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[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Filmpjes hier. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/featu...the-taken-king-s-eight-new-crucible-maps.aspx

    Die Nightstalker evade. <3



    Destiny’s Crucible has always given players the opportunity to visit new and exotic locations within Bungie’s universe, and the upcoming Taken King expansion will add eight new stamps to players’ virtual passports. While Bungie used to design maps to cater to a particular game mode, most of the maps in The Taken King are more like jack-of-all-trades that work well in almost every game type, though some still shine brightest in particular modes. To get a better sense for these locales, senior multiplayer designer Andrew Weldon walked us through each map, detailing their unique features.

    This map should be recognizable to most Destiny players since it’s set on a Tower that’s similar to the one players congregate on in-between missions. This tower, however, is set on the other side of the city and has long been abandoned. Bannerfall is a good mid-sized map well-suited to matches of Control, and its symmetry works well for Rift matches. A large open courtyard evokes the memory of the actual Guardian Tower, while an angled back alley offers a sneaky path to victory.
    Bungie’s Take: “At one time there was a fourth faction that held court in this tower along with the beginnings of the New Monarchy faction. You can see that in the banners on each side of the map. On one side you have the familiar New Monarchy logo, but on the other you have this unfamiliar logo that is still tattered and torn from when this faction used to exist.”

    This is another map set far out on the city perimeter of Earth. The location is a transfer/relay station, shuttling supplies to other perimeter stations such as the Twilight Gap map from the original release of Destiny. Frontier is a semi-symmetric map built around a train yard. A train track cuts through the middle of the map and runs across a bridge, which is a central landmark for the map and a bottleneck for combat. Frontier features a lot of good sniper sightlines, and has a good mix of open and closed spaces for firefights. It’s also a showcase Rift map.
    Bungie’s Take: “One of the landmarks on the map is a little gondola platform, which is actually the same gondola you see in Twilight Gap. The idea is that these two maps are connected to each other. In the skybox, you can actually see that little outpost up in the mountains.”

    This Vex structure on Mars is one of only two maps featuring teleporters. Crossroads is overgrown with the giant vegetation that formed on Mars in the wake of the traveler’s arrival. This map is a really good showcase for Mayhem matches, since it allows players to launch themselves into the air and teleport away while their special attacks quickly recharge. The main body of the map is separated from a smaller island reachable by launchers. Fights here tend to be chaotic.
    Bungie’s Take: “It’s an interesting mix of that familiar Vex architecture that leans a little bit more towards metallic instead of crumbled stone, and there are giant rotted-out tree stumps that provide some good cover. It’s almost two maps, because there is an entire chunk that functions as its main body where the teams spawn, and then there is a separate island that is a gnarled mass of trees and roots set way off to the side. They’re connected via launchers that catapult you across the map as well as three sets of teleporters.”

    Sector 618
    Clumsy Guardians could easily find themselves falling to their death while crossing Sector 618’s various floating platforms. Expect a lot of leaping and platforming. Sector 618 features a square layout that has two bridges crossing a central chasm, and is the new PlayStation 4 exclusive map. The map is set inside the Cosmodrome wall, so it should feel familiar to anyone who recalls Destiny’s early story mission that has players facing off against an advancing tide of Fallen slipping through the darkness.
    Bungie’s Take: “The core footprint of the map is the square created by the bridges. We wanted players to take advantage of all the movement opportunities with the platforms. You have these two bridges, but on either side you have these multistage jump routes where you can platform up to the high bridge and then jump along the side to get the drop on another player. We wanted to give players a lot of different ways to move through space in interesting ways.”

    Ghost Ship
    This is the first crucible map set in the Reef. The Ghost Ship is actually a Fallen ship that fell after a Hive attack. The smallest map in The Taken King, Ghost Ship features a symmetric layout, however, one side of the ship has been torn open by a Hive attack and various debris floats through one side of the ship, which helps give players a sense of where they are. Ghost Ship shines in the smaller matches with fewer people.
    Bungie’s Take: “Ghost Ship features some low gravity effects, so dead Guardians and other objects will slowly float away. One of my favorite things in this map is when someone is running through one of the tiny little vent connections and they get killed by another player and ragdoll out into the hall. It tells a little story all by itself.”

    This Hive prison cell sits inside one of Oryx’s ships that orbits Saturn. Players will recognize the architecture and detail work from Oryx’s Dreadnaught. Exile is a little bit longer and narrower than most Crucible maps, and is strong for both Control and Clash mode. The lower level adds a vertical element to combat, while a complicated maze of corridors leads to some violent conflicts as you take corners.
    Bungie’s Take: “There are three main lanes through the map. There is the bridge side that takes you out past a window that shows you Saturn and some of the other ships in Oryx’s fleet. Down the middle of the map is a ramp that takes you through a circular room with a crystal in it. In that room is a dropdown, which allows you to enter a lower catacomb level.”

