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Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 16 mei 2008.

  1. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    JA, had ik al gezien ja;)
    Dat gevecht is tof inderdaad:thumbs:
    Alleen jammer dat de game verder niet echt veel aandacht krijgt..
    Hier wel wat nieuwe screens








    The Weapons of Bayonetta

    Hi, everyone. I’m Muneyuki “Johnny” Kotegawa, and I am in charge of the design and modeling for all of the weapons in Bayonetta.

    I was also involved in designing the weapons for Devil May Cry and Resident Evil. This is my first project with Kamiya-san since Devil May Cry.

    I wanted to blog about Scarborough Fair, Bayonetta’s beloved handguns that you may have seen in our trailers and other advertisements.

    First I want to cover how we approached design in general, not just limited to weapons. Kamiya-san’s direction for the character was pretty much;

    1. A female lead character
    2. A modern witch
    3. Guns on hands and feet

    I think that Shimako covered this in an earlier blog.

    After going through an intense bit of back and forth between Shimako and Kamiya-san (I sit between them…) they came up with a color balance based around pitch-black clothing, white skin, gold ornamentations, and the red ribbon accent. It was then that it was decided that the guns in her hand should be red. While there is an element of color balancing to it, this game has intense action that hasn’t really been seen up until this point in gaming, so having the red guns makes it easier to pick up the position of Bayonetta’s limbs in combat. By the way, her gloves (palms), and soles are also red.

    We also had to make this easy to pick up on because Bayonetta uses her guns in her primary for of attacking – via melee.

    With all this in mind, I went to work to come up with some weapon designs based on real world guns. I do this because if I base something on gun parts that are familiar, it will remain convincing even if the final product is a complete work of the imagination. Movie prop guns like the blaster in Blade Runner, or Han Solo’s gun in Star Wars are examples of this style of design.

    I suppose gun-lovers will be able to figure out which gun is based on what real world weapon. The strange base guns are the traces of trial and error included because I wanted to make something that no one had ever seen before. You could also say they reflect my personal taste as well.

    The guns that aren’t red were actually created before we had locked down the final design specifications. I made them silver or gold to make sure they stood out to the eye.

    After working on the various designs, Kamiya-san’s eyes stopped at a gun based on the Derringer. It must have been because great minds think alike, and he could see it would be a gun capable of rapid fire; a simple, rugged gun. Or so I thought. “This design would look hot in a girl’s hand.” Hmph.


    1. The first image sees the design taking into account the gun’s use as a melee weapon, as well as making it giant to fit in with the action game requirements we talked about earlier. I also made the small parts gold to impart some elegance. The part underneath the grip is formed and inspired by a high-heel.

    2. The second image is even more of a melee weapon, adding some spikes and other ornamentation, as well as a jewel on the side. This was all to give the gun an overall accent.

    3. I was told to make the gun less spikey, so redesigned with something a bit more subdued, while thinking of the design elements once again. This is also where I added the final logo for Scarborough Fair.

    4. Since the gun will be used for melee attacks, I wanted to add something akin to a knuckle guard onto the gun. I also shrunk things down to make the entire gun seem stronger.

    5. I felt I may have gone too far, so I went back to some previous elements. The high-heel silhouette that was removed in design #4 makes a comeback.

    6. Here we move even closer back towards the original Derringer silhouette. I added a rail onto the top of the guns so that they could be equipped on Bayonetta’s feet. They slide into the gap in her high heels. The knuckle guard is meant to remind you of an old pair of scissors, an idea that came from Kamiya-san. This is the design I used to make the final guns.


    As a little addition, if you put two of the guns together, they will form the Witch’s mark. I used this design to begin production on the CG model.

    But even then, I kept toying with the design as I created the model, doing retakes as I added ideas or the use of the weapon changed.


    Scarborough Fair is an old English ballad that focuses on four herbs – Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. These herbs became the names of each individual gun. Witches and herbs are closely linked. (This even comes up a bit in the game’s story.) I also changed the color of the gem on each of the gun to match the flower of the herb, which Bayonetta then uses to summon/expel the bullets that allow her to fire limitless rounds of ammo. (You can’t really see it, but there is a bullet in the gem.) Underneath the grip, we also added a charm (designed by Shimako) that is also linked with the herbs.

    The gun can also be opened at the breach to be loaded with different bullets and fired single-shot. You’ll just have to look forward to the game to figure out how we use this…

    So that pretty much sums up how we went about the design and creation of Scarborough Fair. It took a long time to arrive at Bayonetta’s main weapon, but once we had that clear direction, the rest of the weapons were a smooth design process. The first time is always the hardest, right?

