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[XOne] Battlefield 3 [Deel 5]

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Jorrie, 6 dec 2011.

  1. Kapitein_Merijn

    Kapitein_Merijn PSN: Kapitein_Merijn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mensen die vanavond gaan spelen, voeg me maar toe.
    Speel regelmatig online maar veel vrienden hebben de oversteek gemaakt :'-(
  2. Cliff

    Cliff Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    WTF!!!!! :eek:... Zo'n ziek potje net, was een conquest potje i dat stad level, metdie poortjes etc (niet die bazaar) maar goed we hadden "C" ingenomen en precies op dat moment begint er een volledige invasie van de tegenpartij. Ik zat nog in een hoekje en kon niet weg. Overal waren kogels etc. Ik begon maar langzaam minutie uit te delen en haalde de nodige ribbons! Van de ene kant naar de andere kant was bijna onmogelijk. Toch maar probereb om de overkant ook te voorzien van ammo etc. Heeft echt 10min geduurd daar. Leek wel een of andere dikke oorlogs film! Heb bijna geen kogel geschoten daar maar alleen maar iedereen blijven voorzien van ammo.
  3. Steel Dogg

    Steel Dogg Registered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is zo ziek aan BF3, en het grote verschil met COD.

    COD is lineair, en je hebt weinig keuze. Maar in BF3 kun je alle kanten op. Iedereen doet gewoon zijn eigen ding. De één verovert A, terwijl de ander in een heli de tegenstanders bombardeert, de ander rijd van het ene punt naar het andere punt..

    Zoveel afwisseling.. elk potje is anders _O_
  4. Cliff

    Cliff Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd, en nou zat ik net ook nog in mijn adrenaline rush ^^ dus de verwoording was niet al te best haha. Het was gewoon een gruwelijke pot! Ik ben denk ik meer een ammo suplier dan een warmachine, maar ik vermaak me er wel echt mee, en mijn teamgenoten waarderen het, krijg leuke berichten toegestuurd dat ik mijn werk goed deed! En vaak zorg ik er voor dat de weg vrij is om te verplaaatsen door straatje etc onder vuur te nemen :D
  5. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    alleen heb ik wel steeds het gevoel bij Conquest dat het gehele team actief moet zijn wil je zulke potjes krijgen. Gisteren ook een potje op Metro waar het 20 minuten lang alle kanten opging.

    Daardoor blijf ik het jammer vinden dat ik het spel niet op de PC speel, daar heb je veel meer activiteit denk ik. Zeker die grote en open mappen.
  6. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had vorige week ook een leuk potje met Rush, echt spannend tot de laatste minuut :D

    Metro met 64p is pure chaos, echt keiharde chaos, wat even wel leuk is maar je wilt dan later toch graag naar de grotere, meer openere maps.
  7. iveL

    iveL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Met de patch van vandaag zijn een ''paar'' dingetjes veranderd:

