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Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 9 jan 2008.

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  1. DimlightHero

    DimlightHero Rule 7

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vakantie? ow daar moet ik idd ook ff naar kijken

    weten jullie trouwens dat de PC versie mr 40 eu is bij dimensionplus?
    wrm is die anders geprijsd? :confused:

    [EDIT]: ik heb precies de week voordat hij uitkomt vakantie(TOT de 23 ) en erger nog 2 weken daarna heb ik toetsweek.... :'-(
    Laatst bewerkt: 9 sep 2009
  2. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh, haha.
    Ik snap het nu.
    Achja, je kan altijd vragen wat de release date is. Ze verschuiven nogal deze periode. Valt jou ook niks te verwijten echt.
  3. Kaneda

    Kaneda Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het leukste lijkt me eigenlijk het leukst om gelijk vanaf de start al samen met anderen te spelen. Ik ben erbij op de release-dag iig!
  4. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik ook, ben ook van de partij.

    Wordt echt leuk, meeste mensen die het spel gaan kopen hier heb ik al in mijn FR list
  5. Rydan

    Rydan Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ga hem sowieso ook kopen, maar omdat ik nu bezig ben met een baan zoeken en kleding even voorrang heeft weet ik nog niet of ik hem meteen haal. Liefst wel natuurlijk.
  6. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voeg mij dan ook maar even toe.

    Ik denk dat de game er wel komt, maar omdat er zoveel toppers uitkomen moet ik elk spel natuurlijk wel wat aandacht geven. De titels die ik hier nu heb liggen beginnen een beetje te vervelen. Voor de zoveelste keer Oblivion of Mass Effect doen is na een tijdje te herkenbaar. :'-(
  7. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wees vrij mij ook maar toe te voegen voor BL! o.o
  8. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wat ik doe als er zoveel spellen uitkomen is alleen de co-op/mp games kopen.

    Deze zijn het leukste als iedereen online nog is en alles nieuw is zodat je samen het spel kunt ontdekken. Een paar maanden later rushed iedereen in co-op door de beginnerslevels, of is het spel al doodgebloed onder je friendslist en moet je met willekeurige mensen spelen.

    De SP hits kun je na die paar maanden als je niks te spelen hebt van de x-bazar plukken of anders voor 30 euro als ze al zijn afgeprijsd in de winkel
  9. WOUW5

    WOUW5 Cpt. Censorshades!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pc-games zijn altijd goedkoper, omdat ze anders tog wel gedownload worden.
  10. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    pc games kun je niet doorverkopen.

    Je moet namelijk altijd een account aanmaken en de serial gebruiken.
    Bij de 360 en ps3 is het gelinked aan je PSN of gamertag.

    Dus doorverkopen is nog mogelijk
  11. Ferron

    Ferron Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ook!
  12. DimlightHero

    DimlightHero Rule 7

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ah, dus bij de 360 en de PS versie word de 15 eu opgeteld die je ervoor krijgt als je hem weer kwijt wil? ze stimuleren dus eigenlijk de 2de hands handel in games? 8)
  13. WOUW5

    WOUW5 Cpt. Censorshades!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nee, ze zorgen dat zij zelf zoveel mogelijk winst maken
  14. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nee ze doen het anders. Marktonderzoek wijst uit dat ze bijvoorbeeld 100.000 potentiële kopers hebben voor de pc en 100.000 voor de consoles.

    Van die 100.000 van de consoles wil 50.000 hem 2e hands kopen en niet de volle prijs betalen.

