voor de le32r81b
dit zijn profesionele calibratie instellingen van avforums.com
!!!Hoeft niet per se!!!
Service Menu Options:
Ok, the first stop is the Service menu. Now alot of people will tell you not to enter this menu as it will void your warranty, so this is your call. I personally have found that disabling Dynamic Dimming stopped a banding issue I was having, most noticeable in dark scenes. It also stopped the backlight changing levels too slowly when moving from dark scenes to bright scenes. Backup any settings you change, incase you need to restore them.. Be very careful many people press things without realising what they are doing and it is possible to ruin your TVs settings.
To enter the Service Menu, key in the following button combination in sequential order, not holding them down, tap one, then a very short pause, then the next, while the TV is in standby:
Now adjust the following settings ONLY in the Adjust menu option:
Dynamic Dimming: Off (This stops the screen flickering when it changes from dark to light scenes quickly and vice versa)
Dynamic Contrast: On
Dynamic CE: Off
Press Power to Exit and save settings, leave it a second and power back on.
!!!Hoeft niet per se!!!
Input Settings Options:
VGA Input - Xbox 360 - High Definition - 1:1 Pixel Map @1360x768:
For Xbox 360, in the May 2007 Dash Update, they introduced a new setting called "Reference Levels", this is essentially a Gamma fix for the washed out VGA. It helps alot that Microsoft have introduced the fix at their end, helps us with calibration at this end.
__________________________________________________ _____
Auto Adjusting Samsung R8 to Xbox 360 at 1360x768p via VGA.
Firstly you need the following calibration image:
1: Jpg_image
2: Rar_file
3: Zip_file
This image is exactly 1360x768 and contains the necessary curves and lines for your R8 Samsung to auto adjust to, to give a sharp, clear picture.
The easiest way to view the image on your TV is to put it on a USB Stick or Hard-drive or similar device and then plug that into the USB port on the front of your Xbox 360 and then view the image from the picture viewer, selecting the USB device and navigating to the correct location.
You can also share over a network, There is a brilliant guide here. When you have added your image to your library within WMP11 or Zune Software, browse to the image via the COMPUTER share on your Xbox 360.
Auto Adjusting.
Now with the image on screen, make sure any xbox 360 GUI features have faded out, this includes any info panels across the top or the control panel. On your TV remote, press MENU, then go down to the 4th option and choose PC. Here there will be an option to auto adjust. When you press Auto Adjust your screen will go black for a few seconds, do not press anything until it comes back on.
You should now have the sharpest possible image from 360 you can get with this TV. Enjoy.
__________________________________________________ _____
Xbox 360 Reference Level: Expanded
Xbox 360 Dash Resolution: 1360x768
Home Theatre PC: On (enable first to unlock Detailed settings.)
Game Mode: On (less motion blur, sharper picture)
Energy Saving: Off
Picture Mode: Standard
Contrast: 91
Brightness: 44
Sharpness: 50 (Greyed Out)
Colour: 55 (Greyed Out)
Tint: 50/50 (Greyed Out)
Colour Tone: Normal.
Backlight: 8
Detailed Settings:
Black Adjust: Off (or On if you prefer a higher contrast image)
Dynamic Contrast: Off (or On if you prefer brighter image)
Gamma: 0
Edge Enhancement: Off (Greyed Out)
Colour Space: Wide
White Balance:
R-Offset: 12
G-Offset: 14
B-Offset: 15
R-Gain: 13
G-Gain: 15
B-Gain: 15
My Colour Control:
Pink: 15
Green: 15
Blue: 15
White: 15
Sound Mode: Custom
HDMI - XBOX 360 Elite - High Definition - 1360x768p (We do not recommend 720p/1080i with the R8 Samsung):
Firstly you MUST be using HDMI Port 2 for the Optimal Resolution setting to appear. HDMI allows the image to be 1:1 Pixel mapped. 720p and 1080i appear over-scanned (edges cut off) and the image suffers from jaggie lines, these issues are solved by using the optimal resolution of 1360x768, the native resolution of your TV.
