14 mei kan niet snel genoeg komen 
Hier nog wat duidelijkere info over de build van de Wiki.
Health: Low
Speed/Mobility: High (able to climb story-tall objects)
Primary weapon selection: Light and Lower
Secondary weapon selection: Pistols, Machine pistols
Health: Medium
Speed/Mobility: Medium
Primary weapon selection: Medium and Lower
Secondary weapon selection: Medium size guns and Lower
Health: High
Speed/Mobility: Low
Primary weapon selection: Medium and heavy
Secondary weapon selection: Medium size guns and light
Denk dat toch het meest voor Medium zullen gaan, tenzij je kunt sniperen op light, wat me wel logisch lijkt maar sniper is geen light gun..toch?
Sowieso dat ik voor de heavy ga
lekker maaien en supressen op de chokepoints 
Volgens mij is het ook nog niet duidelijk dat je met elk level up een nieuwe skill kunt unlocken? Iig, hieronder staat wat er te unlocken valt, totaal zijn er 58 skills dus dit zijn ze nog niet allemaal.
Universal Abilities
Battle Hardened: Increases your health by one pip.
Combat Intuition: Allows you to sense when an unseen enemy is about to fire at you.
Downed Fire: Lets you fire at enemies when you are incapacitated.
Sense of Perspective: Sense of Perspective snaps your view to 3rd person perspective while you complete objectives, allowing you to watch your own back.
Silent Running: Silences your player character's movement. Footsteps and the shifting of gear cannot be heard.
Grenade Shooting: Allows the player to shoot his or her own grenades in midair, prematurely detonating it.
Sprinting Reload: The player can reload their gun while running.
Sprinting Grenade: The player is capable of throwing a grenade while running.
Supply Max Increase: Increases the maximum amount of class-specific supplies (i.e. health buffs, ammo boxes) by one bar.
Soldier Abilities
Ammo Boxes: Ammo Boxes lets you resupply your teammates with ammunition on the battlefield.
Molotov Cocktails: Basic grenades that Soldiers can use by default.
Standard Soldier Kit: Soldiers complete Destruction objectives using an HE charge, and can resupply their teammates' ammo, as well as their own. Soldiers also carry Molotov Cocktails by default, giving them more grenade power then any other class.
Medic Abilities
Life Buff 1 (possibly more levels): Life Buff 1 lets you increase a teammate's health by one pip.
Self Resurrection: Allows the Medic to revive themselves once Incapacitated.
Improved Life Buff: works same as the first one, but increases health by two pips, and cannot be used on oneself.
Transfer Supplies: An ability which lets you give your supplies to a teammate. Revealed in Achievment called "Tis better to give then recieve".
Engineer Abilities
Weapon Buff 1 (possibly more levels): Weapon Buff 1 throws a weapon upgrade tool to a teammate, instantly increasing their weapon damage by approximately 15% - 20%.
Upgrade: Allows the Engineer to upgrade the Command Post so that it gives an additional benefit to the whole team.
Gatling Turret : This lets you place Gatling auto-turret which will detect and fire at any enemy.
Improved Weapon Buff: Same as first level, but has a greater effect and cannot be used on oneself.
Operative Abilities
Cortex Bomb: A grenade that automatically detonates when the Operative is Incapacitated, doing major damage to soldiers in the blast radius in exchange for forcing the Operative to wait until the respawn timer reaches zero.
Caltrops: A grenade that releases spikes into a blast radius, injuring any soldier walking or running through them.
Firewall: Allows the Operative to install a code into a Command Post, thereby increasing the time necessary for enemy players to take a Command Post.
Sticky Bomb: Sticky Bomb lets you throw a powerful grenade which sticks to any enemy it touches and can only be removed by their teammates. Enemies can destroy the sticky grenade by shooting at it while still on the ground. There is a Cooldown period between successive uses.
Standard Operative Kit: Operatives can complete Hack Objectives and disguise themselves as Downed enemies. This disguise lasts until you interact with an objective, fire a weapon or are hit by an enemy Homing Beacon: Enemies may suspect you, but can't be sure without actually killing you. If an enemy sees you in the act of disguising, your disguise will also fail.
Comms Hack : Comms Hack lets you extract tactical intel information from Incapacitated enemies. If succesful, every enemy's location will be shown on your and your teammate's radar, giving your team a huge advantage. The effect will only last for a brief time.
Hack Turret : Hack Turret lets you reprogram an enemy turret to become a friendly turret, owned by you. Approach the enemy turret from behind to increase your chances of hacking it.
Laatst bewerkt: 30 apr 2011