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[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
  2. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    shader en schip. Niemand de bounty of een leuk wapentje helaas.
    Rampage vindt dit leuk.
  3. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet slecht man! Jammer van de (denk ik) teleurstellende loot. Vind het vreemd dat er niet echt Elemental Weapons Droppen.

    Met @bulletproof010 en @RVDV binnen 25 minuten door level 34 heen geknald. Viel niet tegen.

    Chest en Schoenen voor de Warlock.
    Nu nog VoG schoenen voor m'n Titan.
    Morgen ToO Schoenen voor de Hunter :)

    Gaat goed.
    Raafie vindt dit leuk.
  4. Flayner

    Flayner Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Vind deze PoE 35 persoonlijk veel makkelijker dan die solar burn van vorige week. Is echt wel te doen zoals ik verwachtte vooraf.:+:thumbs:
  5. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deden jullie snipers of shotties?
  6. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ascended snipers. Spear, ldr en ik had die Queens sniper. Ging prima. Thunderlordje en fatebringer voor de adds
  7. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    In the weekly update, Bungie has announced that the Iron Banner will be returning on Tuesday, June 2nd. With the return, Bungie has also implemented some changes in how the event works.

    Here’s a summary of what’s new:
    • Lower-ranked Guardians on your account will receive a reputation boost to catch up to your higher-ranked Guardian more quickly
    • Rewards cost less Glimmer – the grind is less real
    • Etheric Light is available for purchase at Rank 3 and Rank 5
    • The Gunsmith has inherited Lord Saladin’s weapon reforging service
    • Power still matters, and it matters a little more as the delta between two players increases
    • The Cauldron and Pantheon have been added to the playlist, along with Exodus Blue on PlayStation
    bulletproof010, SHiZ NL en AnubisNefer vinden dit leuk.
  8. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ooooooooo... Etheric Light kopen op Rank 3?! Nice. Hoe duur? Of is dat nog onbekend? Nooit IB gespeeld haha :+

    Duurt dat lang om naar Rank 3 te gaan?
    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  9. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Voor mij niet zo lang als een keer Trials of Osiris op 9-0 te krijgen.


    Iron banner op 2 juni?

    Cool, I'm in. 2 etheric light is zo binnen.
  10. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    This week at Bungie we presided over the Trials of Osiris.

    In the previous edition of the Weekly Update, we talked more about new adventures to conquer alien enemies of Humanity. (And Awoken. And Exos.) Today, we’re delving deeper into the proceedings of Guardian vs. Guardian. If the Crucible isn’t your jam, you might want to scroll a bit, because court is in session.

    If you stood Trial in the Burning Shrine, step forth to be counted.

    3,798,561 = Trials of Osiris matches played

    118,627,301 = Kills (or Deaths, if your glass be half-empty)

    188,442 = Players visited the Mercurial promised land

    299,001 = Guardians scored a perfect scorecard

    It was a glorious battle. When we weren’t getting our heads caved in by the likes of you, we enjoyed the show. Both the victorious and the damned were tabulated.

    This heatmap illustrates where Trials of Osiris combatants spent the most Time. The red zones were the target-rich environments where most of your fights took place. Perhaps you can remember a few heated exchanges in those tunnels.

    While every target in Trials of Osiris was dangerous in their own way, it was those cursed Snipers that caused their unique brand of trouble for over-eager teams. This heatmap tracks the most popular perches for the sharpshooters who enjoyed ventilating helmets down long sightlines.

    “This is all well and good,” you might be saying. “But it would have been much more useful to have this information before the event started.”

    You've got a point, but the new Elimination gametype produced results we couldn't predict. There was no way for us to tell you where to shoot before this competitive event. To help you prepare for the next Trial, I messaged Senior Designer Derek Carroll for some tactical intel.

    The following is a dramatic reenactment of our exchange:

    To: Derek From: DeeJ Re: Trials, Week Two Hey, can we reveal the next Trials of Osiris map in the Weekly Update?

    To: DeeJ From: Derek Re: Trials, Week Two

    To: Derek From: DeeJ Re: Trials, Week Two C’mon, man. Brave warriors want to contemplate their strategies. Sweet loot is on the line! The public demands to know!

    To: DeeJ From: Derek Re: Trials, Week Two

    I tried, dearest Community, but Derek values the element of surprise in battle. Perhaps you’ll have better luck at prying revelations from his iron fist. You can find him on Twitter if you want to submit an appeal. He knows where your next shot at glory will happen.

    Trials of Osiris will resume tomorrow at 10AM Pacific. All will be revealed.

    Found Verdict: Guilty!

    Not everyone became legend in Trials of Osiris. There were reports that some of you had your connections interrupted. We’re on the case!

    Stern tone of voice

    There were some among you who took nefarious action against your opponents. Our intrepid team of investigators has diagnosed the most egregious cheaters among us. If you earned your victories by sinister means, you may very well have also earned a temporary (or permanent) time-out.

    Bungie is always watching. We enjoy a fair fight and we aim to protect the landscape of the game. Play nice!

    Reassuring tone of voice

    Some of you who encountered the #Olive error were not actually victims of shenanigans. You just ran afoul of a bug (it’s not your fault). As of this morning, that bug has been fixed. Your experience in the Crucible should greatly improve.

