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[Multi] Destiny 2

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Hybrid, 27 mrt 2017.


Welke class ga jij als eerst aanmaken?

  1. Hunter

  2. Titan

  3. Warlock

  1. badeentje

    badeentje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is wat ik van de week ook vroeg wat goedkoper was.

    Die €10,- extra vind ik ook onzin. Die spullen gebruik je maar heel even
  2. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat kan ook ja

    Verstuurd met Tapatalk
  3. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    RO3Li, Rampage en Remo NL vinden dit leuk.
  4. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er leuk uit. Je kan zien dat de engine toch opgepoetst is. Verschillende materialen geven nu ook een ander soort licht af :)

    Kan niet wachten!
  5. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    De Taikonaut en die foeilelijke Warlock jas komen terug.
  6. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rampage vindt dit leuk.
  7. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    *mompelt iets over niet overweg kunnen met een Warlock*
  8. badeentje

    badeentje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sinds gisterenavond ook eigenaar van Destiny de uitgebreide editie.
    Heb er zin in!
  9. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Edge magazine.

    "There's some interesting new details in there:
    -'The beta did not contain the final implementation of how Energy weapons work against AI combatants with elemental shields; when the shield is depleted, it explodes, nuking any enemies that happen to be nearby'

    - Nightfall strikes now have a time limit (varying by Strike; one example was 13 minutes) so efficiency and settling on a strategy beforehand will be important

    - There are over 80 missions and (PVE) activities, and each is substantial in length, challenge, story and reward

    - There's so much new content that at one point in development they realised they had more content than progression (something they've subsequently fixed)

    There were apparently a few other things revealed to the Edge team visiting Bungie but that they were asked not to reveal; one involves the Hunter class and left the reviewers happy that the class will shape up well. Supers and grenades were also mentioned, and whilst they recharge faster than the beta, it seems we'll be encouraged to recharge them more quickly through aggressive play: an example given was a Warlock exotic chest that lets you hover in the air (sounding a little like Empyrrean Bellicose) where kills whilst hovering will quickly recharge your grenade.
    Overall, the impression of the campaign sounds very good - lots to do, and a lot more to find. Sounds very encouraging!"
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  10. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Duidelijk geval eerst zien, dan geloven.
  11. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoezo? Zoveel content gemaakt dat ze het gelijk uit gesmeerd hebben over 2 DLC :+
  12. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    RO3Li vindt dit leuk.
  13. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De PC beta ga ik wel even spelen, ben benieuwd :)

    21:9 / 120 fps / alles op ultra #zinin
    Alexknl en RO3Li vinden dit leuk.
  14. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Edge info.

    The weapon system:
    "Smith readily admits the change has been at least partly implemented to make life easier for Bungie´s design teams.
    Yet beneath the spectacle lies, once again, the teams desire to make players plan ahead and talk.
    Smith asks us to picture running the Vault of Glass, the first (and still best) Destiny raid, using the Destiny 2 weapon system. "Imagine the conversation you're going to have when you're about to do the Oracle phase," he says referring to a section where players must quickly take down a series of randomly spawning spheres of light - and will be instantly killed if they miss even one before it disappears after a few seconds - while also dealing with waves of high-level enemies. "Who´s bringing a sniper rifle? Who’s bringing a fusion rifle for the Minotaurs? You’re now putting your own those powerful things in conflict with a rocket launcher, which is for AOE wave clearing and can effectively replace something like a Nova Bomb. Well, now, Nova Bomb could be more important, because not everybody´s running with a sniper rifle and rocket launcher. What this system does is make player power more predictable, but it also allows Supers, in a number of ways, to shine even brighter in the game."

    "So yes, relax: base cooldowns are lower in the final game than they were in the beta.
    Grenades now hit like magical, elementally powered trucks, and are no longer solely used for clearing out low-level adds. Chuck one at a boss, and the effect is dramatic.
    My opinion: Also something I like, it is definitely nice that the grenades to a good chunk of damage to the bosses as well, thats something I always wished for Destiny."

