Havel is ook te doden met vuurbommen.
EDIT: Geniale Eurogamer review over de Prepare to Die Edition. De review gaat eigenlijk meer over waarom Dark Souls zo'n goede game is, dan dat het over de expansion zelf gaat, maar hij leest heerlijk. Blijkbaar zijn er in de expansion nog diverse tweaks gemaakt in de game, zoals verder kunnen warpen naar bonfires en een zekere ring waarmee je geen backflips meer kunt maken wanneer je een heavy armor draagt.
Knip uit de review:
"Take the idea of death, such a lazily recycled trope that the best most modern games can do is give you infinite lives. Here it is the fulcrum, part of the journey rather than a fail state. You are supposed to die, because that is how you learn to do things differently, and misinterpreting this as sadism is why the Souls games have the reputation they do. The 'curse' of immortality further ties into the lore, and your role, but this isn't the place to tease that out. Suffice to say that, in a game where you die so often, it means much more than some abstract number ticking down. It is a part of the experience, rather than the moment it resets. "
Deze vond ik ook mooi:
"Everything has another meaning. After years of playing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, something that should have been obvious hit me with the force of a freight train. The currency is souls, acquired after defeating enemies or looted from various corpses. I'd never really thought about it much. Then I realised they were those who had given up.
You collect the souls of those who have either surrendered their humanity through a ceaseless cycle of death and rebirth and 'hollowed' into mindless aggression, and you loot the souls of those who wanted to be heroes. In a game that depends on your courage, your willingness to try again, your capacity to learn and come back stronger, you absorb the spirits of those who have failed to do exactly that. Obvious, when you think about it. And a hell of a long way to have come from power pills and golden coins."
Zij hebben gefaald, maar met een ijzeren wil en slinkse vindingrijkheid zul je zegevieren. Je moet wel, want alle hoop is op jou gevestigd.
"Jolly co-operation is how you beat harder bosses, and you find wonderful folk like Elekidz here - who, after we died in an earlier attempt, sent a message saying 'I BELIEVE IN YOU!' then waited around to be re-summoned. What a guy."
Laatst bewerkt: 28 aug 2012