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Dead Or Alive 5

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Pegas, 14 sep 2011.

  1. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo, dat is ziek snel. Ik had hem bij yourgamezone besteld, dus ik moet waarschijnlijk tot vrijdag wachten.
  2. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoeveel koste hij?
  3. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gamesync verstuurd hem morgen :).

    Eens kijken of we dan donderdag los kunnen.
  4. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gamemania is altijd volle prijs, dus 59,98 euro.
    Pech dat ik nu moet wachten, maar ik was nu maar 43 euro kwijt.
    Dat is me die paar dagen wel waard.
  5. JinKazama

    JinKazama Chunli's shoe-shiner

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd, was 59 euro kwijt.
  6. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ook daar maar even gaan bestellen :)
  7. JinKazama

    JinKazama Chunli's shoe-shiner

    Leuk Bevonden:
  8. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb een aantal reviews al gelezen en weet van te voren al dat vaak de reviewer er geen bal verstand van heeft bij vechtgames, maar de IGN review, verrassend genoeg, was goed geschreven.

    Maar meeste reviews zijn gewoonweg lachwekkend.
  9. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat viel mij ook op. Ik heb sterk het gevoel dat veel reviewers *alweer* de nieuwe DOA niet echt een goede kans geven... ach een beetje button bashen. Voor deze ene keer kan ik mij meer vinden in de review van IGN.

    "That's always been the beauty of this series. No matter what character you play, no matter how bad the matchup is, the person who makes the better read wins. For every action, a reaction. Despite it being more over the top than Virtua Fighter, or less complex than Tekken, this simple fact has always made it a verysatisfying game to play."

    Mind games in combinatie met skill, dat is waar DOA voor staat. Dat wil ook zeggen dat een beginner ook redelijk kan meekomen, zolang hij goed blijft letten op de moves van zijn tegenstanders. IGN lijkt dit beter door te hebben dan veel andere review sites.
  10. tamerius

    tamerius Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gaming Age                   85.00%
    IGN                          88.00%
    GamesRadar                   80.00%
    ZTGameDomain                 91.00%
    Game Informer                60.00%
    Official Xbox Magazine       80.00%
    GameSpot                     75.00%
    Edge Magazine UK  	     60.00%
    Official Xbox Magazine UK    70.00%
    Eurogamer                    70.00%
    Gamerankings meta-score : 7.6

    Jammer, gaat geen DOA4 score worden (en TTT2 waarschijnlijk ook niet). Ik had eigenlijk gehoopt op minimaal een 8
    Als de game maar net zo fijn speelt als DOA4 vind ik het best
  11. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daar koop ik geen DOA5 voor, hoop op beter, veel beter en zo the horen van de meer vertrouwelijke bronnen komt het wel goed.

    Overigens de eerste patch is al uitgebracht, dit is normaal voor nieuwe spellen:
    Tecmo Koei and Team NINJA released a day 1 patch for Dead or Alive 5 that addresses numerous issues with the game. Most notably, there have been several balance tweaks to nearly every character. Other changes include some minor improvements to the online mode.

    I received a copy of the game last week and the online portion wasn’t really playable for reviewing purposes. There were only a handful of people online and they were mostly from Taiwan and Japan. I would be weary of any reviews that discuss the online mode because of this. The few games I did play against someone in the US had noticeable input delay, but further testing is required before anyone can make judgements about the netcode yet.

    There’s also a bug on PS3 where the game will pause mid-match during offline play if Throwdowns are enabled. You need to disable this option after selecting a Fight mode in the main menu to avoid this game breaking problem.

    These are the modes available in Online Mode:

    Simple match (unranked quick matches) – You can search by rounds and region. That’s it.
    Rank Match – Search by rounds, Region, and opponent rank. You can set a minimum and maximum rank. There is no way to filter out players by connection strength. In fact, you can’t even see your opponent’s connection at all.
    Lobby match – You can set time limit, max health, number of players, and filter out what gets to be used in Random Select. The max players in a lobby is 16. You can choose to simply spectate matches, even if you’re the host. Spectator mode allows you to move around the camera freely. There is a chat room as well and, unlike Tekken Tag 2, it actually stays hidden. The biggest problem with Lobby Matches is that you can’t kick a player out after a session has begun. This option, along with the other match settings, simply disappears. Outside of politely asking, there is nothing you can do once a 1 bar connection joins your room after a game has started.
    Fight rules in Lobby Match – Winner Stays, Loser Stays, Tournament, Kumite, Online Dojo. Fight Type can be solo or tag.