    Bij de pc kunnen ze dit niet doen vanwege de serials. Dus maken ze het spel goedkoper zodat toch ook de mensen die 2e hands willen kopen het spel kopen voor winstmaximalisatie
  15. DimlightHero

    DimlightHero Rule 7

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ahja, mr ze pikken dus wel die 15 eu mee bij het doorverkopen? slim...

    ik vind dat het nu wel tijd is voor gearbox om ook iets van die arena's te laten zien.
    het enige wat ik ervan weet is dat Randy zij dat ze een beetje op Quake arena's leken
  16. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo denk ik er dus ook over.
    Borderlands ziet er erg strak uit, grafisch is dit echt mijn ding.
    Qua gameplay en zeker die co-op zijn dingen waar ik zeker naar uitkijk.
    Veel kans dus dat ik dit spel haal op de releasedag
  17. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bedankt voor de goede tip. :thumbs:
  18. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bron: Game-Central

    Borderlands Interview with Gearbox’s Mikey Neumann
    Posted September 9, 2009, by Chris C. Comments ( 8 )

    During this year’s PAX, Borderlands was widely considered by many as game of the show. The lines to play it snaked around multiple walls, and the wait times often teetered on a cool 3 hours. The 2K exhibitors were swarmed with ravenous compliments and numerous begged replays. Lucky for us, we had a chance to chat about the game with Mikey Neumann, Gearbox Software’s creative director. (Also, after the interview, Mikey commented on how I looked just like Colin Farrell. Beats being compared to Steve Buscemi!)

    GC: So you’ve been working on Borderlands, have you been working on cross development for the PC, Xbox and PS3?

    MN: Yep, all three.

    GC: Okay, so Game Central is a PC-centered site, and we were wondering what the main differences are, if any, between the PC version and the console counterparts?

    MN: It depends on what hardware you’re running, for the most part the PC will look about the same, but if you have a pretty killer rig, you can crank up the settings to make it look really, really awesome


    GC: I’m kind of a story guy myself, and I was talking with Chet at Valve yesterday about Left 4 Dead and how story in games seems to be an afterthought, so with Borderlands, is this the case? Was there an active effort to develop the story separate from the game play?

    MN: It’s definitely different than out previous efforts; not sure if you’ve played our Brothers in Arms games, in which I was actually the writer and cinematic director on three of those…

    GC: I did. Good work.

    MN: Thank you; that was definitely a different monster, like we really wanted to tell a specific story. (With) Borderlands, I think it’s more about the stories you tell about your experience. It’s a cop-out answer, but it’s about the smaller stories as well: we have a lot of side quests where like, a specific type of person will tell you and give you quests relevant to them. Like TK Baja: this guy’s had a pretty rough life, a Skag actually ate his wife, his leg, and his eyeballs.

    GC: I hate it when that happens.

    MN: Yeah, so he’s blind, he just sits in a chair all day, and all his quests are like: just go murder the crap out of every Skag you can find. There’s actually a boss quest he gives you to go find his leg from the Skag that ate it.

    GC: Wow. Okay, so when you say “Skag,” is this like the native alien that inhabitants the planet?

    MN: Yeah, a Skag is sort of like a dog-like creature that roams around on Pandora (the game word), they’re not overly dangerous if you just kinda leave them alone and walk around, but there are a lot of missions to kill them, and there are some bigger ones that will definitely come after you.

    GC: Is this more of a single player experience? Or when you guys were developing, was there an active effort to make it co-op and multiplayer friendly?

    MN: Yeah it was definitely coop from, like, build 1. Like when it was just gray with sticks running around. Like 4 sticks right? That was definitely where we wanted to focus the game; you can play it with your friends, it’s a game you can play split-screen, you can do whatever you want to do. That’s not to say that the single player got neglected- it is a really strong single player game. And we balanced everything to anywhere from 1 to 4 players, and we did a lot of focus testing. This is new with this game at Gearbox. We have an internal focus team that pulls people in from colleges and department stores; wherever we can find them… the thing about gamers is they’ll pretty much tell you what sucks. They’re not gonna bullshit you. They’ll just tell you straight up, “This is bad, and this is bad.” But we’re tweaking it over time to make it better.

