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[Multi] Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Lijpe Mocro, 8 mrt 2018.

  1. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou er nog een fanbase voor WWII overbljven ? Die game speel ik nu nog met veel plezier, maar heb 't idee dat dat op de PS4 nog wel steady blijft...
  2. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er zullen uiteraard altijd wel genoeg spelers overblijven maar over het algemeen wordt WWII niet zo goed ontvangen volgens mij dus heel veel zullen de switch naar BLOP4 maken.
  3. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Speelt erg lekker op pc
  4. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Merk wel dat ik echt zin heb hem weer te spelen. Vind het healen een super toevoeging, maakt de nogal snelle gameplay op pc nóg sneller/intenser. Maps vind ik ook zeker niet verkeerd. Lekkere beta tot nu toe.
  5. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gelukkig wat meer aandacht voor PC dit jaar.
    Zifnap vindt dit leuk.
  6. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Helemaal terecht. De PC *is* nu eenmaal een geweldige game machine. En het platform is nog gigantisch populair ook.
  7. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    80 SPELERS

    195 Rapid-Fire Questions About Call Of Duty's Blackout






    Alexknl vindt dit leuk.
  8. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klinkt allemaal fucking nice. Perks, characters, zombies, populaire maps als locaties in de gehele BR map, 60 fps, 80 spelers. BF5 wordt em niet voor mij dus hoop dat BR naast de toffe MP ook echt goed is.
  9. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    RO3Li, Oujdi en Alexknl vinden dit leuk.
  10. RO3Li


    Leuk Bevonden:
  11. Rickkkkk

    Rickkkkk Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand nog een code voor aanstaande vrijdag?
  12. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  13. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ok ik doe ook mee of zit party al vol?
  15. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sowieso. Ik invite je wel
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  16. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Blackout BETA

    PS4 - 10 september (closed beta)
    PC/XB1 - 14 september (closed beta)
    PC - 15 september (open beta)
    Einde beta 17 september.

    The Blackout Beta features three ways to play: Solos, Duos, and Quads, and will host games up to 80 players at this critical Beta phase. Whether you play on your own, with a friend, or your whole squad, the game mechanics are the same, but the strategies will widely vary. By default, the game will attempt to fill your squad up with other folks looking to play, but you can disable if you prefer to play solo.

    How to Win – Battle Royale: A Basic Overview

    Blackout is a battle royale game mode. The last person (or team) standing wins the game.
    Survive to the end as the play space gets smaller and smaller over time. We call this the collapse. The collapse forces players and teams into increasingly smaller play spaces, thus creating intense battles.
    Always remember, the game is not over if a teammate is eliminated. Keep fighting until the bitter (or bitter-sweet) end.
    You have one life and will not respawn, so make it count.

    Getting You In-Game ASAP

    The Blackout Beta will toss you into the level even before the game officially starts. This pre-game lobby is called the Drop Zone. Here you can learn the map and try out some weapons and understanding of the game systems and mechanics. But note, once the match begins, you won’t bring any of the weapons or equipment used in the Drop Zone with you into the match.
    Once a number of players have joined the lobby a countdown clock will start and then it’s time to get down to the business.

    Getting Around


    Blackout begins with all players in a transport helicopter that flies across the map in a randomly chosen straight line – you choose when to jump.
    Navigating the drop process is done with the Wingsuit.

    You can point in the general direction, but for extra speed and distance, fall straight toward down for maximum speed. Since you are using a Wingsuit you are effectively a wing. The more airflow over that wing; the better you can fly. Let it soar…

    When you get close to the ground, your parachute will automatically deploy. Use it to slow your momentum. All the information you need to become a wingsuit master is indicated in the game HUD. You can monitor your overall momentum and see where the parachute will deploy as you approach the ground.


    The Wingsuit stays with you after your initial Infiltration into the map and can be re-deployed. We call it base jumping. You can base-jump by sprinting towards your desired location and then press and hold the JUMP button. You will not re-deploy the parachute when base-jumping and are unlikely to receive fall damage under normal circumstances.


