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[PC] De Leukste Spelletjes, Freeware

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Unrealer, 29 mrt 2006.

  1. Unrealer

    Unrealer Private 2nd Class.

    Leuk Bevonden:
  2. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tis idd niet aan te raden voor mensen met epelepsie ofzo :9
  3. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
  4. Timmeh

    Timmeh \0/

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het ziet er erg spannend uit!
    Not...:{ 8)
  5. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    haha het speelt wel erg leuk :p en voor freeware mag je echt niet klagen..
  6. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Forgottensoul

    Forgottensoul The One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Roeltjuhhh i am back :) we moeten ff voor een toernooitje afstpreken mensen die soldat hebben/willen schrijf je in:meerdere info later.
    Laatst bewerkt: 5 mei 2006
  8. Azumi

    Azumi *

    Leuk Bevonden:
    im in :cool:

    haal de waaarschijnlijk maar weg *)
    welkom terug trouwens.
  9. Capt. Yokohama

    Capt. Yokohama Jin the MC

    Leuk Bevonden:
    heeft er mss iemand een online rpg zoals rose?
    (was hem aan het downloaden, maar een vriend zei dat je na 7dagen moet betalen :confused:)
  10. Unrealer

    Unrealer Private 2nd Class.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    R.O.S.E is nu betaalt ja, als je hem download is het een Trail die je 7 dagen kan spelen om het wat uit te proberen :). Ik zou zeggen zie de link van AVHAHA een paar posts terug. Of ga naar onrpg goede site met veel Mmorpgs :9 hoop dat ik voldoende info heb gegeven.
  11. Capt. Yokohama

    Capt. Yokohama Jin the MC

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ok, tnx voor de link en de uitleg :) ;)
  12. Unrealer

    Unrealer Private 2nd Class.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    keine probleim 8)
  13. Forgottensoul

    Forgottensoul The One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik zit ook op die site all een paar jaar verder is het een k*t site want er word geflamed en dat soort dingen veel noobs die Treasure Troopers Posten ( Treausure troopers is een Site als je een paypal acc heb krijg je geld elke maand het werkt echt via een paar mensen die ik heb ontmoet daaro )
  14. Azumi

    Azumi *

    Leuk Bevonden:
    zeg mensen, komt er nog iets van dat soldat tournooitje? O-)
  15. Deoxis

    Deoxis Coloris

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als t knives only is :p
  16. Tronky

    Tronky Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  17. Azumi

    Azumi *

    Leuk Bevonden:
    mes is vet, gebruik ik heel vaak, maar knife-only vind ik dan ook wel weer wat té :x

    doe maar gewoon met wapens, en realistic :cool:
  18. Deoxis

    Deoxis Coloris

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hehe Quloa.de Knife only zit ik voortaan altijd op, ben nu iets van 172 geranked van de 12000 players \o/
  19. SupahMaster

    SupahMaster Guest

    Shogi. Japanse schaak. Is veel leuker dan gewoon schaken. Voor de regeltjes moet je even bij de ingame help kijken.


    Edit// regels hier

    Shogi (or Japanese Chess) is one of the world's best strategy games.

    The modern game of Shogi dates from the sixteenth century, and is based on
    a far more ancient game (Little Shogi) which was similar in most respects
    but which was played without the capacity to re-enter (drop) captured
    pieces back into play.

    The ability to return captured pieces to the board adds greatly to the
    appeal, scope and depth of the game. Shogi is more complex than Western
    Chess and has deeper strategy.

    While the options in the Western game are reduced by the time the end game
    is reached, in Shogi the number of possible lines of play is increased
    which makes for a very challenging and exciting game.

    Shogi has a large following in Japan, where it is played by over 10 million
    people, and supports a number of profession players. The popularity of the
    game is steadily increasing in the West.


    Shogi is played on a board of 9 x 9 squares and each player has 20 pieces
    (including 9 pawns).

    The pieces are flat and wedge-shaped and are not distinguished by colour.
    Although the pieces are of uniform colour the first player is still
    conventionally referred to as 'Black' and the second player as 'White'.
    Ownership of the pieces is indicated by the direction in which they face,
    with a player's pieces always pointing towards the opponent.

    The players make alternate moves, with the object being to capture the
    opposing 'King'.

    As in Western Chess, when a 'King' is about to be captured next move and
    no legal move can be made to prevent the capture, the piece is said to be

    On each turn a player can either:

    a) move one piece according to its power of movement to a vacant square
    on the board, or to a square occupied by an enemy piece (in which
    case the enemy piece is captured and removed);


    b) 'Drop' (re-enter) a previously captured piece on almost any vacant


    The Piece Help screen provides the names, notation symbols, promotion
    details, and powers of movement for all of the pieces in the game.

    [The Piece Help screen can be reached by clicking on the 'Pieces' button]


    The 'Knight' is the only piece in Shogi that has the power to jump over
    occupied squares. The Shogi 'Knight' has the same move as the equivalent
    piece in the Western game (ie: it may move one square orthogonally then
    one square diagonally), except that its move is limited to the forward
    direction only.