Xbox 360 Reference Level: Expanded
Xbox 360 Dash Resolution: Optimal Resolution (1360x768 on HDMI slot 2)
Home Theatre PC: On
Game Mode: On (Less motion blur)
Energy Saving: Off
Picture Mode: Standard
Contrast: 92
Brightness: 43
Sharpness: 50 (Greyed Out)
Colour: 55 (Greyed Out)
Tint: 50/50 (Greyed Out)
Colour Tone: Normal.
Backlight: 8
Detailed Settings:
Black Adjust: Off (or On if you prefer a higher contrast image)
Dynamic Contrast: Off (or On if you prefer brighter image)
Gamma: 0
Edge Enhancement: On (On or Off, no difference)
Colour Space: Wide
White Balance:
R-Offset: 12
G-Offset: 14
B-Offset: 15
R-Gain: 13
G-Gain: 15
B-Gain: 15
My Colour Control:
Pink: 15
Green: 15
Blue: 15
White: 15
For sound use your own preference.
HDMI - PS3 Playstation 3 - High Definition - 720p/1080i:
Mode : Movie
Contrast : 80
Brightness : 48
Sharpness : 43
Colour : 43
Tint : 50/50
Colour Tone : Warm 2
Backlight : 8
Digital NR : Off
Movie Plus : On
Black Adjust : Med
Dynamic Contrast : Low
Gamma : +1
R Offset : 14
G Offset : 16
B Offset : 13
R Gain : 4
G Gain : 15
B Gain : 12
Pink : 13
Green : 13
Blue : 10
White : 12
Edge Enhancement : On
Colour Space : Auto
HDMI Black Level : Low
Game Mode: Off
Energy Saving: Off
Thanks to dazed808!
Or try Shade-X's settings:
Mode: Game Mode On
Contrast: 85
Brightness: 70
Sharpness: 50
Colour: 65
Tint: 50/50
Colour Tone: Cool1
Backlight: 10
Digital NR: Off
DNle: On
Movie Plus: Off
HDMI Black Level: Low
Energy Saving: Off
Every thing else should be kept on default
HDMI - Upscaling DVD Player - High Definition - 720p/1080i:
Mode : Standard
Contrast : 85
Brightness : 53
Sharpness : 25
Colour : 35
Tint : 50/50
Colour Tone : Normal
Backlight : 10
Digital NR : Off (removed image retention)
DNIe : On
Movie Plus : Off
Black Adjust : High
Dynamic Contrast : Off
Gamma : +1
R Offset : 15
G Offset : 15
B Offset : 15
R Gain : 4
G Gain : 15
B Gain : 18
Pink : 12
Green : 11
Blue : 11
White : 14
Edge Enhancement : On
Colour Space : Auto
Thanks to juneau!
HDMI - Windows Media Centre PC - High Definition - 1280x720p @ 50Hz:
Mode : Dynamic
Contrast : 73
Brightness : 54
Sharpness : 37
Colour : 35
Tint : 51/49
Colour Tone : Normal
Backlight : 6
Digital NR : Off (removed image retention)
Active colour: Off
DNIe : On
Energy saving: Off
HDMI blacks: Normal
I found that Black adjust and HDMI black level made it too dark - there was no depth to the blacks. As for the PC, there is as far as I know, no image processing being applied to the video signal. The video card is a Nvidia 6200 shoving it all out over DVI.
Thanks to 16to9
HDMI - Virgin V+ HD Cable Box - High Definition - 720p/1080i:
Mode : Movie
Contrast : 85
Brightness : 51
Sharpness : 22
Colour : 47
Tint : 50/50
Colour Tone : Warm 2
Backlight : 7
Digital NR : Off
Movie Plus : On
Black Adjust : Off
Dynamic Contrast : Off
Gamma : +1
R Offset : 15
G Offset : 15
B Offset : 15
R Gain : 4
G Gain : 15
B Gain : 15
Pink : 12
Green : 11
Blue : 11
White : 14
Edge Enhancement : On
Colour Space : Auto
HDMI Black Level : Low
Thanks to dazed808!