    The Blackout Beta features four vehicles for additional mobility in game:
    • ATV – Holds a max of two people and has off-roading capability with medium speed.
    • Cargo Truck – One driver with room for others in the truck bed. It has limited off-roading capability and limited speed. Use the Cargo Truck to store weapons and other Items for your late game push to victory.
    • Tactical Raft – This boat fits two comfortably but can pack in quite a few if you don’t mind getting cozy. The raft is a great way to navigate the abundant water in Blackout.
    • Light Helicopter – a Helicopter that holds a max of four passengers and the pilot. This aircraft will start to malfunction in the late states of the game and is very susceptible to lock-on Missile Launchers, but is by far the fastest way to get from point A to point B.
    Vehicles are an ideal option to move quickly from one location to another when the collapse is closing in or to pursue or flee enemies.

    Building Your Loadout – Collecting and Managing Items

    Getting Equipped

    Most Items in Blackout need to be equipped to be used. Find what you can and get started.
    By default, you can equip these items without any cost to your 5 Inventory slots:
    • 2 Weapons
    • 1 Health Item
    • 1 Armor Item
    • 1 Backpack
    • Equipment Item
    • About 200 of each Ammo type.
    You can carry additional Health and Equipment in your Inventory, but not Weapons or Armor.

    Managing Inventory

    Items are managed two primary ways:

    1. The Inventory Menu allows you to manage everything you have. You can consume Perks, drop Items for teammates, equip Attachments, and more.

    2. The Quick Inventory Menu will appear the first time you have something that you can Interact with in your Inventory. The goal of the Quick Inventory menu is to allow you to quickly change what you have in your Inventory for what you have Equipped.
    • You can change the type of Health item will be used when you heal
    • Activate a Perk Consumable
    • … and even change out Attachments on your weapons
    The Quick Inventory is great when you are under pressure. Close the Quick Inventory when finished by using D-Pad Down.

    Items in the world can often be equipped immediately without using either Inventory menu. For example, if you are looking at an attachment, the default action will be to equip it on the gun you are holding in your hands if that weapon supports that attachment. The secondary action, if your Inventory is not full, will be to add it to your Inventory space.

    Additionally, Items will be auto-equipped in the order they were picked up. If the first Equipment you pick up happens to be a Frag grenade and the second Equipment you grab is a Concussion grenade, you will auto-equip the Concussion grenades when you use all the Frag grenades.

    Item types of Blackout


    In Blackout, weapons are found in various locations across the map: pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, shotguns, tactical and sniper rifles, as well as the rare rocket launcher are available. You can carry a max of two weapons at any time.
    You may even find a rare weapon that comes with the best attachments for that weapon already equipped. You can field strip it if you like, or even share with a teammate.


    How many and what type of Attachments are available depend on the weapon. Some attachments only work with certain weapons and not every weapon supports all attachments. For example, SMGs do not support long range scopes.
    While attachments equipped to a weapon do not take up a slot in your Inventory, unequipped attachments will.


    Every weapon has an Ammo type associated with it. You can keep track on the Inventory Menu display. Ammo does not consume Inventory space, but there is a limit on how much Ammo of each type you can carry.
    Ammo is found in the world like all other game Items.
    Weapons and the Ammo they use play a big role in how far and how fast the bullet will travel.
    Watch the tracers that come in most Ammo types to learn how to compensate for ballistics over long ranges. You may have to slightly lead a moving target and will often have to aim higher.
    Although still very much a work in progress for this Beta, and not final, the Scopes and the Optics within them can help you compensate.


    In Blackout, you can carry and equip one piece of Armor at a time. Three levels of Armor can be found in the world. Each offers increased protection, but is also harder to find.
    Wearing Armor allows you to take calculated risks; however, if you are going up against another armored opponent, proceed wisely as it will take more than the usual number of shots to down them.


    If you find a Backpack, you can expand how much you can carry from the default of five to a maximum of 10 items at a time.
    The Backpack is the first storage Item type, but it certainly won’t be the last.


    To round out your loadout, you can equip tactical and lethal grenades or common equipment like Trophy systems.
    Specialist-based equipment and Items, while much harder to find in general, are also available in Blackout. Equipment such as Razor Wire, Mesh Mines, and Sensor Darts do not require a specific character to equip and use. Whether used in isolation or together, you can set up the ultimate trap for the opposition or give yourself excellent situational awareness.