    Each player has a Promotion Zone consisting of the three ranks (rows of
    squares) furthest away from him. All pieces except the 'King' and 'Gold'
    have a promoted rank and can promote on entering, moving within, or leaving
    the Promotion Zone.

    On promotion:

    - The 'Rook' gains the power to move 1 square in any diagonal direction.
    The 'Promoted Rook' is sometimes known as the 'Dragon'.

    - The 'Bishop' gains the power to move 1 square in any orthogonal direction
    and its promoted form is often referred to as the 'Horse'.

    - All other pieces move as a 'Gold' on promotion.

    Promotion is not compulsory unless the piece would be unable to make a
    further legal move in its unpromoted state. The 'Pawn' and 'Lance' must
    therefore promote on reaching the last rank (that furthest from the player)
    and the 'Knight' must promote if it reaches either of the last two ranks.
    There can be advantages, particularly with the 'Silver', but also with the
    'Knight' and 'Lance' of not promoting immediately on entering the Promotion

    As in all the games in the Shogi family, in Shogi sets the promoted rank is
    shown on the reverse side of the piece, and the piece is turned over on
    promotion to reveal the new rank. The promoted 'Silver','Lance','Knight'
    and 'Pawn' all use slightly different cursive forms of the Japanese
    character for 'Gold', so that they can be distinguished from each other.


    A captured piece is removed from the board and is held by the capturing
    player. The held piece (which is said to be 'in hand') may subsequently be
    'dropped' back into play on the side of the player who made the capture.

    All promoted pieces revert to their unpromoted ranks when captured.


    In place of a move a player may elect to 'drop' a piece held in hand back
    into play. In general, a piece held in hand may be re-entered on any vacant
    square, subject to the following restrictions:

    a) A piece may not be dropped on a square from which it has no further
    legal move. (ie: a Pawn or Lance can not be dropped on the last rank,
    and a Knight can not be dropped on either of the last two ranks).

    b) A Pawn can not be dropped in any file (column of squares) already
    containing an unpromoted Pawn of the same side.

    c) A Pawn can not be re-entered directly in front of the opposing 'King'
    so as to give instant 'Checkmate'.

    A piece dropped inside the player's Promotion Zone is not promoted until
    after it has made a further move on the board.


    Drawn games are very rare in Shogi, but they can occur either through
    repetition of moves, or by impasse.

    A game is declared no-contest if the same position occurs four times during
    the game. The positions of the pieces on the board, the pieces in hand and
    the turn to play must all be the same for a position to be considered to
    have been repeated. A player is not permitted to cause repetition of moves
    by continuously 'Checking' (threatening to capture) the opposing King.

    An impasse may be reached (and no-contest declared) if both players have
    advanced their Kings into the enemy camp and neither player has sufficient
    pieces on the board or in hand to force 'Checkmate'. This situation can
    arise as many of the pieces in Shogi are restricted in backwards movement
    and can not be used to full advantage against an opposing King that has
    advanced into the player's own camp.


    Handicaps are often given when players of unequal strength play Shogi in
    Japan. The reason that handicap play is common is that the handicap system
    in Shogi works far better than that used in Western Chess.

    In a handicap game a player offers a handicap of one or more pieces to an
    opponent of less strength. In Japan, there is a comprehensive system of
    determining the appropriate handicap according to the respective rankings
    of the players.

    The player offering the handicap plays 'White'and his opponent (as 'Black')
    removes the handicap pieces as the first move of the game. In handicap play
    'White' therefore makes the first move on the board.

    Pieces removed as a handicap are totally removed from play and are not
    held in-hand by 'Black'.


    The following notation system is used for recording Shogi games in this

    The files are designated by numbers (1 to 9), and the ranks by letters
    (a to i). The files are numbered from right to left (in the Japanese
    fashion), and the ranks from top to bottom (from Black's point of view).
    The top right square is therefore 1a.

    A move is described by giving:

    a) the designation of the piece (eg: L for Lance); this designation is
    preceded by a '+' if it is at its promoted rank,

    b) followed by the method of moving;

    '-' for a simple move on the board,
    'x' for a capture,
    '*' for a drop,

    c) then the destination square is recorded,

    d) finally if the piece promoted on that turn, this is recorded by
    adding '+' after the move, or if promotion was possible but was
    refused, the symbol '=' is added.

    If more than one piece of the same type can reach the destination square
    then the starting square is also given after the piece designation to
    avoid confusion.

    A 'Lance' moving from 5d to 5c (which was occupied by an enemy piece) and
    promoting is therefore recorded as Lx5c+.

    NOTE: This system is the official notation system of 'The Shogi


    If the 'Show Move' option is selected from the Moves Menu, clicking the left
    mouse button on a piece on the board or 'in hand' during play will show all
    the legal moves of that piece:

    - All legal moves (including 'drops') to vacant squares are represented
    as White Circles,

    - Legal captures are shown as Red Circles.
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 23 mei 2006
  20. Tronky

    Tronky Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    duurt dat lang om te leren en is het echt leuker dan gewoon schaken?

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