    This map returns players to the European Dead Zone that was first shown off in the Widow’s Court map released with the House of Wolves’ DLC. The core of the map is an overgrown street tucked in-between two larger buildings, all set within a roughly triangular shape. In the middle is a larger courtyard that is angled down and provides some sight line blocking. This is another good Control/Clash map, but it’s moderate size means it also plays well in smaller team modes.
    Bungie’s Take: “Memento is much more vertical than Widow’s Court. There is one building in Widow’s Court that has an elevation shift, but Memento has a couple of significant elevation shifts where you can get some really strong high ground advantages.”

    In Vertigo, Guardians take another trip back to Mercury to fight on a Vex structure high in the sky above the yellow planet. At one time, a Cabal expedition force began exploring this structure, but the group mysteriously vanished and hasn’t been seen since. The odd Cabal “bolted-on” architecture adds some variety to both sides of this symmetrical map.
    Bungie’s Take: “One of the key features of the map is a one-way teleporter that spits players out on a really powerful platform on the other side of the map. That platform gives you great coverage of both ends of the map and really opens up some interesting gameplay moments. Vertigo’s one central control room is really crucial and gives you fast access to anywhere on the map.”

    Laatst bewerkt: 13 aug 2015
  2. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zoek nog mensen voor de xbox one om toe te voegen aangezien meer dan de helft van mijn oude raid groep geen "The Taken King" zullen kopen omdat hun wapens en gear niets meer zullen voorstellen in year 2.

    Ik heb een Warlock en een Hunter op lv 34 en daarnaast een Titan op Lv 33. Ik zoek dus mensen die interesse hebben om PoE, Raids en Nightfalls te gaan doen. Daarnaast is het altijd leuk om mensen in de lijst te hebben die frequenter Destiny spelen.

    GT: Xerofox

    Daarnaast ben ik altijd bereidt om mensen te helpen met de huidige nightfalls en PoE's
    nawa vindt dit leuk.
  3. SleepTrgt

    SleepTrgt Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zal je adden!
  4. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voeg gewoon Hybrid, raafie, rampage, bullet, nawa en mij toe. Wij spelen nog zowat dagelijks ;)

    Volgens mij sta jij al in mijn lijst.

    This week at Bungie we’re paving the last mile on the road to launch. Your questions are the cobblestones. Our answers are the mortar.

    Before The Taken King commits his Dreadnaught to an incursion into our solar system, we know you’re eager to prepare for the next series of missions. We can’t have our first and last lines of defense operating with an incomplete intelligence package. You have gear to prioritize, weapons to itemize, and maybe even a few triumphs to immortalize. It’s going to be our pleasure to bring you up to speed – and then boost you to escape velocity.

    We’ve been tracking curiosities across multiple forums, feeds, streams, and convention halls. While you’ve been speculating, we’ve been putting the finishing touches on your next theater of war. With a few waves of information out in the wild now, we’re in a better place to demonstrate in first-person how Destiny is about to change. Would you like to know more? We hope you do.

    The information you crave will come straight from the mouths of the creators during an on-site inspection of their creations, and we’ll do it live! We’re planning a series of broadcasts to brief you on the rising Taken threat and show you what you’ll need to know to survive the next evolution. It’ll be fun to look you in the eye again and show off what we’ve been working on.

    Scott’s downright giddy about the chance to dust off our set.

    Here’s the lineup. Set Destination for Twitch.

    DESTINY YEAR TWO - 19 AUG 2015 - 11AM PDT

    Subject Matter Experts: Executive Producer Mark Noseworthy Senior Design Lead Tyson Green Community Questions sourced live by Cozmo

    How will your own personal highlights from the first year of Destiny translate to the second? What will your Guardian's lifestyle be like in the new and improved Tower? How will your Guardian become a more powerful snowflake over the course of your next journey? Is it true that Character Level and Light will rise in exciting new ways? All will be revealed and explained.

    Pro-Tip: Don’t dismantle anything until the full developer briefing.


    Subject Matter Experts: Design Lead James Tsai Fruit Nation Ambassador Mr. Fruit

    What’s it like to infiltrate the Dreadnaught? What surprises do the Taken have for us in combat? How are boss battles different in The Taken King? Join us for a new Strike against a rival Cabal invasion force. See the new Guardian sub-classes in action. Witness the action that will begin Year Two.

    COURT OF ORYX – 2 SEPT 2015 - 11AM PDT

    Subject Matter Experts: Designer Ben Wommack Scarab Lord Luke Smith Cool Table Ambassador Laced Up Lauren

    What mysteries lie in wait within the cavernous hull of the Dreadnaught? How can Guardians plunder the treasures secreted away in its hideous labyrinth? Come along with us on a Patrol of the newest destination in your Director. Learn how Guardians can instigate Public Events. Behold the challenges and the rewards that await you on board the capital ship commanded by Oryx.

    Mark your calendar for the next three Wednesdays. Be our guest and let us show you where you’ll be going this Fall.

    Security Guardians

    Earlier in the week, there was this:

    Today, they’d like to share with you some notes on their process.

    Security Response Team: In protecting the Destiny player experience, we have two major types of enforcements: Restrictions and Bans. A Restriction temporarily prevents someone from playing one or more parts of the game, whereas a Ban permanently prevents a player from playing the entire game.