    Iron Banner Strikes Back

    Lord Saladin will be back in the Tower on Tuesday, June 2nd. He knows your PVP heart has been enthralled by the shiny lures of Brother Vance, so he’s bringing some new goodies to win back your love. Boots, Gauntlets, Fusion Rifles, Scout Rifles, and that elusive Etheric Light that you all crave...

    They’ll all be in stock if you kick enough ass in Iron Banner to earn the right to do business with him.

    Along with the launch of House of Wolves, Update also had some changes in store for Iron Banner. This is the first time they’ll take effect. Here’s a summary of what’s new: Lower-ranked Guardians on your account will receive a reputation boost to catch up to your higher-ranked Guardian more quickly Rewards cost less Glimmer - the grind is less real Etheric Light is available for purchase at Rank 3 and Rank 5 The Gunsmith has inherited Lord Saladin’s weapon reforging service Power still matters, and it matters a little more as the delta between two players increases The Cauldron and Pantheon have been added to the playlist, along with Exodus Blue on PlayStation

    You won’t need a scorecard for this one. Your reputation is what’s at stake.

    Live Team Blotter

    Whenever we release new content into the wild, we have a chance to learn something new about the Destiny player experience. House of Wolves has been no exception. We’ve been on high-alert ever since Petra Venj appeared again in the Tower to see if her banners yet waved.

    We’ve introduced you to the Live Team at Bungie before. They operate outside the development of major releases. Their charge is the living, social world inhabited by the Guardians. They’re the watchful stewards – the engaged innkeepers of the place where our shared adventures rage.

    You’ve had plenty to say about House of Wolves since we set you on the hunt. This is what the Live Team is talking about right now:

    Olive error codes and other Crucible disconnects (see above)
    Mercury Emblems that don’t appear in inventories Treasure Key famine, and the farmers who need relief Ammo synthesis that piles up in your inventories Quests, Ships, or Shaders not being granted by Prison of Elders Encounters with known Prison inmate bosses

    We’ll let you know how the conversation progresses. Update is the next vehicle for changes that will impact Destiny. Its shipping manifest is yet uncertain, but we’ll be sure to share the details as they come into focus.

    Weeding Out Error Codes

    Who guards the Guardians? Why, it’s the faithful teammates on Destiny Player Support. They tend to the garden on the #Help forum, weeding out issues and nurturing solutions.

    DPS: Over the weekend, Trials of Osiris players may have seen a new feature that helps keep you connected. Bungie has implemented a Connection Recovery state that attempts to recover the game state instead of returning players to Orbit. Read more about Connection Recovery and what you should experience when encountering this connection state.

    Some players in Trials of Osiris have not received their earned Osiris emblem and we are actively investigating. For other Trials of Osiris questions, we now have answers on our Guided Support page. If there is something you think needs added to the Guided Support page, let us know by posting in the #Bungie.net Feedback forums.

    Additionally, we are aware that players have reported issues with Critical Objectives in the Prison of Elders activity. Be sure to complete any Critical Objectives to continue advancing in Prison of Elders.

    Finally, if any players need to report harmful (or helpful) players in game, we now have an article on how to report a player in game. The in-game report function is the best way to direct our attention to another player’s behavior in Destiny. Help us keep our game’s community great by reporting players for good or bad behavior.

    The situation is looking green. Sound off if you need #Help.

    In space, no one can hear you scream.

    This week, for something different, we’re hosting a silent film festival of sorts. Click the links to journey to a foreign land known as Imgur.

    WINNER: Nice shot! All of them!

    Honorable Mention: Nice throw!

    Now, we just need to identify these silent auteurs so we can give them some emblems to commemorate their work.

    In closing this week, Bungie would like to give an official shout-out to the fine men and women at High Moon Studios. For a while now, we’ve kept our love secret, but it has become known that they’re working with us. Please join us in welcoming them to the party!

    We’ll be back next week. Until then, be careful power-sliding into those zones. Your team will thank you.

    DeeJ, out.

    Deaths op Burning Shrine met ToO

    Laatst bewerkt: 29 mei 2015
    SHiZ NL en Raafie vinden dit leuk.
  11. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wtf die grimoire van Qoldron. "Qoldron is not the prisoner here, you are."

    En het klopt ook nog.. We zitten gevangen in een grindbubbel.
    Raafie vindt dit leuk.
  12. Raafie

    Raafie GT: Raafie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gaaf die heatmap.

    En WTF!? Kijk dit:

  13. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    I don't get it
  14. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Denk dat je echt ff moet luisteren als die vrouwelijke Guardian klaar ko... ik bedoel, afgeschoten word.
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  15. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Man man man, als Crucible zo'n geile bende is, dan ga ik toch maar een poging wagen.
    nawa, bulletproof010 en Maddmonkey vinden dit leuk.
  16. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geluid stond uit :+ er staat ook kijken
  17. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, ik had hem eerst ook gekeken en zag niks raars. Tot ik het geluid aan had gezet :+


    nawa vindt dit leuk.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hunter gauntlets uit een engram. Heeft me niet zoveel motes gekocht gelukkig. En daarna kreeg ik The Fear rockertlauncher van de Cryptarch.
    Die gererolled naar een Arc rocketlauncher met tracking.

    Laatst bewerkt: 29 mei 2015
    bulletproof010 en Rampage vinden dit leuk.
  19. Raafie

    Raafie GT: Raafie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pff casual..
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  20. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nothing manacles direct verkocht. Tuurlijk xur!!!
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.

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