de staat van de game verwacht ik hem dus gewoon volgende maand
  10. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Battlefield games hebben sowieso een jaar na release nodig om helemaal klaar te zijn.
    Tim en Alexknl vinden dit leuk.
  11. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    2042 is niet alleen titel. Ook het jaar waarin de game klaar is. :+
    Jorrie vindt dit leuk.
  12. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als het maar geen drama is dat je geen server kan joinen, constant crashes en veel lag valt alles mee.
  13. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    triest toch eig
    Yellow 13 vindt dit leuk.
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En dat zonder single player ook dit keer. En nog gezeik :+
  15. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mis je Bad Company toch wel een beetje. =(
    RemcoM vindt dit leuk.
  16. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zeer triest maar ja, de gamers kopen wel, en dan nog flink die battle passes kopen zodat ze helemaal geen aandacht meer hoeven te besteden aan een nieuw deel.
  17. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Strategize & Equip

    You'll start each game of Hazard Zone at the Mission Area Briefing screen where you'll see an overview of the mission area. Here you'll find out which regions of the map have a higher probability for you to encounter Data Drives, enemies and Uplinks, which are your communication extension to HQ in requesting Call-ins. Venturing into areas where there's low probability of foes is likely safer but you'll find less Data Drives. For the big rewards, you'll have to head into the heart of danger and come out the other side alive.

    Using that briefing information you and your squad will then select your Specialists and Loadout. Every squad is composed of four unique Specialists, so you and your teammates will need to pick Specialists and Loadouts that complement one another if you're to extract safely. Using Dark Market Credits (DMC) earned in Battlefield Hazard Zone, you'll be able to purchase your favorite weapons and equipment that can get you out of a tight spot.

    If your pockets are full of DMC, you'll be able to purchase and equip SMG's, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and more. You can also buy throwables and equipment that will grant you a tactical advantage, like Medical and Ammo Crates, or Smoke Grenades capable of granting you a cover you can use to escape intense firefights. And let's not forget the explosive recoilless M5, capable of punching a hole in enemy vehicles. But if you're hard up for DMC, don't worry, every Specialist will have access to a free attachment-less Assault Rifle as a starter weapon.

    Alongside your equipment, you can also buy Tactical Upgrades that can drastically improve your chances of survival.

    There are 15 Tactical Upgrades available at launch, and here's a quick glimpse at some of them:

    • Extra Throwable - Carry +1 of your selected throwable Gadget.
    • Insider Information - Show the landing position of crashing capsules 30 seconds before they arrive.
    • Loadout Insurance - Reimburse 25% of upgrades and Loadout cost if you die.
    • Negotiated Bounty - +50% Dark Market Credits bounty when killing Opposing Forces
    • Quickdraw Holster - Swap between weapons 15% faster
    As for the others, you'll have to discover them for yourself when you play Hazard Zone.


    After you deploy on the Landing Zone, you'll use a scanner unique to Hazard Zone to search for the downed capsules containing the Data Drives. You'll need to be cautious as multiple deadly obstacles can spring up in your way at any time. In addition to other No-Pat soldiers searching for Data Drives, AI-controlled Occupying Forces will be roaming the map and guarding the Data Drives, so be ready for a fight. But be careful: if you go down, your teammates can only bring you back under special circumstances.


    As you make your way toward the Data Drives from satellite capsules that have fallen already, even more capsules will plunge to the earth as the match goes on. These capsules will contain more Data Drives than the ones that came before, so you and your squad will have to make the call on whether it's worth the greater risk to pursue richer rewards.

    At this point the hazards around you also increase as the storm that will overtake the area by the match's end is growing further and becoming more dangerous by the minute.

    Luckily, you'll find several assets on the ground that can help you when enemies are closing in and picking off your squad one by one. Ammo stations are littered across the map and marked on your HUD, so you'll always know where to go if you're running low. Uplinks, randomly spawned collectible laptops, can also give you powerful abilities to help you turn the tide or even bring back the fallen squad members. Each Uplink is encoded with a particular Call-in - so keep an eye out for 3 different types available:

    • Support Uplink: Give your squad a Ranger Call-in
    • Vehicle Uplink: Give your squad a LATV4 Recon Call-in
    • Redeploy Uplink: Give your squad a squad redeploy Call-in.


      The first extraction window opens up shortly after insertion at a random Extraction Zone. Once the location has been determined, you'll have to hurry, as you will only have a short time to safely get onboard. Squads that are basing their Specialist composition on speed may have the edge when it comes to the first extraction, grabbing Data Drives and making a quick exit.