    Patch Notes
    Offline Mode

    Removed the ability to change the stage models displayed in the background in order to improve load times.
    Survival Mode: even if you are unable to clear the course, your points (Results Screen) will be displayed and the World Ranking will be updated.

    Online Mode

    During the pre-battle entrance animation, each character’s Grade and Title will be displayed.
    The matchmaking system has been improved so it is easier to find and join a match.
    In Lobby Match, the Random filter will display within the client’s settings rather than the host’s.
    The cursor location will be remembered in the Character and Stage Select screens.
    Added the ability to adjust the Hit Settings (Normal/Counter/High-Counter) in the Online Dojo.
    Minor fixes to areas that had the possibility of causing instability within the game.


    Slight adjustments to some of the character motions and moves.

    Character Changes

    Mid K while sidestepping
    Hitting a character with this while their back is turned downs them.

    Hitting a character with this as a normal back hit causes a small stagger

    Increased input time

    Expert mid P hold
    Changed damage: 25 -> 5

    2P,1P, back-turned 2P,back-turned 1P,back-turned PP2P
    Changed to stagger on back-turned hi counter and back-turned low hi counter

    66K, back-turned PP6K
    Changed damage reaction to small when landing as a normal hit

    Change frame advantage on guard to +2 (guard break)

    4P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    4P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Changed behavior to a jump hold when held

    4P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Tag throw when partnered with Hitomi
    Changed damage: 10+20+70 -> 10+20+40

    Tag throw when partnered with Helena
    Changed damage: 50+50 -> 35+35

    Back-turned P
    Changed damage reaction to small when landing as a normal hit, same as landing as a counter hit

    Back-turned 2P
    Hitting a character with this as a normal back hit causes a small stagger

    1K6K while in Jakeiho
    Changed damage reaction to crumple stun when landing as a low counter or hi counter hit

    Changed stagger reaction to small when landing as a normal hit, same as landing as a hi counter hit
    Gen Fu

    1P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed damage reaction to launch when landing as a low normal hit

    Increased recovery on unsuccessful grab by 4 frames.

    Back-turned PP
    Changed damage reaction when landing as a low counter or hi counter hit from the back-turned reaction to front-facing reaction
    Changed damage reaction when landing as a back-turned low counter or hi counter hit from the front facing reaction to back turned reaction

    3P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Changed to damage reaction on back-turned low hi counter from the front-facing reaction to the back-turned reaction

    Changed behavior to a parry when held

    Changed initial frames: 19 -> 18

    Changed initial frames: 24 -> 20
    Change wall-hit distance to 1.5m

    Changed damage reaction to crumple stagger when landing as a hi counter hit

    1P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits
    Jann Lee

    Changed damage reaction on low hi counter hits to a large sit-down stun, just like with hi counter hits.
    Changed damage reaction on back-turned low hi counter hits from front-facing reaction to back-turned reaction

    Increased direction input time

    Changed damage reaction on normal hit to stagger

    Changed stagger on low normal hit to small

    7P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Changed damage: 20+43-> 20+35

    Back-turned 6T
    Changed damage: 35 -> 50

    Back-turned 9K
    Changed to make it guardable.

    Basic Tag Throw
    Changed so opponent cannot tech roll after being thrown.

    2P,3P, back-turned 2P
    Changed damage reaction on back-turned hi counter and low hi counter hits to stagger

    H+KP during Meishouho
    Changed damage reaction on back-turned hi counter hit to stagger, same as on back-turned normal hit

    PP4P, P4P during Bokutai
    Changed attribute from mid to high

    Changed damage reaction on counter and high counter hits to stagger, same as normal hit

    Changed damage reaction on low counter and hi counter hits to stagger, same as on low normal hit

    1P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Changed damage reaction on back-turned normal hit to small stagger, same as back-turned hi counter hits.

    1P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Changed to damage reaction on back-turned low hi counter from the front-facing reaction to the back-turned reaction

    P during Tenshin Sen
    Changed damage reaction on normal hit to small stagger, same as landing as low hit

    PP6PP,66PP, sidestep P
    Changed damage reaction on low counter to crumple stun

    Increased input time

    The properties of “K during Gyomi-Inshusei” and “K during Tenshin-Hiinshu” were different, so we standardized on the first (K during Gyomi-Inshusei).