    And of course, as you have seen in the trailers, this isn’t the only weapon that Bayonetta will wield. You can look forward to playing with weapons that range from the standard to the absolutely outrageous.

    Next time I blog, I will give you a look into the design of some of the other weapons, as well as the guns used by the mysterious woman in red, Jeanne.

    Jeanne's artwork


  2. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Erg vette info, kan niet wachten. ^^

    Hopelijk geven ze ook niet teveel info weg =/ met DMC 4 wist ik eigenlijk alles al voordat de game uitkwam.
  3. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Combo Megaton Gameplay
  4. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vette shit.
    Ik d8 dat het dezelfde filmpje was als mij die ik een tijdje geleden had gepost maar deze is veel langer..
    Toffe Moves:b:

    Japanese Climax Action Gameplay:thumbs:
  5. Porunga NL

    Porunga NL zo laat alweer?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hmm weer een beetje een anti-climax dat ik van dat tweede filmpje het meeste materiaal al gezien had.

    die combo movie is wel vet ja. Ziet er ook best simpel uit om uit te voeren, ben benieuwd of er een nog een demo komt om het zelf te testen.

    Zet gewoon die speelbare E3 versie online mensen! zieltjes winnen voor deze game.
  6. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat zou wel heel mooi zijn, wie weet komt er nog een demo. ;)
  7. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    waneer komt dit spel eingelijk uit ?
  8. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klopt dat je het meeste materiaal al gezien hebt..
    Wil ook wel eens wat andere levels zien;)

    Denk wel dat die demo gaat komen hoor.
    Aleen zal dat denkik nog even duren.
    Weet alleen niet of je er veel zieltjes mee kan winnen want denk toch dat veel mensen deze game niet gaan halen.

    1 Oktober

    Toffe artwork;)


    Laatst bewerkt: 1 jul 2009
  9. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die chick heeft wel wat.
    Autoritair, streng, apart en een kickass uitstraling van you don't wanna mess with me.
  10. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tis wel een beetje stil rond deze game he=(

    Bayonetta’s Backgrounds
    July 1st, 2009 Filed: Bayonetta, Community, Games, PlatinumGames

    Hello, everyone. I’m Washi, background design lead on the Bayonetta team. Pleased to meet you all.

    I’ve been working with Kamiya-san since Okami, and I’m incredibly excited to be working on this game everyday.

    Anyways, I wanted to make an appearance on the blog and tell you a bit about the background design (stage design) in Bayonetta.

    Writing the word background makes it seem like it is all just simple scenery, and calling it a backdrop makes it all sound a bit too boring… Bayonetta, it goes without saying, is an action game. Moreover one that’s even been labeled a ∞ Climax Action game.

    In an action game, backgrounds (and sorry if this is a bit obvious) don’t simply function as a tool to express the world the game takes place in, but also are the arenas upon which battles with your enemies play out. This is both the most difficult and most enjoyable aspect of creating stage backgrounds.

    When you are fighting the same enemy on a different stage, it’s pretty clear that you end up with a different fight, right? Then if you have stages that change in real time, you should expect the amount of fun to multiply, as well. So what if you had lots of those kinds of stages?

    To tell you the truth, when we started working on Bayonetta, the stage design team spent an enormous amount of time using the newly attained expressive power of the so-called “next-gen systems” trying to figure out how much prettier we could make the graphics. The amount of things we had to do had increased drastically from before, leading to repeated trial and error, but eventually development progressed and we were finally able to set our sights on a level of graphics we could accept. However, if we would have stopped there, we would have ended up with nothing more than pretty backgrounds. They’d have been backdrops.

    You could say that this is where the real work began for the stage design team.

    There are various elements to ∞ Climax Action, and each section within the Bayonetta team carries their own weight and has included numerous ideas into the game. The background team in charge of stage design takes the ideas drawn up by the game director or planners, and then coordinates with each section of the team – the programmers, effect and motion designers, the sound team, etc. – gaining their support in creating the stages while we design. This time, we made an action game filled with a non-stop assault of Climax scenes!!

    When I thought about how our users are going to enjoy the game, or be surprised by its content, it was clear that stages with movement were an absolutely fundamental element. If the stages we tried to make at first were to be labeled with the idea of tranquility, these stages were to be about movement.

