Hebben we wel al geprobeerd met bubbels. Maar ik ga dit niet meer proberen. Fuck dat kistje, ascendant materialen hebben we toch in overvloed.
Oh misschien was ik daar niet bij dan. Maar ging er mee om dat je hem sneller dood hebt. Niet echt het kistje.
Upgrading exotics...... What’s Old Is New Again – Upgrading Exotics The recent Destiny patch brought some notable changes to exotic weapons, but next week’s expansion offers some additional big adjustments. Specifically, exotic items will become available for an upgrade to keep them in line with the new top-tier gear. Here’s how it works. Upgrading exotic weapons and armor is completed by interacting with the weekend vendor, Xur. When he arrives every Friday morning, he will now have a new option to upgrade one of your equipped exotic items. Each week, he’ll offer some (but not all) exotic items as being available to upgrade. You’ll need three things. First, you need to own the original version of that exotic item, and turn it in to exchange for the upgraded version. It doesn’t matter if this old version of the item is brand new or fully upgraded. To complete the upgrade, you’ll also need to turn in an exotic shard. This recently introduced new material is available for purchase for seven strange coins from Xur, or by breaking down another existing exotic item in your inventory. Finally, each exotic upgrade costs a hefty dose of cash – around 7000 glimmer as of my playthrough of the expansion in mid-November. After turning all three of these things into Xur, he’ll hand you a brand new version of your item with a higher defense or attack value cap. It’s important to note that this process resets the upgrades on your exotic item, but you’ll now have a new higher damage or defense cap to work towards – so you’ll need to decide if you’d rather keep your fully upgraded old version of a weapon or armor piece, or start over. With that said, the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster, and does not require ascendant materials. Instead, the last slot requires one additional exotic shard, as revealed in Monday’s patch. With these changes in mind, players eager to start upgrading their exotics should be looking to save up glimmer this week, and also have enough strange coins on hand to purchase the requisite exotic shards. Given this new feature, exotic items are ultimately far more valuable and important than standard legendary items. Where your older purple legendary items are left behind with the expansion, this change ensures that exotic items carry forward into the new content, and remain as powerful (and hopefully moreso) than new expansion-tier legendary items. It’s also important to note that these upgradeable exotics are available to all Destiny players once the expansion launches, not just the players who purchase The Dark Below. However, only owners of The Dark Below can get new exotics that launch with the DLC.
Kan ik alles weer gaan upgraden dus. Wat een eeuwigheid duurt.. Edit: Oh wacht. Leveling Exotics now requires less experience Hier alles. Gear Old exotics can be upgraded to the higher defense/attack rating, this can be done through Xur at the cost of an Exotic Shad, Glimmer (7000 as of preview), and the original version of the weapon. This will reset upgrade progress Leveling Exotics now requires less experience You can only upgrade one Exotic per week, and Xur will have a limited selection of exotics available for upgrade Upgrading Exotics doesn't require ownership of The Dark Below Quests will connect to strikes and even the raid Raid gear can no longer be upgraded with ascendant materials, only can be upgraded with radiant shards and energy. Radiant materials can be earned from dismantling Crota's End gear and as a Crota's End drop Eris will offer an exchange of radiant shards for radiant energy and vice-versa Crota's End will be more aware of your recent earnings and how long it's been since your last "Fun Drop" This doesn't eliminate randomness, just is said to make the experience more rewarding Legendary factions items now require commendations for purchase, commendations are awarded within reputation packages Purchasing newer legendary items doesn't Require Ownership of The Dark Below Activities Crota's End hard more launching in January Quests will have significant rewards such as weapons New level 30 Heroic and Nightfall strikes are coming new raid primary weapons will only be available through the hard mode of the Crota's End raid (January) The three new [Crucible] maps and the various game modes you can play on them will show up in playlist rotation, and Bungie told [Game Informer] that the available experiences will alternate between 12 and 6 player modes. The playlists available to play in the Director are set to change each week
The amount of "currencies" that will be in Destiny as of the first DLC (that we are aware of) Glimmer Vanguard Marks Crucible Marks Weapons Parts Hardonic Essence Sapphire Wire Plasteel Plating Ascendant Shards Ascendant Energies Motes of Light Strange Coins Exotic Shards Radiant Energies Radiant Shards Vanguard Reputation Crucible Reputation Dead Orbit Reputation New Monarchy Reputation Future War Cult Reputation Vanguard Commendation Crucible Commendation Spin Metal Spirit Bloom Helium Coils Relic Iron XP Light Levels
“Raid gear can no longer be upgraded with ascendant materials, only can be upgraded with radiant shards and energy. Radiant materials can be earned from dismantling Crota's End gear and as a Crota's End drop” Geen nut meer dus voor al mijn ascendant materials ( Ja legendaries die je niet gaat gebruiken ) Echt , eerst kan je ze niet meer gebruiken voor exotics, nu ook al niet meer voor raid gear. Ik mag toch hopen dat we toch onze shards en energies kunnen inruilen op de een of andere manier.
... er is wel een goeie rel ontstaan met dit "nieuws". Reddit en NeoGAF zijn not amused. Ik weet ook nog niet wat ik hier van moet verwachten.
Mwah, dat vind ik dus niet. 20 euro voor 1 DLC waarin genoeg zit. Als je het vergelijkt met COD waar enkel 4 MP mappen in zitten
Sorry. Maar dat upgrade gebeuren is echt bullshit. Ben je godver weken bezig geweest... kan je ze inleveren voor 1 Exotic Shard, 7000 Glimmer om vervolgens WEER alles opnieuw te doen? Wat was er zo moeilijk om ze allemaal te upgraden? Tering Bungie, stel fuckers. Zo breng je een prima buff patch uit om het dagen daarna weer compleet te verneuken. Als DLC1 me niet bevalt stop ik met spelen. Dit slaat echt helemaal nergens op.
Ik baal er ook van dat alle raid legendaries dus vanaf volgende week waardeloos zijn. Dat zijn mijn favoriete wapens