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[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alleen als je in NL store hebt gekocht toch?
  2. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vroegertje eigenlijk, kga vroeg mijn bed in, en ben er vroeg uit rond half 4/4 uur en dan maar paar uurtjes er tegen aan :)

    Ben overigens benieuwd of ik nog rond die tijd meer mensen in mijn psn lijst Destiny ziet spelen.
  3. SoleSurvivorN7

    SoleSurvivorN7 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat heb ik nou nooit gesnapt he8);)

    Mensen die na een nachtrelease meteen gaan gamen of juist super vroeg uit bed dan even snel nog gaan gamen voordat ze naar school/werk gaan.
    Ik kan dat persoonlijk echt niet hoor en zeker niet zo vroeg in de morgen. Dan staat mijn hoofd er echt niet naar:+. Ook al heb ik de game hier liggen, dan nog game ik lekker pas in de avonduren na het werk ofzo:)
  4. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou ik ga morgen ook eerst echt werken aan mijn project.. Als ik eerst ga spelen en daarna in de avond nog probeer om aan huiswerk te gaan, kan ik er net zo goed niet aan gaan beginnen. Ik vind vroeg op staan ook richting het absurde gaan :+ maar hey, wie ben ik wat om te zeggen wat iemand doet in zijn vrije tijd :)?
  5. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan ook niet gamen na 23:00 ofzo haha. Ben ik er niet echt bij en heb ik het ook wel gehad haha.
    Morgen vroeg op om wat werk te doen en dan heb ik om 09:00 prima tijd om hem op te starten. Hoef gelukkig niet naar de winkel en hoef ook niks meer te installeren. :p
  6. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Maar maar maar ik hoef morgen niet naar mijn werk he..:+
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  7. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh dat kan ik juist wel haha :p

    ik ben benieuwd of het morgen 'uitpakken' is of dat er nog het een of ander gedownload moet worden :) ik hoop het eerste
  8. SoleSurvivorN7

    SoleSurvivorN7 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo bedoel ik mijn bericht ook niet, maar ik vind het zelf ook wel een beetje overdreven ja. Het blijft voor mij nog altijd maar een game:+

    In de avond heb ik er weer minder last van, want op de een of andere manier kom ik in de late uurtje veel meer tot leven:+. Komt ook wel door mijn ritme en werk, maar toch is het soms wel vervelend:+
  9. SoleSurvivorN7

    SoleSurvivorN7 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh dan is het geen probleem toch, maar persoonlijk zou ik het alsnog niet doen:p. Snachts wil ik gewoon slapen:+
  10. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Uit de Hong Kong store werkt dus al...
  11. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik slaap ook gewoon s'nachts, echter sta ik nu om half 4 op, dat is eigenlijk maar 2 uurtjes eerder dan een normale werkdag :+
    Komt ook bij dat ik dan vroeg naar bed ga, red dat ook niet meer om tot laat te gaan gamen (gezin etc)

    Ach ieder zijn ding :)
  12. SoleSurvivorN7

    SoleSurvivorN7 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ah ja een gezin en werk, dan snap ik het wel ja dat je al vroeg op bent;)

    Ik hoef gelukkig niet vroeg op voor mijn werk en een gezin heb ik niet:+
    Mallakai vindt dit leuk.
  13. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geniet er dan nog maar even van :p :+
    SoleSurvivorN7 vindt dit leuk.
  14. Nol

    Nol Pulp Fiction

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Morgen maar vrij genomen. Wel een gezinnetje, maar ik ben geen moeder geworden hè ;) Gewoon lekker uitslapen.
  15. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    We used to build games that were pressed on discs, shipped to retailers, bought by consumers and then, in the months and years that followed, we'd support them the best we could. We updated playlists, made tuning changes, and developed new multiplayer maps.

    With Destiny, we couldn't create a world that players want to live in by leveraging our old habits. We want to improve, grow and evolve Destiny in the coming weeks, months and - hopefully - years.

    The hours you poured into the beta were instructive, the feedback you provided was heard, and the time you've spent with us so far is humbling.

    Patch 1.0.1 won't be the last changes to Destiny. Our goal is to constantly improve the Live game. The game we hope is competing for your free time.

    Work is already underway on upcoming patches. Some will contain new content, some will contain the next round of improvements, and some will undoubtedly react to issues that you - the playerbase - will uncover in the coming weeks.
    We're just getting started.

    The Day One patch for Destiny contains a number of changes to Weapons, Builds, Talents, Maps, Activities, Achievements, Progression, game stability and UI.