    However, even if you say “stages with movement,” if they end up as simple “moving backgrounds,” they won’t pack the right punch. What becomes important here is the game camera.

    Normally, and especially with the things we like to identify as the climax scenes in a film, I think one way they are able to ratchet up the excitement in scenes are with things like incredibly audacious camera work; however, in the case of games, if you go too far you’ll end up in a situation where the player can’t follow the game, and they will feel the camera is a hindrance to the game/battle. And there is no way you could just leave the best parts, the battles, to be played out in a cutscene. That’s just a waste!!

    If it can be achieved, we want to fight a real battle inside something that feels like a cutscene!

    With that concept in hand, our director and programmers arrived at a wonderful solution to our camera setup, and once it was put into a stage, we were finally able to say that we had completed a “stage with movement.”


    As one progresses through a game, the way the game balances out and presents the various forms of “stress and release” is something I believe to be an important point. With Bayonetta’s stage design, we’ve linked this idea of “stress and release” with the concept of tranquility and movement.

    The distribution of these moments is something that we are, of course, paying very close attention to as we proceed through production; however, if I had to put a word on what Bayonetta is like, it would have to be thrill ride!

    Not to beat a dead horse, but it’s all because the game is a non-stop assault of Climax scenes. ∞ Climax Action! When I pick up the controller to play a stage we have finished, if someone says to me, “This is kind of boring right here,” I respond, “Well, then let me toss in a little bit more of the ol’ Climax!” (Even though I don’t really have time…) That’s kind of how things are in the studio right now.

    In any case, Bayonetta is turning out to be pumped full of all sorts of big and small tricks; a full on rush of outrageous stages.

    I’m sorry I could give you even more detailed take on the stage design in Bayonetta, but when you are talking about things like this, there is no escaping the fact that you can’t be too detailed or you will venture straight into spoilers. For now, I’m giving my work my all in hopes that it will get the game into your hands even just a day sooner, so look forward to the final product!!

    Wat Nieuwe Screens:thumbs:


























  11. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er gewoon erg vet uit _O_
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit ziet er gewoon weird uit. :+ Komt door het perspectief enzo, maar toch.

    En is dat laatste plaatje fanart? Daar ziet ze er beter uit dan op de officiele plaatjes tot nu toe.
  13. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja dat is Fanart Dulle.
    Zit vette shit tussen ;)

  14. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bayonetta Japan Expo 2009 boss

    BAYONETTA Hideki Kamiya interview Famitu Wave DVD
  15. Porunga NL

    Porunga NL zo laat alweer?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi dat er ook wat andere beelden in dat interview zitten.
    Het blijft er goed uitzien allemaal.

    ik denk dat ik mijn principe van "maximaal 2 games per najaar" (anders koop ik toch alleen maar full-price games die ik pas ga spelen als ze alweer goedkoop in de winkels liggen) ga invullen met bayonetta en modern warfare 2.

    oktober kan niet snel genoeg komen. ik heb DMC4 nu wel vaak genoeg uitgespeeld. Tijd voor wat anders!
  16. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gewoon bij GH kopen. Kun je er 4-6 kopen. :)
  17. Porunga NL

    Porunga NL zo laat alweer?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja, dat is vooral voor mensen die zich door geen enkele hype mee laten sleuren en nog geduld hebben ook.

    Helaas val ik niet onder die groep mensen. Bij echt goede games moet ik ze op release dag hebben, anders word ik gek. Ik geef het internet de schuld van deze aandoening.
  18. powerslave666

    powerslave666 Bakker Gijs

    Leuk Bevonden:
    PGTV Episode 6 – Hideki Answers Your Questions!
    July 7th, 2009 by PlatinumGames

    Hi all,

    As Kamiya-san mentioned in his last blog, we have been trying to figure out a way to answer all your questions while still making sure we can tell you all about Bayonetta as well.

    How do we think we can solve the problem? Video!! With subtitles and audio, we can create something that both our Japanese and foreign fans can enjoy. We can answer even more questions! It’s perfect!

    Hier een 20 minuten durende filmpje met vragen van fans over de game.
    Wel interessant;)


    Er komt dus een demo.
    Weten alleen nog niet waneer.
    Laatst bewerkt: 9 jul 2009
  19. Porunga NL

    Porunga NL zo laat alweer?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hmm, page not found.

    doet ie het bij jullie wel? ben wel benieuwd naar die beelden en uitleg namelijk.

    edit: tweede link doet het, thanks Dulle!
    Laatst bewerkt: 9 jul 2009
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

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