      Once you arrive at the EZ (marked with green smoke) your squad will need to defend itself from the Occupying Forces and opposing Task Forces. But remember: you must get on the helicopter to extract. If one of your squadmates fails to board in time, they will miss the window and have to extract during the final extraction window.

      Once the first extraction is complete, the storm begins to take full effect, making the map more dangerous. To make matters worse, you'll only have one last attempt to extract.

      During the final retrieval phase, most of the initial Data Drives have been retrieved by other teams of No-Pats, and you'll be able to track these with your Data Drive Scanners.

      But be aware, your foes are tracking you as well.

      It's your call. Do you hunt down the remaining squads for more Data Drives or focus on escaping?

      Squads that successfully capture Data Drives and extract will be rewarded with DMC as well as a bonus dealt out to members based on their actions taken during the match, such as kills. The more Data Drives you extract, the higher the reward for your squad will be.

      The more Data Drives you gather in a match of Hazard Zone, the more XP you gain for your overall level and Battlepass and the more DMC you collect to spend on equipment and upgrades during a future match.

      If you're on a hot streak and your Specialist extracts consecutively enough, you'll earn an Extraction Streak marker tied to the chosen Specialist that will reduce the cost of weapons, equipment, and tactical items for that Specialist while you continue playing with them. However, if you fail to extract, that marker and all its benefits disappear until you earn another streak, so don't get cocky, No-Pat. It's a long fall.

      We're excited we've finally unveiled Hazard Zone to you, and we understand you'll have some additional questions. Good news: Producer Amo Mostofi and Design Director Daniel Berlin have got you covered. Let's dive straight in!

      How long does a match of Hazard Zone take to play?

      Get in, get the goods, get out. Easier said than done.

      A Hazard Zone match can take anywhere from around 5 to 20 minutes based on how you play, when you choose to extract, and if you're successful.

      What's the difference between last-gen and next-gen versions of Hazard Zone?

      Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation® 5 and PC users will be able to play with up to 32 players in a massive playspace, while Xbox One and PlayStation® 4 players will be able to play a version scaled for up to 24 players.

      How many maps does Hazard Zone have?

      You'll be able to experience Hazard Zone on all 7 of Battlefield 2042's maps.

      Can I play Hazard Zone to progress my character within Battlefield 2042?

      Yes! Your Hazard Zone progression is tied into the rest of Battlefield 2042. Any progress you make in Hazard Zone will also grant you XP for your overall player level, weapon unlocks, and so on.

      Can there be multiple of the same Specialists in the same squad?

      Squads in Hazard Zone are composed of four unique Specialists, so you and your teammates will need to pick Specialists and Loadouts that complement one another if you're to extract safely.

      How is XP shared between you and your Squad?

      Everyone present in your squad at end the of round will receive XP for the total amount of Data Drives your squad has extracted. There will also be a bonus for your personal performance during the match.

      Are Occupying Forces always present in Hazard Zone?

      Occupying Forces are an ever present and essential part of the Hazard Zone experience, and will pose a dangerous challenge in safely extracting with your recovered Data Drives.

      How many Occupying Forces can we encounter in a match?

      The Occupying Forces you'll find in Hazard Zone are unpredictable. They may be roaming around the map, pursuing you, or protecting valuable resources. How many soldiers you come across varies and will depend on your actions and luck, so explore with caution.

      What happens when I die?

      You'll be able to spectate your squad from the sidelines, hoping they can bring you back by finding a Redeploy Uplink in case no Squad Redeploy Call-in was bought before insertion.

      Is it possible to redeploy multiple times in a Hazard Zone match?

      If your entire squad bites the dust, the mission's a failure and you lose the match. But should one member still be alive and manage to trigger a Redeploy Call-in (found in the world or purchased with DMC before a match starts), they can bring the entire team back to life.

      Does Hazard Zone have any pay-to-win elements?

      In Hazard Zone you will use Dark Market Credits which can only be obtained through gameplay, and not via real world currency. You can use them to purchase Tactical Upgrades, weapons and gadgets to give you the advantage over your enemies.

      As the storm approaches its peak, the final extraction window opens. This last extraction zone will force the remaining teams to battle over the last chance to leave. Any team that is left behind effectively loses the round and all Data Drives they have gathered to this point - lost to the storm.



    Laatst bewerkt: 14 okt 2021
  18. WorkingTitle

    WorkingTitle ..

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er wel tof uit. Hoop dat hier het teamplay aspect goed uit de verf komt in tegenstelling tot de beta
  19. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:

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