    • Removed subclass locking from builds.
    • Adjusted the unlock order for all subclass trees.
    • Adjusted the cooldown ranges of armor stats (Intellect, Discipline, Strength).
    • Agility now has more impact to move speed and acceleration.
    • General
      • Catapult no longer has screen effects
      • Shoulder Charge now deals Arc damage instead of Kinetic
      • Lightning Grenade shock damage increased by 66% (base 60 to 100)
      • Amplify Super bonus-on-kill increased from 6% to 10%
      • Flashbang no longer disorients ultra combatants
      • Transfusion now has a 5-second cooldown before it can trigger again
      • Juggernaut shield is removed after jumping or sprinting for 6.5 seconds
      • Ward of Dawn now immediately regenerates your health on activation
      • Golden Gun is now unable to overpenetrate through a Ward of Dawn shield
      • Incendiary Grenade detonation damage reduced by 18% (base 140 to 115)
      • Chain of Woe now grants an additional 5%, 10%, 15% bonus to reload speed
      • Gunslinger's Trance buff duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
      • Arcbolt Grenade impact damage reduced by 17% (base 120 to 100)
      • Razor's Edge distance traveled slowed and reduced
      • Quickdraw now no longer requires a melee hit
      • Blink now cancels invisibility when used
      • Nova Bomb Vortex duration reduced from 5 to 3.5 seconds.
      • Nova Bomb Vortex effects now has displays for its victims.
      • Energy Drain impact damage increased by 10% (base 100 to 110)
      • Soul Rip super bonus on kill increased from 6% to 10% bonus
      • Vortex Grenade linger damage reduced by 50% (base 15 to 10) per tick
      • Surge now grants a bonus to reload and weapon-ready speed
      • Surge now activates when doing damage to an enemy instead of killing blow
      • Surge agility buff increased by 33% (base 10 to 1:cool:
      • Firebolt Grenade impact damage reduced by 20% (base 100 to 80)
      • Flame Shield now activates when doing damage to an enemy instead of killing blow
      • Flame Shield now provides a small overshield
      • Solar Grenade linger damage reduced by 50% (base 15 to 10) per tick
    • Removed weapon speed penalties from extended sprinting
    • Capped inventory to 999 rounds
    • Fixed several weapons that would display an incorrect magazine size
    • Swapping weapons from inventory now only takes 50% of the ammo in PvE
    • Return to Sender now procs more frequently by 15%
    • Range Finder bonus reduced by 4%
    • High Caliber Rounds damage to combatants increased by 67%
    Assault Rifles
    • Reduced the base Damage of all Assault Rifles by 7%
    • Reduced the base Accuracy ranges by [14% to 25%], modified by weapon stat
    • Reduced the base Stability ranges by [8% to 80%], modified by weapon stat
    Pulse Rifles
    • Increased the base Damage per bullet range by [2% to 17%], modified by weapon stat
    • Increased the base Stability range by [8% to 25%], modified by weapon stat
    • Reduced the base Rate of Fire by [8% to 19], modified by weapon stat
    Scout Rifles
    • Reduced the base Damage of all Scout Rifles by 8%
    • Fixed an issue that broke the fx for explosive rounds
    Hand Cannons
    • Increased the base Zoom of all Hand Cannons by 20%
    • Increased the base Damage per bullet range by [4% to 15%], modified by weapon stat
    • Increased the base Magazine size range by [8% to 20%], modified by weapon stat
    • Reduced the base Accuracy range by [75% to 100%], modified by weapon stat
    Sniper Rifles
    • Increased the base Stability range by [6% to 100%], modified by weapon stat
    Fusion Rifles
    • Fusion Rifle charging is now more reliable.
    • Improved Shotgun damage falloff networking.
    • Reduced base Damage per bullet range by [2% to 5%], modified by weapon stat
    • Reduced base Shotgun range by [1% to 7%], modified by weapon stat
    • Improved HMG projectile networking.
    • Fixed audio dropouts from vehicles for local player.
    • Dodging while boosting is now easier to execute.
    Cabal Interceptor
    • Reduced Rocket Rate of Fire from 1 to 1.5666 seconds per shot.
    • Reduced Rocket damage blast radius from 7 to 6 meters.
    • Reduced Rocket damage falloff curves so they are less effective at long rangers
    • Reduced Arming shape from 1 to 0.6 meters.
    • Crucible Marks drop rate increased from 2 to 3 for wins, 1 to 2 for losses.
    • Match completion XP and Glimmer awards increased.
    • Match completion can now award Engrams.
    • Playlists now unlock sequentially instead of based on character level.
    • Health numbers are now normalized at a 200 base value (up from 175) to be easier for players to calculate.
    • Ghost ammo collection disabled in all playlists.
    • 'Crushing' voice-overs now plays properly when the game has 0:30 and 0:10 seconds remaining
    • Mark of the Unbroken minimum threshold increased from 7 to 15
    • Back in Action death streak threshold increased from 3 to 5
    • Heating Up medal removed to avoid spam and player confusion
