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Burnout Paradise [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door PePzi NL, 12 mrt 2008.

  1. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alle billboards :) Mijn laatste 3 waren allemaal in dat time square achtige stukje in Downtown paradise. Die waren wel het lastigst.
  2. Nickjuh

    Nickjuh Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik krijg hem morgen, en ga hem dan eens proberen!
  3. goodworm

    goodworm Defqon.1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hey gaste wanneer gaan we voor die challenges?:D
  4. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wel vet dat je de sirenes van de Hunter Citizen Cop Car na de "Cagney"-update ook kunt gebruiken. Ik snapte eigenlijk al niet waarom ze niet gelijk werkte, want bij de Krieger PCPD Special werkte ze wel al. :+

    Verder natuurlijk netjes dat de content deels gratis wordt en wat ik ook wel erg trek is dat je binnenkort in de nacht door Paradise City kan scheuren! _O_ Of die motoren een suc6 worden vraag ik me btw af! :{
  5. morti

    morti Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kvind hem echt teleurstellend puur door het kleine kaartje races zijn bijna niet te doen bleh kutgame
  6. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Overdrijven is ook een vak. Het is gewoon even wennen en dan komt het vanzelf wel goed. ;)
  7. Gerjan

    Gerjan XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    New Burnout Island Location Revealed

    Here's a great video from the world team. These guys worked on the incredible game world that you'll recognise now as Paradise City.

    Since we're releasing images of our new island location, we thought it would be great to give a little insight into how the Paradise City mainland came together.

    Here, one of our leads, JohnL, concentrates on a single, small area - the Fish Market in the South Docks (just off Manners Ave). You'll get to see how each of it's distinct components evolved through development.


    We'll show more video on our upcoming new island location soon and start to reveal some of the special new gameplay we're working on just for that area.

    In the meantime, here's how it's coming on!
    The island is scheduled for release as part of our Davis software update (august).


    Daarnaast is vorige week de Bogart update fix opnieuw uitgegeven en de framerate issues zijn gefixed.

    De Cagney update komt eind juni uit en zal de volgende zaken bevatten:

    -Complete redesign van de loading screens e.d:


    New Freeburn Game Modes
    • Road Rage
    • Stunt Run (vs)
    • Marked Man

    • 70 new timed multi-part challenges
    • Leaderboards for these challenges that log your best time (as well as those people who did it with you)

    • Hunter Olympus
    • A secret Criterion Car!

    New liveries
    • Rossolini Tempesta Dream
    • Crazysztof's Oval Steel Racer and Inferno Hippie Van
    • A secret Criterion livery!

    Ranked Race Changes
    • Too much to report in this blog entry but click here for the full breakdown!

    Other high-priority fixes and updates

    • If you're in a 3 or more player challenge and a player drops out, the remaining players can still complete it (subject to it being a challenge that can handle this!)
    • ‘Previously’ section on the search games list now displays Challenges, Today's Best and Freeburn game modes, making it loads easier to decide which game you want to join
    • You can now view Leaderboards and Options in an online game
    • You can now mute other online players in the show players screen
    • We've increased time-out for online races, and if all players complete the races within the timer, then you go straight to results
    • The Airfield has been changed to help with the drivability of the area and make it a little easier to complete the hoop challenges
    • Online cars now show damage - roll up to the start in a half-destroyed Hunter Cavalry and everyone else will see it!
    • Added an stronger display message if you rule all of Todays Best
    • The Easy Drive menu & Challenges page now loops from top to bottom
    • Fixed the navigation system so that it takes into account the next check point in a race
    • Fixed traffic not reappearing in Freeburn after a no-traffic race
    • Fixed online races using Lawrence Road – it's been reporting finish distances with a little inaccuracy
    • Revised 30+ car resets following crashes
    • All new sound effects added for Easy Drive
    • Driving backwards in Road Rage now ends the event as it does in Marked Man
    • Option to invert camera axis for the look around camera on right stick
    • Online player information made accurate on the instance a player goes through a checkpoint in races
    • If you set VOIP mix to zero it is now saved correctly
    • 1080i support for ‘almost HD’ sets
    • New highlight to show the player in Today's Best
    • Easy Drive fades out if it's unused for 20 seconds
    • Boost chaining no longer possible by drifting in open areas

    Laatst bewerkt: 18 mei 2008
  8. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vraag me af of ik de game weer ga spelen. Heb hem al weet niet hoe lang niet meer gespeeld, alle 350 de challenges voltooid ed. Denk niet dat ik de update ga downloaden voor wat nieuwe online modi en fixes.
  9. Gerjan