    4P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    P during Dokuritsu-Ho
    Hitting a character with this as a normal back hit causes a small stagger

    6P in Kasenko
    Changed general reaction when landing as a back hit to small stagger

    Increased input time
    La Mariposa

    Changed behavior from a jump hold to a normal hold when held

    4P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Increased input time

    4P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    Changed to damage reaction on back-turned low hi counter from the front-facing reaction to the back-turned reaction

    Back-turned P+K during Bending Stance
    Was the same move as H+K, so made it a different move

    4P, back-turned 4P, P in Turn Leg Cut, sidestep P
    Changed to damage reaction on back-turned low hi counter from the front-facing reaction to the back-turned reaction

    1P+K (when not triggering a Power Blow)
    Changed reaction to knock-back on low hi counter and back-turned low hi counter hits

    4P, back-turned 4P, P in Turn Leg Cut, sidestep P
    Changed to damage reaction on back-turned normal and hi counter hits from the front-facing reaction to the back-turned reaction

    Changed damage reaction on counter hit to stagger, same as hi counter hit

    Changed reaction to knock-back on back-turned low hi counter hits

    Back-turned 4P
    Changed damage reaction to stagger when landing as a low normal hit, same as normal hit

    Increased input time
  12. tamerius

    tamerius Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Net even e-plaza hier gebeld of ze em al hebben, aangezien ik daar een kado-bon heb. Manager daar ken ik en hij verwachtte DOA5 nog wel te krijgen (woensdag/donderdag) maar daarna is het zo'n beetje afgelopen met nieuwe titels, nog 2 weekjes tot sluiting verwacht hij.
    Bonnen zijn online op www.eplaza.com nog te gebruiken en ze proberen het ook bij Bart Smit inwisselbaar te maken. Hopelijk heb ik em dan woensdag (en valt ie mee)

    @LocKum: de score is momenteel laag, maar misschien zijn de slechtste scores er nu al in verwerkt en is de rest 8+ ofzo (hopelijk)

    De meta-score van de hele serie, volgens gamerankings:
    SAT	Dead or Alive, 1997		82.00%
    PS	Dead or Alive, 1998		83.92%
    DC	Dead or Alive 2, 2000   	91.37%
    XBOX	Dead or Alive 3, 2001		86.18%
    XBOX	Dead or Alive Ultimate, 2004	84.46%
    X360	Dead or Alive 4, 2005		85.42%
    3DS	Dead or Alive: Dimensions, 2011	82.16%
    Review van Gamespot zit wel goed in elkaar, behandelt zo'n beetje alles, duidelijk, eerlijk. Jammer dat ze DOA5 maar een 7.5 geven (Tecmo had zeker te weinig geld om naast IGN ook nog Gamespot te betalen, ugh)
    Laatst bewerkt: 25 sep 2012
  13. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die gemiddelde scores maken me geen bal uit. Zoals je zelf al zegt komen veel reviews van mensen die niets/weinig van het spel afweten. Ik kijk zelf naar de grotere sites, die hoeven geen zieltjes te winnen met opzienbarende reviews. En IGN en Gamespot zijn gewoon positief.
  14. SamuraiPizzaDog

    SamuraiPizzaDog Jedi Mind.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mensen de game al aan het spelen? zag volgens mij voorbij komen dat iemand hem al had.
  15. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je moet nooit naar gemiddelden kijken, maar naar welk cijfer (of afgerond cijfer) het meeste voorkomt.
  16. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Grappig, dat vertel ik managers ook altijd wanneer ik ze een forecast presenteer. ;)
  17. tamerius

    tamerius Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet iemand of Tag mode 2vs2 nog mogelijk is? Ik bedoel niet of Tag er nog inzit, maar kan het met 4 spelers/mensen gespeeld worden ? En is local 2 vs local 2 dan online mogelijk of alleen via 4 verschillende accounts/xboxen?

    In DOA4 kon je NIET met een guest account 2 man op 1 xbox online tag doen, maar vreemd genoeg wel met 4 verschillende spelers/xboxen (wat meer lag oplevert). Ik heb het vaak gedaan en de lag was niet anders dan bij 1vs1 solo-mode.

    Ik lees hier en daar namelijk dat je alleen nog maar tag kan doen zonder online-partner (je speelt altijd alleen, beide characters), dat zou tegen vallen. Andere zeggen dat je juist alleen 2vs2 online tag kan doen via 2 players op 1 xbox (guest) en dan online gaan.
  18. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet officieel gelezen, maar volgens mij is er niets aan Tag veranderd. Dus je speelt inderdaad maximaal met z'n tweeen, beiden in hetzelfde team of allebei met een eigen team. Geen vier spelers dus.
  19. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En de IGN video review:

    Hebben! :cool:
  20. tamerius

    tamerius Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja daar lijkt het nu wel op, maar zo was het dus niet in DOA4. Tag kon je daar met 4 man spelen, het is lijkt er inderdaad uitgehaald te zijn.. 1 vd meest sociaalste spel-modus in DOA, jammer. Hopelijk patchen ze dat er weer in.

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