    "A perk in the Dawnblade subclass lets us speed up the recharge rate of our grenade with airborne kills; an exotic chestpiece, acquired during the campaign when our characterís level s still in single figures, makes us hover in place when we aim down our gunsights in air.
    My opinion: The Exotic chestpiece looks really good, it promotes an unique playstyle and if you use it to its full potential you will be rewarded. What I do not like is that you get an exotic before you reach level 10, hopefully they won't hand out too many of those."

    Smith points out that one subclass path lets Hunters create up to eight orbs for their allies using their Golden Gun - enough when picked up to fill every team member´s entire Super bar from scratch. But there´s more. Smith has asked us not to spoil it, and for once we’ve agreed. Suffice it to say that everything is going to be fine.

    On 30fps vs. 60fps:
    In an era where 60 fps is fast becoming the accepted standard on console, is 30fps good enough? A thousand of hours on our Destiny save file suggest it is, yes, thanks for asking; in any case, executive producer Mark Noseworthy suggests we shouldn’t expect that to change any time soon. "Its about the simulation of the Destiny world" he says. Thirsty AI at once, large open spaces, six players, sometimes with vehicles, and drop ships coming in; that´s where we´re using the CPU. Could we make a Destiny game that ran at 60fps? Yes but the space would be smaller, it would be less cooperative, and there’d be fewer monsters to shoot. That´s not the game we want to make. First and foremost, we´re trying to make an incredible action game. We don´t feel we’ve been held back by the choices we’ve made about world simulation versus framerate; in fact we think we think we´re offering a player experience you can’t have elsewhere because of the choices we´re making. But if framrate is something thats really important to you, there is a platform now where you can spend as much money as you want, to go as fast as possible." On PC, in addition to offering 4K visuals, Destiny 2´s framerate will be uncapped.

    On Boss fights:
    "Boss fights are no longer attritional checks of your damage output and endurance, but tests of skill; the excellent, shape-shifting final boss neither relentlessly shells you nor surrounds you with swarm of minions, but does just enough to ensure you’re constantly mowing, always thinking, forever under threat. His health bar goes down quickly once you can land shots on him, but the real battle is creating the opportunity to do so, finding gaps between his attacks and his backup troops."

    On Public events, Adventures and Lost Sectors:
    "Patrols and Strikes - the only PVE activities available in Destiny 1 outside of story missions - don´t unlock until the final third of the campaign, and until the notification popped up we hadn't even noticed their absence.
    Some Public events can be called in manually by picking up a flag that refills your super meter.
    Adventures are lengthy, fully voiced side missions, thick with story, that span multiple sections and yield valuable rewards.
    Lost Sectors are signaled by in-world graffiti, nudging you towards some innocuous corner of the level that leads to a battle against a miniboss guarding a crate full of loot, encouraging exploration in a manner the first Destiny never managed."

    On Destiny 2´s story length:
    There are over 80 missions and activities in Destiny 2, and each is substantial - in length, challenge, story and reward.

    "We turned all these knobs this one way and it turns out that, at hour 55 you fell off a cliff." It has been fixed of course."

    On Clan rewards:
    "There will be other benefits for clan members: if you don´t finish the Nightfall one week but a clanmate does, you’ll get a reward package their honour."*
  15. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Woop woop! Lekker op je dikke reet met een vettige klauw je chips opvreten terwijl een ander loopt te grinden.

    nawa, Schil1, CrazY en 1 andere persoon vinden dit leuk.
  16. badeentje

    badeentje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd. Heb er wel gemengde gevoelens bij juist omdat er dan mensen zullen zijn die niet heel actief meegaan.
    Aan de andere kant wel fijn voor mensen die minder tijd hebben gezien werk enz. En mensen die minder goed zijn , toch de kans hebben op goed loot.
  17. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Beste feature ooit ;)
  18. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Destiny 2 is "verwijderd" van de lijst met XBOX One X optimised games ...
  19. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    XB1 preload is live btw.
    Laatst bewerkt: 21 aug 2017
    bulletproof010 en FraHel vinden dit leuk.

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