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[Multi] Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Lijpe Mocro, 27 apr 2016.

  1. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De echte COD4 in die tijd ja, deze MW:R in deze tijd is dat niet meer voor mij :p Is alleen nog leuk voor de memories, maar kan hem niet lang spelen en dat heb ik met IW wel op een of andere manier
  2. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is logisch. Mensen zijn de meuk gewend die we de afgelopen jaren voorgeschoteld hebben gekregen. Vliegen, dodgen, nog slechtere connecties en ga zo maar verder. Om dan naar een normale "run-and-gun" game te springen is een wereld van verschil.
    Alexknl vindt dit leuk.
  3. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Persoonlijk vind ik de beste COD nog altijd COD 2. Captain Price in SP werd toen een echte held en online was Carentan één van de meest gevierde maps ooit in een MP, op misschien een map als Stalingrad uit Medal of Honor Allied Assault voor de PC na. Met COD 2 heb ik zo'n beetje de mooiste, en belangrijker, ''rustigste'' herinneringen aan een MP die ik me maar kon wensen. Zelfde geld voor de SP.
    AntraXxX vindt dit leuk.
  4. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sowieso CoD 2 het beste of CoD 4, maar die alleen met Promod op de PC.
  5. Suleyman

    Suleyman Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als het aan mij verbinding ligt snap ik niet dat ik bij mijn xbox instellingen nat open heb staan en cod het enige spel is waarmee ik moeite heb om een match te vinden. Gears, fifa en battlefield heb ik wel binnen in 1x zoeken direct een match.
  6. sssilly

    sssilly Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    helaas is dat wel mogelijk |:- cod gebruikt andere poorten ofzo... heb een poos terug die instellingen in mijn router ook aan moeten passen omdat ie om de haverklap op moderate of strict stond, daarna geen last meer. weet alleen niet meer hoe dat ging maar google is heel gewillig ;)
  7. Sen

    Sen Active Member Hoofdredacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Same here.
  8. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En ... is deze al voor een eurootje of 30 op te pikken ergens? :+
  9. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Veel te veel €30... ik wacht wel tot ie gratis af te halen staat @ marktplaats. Kan nooit lang meer duren :p
    Reckuuza en Rampage vinden dit leuk.
  10. WorkingTitle

    WorkingTitle ..

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was bij GM €32,98, ivm Black Friday, maar wellicht verlopen
  11. VapoChill

    VapoChill Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha, sjezus... game van de maand! 8)
    VapoChill vindt dit leuk.
  13. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pff is die game echt zo kak dan? zit er over na te denken om 'm gewoon te halen.

    Eerste Cod ooit :eek:
  14. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan je beter een maand Blacked nemen.
    Reckuuza vindt dit leuk.
  15. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee kil, die game is poep. Koop dan BF1 voor 35 eurie.
    Reckuuza vindt dit leuk.
  16. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja maar die vind ik gay
  17. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vermaak mij prima met de single player campaign (eerste game op de PS4pro), maar ik heb ook al jaren geen COD meer gespeeld.
  18. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuwe 1.05 patch:

    General Updates:

