Trailer: Lord of the Rings: BFME II
You can now download the ‘Lord of the Rings: BFME II Inside’ trailer from the Xbox Live Marketplace. This content is available in all regions.
Trailer: Bullet Witch
Now on Marketplace in 480p and 720p. This content is only available in Japan.
Trailer: GTTV-NCAA Football 07 Inside Look Trailer
Now on Marketplace. This content is not available in Asia.
Trailer: Halo 3 In the Beginning
I posted about it last week, but this trailer is now available in all Xbox Live regions.
Trailer: G.R.A.W. "Chapter 2"
On Marketplace, available in all Xbox Live regions.
Table Tennis demo
As most of you know, I don’t like to talk about upcoming content, let alone dates. In this case, I happen to be down talking to the folks that work with Rockstar, and they told me it would be ok for me to mention that there is a demo on its way to the Marketplace for ‘Table Tennis.’ I also found out the demo is single and two-player (but no Live) play. Of course when I asked them a date…all they would say is ‘very very soon.’ How soon? The moment it’s on Marketplace, I’ll let you know.
Laatst bewerkt: 18 jul 2006