Ik wijs mensen er wel op dat RANKED custom servers aan bepaalde voorwaarden moeten voldoen om boosten te voorkomen. Anders wordt je server zonder pardon verwijderd.
Dit geldt NIET voor unranked, daar mag je doen wat je wil.
If you are an administrator of a ranked Battlefield 3 server (referred to below as a “Server Administrator”), you must also comply with the EA Online Terms and Conditions.
Server Administrators are in violation of the EA Online Terms and Conditions if they enforce server rules on ranked servers that prohibit or severely limit players from using any roles, kits, weapons, vehicles, or other features of the game while playing on their server. Examples of such rules that would violate the EA Online Terms and Conditions include:
Running knife / pistol-only servers
Preventing players from using certain weapons or items (such as flash bangs or C4) or enforcing a “pistol only” or “knife only” server rule
Server Administrators may implement and enforce rules that result in minor changes to gameplay behavior or styles as long as these are clearly stated before a player starts playing on a server. These rules typically introduce minor or limited restrictions on how a certain aspect of the game can be used, but do not create or promote an environment that would allow abuse of the scoring/award system. Examples of such rules that are acceptable are:
Disallowing repeated main base camping/attacking of bases that cannot be captured.
Limiting the use of mortars to a particular region of the map.
Server Administrators will also violate the EA Online Terms and Conditions if they (i) use offensive server names, server art or clan tags; or (ii) encourage other players to violate the EA Online Terms and Conditions while in game.
Nogmaals, dit geldt NIET voor unranked, daar mag je doen wat je wil. 
En ja EA is krom, want battlefield 3 heeft geen flashbangs.