    GC: How many focus group tests has it gone through? A lot of people have said, “Well, focus groups are great. But if you overuse them, you have so many opinions coming into one area that it’s sort of hard because how do you tweak and satisfy everybody’s needs while still maintaining your original vision?”


    MN: Definitely hundreds and hundreds of people (were used). And we trend data; you look at the overall score. We started focus testing up until now, so about a year. And the overall score of everything has gone up steadily, which is definitely showing us that we’re making people happy… a good example was we knew that our jumping wasn’t working, like about 6 or 7 months ago, it didn’t quite feel right and we really didn’t know how to explain it.

    GC: Like jumping in general?

    MN: Yeah- (it felt) floaty or something. I guess it’s hard to put into words. We focus tested it, and people were like, “I love this game! But your jumping sucks.” And everybody kept saying, “Your jumping sucks!” and we finally said, “Okay, guys, you’re right: our jumping sucks.” That’s not something we can just set aside… we actively worked on that until it was something we were comfortable with, it went back into focus testing, and it never came up again. And I think it’s examples like that where you normally just shove it aside and not attack (the issue) right away, but for us it became really relevant and helped us make the game more fun overall.

    GC: So what did you actually do to fix that? To make it so that the jumping wasn’t a problem?

    MN: Well, you adjust the gravity, the height, the speed. It’s all subtle stuff. The thing is, (it’s even in) movement- you put a millisecond lag on the right (analog) stick or something and your aim is just off, people will say your aim sucks, but they won’t be able to tell you why… and then you dig in and figure why it sucks in any case like that.

    GC: So, this is gonna be a little bit of a loaded question, so bare with me-

    MN: A loaded question? (Laughs) Okay.

    GC: Is there any cross-play between PC and console?

    MN: Noooo.

    GC: Because back in the day, Shadow Run did it for a little while, when Games for Windows live was still applicable.

    MN: Right, right.

    GC: No plans to do that at all?

    MN: Nahhh, hopefully we’ll sell so many on each console and PC that it won’t matter.

    GC: Yeah, I had to ask, but I was hoping the answer would be no. So what are the main differences between co-op and single player? Did you design all the quests differently around co-op and single player?

    NM: Everything’s the same; all the quests are the same, all the source stuff is the same. We do level up the creatures with more health and stuff and we have more creatures when you do play coop. So if you have 1, or 2, or 3, or 4 we actually balance the game actively at that time. So if you’re playing 2 people, and a third one comes in, a little message comes in and says, “The creatures of Pandora have grown stronger,” and it’s automatically balanced. If there’s 4 people, it rebalances again, on the fly, all the time. You can drop in, drop out. If you have a single player character, and you get all the way to level 10, start playing with your friends, that character goes everywhere you go.


    GC: So I hate to keep using Valve, but it’s not like Left 4 Dead where you have 2 people drop out and 2 AI characters show up to take their place?

    MN: No, (in Borderland’s case) they’re gone.

    GC: So what are you guys looking at for a release date right now?

    MN: October 20th.

    GC: Is that cross-platform? For everything?

    MN: Yeah- same launch.

    GC: Are you doing anything with Steam, or is it boxed copies only?

    MN: We’re trying to figure that out right now, but I can’t talk about it since we haven’t announced anything. But we are actively pursuing it.

    Bron: GamingTruth

    PAX 09 Impressions: Borderlands
    by Deejay Knight: at September 10th, 2009, 4:15 pm [​IMG]

    PAX 2009, impressions

    If you follow the site, there should be no surprise that I was at PAX this year representing GAMINGtruth. If you follow my twitter account, DeeJayKnight, you’d know that I spent the first night of PAX at Gearbox’s Borderlands’ Panel. Beyond that, I spent at least a couple minutes at the Borderlands (Borderlands reviews) booth daily. Now that I’ve recovered (from exhaustion, not the other thing PAX attendees have been going through), it’s about time to give you the rundown on the game that worked to pull me to PAX in the first place…

    So yea, I’ve been stoked about Borderlands for quite some time. CrazyEcho got me on record the night before the event started professing my love for it (you’ll want to see 2:25). How did it fare? Let’s just say October is too long from now…

    To start off, a brief description of Borderlands:

    Borderlands™ sends up to four co-op players to the harsh frontier planet Pandora in search of a mysterious Alien Vault legend. Featuring a unique First Person Roleplaying Shooter gameplay, you’ll customize your character as you explore and battle enemies in frantic FPS combat.

