So I think I have a solution to a lot of the bickering about the assault class being overpowered, and going on revive trains to a win. Also there are a lot of people who hate how support players have a nasty habit of forgetting to drop ammo packs. I have an idea to fix both of those problems... hopefully. And yes i know it probably wont happen.
What if we made the defib work on a battery life. It starts with say, 4 charges, giving you access to 4 quick revives. An ammo box would be able to supply extra batteries, refilling the charges for the defib. This keeps a squad of medics from being unstoppable on some maps, as they would need support classes around to keep their revives going. Support characters also might be more inclined to drop packs, as their medics wouldn't be nearly as effective without ammo packs around the battlefield.
I would also add that maybe once a medics defib hits 0 charges, it would slowly recharge up to one charge on it's own, sort of like health does. That way a medic who has done a good job for his team, but doesn't have a nearby support character, wont get completely gimped.

R version, make the defib work on a battery charge, which needs support ammo boxes to refill all the way.
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