Now, let's talk about the 340k kill part of this. When I saw this, I wanted to shoot MYSELF, not the zombies. Hate grinding achievements...hate them. The fastest method is definitely the Markyshizzle's Roller-hog, on Chapter 8, doing laps. But, Seriously? Who wants to grind kills for three hours like that? If I wanted to do endless laps on the same track for hours on end, I would have bought Forza 5. roll
Here was the method I used to spice things up a bit. This solution assumes you've completed everything else and are Level 50 with all stats maxed.
- Jump to Chapter 8.
-Run to the garage across the street and make the Mobile Locker. Immediately spawn 4 split shots.
- Get up to Ingleton and begin a pass of the North West quadrant, with your priority to clear the road of all vehicles. A little time here will help immensely with both sections 2 and 4 of this method.
- Then return the Mobile Locker to the Garage and make another split shot if you can.
- Make the Rollerhog in the Garage.
- "Cache" all your spawned split shots at the corner of the intersection immediately across from the Ingelton garage. Just drop them on the ground there to pile up. We'll use these later.
- Now make the Rollerhog in the Garage
- Go do some laps until you're sick of it. For me that was about 10 laps. Yawn.

- Stop by the Gun store next to the movie theater. Fill your inventory with guns.
- Return to the garage
- In the garage you'll find a massive supply of wrenches. Combine these with the guns you picked up earlier.
- Remember that "cache" spot you created. Run back there and drop all your split shots.
- Go to your mobile locker. Spawn 4 more split shots and drop those in the cache
- Run back to the gun shop, on the way looking for any firearms or blunt objects. (Note: You'll run out of wrenches long before you do guns. A handy source of blunt objects? Parking Meters! Go Cool Hand Luke on them... laugh)
- Repeat the steps above until you can't do it anymore.
- In the end you should have around 30-40+ Split shots piled up. Now comes the fun part...
- Fill up your inventory with Split Shots
- Following the same path that you did on the Rollerhog run, mow down all zombies with split shots. Your kill rate should be very similar to the bike (around 950+ per minute)
- If the zombies thin up, slow down your shooting. Use an occasional shot to keep your string alive (very easy to do with split shot)
- One "lap" this way should use up about 4 guns. By the time you return to the cache site, you should be able to pick up 4 fresh guns (shot once per pickup to keep the streak alive)
- Repeat the steps above until you run out of split shots (see my online ranks below. Can you beat me?)
- Now that you've raked up ridiculous kills streaks and exhausted Ingelton's supply of parking meters, time for fireworks. You mobile locker should have a full inventory now!
- Spawn a Massive bomb, put it a crowded place, enjoy the show and pick up 700+ insta-kills
- Repeat in a new location
*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
6) REPEAT 1-5
This method helped me keep my sanity while at the same time satisfied my twisted OCD need to get 100% completion for the game.
Using this method I currently have the #20 longest kill streak (29860) on the leaderboard, and the #31 Total Earned PP (240216827). I could get more but, honestly, I need to take a break from all that zombie killing.
Let me know what you think! And, if you leave a negative vote, please let me know why!
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