Component - Xbox 360 & Xbox 1 - High Definition - 720p@60hz:
Picture Mode: Movie (allows Detailed settings access)
Contrast: 74
Brightness: 45
Sharpness: 57
Colour: 58
Tint: 50/50
Colour Tone: Normal
Detailed Settings:
Black Adjust: High
Dynamic Contrast: Off
Gamma: 0
Edge Enhancement: Off
Colour Space: Wide
White Balance:
R-Offset: 17
G-Offset: 15
B-Offset: 11
R-Gain: 4
G-Gain: 14
B-Gain: 30
Backlight: 9
Digital NR (Noise Reduction): Off
Movie Plus: On for TV shows, Off for Movies.
Sound Mode: Standard(Speakers on R88 aren't too good, recommend a proper speaker system)
Game Mode: Off
Energy Saving: Off
Component - Nintendo Wii - 480p:
Game Mode: On
Energy Saving: Off
Picture Mode: Standard
Contrast: 73
Brightness: 50
Sharpness: 35
Colour: 55
Tint: 59/41
Colour Tone: Normal.
Backlight: 7
Digital NR: Off
DNIe: On
Movie Plus: Off
Detailed Settings:
Black Adjust: Medium
Dynamic Contrast: Low
Gamma: 0
Edge Enhancement: Off
Colour Space: Wide
White Balance:
R-Offset: 15
G-Offset: 15
B-Offset: 15
R-Gain: 15
G-Gain: 15
B-Gain: 15
My Colour Control:
Pink: 15
Green: 15
Blue: 15
White: 15
Home Theatre PC: Off
Sound Mode: Custom
Thanks to don rosco.
RGB SCART - Sky & Sky Plus - Standard Definition
Sky Remote Code: 0646
Picture Mode: Standard
Contrast: 80
Brightness: 50
Sharpness: 30
Colour: 50
Tint: 50/50
Colour Tone: Normal
Backlight: 10
Digital NR (Noise Reduction): Off
DNIe: Off
Movie Plus: Off
Sound Mode: Standard (Speakers on R88 aren't too good, recommend a proper speaker system)
Game Mode: Off
Energy Saving: Off
Thanks to bighairybloke
RGB SCART - Virgin Media Cable Box (not V+) - Standard Definition
Picture Mode: Dynamic
Contrast: 90
Brightness: 53
Sharpness: 45
Colour: 46
Tint: 50/50 (Greyed Out)
Colour Tone: Normal
Backlight: 10
Digital NR (Noise Reduction): Off
Active Colour: On
DNIe: On
Movie Plus: On (Totally personal Preferance, some prefer it off. If you get juddering or unnatural motion, then turn this off.)
Sound Mode: Standard
Game Mode: Off
Energy Saving: Off
RGB SCART - Gamecube - Standard Definition
These settings were calibrated with Zelda Twilight Princess, they may differ for main gamecube usage.
Picture Mode: Standard
Contrast: 74
Brightness: 46
Sharpness: 50
Colour: 55
Tint: 50/50
Colour Tone: Normal
Backlight: 8
Detailed Settings:
Black Adjust: Medium
Dynamic Contrast: Medium
Gamma: 0
Edge Enhancement: On
White Balance:
R-Offset: 17
G-Offset: 15
B-Offset: 11
R-Gain: 7
G-Gain: 14
B-Gain: 30
My Colour Control:
Pink: 15
Green: 15
Blue: 15
White: 17 (Adds a sharper white, better image quality)
Digital NR (Noise Reduction): Off
Active Colour: On
DNIe: On
Movie Plus: On (Makes the game look more 3D by artificially increasing FPS.)
Sound Mode: Standard (Speakers on R88 aren't too good, recommend a proper speaker system)
Game Mode: Off
Energy Saving: Off
Freeview Built-in Tuner
Energy Saving: Medium
Picture Mode: Standard
Contrast: 60
Brightness: 60
Sharpness: 20
Colour: 52
Tint: 58/42
Colour Tone: Cool1
Detailed Settings:
Black Adjust: Low
Dynamic Contrast: Medium
Edge Enhancement: On
Colourspace: Wide
White Balance
R-Offset: 3
G-Offset: 15
B-Offset: 21
R-Gain: 9
G-Gain: 15
B-Gain: 15
My Colour Control
Pink: 10
Green: 15
Blue: 15
White: 15
Backlight: 7
Digital NR (Noise Reduction): Auto
DNIe: On
Movie Plus: Off
Sound Mode: Music

Laatst bewerkt: 7 nov 2007