    Gerjan XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ligt eraan wat er gratis wordt.
  10. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom word het menu veranderd. Vind hem nu ook al tof.
  11. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor zover ik weet zouden de updates gratis zijn.
  12. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben ik wel met je eens.. maar motorfietsen en nacht races plus een nieuw eiland kan voor mij denk ik wel reden genoeg zijn om toch de draad weer op te pakken.
  13. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wel maf die redesign. Hadden ze niks te doen of zo? :+ Maar goed, 10 juli is het zover en ik ben wel benieuwd al zal het wel even wennen worden aangezien ik het al een hele tijd niet meer heb gespeeld. 8)
  14. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand al de update gecheckt? Ik zit helaas op 't werk, maar vanavond sowieso even checken! :)
  15. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik merk dat ik het spel echt nauwelijks aanraak. Bij een racespel word ik liever echt goed op een bepaalde baan ipv te moeten freeroamen. Zonde want het ziet er gelikt uit. Dessalnietemin de update wel even checken.
  16. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sinds ik alle 350 de challenges heb gehaald, heb ik het spel niet meer aangeraakt.
    Bevat deze update al nieuwe stadsdeel / eiland en challenges?
  17. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is Burnout Paradise het nog waard te kopen/ruilen?
  18. Gerjan

    Gerjan XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alleen challenges volgens mij.
  19. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze update (Cagney) omvat het volgende:
    3 New Freeburn Game Modes

    • Road Rage
    Up to 8-player team event. One team must race through a series of Paradise City checkpoints. The other team must stop them.
    Cue incredible chases and battling through the city, tons of voice communication as players co-ordinate their efforts.

    • Stunt Run (vs)

    Pull stunts to score points - hit barriers, billboards and ramps; ace barrel rolls, flat spins and massive airtime to score big. Everybody competes to simultaneously reach the biggest total. Hit your rivals to kill their scores and gain multipliers.

    • Marked Man

    A player is selected at random and everyone gangs up to take them down. The Marked Man scores for reaching the end point intact and taking anyone down along the way.

    70 New Freeburn Challenges
    • 70 new timed multi-part Freeburn Challenges
    • Leaderboards for these challenges that log your best time (as well as those people who did it with you)

    • Hunter Olympus
    • A secret Criterion Car!

    New liveries
    • Rossolini Tempesta Dream
    • Two fan-created liveries – the Oval Steel Racer and Inferno Hippie Van
    • Two secret Criterion liveries!

    Ranked Race Changes
    • Too much to report in this blog entry but click here for the full breakdown!

    Custom Soundtracks
    • Custom Soundtrack support on PS3

    Other high-priority fixes and updates

    • If you're in a 3 or more player challenge and a player drops out, the remaining players can still complete it (subject to it being a challenge that can handle this!)
    • "Previously" section on the search games list now displays Challenges, Today's Best and Freeburn game modes, making it loads easier to decide which game you want to join
    • You can now view Leaderboards and Options in an online game
    • You can now mute other online players in the show players screen
    • You can now mute yourself if you have a PS3 Eye/Eye toy
    • We've increased time-out for online races, and if all players complete the races within the timer, then you go straight to results
    • The Airfield has been changed to help with the drivability of the area and make it a little easier to complete the hoop challenges
    • Online cars now show damage - roll up to the start in a half-destroyed Hunter Cavalry and everyone else will see it!
    • Added a stronger display message if you rule all of Todays Best
    • The Easy Drive menu & Challenges page now loops from top to bottom
    • Fixed the navigation system so that it takes into account the next check point in a race
    • Fixed traffic not reappearing in Freeburn after a no-traffic race
    • Fixed online races using Lawrence Road - it's been reporting finish distances with a little inaccuracy
    • Revised 30+ car resets following crashes
    • All new sound effects added for Easy Drive
    • Driving backwards in Road Rage now ends the event as it does in Marked Man
    • Option to invert camera axis for the look around camera on right stick
    • Online player information made accurate on the instance a player goes through a checkpoint in races
    • If you set VOIP mix to zero it is now saved correctly
    • 1080i support for "almost HD" sets - PS3 only
    • Improved the Standard Definition rendering on PS3
    • New highlight to show the player in Today's Best
    • Easy Drive fades out if it's unused for 20 seconds
    • Boost chaining no longer possible by drifting in open areas

    Ik ga nu maar 's even checken of het wat is. :)
  20. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Cagney update - Xbox 360: July 24th, 2008, bugs found.

    LOL, ik vond het al zo vreemd dat ik geen vernieuwingen kon vinden. 8) Voor de PS3 is die wel gewoon uitgebracht. Fijn hoor, die bugs! :+

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