    All players start the match with 150 health. You must find Items that allow you to heal. There are three such Items in the beta that allow you to restore health after taking damage:
    • First Aid – Restores small amounts of health very quickly. This is the most common and you can stack five of them in one Inventory slot.
    • Med Kit – Restores a bit more health but does so a bit more slowly.
    • Trauma Kit – Restores the most amount of Health and provides an extra +50 health beyond the max. You cannot stack Trauma Kits. Each requires a slot in your Inventory.
    In order to heal in Blackout, you must hold the heal button. If you or a teammate is downed, an icon will appear over the player and in the team widget that appears in the left corner of your HUD.

    Perk Consumables

    How many Perks you have in Blackout is limited only by your Inventory space and what you can find in the world. In this context, consumables mean the effects of the Perk do not start until you activate that Perk.
    How long it takes to activate a Perk and how long the effects last are shown on the HUD and in the Inventory menu and depends entirely on how powerful the Perk is.
    Pick up new and familiar perks in Blackout and experiment to figure out which ones ultimately work for your playstyle and game strategy.

    Special Items

    Blackout features a few special Items that can be game changers if you are able to find one. One example is the Recon Car.
    The Recon Car looks very similar to a RC-XD, but with one major difference – it doesn’t explode. The Recon Car acts as portable intelligence so that you can scope out a location before moving in or find the hiding spots of your opponents before you rush and attack. The Recon Car does not explode and can travel a limited distance while maintaining visibility, but if you find one pick it up and use it to gather some locational intelligence on the opposition.
    Some Multiplayer Specialists equipment and weapons are also available in Blackout. Try out the Grapple Gun, the Sensor Dart, or the Mesh Mines to name a few. In Blackout, any character can use any Item.

    Supply Drops & Stashes

    Although not the only place, the best place to find rare and special Items are in Supply Drops and Supply Stashes.
    Supply Stashes are hidden crates that can be found in multiple locations. Supply Drops are air-dropped crates.
    Be aware that when interacting with a Supply Stash or Supply Drop, you are vulnerable to attacks and most likely exposed. Have teammates cover you while you scavenge for supplies or make sure you clear an area before you collect.


    Never. Forget. The. Zombies.
    Zombies spawn at locations marked with the light from the Mystery Supply Stash. Zombies and Mystery box stashes are likely to contain uniquely Zombies Items like a Ray Gun and a Cymbal Monkey, to name a couple.
    That’s all we can say at this time.


    Blackout takes place on the largest map we’ve ever made.
    • Long-time multiplayer fans looking to drop somewhere familiar may want to check out the Estates. Estates includes fully playable and expanded versions of Stronghold and Raid. Maybe you would prefer to go to the Firing Range where you might be able to squeeze in a little practice session once you clear the place out.
    • For Zombies fans, the Lighthouse, the boxing ring inside of Rivertown, Asylum with its nearby graveyard will prove tempting. Don’t. Forget. The. Zombies.
    • Nuketown Island is a fun place to explore for fans of both Multiplayer and Zombies, offering a little something for both, and something entirely new as well.
    • Construction Site and others offer entirely new experiences to master.
    If you like to loot in peace, drop hot and survive the initial carnage, or something in-between ---Blackout offers a wide variety of destinations for you to explore and gear up.
  17. PrutserNL

    PrutserNL a Cool Breez3

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hoe kan je mee doen aan de beta? of is dat al te laat?
  18. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Te laat.

    Pre-order Call of Duty en ontvang toegang tot de BlackOut beta. Codes voor de blackout beta worden op de volgende dagen verstuurd:
    Vrijdag 7 september voor alle bestellingen t/m 6 september
    Maandag 10 september voor alle bestellingen t/m 9 september

    Ingame shot:

    Laatst bewerkt: 10 sep 2018
  19. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 10 sep 2018
  20. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vroeg me echt af hoe een COD in Battle Royale eruit zou zien, en nu de twitch streams kijkende ziet het er echt goed/gelikt uit. Dit moet geweldig zijn op pc, erg benieuwd vrijdag.

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