    • Notification for the “latest” calling cards from drops
    • Fix to Taunt menu selection and audio queues
    • Fix for Orion Initiative Mission Team Commander congratulations call out after ranking up
    • Fix for accessories not remaining equipped after leaving menu
    • Joining a game in-progress and then losing no longer ends your win streak
    • Adjusted overlap of text in Calling Card and Emblem menus
    • The “Good Citizen” Medal is now correctly awarded to the player who owned the package, not the one who picked it up
    • Fix for being awarded Scrap Assist points after dealing damage to a friendly Shock Sentry
    • Fix for one of the Synaptic Taunts not appearing correctly
    • Adjustment to the Banshee ammo counter animation
    • Added ricochet to the Epic Oni variant, Kaiken
    • Fixed a bug where an error would occur after calling in a UAV
    • Fixed a bug when holding a weapon and gesturing
    • Fix for players being given Missions for Rigs that are not currently unlocked
    • Fixed a bug where the Banshee – Siren wasn’t having an impact on other players after being damaged
    • Fix for the HUD Uplink satellite drone icon not showing which team controls the drone while in splitscreen
    • Fixed a timing bug where a turret would linger on a dead target before proceeding to target another enemy
    • Fixed an issue where a player would get the wrong mission in a match
    • Fixed a freeze issue when attempting to access the Store
    • Fixed a bug where splitscreen users were unable to change their team or role in custom games
    • Fix for a bug on Frontier where shadows would flicker in the hallway in splitscreen
    • Adjusted the killcam when a player is killed by a Bio Spike on Frontier
    • Added function to allow the user to rotate a weapon in the Loadout select menu
    • Fixed a bug that would kick a player to the Main Menu when using the Steel Dragon Payload
    • Fixed a bug for secondary controllers for users in splitscreen
    • Fixed crash that would occur after map restarts
    • Fix for users seeing repeat Rig videos
    • Removed “Connecting to Matchmaking Service” text in Loadout menu after searching for a Public Match
    • Fixed an issue in splitscreen where both users would be kicked from the Loadout Menu if scrolling through it at the same time
    • Fixed a bug where users were able to temporarily gain access to locked Loadout slots
    • Fixed a bug in splitscreen where a user who enters Prestige would see red on the screen and would cause the player to lose Create A Class functionality, revealing placeholder icons
    • Adjusted the death camera from penetrating into corpses on the map
    • Fixed a bug on Genesis where the Vulture could get stuck inside of buildings
    • Fixed a bug where bots would hover around the position of a dropped flag by the opposing team in CTF
    • Fix for various overlapping texts in some menus
    • Fixed a bug to ensure the location map for deploying Bombardment and Scorcher streaks wouldn’t be cut off when in splitscreen
    • Fix for the cook timer being visually offset in splitscreen
    • Fixed a bug for hipfire spread with the DMC-8 Epitaph
    • Fixed an error message and/or infinite loading screen after buying the Season Pass(only specific languages)
    • Fix for possible stat loss when signing into the same PSN account on multiple consoles
    • Fixed an issue the reticles on the DMR-1 Spectacle variant are scoped causing the reticles to overlap the edges of sight in-game
    • Various lobby merging lobby fixes
    • Splitscreen players will now be awarded Keys and Mission Team Rank
    • Fixed a bug in the Quartermaster screen that would cause hitching after opening a drop
    • Moved Gender Voice Option to Rig Appearance Menu
    Zombies in Spaceland:
    • Potential Luitween Error fix – please let us know if you still experience this in Zombies!
    • Further work to ensure AFK players don’t stay in the game and continue to matchmaking
    • The Headcutter damage exploit vs. Alien has been balanced
    • Adjustment to pause menu visuals during splitscreen
    Xbox One Specific:
    • Fix for muting players via “View Gamercard” option
    • Fixed hitching on Xbox while in a Private Party
    • Fixed a rare audio related crash
    • Fixed a bug where the title doesn’t transition into an active Zombies Custom Match that has been paused
    • Fixed an issue where a player would be kicked from SnD for properly configured voice settings if the controller disconnects
    PC Specifc:
    • Fixed an issue where users with long usernames would overflow out of the boundaries of the match loading screen
    • Fixed a bug where a user could exceed the 10 point Loadout limit
    • Fixed a bug where special characters in a username would cause stuttering for other players
    • Fixed the keybind option for Taunts in Winner’s Circle
    • Fix for a framerate hitch that causes audio issues when a player progresses from one level to the next in SP
    • Added mouse support to the lobby member slide feature
    • Fixed a bug when text and voice communications were set to “block”, text communications were still displayed
    • Fixed a bug where the game stop responding if a player switched from windowed to full screen
    • Fixed a bug where multiple keybinds are getting unbound if a player uses the Copy Keys from mode to mode
    • Fixed an issue where PC buttons will briefly display the old help buttons when disabling a gamepad
    • Fix to 3rd person spectator showing zoomed in winner’s circle
    • Add a sync intermission countdown with the host in CODCaster
    • Adjustments to team colors/logos in CODCaster
    • Fix for menus in CODCaster while in splitscreen
    • Removing ricochet tracers for energy weapons in CWL
    • Fixed a bug where changes to Team Settings in CODCaster would be reflected in the previous game’s match summary
    • Added a “Follow Drone Camera” feature to CODCaster where the drone will be followed when thrown by the spectated player
    • Fixed a bug where the Objective Status in the Display Settings is set to “on”, the screen would display red for allies and enemies
    • Adjusted the Payload charge rate and score modifier to normal in CWL rules
    • Support for MLG.tv
  19. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. allstyles

    allstyles Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Titanfall 2 , beste shooter 2017 by far!!!

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