    Single Player Changes
    Added missing blood effect on kill shot
    Fixed a crash that could happen during level load in SP
    Fixed issue with game crashing during intro cut scene of Campaign mission "Thunder Run"
    Fixed a crash that could happen when shutting down levels
    Fixed crash on last mission that could occur after the player is killed by the first enemy in the train
    When a user got killed, after respawning, he heard sounds that remained as if bullets still were passing around him
    Fixed glitch in melee showing your equipped gun instead of the knife
    Fixed issues with texture streaming. Prioritizing of textures close to the user has become better, resulting in more detailed textures
    Improved mesh streaming conditions to avoid situations with risk of corruptions and crashes
    Fix blend into vehicle problem when entering a vehicle in the Campaign
    Fixed issue where disconnecting a controller during the Gamer Profile sign out animation would cause the game to soft lock
    Removed the hint "Shoot out the lights." during SP mission Nightshift
    Fixed issue with last mission not listed in REPLAY MISSIONS list
    Fixed issue on the SP mission Night Shift where three of the marines that repel down from the Osprey at the start of the level have PLR models instead of the right marine models
    Has been made harder to fail missions due to zero tolerance friendly fire
    Fixed MG nest objective on Operation Guillotine
    Fix for music climax on mission "Fear No Evil"
    Fixed issues that occurred if user were backtracking after fight at elevator on SP mission "Comrades"
    Adding a back button to SP campaign select difficulty screen
    Removed slomo from jump into train on SP mission "The Great Destroyer"
    Fixed glitches in subway Quick Time Events in mission "The Great Destroyer"
    Increased quality of the loading screen images
    Fixed glitch that made it possible to reach Solomon train QTE with the wrong weapon equipped in mission "Semper Fidelis"
    Fixed final sound fade out on SP mission "Thunder Run"
    Removed sound fade on convoy ride in mission "Operation Guillotine"
    Fixed squad mates coming through wall after intro on SP mission "Operation Guillotine"
    SP mission, "The Great Destroyer": moved Campaign Cleared achievement until after the Dima outro
    Fixed soldiers inside of terrain at start of level in "OPERATION GUILLOTINE"
    SP mission, "The Great Destroyer": Fixed streaming issue which could lead to out of memory when streaming in Subway ride
    Improved music and music fade on tank encounter in mission "Operation Guillotine"
    Sound on Operation Guillotine: Fixed trading floor crash camera shake and rumble
    Fade later when driving in to tunnel on "OPERATION GUILLOTINE"
    Hide cross hair during Solomon intro & climb out scene on "Operation Swordbreaker"
    Fixes on "OPERATION SWORDBREAKER": Skip VO urging the player to move forward if the player has already moved. Fixed VO playing from the wrong world position
    Fixed crosshair being back on staging area in "OPERATION SWORD BREAKER"
    Fixes on "THUNDER RUN": Less delay after MICLIC scene. Friendly tanks start driving up to you sooner and are more likely to teleport into position. Enemies now spawn in front of you & to the right, instead of behind the approaching friendly tanks
    Fixed Squad mates goes through the ground in front of the house before throwing in grenades in "OPERATION GUILLOTINE"
    Fixed issue with player not being able to cross the plank as soon as its down on ground on mission "Operation Swordbreaker"
    Fixed sliding into cut scene on roof top on mission "Operation Swordbreaker"
    Tweaked difficulty levels in Single Player
    Fixed a hang in terrain streaming, causing the user to get stuck on black screen under special circumstances in Singleplayer
    Fixes in Night Shift: New save point after wave 2 in mall. Fixed bug where wave 3 was considered done way before all enemies were killed, causing a possible difficulty spike
    Added tutorial for firing Stinger on "ROCK AND A HARD PLACE" copied from "OPERATION GUILLOTINE"
    Delayed "The Professional" achievement/trophy to not pop up in the middle of the scene
    Fixed issue on The Great Destroyer where you could equip a gun before entering the train

    Multiplayer changes
    Significant squad user interface changes detailed here
    Added round duration and ticket summary at EOR
    Advanced squad polish – should be more intuitive
    Added back EOR sound for SQDM and TDM
    Fixed sound for when climbing ladders
    Fixed and issue with some first person weapon sounds
    Fixed a swim sound loop error
    You should no longer be able to damage a friendly vehicle when sitting in an open position
    Grenades now drop to ground if you get killed while attempting to throw it
    Spawn protection now should work in Conquest. You should no longer spawn on points too close to enemies
    You should no longer spawn too close to enemies in TDM and SQDM
    Fix for missing input restriction during intro movie, causing players to potentially fall and die while watching movie if moving controller (or having a controller with a bad stick zone).
    Combat areas on Kharg Rush tweaked in order to disallow defenders to access the carrier ship after 1st base is taken and being able to enter the AA gun
    Fixed a problem with revived players not being able to get suppressed
    Fixed a problem with the camera when being revived in COOP
    Spotting VO now plays when spotting from MAV/EOD
    End of round now has round statistics like Team tickets and Round time display
    Fixed several issues regarding the kill card. It was showing wrong weapons used for the kill
    Fixed that sometimes you would be stuck on a black screen when kicked from server
    Fixed so when a team captures two flags at the same time, the UI could show wrong owner of the flag
    Fixed a problem where the capture progress bar was showed as friendly when the enemy was capturing
    Fixed a problem with the bipod deploy sound
    Fixed a problem that you could be spawned in with no weapons after being killed while using the EOD bot
    Fixed problems with health bars not displaying health properly when using EOD bots
    Fixed a problem with flickering name tags
    Fixed a problem where friendlies could damage friendly helicopters
    Fixed a problem where you could get stuck in the co-op menu when attempting to join the session twice
    You should now be able to spot explosives
    You should no longer spawn in home base if your selected spawn point is disabled while waiting to spawn. For instance your teammate dies right before you are about to spawn
    Damage from bullets will now continue to cause damage even after the firing user is dead
    Fixed several client crashes
    Fixed a problem where players could get stuck in the join queue
    Fixed the repair icon on the minimap
    Deploy parachute now displays the tooltip to deploy parachute when free falling
    Fixed some artifacts when using flashlights
    Fixed several Xbox 360 specific crashes and freezes
    Fixed a problem where a user sometimes could not go into iron sights
    Improved shadow rendering
    Fixed several issues with friend invites and joins
    Vehicle boosts is now a toggle instead of momentary
    Fixed several issues with the Hardcore mode
    Fixed a few layout problems where the in-game controls and tooltips didn’t match those in the options menu
    Removed the possibility to pick up weapons in a EOD bot
    Fixed several interpolation issues
    Fixed a problem where claymore is flashing in the wrong team color
    Subway minimap updated to give better clarity
    Fixed an issue where the UI would not show the way to your new unlocks
    Increased quality of loading screen images
    Tweaked MP rank up parameters
    Fixed a problem with Metro Squad rush minimap where it looked like you were out of bounds
    Fixed a problem where a user can become invulnerable after being resurrected
    Fixed a problem where tank turrets would turn too slow
    Fixed a bug on Exfiltration where you could end up outside the vehicle and not being able to enter it again, thus blocking the mission
    Fixed a problem with the M60 reload sound
    Fixed a problem with the falling antenna on Caspian Border. It should now more instantly kill anyone in its falling path
    Fixed a hang in terrain streaming, causing the user to get stuck on black screen under special circumstances in Singleplayer
    Fixed a problem where the enemy would not be able to get a roadkill on a user that was using the SOFLAM
    Fix for soldiers disappearing in the mortar killcam
    Fixed Laser Guided Missiles missing their targets if the target is moving too fast
    Fixed a bug with terrain destruction not being reset on Operation Metro. Caused players to be able to below ground in some situations
    Fix for Type88 and the MG36 zoom in animation that was offset when in supported shooting
    Fixed a bad logic destruction connection causing clients to crash
    Fixed several dog tags that had wrong stats referenced, meaning they would show wrong kill numbers on them
    Tweaked the TV guided missile, so it can no longer bounce off objects