    • Domination now only fires only once per domination zone per player
    • Domination medal score increased from 40 to 125
    Game Types
    • Salvage Zones now do not return to the most recent salvaged relic locations
    • Fixed a bug with Salvage probe offense points being given out incorrectly
    • Fixed spawn policy content that caused bad behavior on (PS3 only)
    First Light
    • Pike spawns reduced from 4 to 3.
    • Interceptor spawns reduced from 2 to 1.
    • Interceptor spawn times reduced to 2 minutes.
    • Interceptor timer now does not start incrementing until after the game has started.
    Blind Watch
    • Windmill now pumps approximately 14% less liters of waters per match from 3.5L to 3L.
    Rusted Lands
    • Line-of-sight spawn influencers changed to reduce spawning near enemies.
    • Level-of-detail volumes adjusted for better performance on slower platforms.
    Shores of Time
    • Playable space volumes adjusted to remove exploit zones
    • Level-of-detail volumes adjusted for better performance on slower platforms.
    The Anomaly
    • Fixed a hole that let players see out of environment in the lower tunnel.
    • Pike spawns reduced from 4 to 3.
    • Interceptor spawns reduced from 2 to 1.
    • Interceptor spawn timers reduced to 2 minutes.
    • Interceptor timer now does not start incrementing until after the game has started.
    Exodus Blue
    • Added physics volume to keep players from getting on top of the giant hose reel near Control Zone A
    • Fixed an issue with Ishtar Collective Venus mission to enable the Vex Turret to drop Mind Cores for assisting players, instead of only killing blow players.
    • Strikes now award increasingly more Vanguard Marks at higher levels.
    • Strikes now award significantly better Gear at lower levels.
    • Fixed an exploit using Ward of Dawn against Sepiks Prime
    • Raid condensed to two difficulty tiers, in order to get straight to the punishment. Levels adjusted.
    • Flawless Raider achievement cut, then un-cut, then cut, then un-cut, then declared immune to further cutting.
    • Patrols award increased Vanguard reputation but no longer award Vanguard Marks.
    • Patrol VIP objectives brought in-line with other objectives, but still award additional reputation.
    • Treasure chest glimmer drop rate reduced, but added Materials to loot table.
    • Treasure chests now have a small chance to award large drops of additional Glimmer, Materials, Engrams, and Consumables.
    • Fixed various bugs where combatants were spawning in front of players
    • Fixed bugs where too many combatants were spawning during some instances of the Vex Block event
    • Removed spurious XP bonuses for Fallen Captains, Hive Knights and Wizards, Vex Minotaurs, Cabal Centurions
    • Stealth Vandals should award XP now.
    • Acyclic Geometer's name now display properly.
    • Fixed Hydras to reward the correct loot for Patrol missions on Venus
    • Spidertank leg health reduced by 16% (base 3000 to 2520) per leg.
    • Bounty introduction unlock moved from Level 6 to Level 4.
    • Bounty Leads will be sent to characters upon reaching various milestones.
    • Engram and Package tooltips now indicate what they can contain.
    • Packages earned from Faction reputation rewards now contain Glimmer instead of awarding XP.
    • Cryptarch reputation requirements to reach Rank 2 increased.
    • Cryptarch reputation earned from purchasing Engrams are greatly reduced.
    • Vanguard and Crucible Marks are now accruable beginning at Level 18.
    • Fixed an issue with skill distribution that caused convergence to take much too long.
    • Fixed an issue where players’ skill rating was too often shifting negatively causing less than ideal matches."
    Xandorra vindt dit leuk.
  16. SoleSurvivorN7

    SoleSurvivorN7 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toch de knoop doorgehakt nu ;)

    Net bij MyCom de game besteld. Van wat ik er tot nu toe van gezien heb gaat deze game me niet teleurstellen. Alleen morgen nog even PS+ kopen en dan ook beginnen met Destiny :thumbs::cool:
  17. NaiZuro

    NaiZuro War, war never changes...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lekker overzichtelijk, vooral vanaf je mobiel ook :+
    Xandorra vindt dit leuk.
  18. mrbeast

    mrbeast Beestie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nightbringer kan het zijn dat ik jou net tegen kwam bij een hard mission dat je de fallen moest onderzoeken?

    Zijn er trouwens nog andere mensen die zin hebben in een firefight om missions te doen, ik ben nu lvl3
  19. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor de Lucky bastards die de game al hebben; gaat levelen net zo snel als in de alpha/beta, of gaat het langzamer?
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  20. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hahaha het begin ging prima daarna niet meer.

    Ik mis nog steeds Tapatalk.
    Mallakai vindt dit leuk.

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