De mappen zien er best bruut uit, ik zie ook allerlei zaken die wel interessant lijken...alleen, ik ben niet zo'n voorstander van sneeuw...bij lockers loop ik ook vrijwel nooit buitenom omdat de sneeuw serieus pijn doet aan mijn oogjes...ik hoop dat de sneeuw in de nieuwe mappen minder vel is...
De sneeuw in Locker is zo vel, omdat je uit een donker gebouw in eens naar buiten gaat. Dit vind ik super realistisch na gemaakt.
Ik denk dat wij hier dan de enigen zijn die zich voor de medals interesseren! Zelf heb ik al alle wapen medals behalve die melee medal. Ik ben 130 en heb zelfs nog geen één melee ribbon, dus het is wel degelijk de moeilijkste! Ik kies er vrijwel altijd voor om iemand een pistol headshot te geven wanneer ik achter ze sta omdat melee'en gewoon te vaak mis gaat (door de engine). Ga die medal daarom ook voor het laatst bewaren denk ik. @PBateman indeed ho-ly shit!
Dat geluid bij 1.000.000 kogels per minuut, gewoon 1 ‘’bang’’, en dan al die planken (?) aan het einde… Je zal het tegenover je hebben als je ergens in een slagveld staat.
Ik ben toch benieuwd of die extra 'als verassing' (oude BF3 maps) voor BF4 nog gaan komen uiteindelijk.
Ik speel BF4 op de PS4 en ik heb nu tijdens het spel geen enkel geluid meer. Weet iemand hier misschien of dit een bekend probleem is?
De M39 EMR is officieel het *&^*^^*^wapen van alle wapens in BF4...ik probeer die USA assignment te halen en met dit *&%*&%-wapen moet je 50 headshots hebben... Ik weet nog niet of ik zo mijn controller door het raam gooi, of door mijn beeldscherm...AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!
Tweaks and fixes incoming! We are happy to inform you that the anticipated Fall Patch for Battlefield 4 is right around the corner. The certification has started on several platforms and the Fall Patch is targeted for release at the end of September. Fall Patch Highlights So what are we improving? First of all: the final fix list for the Fall Patch is fairly massive and will be released when the patch goes live. The full patch notes will contain all changes in more detail. In the meantime however, here are some of the Fall Patch highlights that you can expect: Game modes - Rush (All base game maps except Dawnbreaker), Obliteration, Capture the Flag, and Carrier Assault. Added the Obliteration Competitive sub-game mode Sight Improvements - Close & Medium range sight reticles no longer affected by weapon firing animation, AKA “Visual Recoil” - Improved visibility for red glowing reticule pieces against bright backgrounds Player Movement - Now almost identical to BF3 movement – with BF4 animation sets - Dampened third person hit reactions for player head HUD clarification pass - De-cluttered and made customizable a plethora of HUD options to make BF4 look the way you want it to (within reason) Revive mechanic - Made revives much more robust, easier to understand with new UI art and included a new “fully charged” paddle sound. “Netcode” - Lowering the setting for how much time difference is allowed when damaging other players (addressing trade kills and behind cover kills where high pings are involved) - An automatic High Frequency Update setting is now the default for all users - Added High Frequency update support to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms - Additional improvements to bullet damage delays between clients compared to Netcode Patch Weapon attachment changes - Muzzle Brake: Reduced the overall impact of this attachment. Both its positives and negatives have been reduced - Heavy Barrel: Lowered the buff it gave to minimum moving spread and moved some of that bonus into reduced spread increase. Should be a good option for longer range tap firing - Lasers: Small buff to standing hip-fire accuracy Weapon changes Note that this list contains an excerpt – the upcoming patch notes will have a detailed list. Bullet velocity increases: Improved bullet velocity for Slugs and nearly all suppressed weapons. Selectively improved base velocity for weapons that were too slow for their intended range Damage Model: Many weapons have had their maximum and minimum damage adjusted slightly. It may take 1 extra bullet to kill at extremely close engagements and long range combat Trigger Delay: Removed from all revolvers Adjustments to slower rate of fire weapons to make them easier to use at longer ranges vs higher ROF weapons Carbines and PDWs now have unique bullpup modifiers that give improved bonuses over the rifle counterpart Ammo: Gave more ammo to the weapons that were short a mag compared to their counterparts DMRs: Audio when being shot at by a DMR has been improved SKS and M39EMR no longer allow you to hold breath Grenade capacity lowered and resupply times increased. Start of the Teamplay Initiative! The new Teamplay Initative on the CTE, which will be implemented in our coming releases, will focus on the teamplay aspects of Battlefield 4. Our goal is to improve, simplify, and make playing the objective (PTFO) more rewarding than it has ever been. This initiative will span more than one release, as there are many things to look at. We will of course continue looking at the previous remaining issues and fixes in the areas of Netcode, Core Gameplay and balance as we go on. For the Final Stand release, we will try and get these things addressed in time on the CTE: Gameplay objective scoring re-balance (make playing the objective more desirable) Health and ammo pack re-balance Fix for Neutral/Friendly roadkills exploit and getting killed by own vehicle Distance Spotting changes to make spotting at a distance more precise Footprint sound and random callouts improvements This small list of features only scratch the surface of what we want to look at. A full list of our goals with this initiative will be published on the CTE this week if you are interested what we’ll be working on in following releases. And as always – a big Thank You to all the players who have helped or is helping making us make Battlefield 4 a better game to play! David Sirland Battlefield 4 Live Producer
Die patch lijkt me een goed begin om BF4 weer op te gaan pakken. Afgelopen maanden wat andere games gespeeld, en merk ook direct dat ik een stuk slechter ben in BF. De laatste DLC lijkt me echter geweldig, dus ik ga het zeker weer oppakken voor die tijd.
Van mensen die het object niet spelen bij conquest moeten ze de game console in beslag nemen, ga COD spelen ajb!!!!! AAAaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!! Zo, beter!