    Balance Changes
    Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns, AA guns, and Jet Cannons against infantry
    Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns against jeeps
    Reduced the physics impact of AA guns and Jet Cannons, players under attack from these weapons should no longer lose control
    Increased the damage of the 44 Magnum slightly
    Increased the range and minimum damage of the .357 Round from the MP412 Rex
    Increased the range of all .45cal and 9mm weapons
    Slightly increased the range of the P90 and MP7 and PDW-R
    Slightly increased the range of the 5.56mm PDW-R and decreased the minimum damage at long range
    Slightly increased the minimum range of the Mk11, SVD, and M39 EMR 7.62mm rifles
    Decreased the maximum damage and maximum range of the G3 and SCAR-H 7.62mm weapons
    Reduced the damage from FIM-92 and SA-18 IGLA missiles against aircraft
    Increased the damage and range of the 40mm BUCK rounds
    Reduced the damage .50cal weapons do against Helicopters
    Updated T90 canister shell tweaks to match Abrams canister shells
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 dec 2011
  8. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    WTF reduced the damage tegen aircraft?? wat een bullshit :mad:
    en waar is die mines update?
  9. LeeSpacey

    LeeSpacey Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Straks ff Back To Karkand pakken. Dat word weinig slaap vannacht...
  10. LostBoyz

    LostBoyz JWT

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vroeg ik me ook al af.. op de PS3 en PC zijn er veel meer balance patches geweest. Waar blijven die van ons? :)
  11. PBateman

    PBateman From the Shadows

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nvm, probleem opgelost.
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 dec 2011
  12. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toch is dit al een mooi begin, ik zie heel veel in die lijst waar ik wel blij van word.

    Alleen jammer dat de G3 generfed is die had ik net unlocked :+
  13. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kan nu mines spotten dus dat scheelt heel veel :D
  14. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat kost mij idd veel punten als engineer :+

    Vind die assignments wel goed bedacht, hadden ze meteen moeten doen. Voor mn gevoel word er veel meer ge-supplied en ge-healed

    veel spelers hebben blijkbaar nog een extra beloning naast de overwinning nodig om goed samen te werken
  15. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Conquest op nieuwe maps is nep zeg! :mad: je kan amper wat als je geen engineer bent.
  16. xboxlol

    xboxlol Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    FUUUU, ben ik net de update aan het downloaden, disconnected from xbox live. :mad:
  17. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het lijken mij anders ook heel geschikte recon/sniper mappen

    maar assault en support gaan inderdaad een beetje ten onder in het engineer/tank geweld
  18. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja als je egoist bent :+ ik denk: nou weer even assault spelen, maar je bent alleen maar aan het rennen. Rush is al wat gebalanceerder
  19. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe konden jullie eigenlijk spelen? Bij ons was er geen doorkomen aan, Origin was overbelast :emo:
  20. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Xbox he :+ gotta love ms :p
    Nja de pc community is volgens mij ook wat groter..

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