Nergens last van, maar ik draai custom rom.
De battery drain is te wijten aan Google Plan services en niet de Sony update.
[quote name="Aresmar" post=54057888]I have read that post and many others claiming that they solved it. Google play services has been updated many times since that post of Sony. Thats why I asked if there is a <b>final definitive</b> solution which the users of this rom also have found or not?[/QUOTE]<br />
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In context of previous posts and adding a confirmation to the above reply for the person.<br />
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Please stop spamming this thread with battery issues and complaining that there is a problem after upgrading to Existenz v1.5
or any Rom based on KK, i suggest better do some homework and then report a issue.<br />
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After the release of 4.4.2 , Everyone had Huge battery drain issues on their XZ, Sony has acknowledged it on the first day itself and provided a work around (Downgrading to previous version of Google play services as 4.x.x. had issues), Sony have reported this issue to Google and were waiting for the next version to be released.<br />
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Google play service V5.0.84 is out now , which fixed battery drain issues.<br />
If you still think its of no use even after updating to v5.0 try this<br />
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Settings> Accounts > Google> Ads > check the box (Opt Out of Interest based ads ):cowboy:<br/>
Laatst bewerkt: 13 jul 2014