    When I started playing on the first day, it was from a fresh game. I decided to go with Mordecai because I’m a *huge* fan of sniping. Arriving in Pandora you learn the basic controls from Claptrap, a cool little robot that walks you through the town you start off in, while killing people and avoiding some fairly major explosions in the process. One of the first things I noticed about the game was the interface. Rather than the icons floating everywhere all the time, the interface is very similar to the web. When your reticle points at something or you come close enough to it, you get a roll over effect. Like the “X” button in the image above. It’s refreshing to see it presented like this in a game.


    While getting the controls down and taking down a bunch of enemies, the loot had already started to drop. I picked up a pistol that had a sniper scope on it, which was pretty good for me because I do enjoy sniping! There were various chests around which opened up to even more weapon/ammo/money, so if you’re all about loot, this is definitely going to be a good time. After this, I ran around causing as much destruction and mayhem as I could, so here’s a bit of info on the other aspects of the game.

    Each character has special moves. I only got to play around with Lilith’s, but the ability was to create a temporal bubble that temporarily makes her invisible, as well as damaging enemies when she goes into it. Roland has a Shield Turret, Brick has ‘Berserker’ - a rage that boosts his melee attacks, and Mordecai has ‘Bloodwing’, an alien that assists with attacks.

    In case you haven’t been following the game, Gearbox developed an AI that just builds weapons. The devs have settings for each one of the game’s weapons manufacturers, of which there are multiple: Jakobs, Hyperion, Vladof, Dahl, S&S and Maliwan are known up to now, but there could be more. Beyond the settings, the AI randomly builds weapons depending on your level and where you are in the game. What’s more is that the weapons have an economy built around them based on their manufaturers. For example, Jakobs weapons tend to have wood but there’s no wood in Pandora so they cost a bit more. Maliwan weapons, while they might be good, are made of lower quality materials which lowers their resale value.

    To say that they’ve spent time on the weapons would be a gross understatement.

    Missions range from resource gathering to taking down targets - standard RPG fare. What happens during the missions, though, is what differentiates Borderlands from the other shooters you’ve played. Considering the staggering number of weapons in the game - somewhere in the range of millions - you’ll be seeing new weapons pretty regularly. Between my personal playing and the panel, I saw a shotgun that outright melted a guy. There’s always going to be a weapon that fits your playstyle, I’m sure.

    I got to play a bit of co-op, and I can see how the loot drops can cause a bit of friction. If someone takes your loot, melee them to start a duel! If they melee you back, you get a dome that surrounds the two of you and you can duke it out until one of you is down. Then, you revive them & keep it moving. The funniest part is that when you melee someone, a status update pops up saying “Deejay Knight demands satisfaction!” That’s classic.

    So this “Impressions” has gone into a bit more about the game than I expected, but it’s all relevant. There’s a lot more that I haven’t gotten into, but that’s best left for a review, wouldn’t you think?

    Bottom line, the time I got to play Borderlands has cemented my purchase, and I can’t wait until October to play more.

    Laatst bewerkt: 10 sep 2009
  19. Kaneda

    Kaneda Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice interview, hoe de enemies scalen t.o.v. het aantal spelers is zooo Diablo 2:) Damn ik ben deze game echt extreem aan het hypen in mijn hoofd. Het kan alleen nog maar tegenvallen8)
  20. Dr0kz

    Dr0kz Niet?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 11 sep 2009
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