    Restrictions are issued to disruptive players to give them time to reform. Depending on the severity of the infraction, first-time offenders are typically restricted for a week or two, but repeat offenders can receive a restriction that lasts months. Bans are only issued to the players we never want to see in the world of Destiny again.

    Please be advised that you are the company you keep. If a cheater is a member of your Fireteam, you may well get caught up in the dragnet we have weaved to ensnare them. Be suspicious if someone guarantees you a flawless run in Trials of Osiris. No matter how skilled the player, victory in the Crucible can't be guaranteed. Be extra careful of people advertising their services, especially for a fee.

    If your Internet connection is consistently unstable, you may not be considered a worthy adversary. It may happen that you’ll be temporarily restricted from Crucible activities until your Internet connection improves. We only make these types of Restrictions in the most extreme cases, so don't be concerned about the periodic Internet lag that is common to everyone.

    The mission of the Security Response Team is to protect the landscape of the game from people who ruin the game experience for other players. Our servers track statistics about every player, every second. We analyze the player statistics and corroborate the results with player reports to take action with statistical certainty. We manually verify the results before we issue Restrictions or Bans.

    Lastly, we always monitor the Bungie.net forums to survey the results of a series of Restriction or Bans.

    Play nice, Guardians!

    As the Hot Fix Cools Down

    Cooking up game updates is painstaking work. When we serve up new content, there’s always a chance that we’ll scorch your table. Fortunately, Destiny Player Support is on hand for flame suppression.

    DPS: Tess Everis has left the tower. Fear not, all your Special Order items can be found at a new kiosk located in the Tower. If you haven’t seen it yet, this Help article can help you locate the new Special Orders kiosk.

    Thanks to the Destiny community last month, we noticed the Husk of the Pit was no longer dropping for Guardians who felled the Blades of Crota. This issue has now been resolved, and the Husk of the Pit is no longer as common as Unobtainium.

    Also, we are aware of an issue affecting some users who are unable to retrieve Red Bull Focused Light (or other consumable items received via email) from the Tower Postmaster. We are actively investigating this matter. Stay tuned to this Help forum post or the @BungieHelp on Twitter for updates on the matter.

    Lastly, if you’ve encountered any issues applying the HotFix, this Help Article contains steps for manually applying an update to Destiny.

    If you need to ring the bell and clear the firehouse, visit the #Help forum.

    Best in Show

    Who is the toastmaster who illuminates the community legends who rise to the top of the Creations page? It’s this guy…

    Cozmo: Montages, dance-offs, funny parodies – these are just some of the different types of videos we have been watching all week on the Community Creations page. There have been some great submissions being passed around here at Bungie. Some made us laugh, some made us cry. In the end, winners were chosen, and those winners are getting a sweet emblem to show off to other Guardians in their Fireteam.

    WINNER: Dance party crasher.

    Honorable Mention: Meh ¯_(ツ)_/ ¯

    Honorable Mention: For impressive Peggle shot

    Honorable Mention: Because DeeJ gets drunk on Nova Bombs

    We know how much you love the weekly updates in which we talk about what we’re going to talk about… Soon. You’re detecting a necessary transitional period between gamescom and Twitch. We need these moments to get back on PDT and clear our heads of the punishment we relished so happily overseas. Hang in there, because our streams should deliver. In the meantime, GameInformer is still saying some pretty exciting things about the time they spent as our guests.

    On a personal note, I’d like to thank everyone who visited our booth in Germany. Meeting people who love Destiny is the very best thing about serving this community. Seeing excited, smiling faces lit by a battle with a Taken boss on a new story mission was a total rush. We hope the show we put on was worth the hours you spent standing in line, warmed by that balmy Koelnmesse air.

    The show must go on. Next week. The theater will be stateside this time, and it will accommodate all of you at the same time.

    We’ll be sure to remind you when you can tune in.

    DeeJ, out.
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  5. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dus woensdag de eerste stream. Ben benieuwd.
  6. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb je toegevoegd. Ook ons groepje speelt nog dagelijks!
  7. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gjallieee te kooop
    nawa en AnubisNefer vinden dit leuk.
  8. BFR

    BFR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow! Ik heb er 2 maar het kan dus wel
  9. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Xur is geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..

    Volgende week dus patch 2.0 :+
    CrazY vindt dit leuk.
  10. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vorige week Bones en nu Ghorn,.. 'Wij hebben geen invloed op de inventory van Xur..' .. Geloof je het zelf :+
  11. FreakinDell

    FreakinDell Reflex Prime

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jongens vraagje:
    Wat moet ik aanschaffen om alle extra's te krijgen betreffende emoticons en xcotic armor en ook alle year one troep( shadows sparrow enz.
    Natuurlijk zo goedkoop mogelijk.
  12. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alleen de TTK aanschaffen en op de launch het 20 dollar pakket.
  13. MightyMikeDX

    MightyMikeDX MightyMikeDX

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij ken ik jou nog uit de fifa 14 profclubs tijd. Zegt Egofox jou wat en Bart (mmk guardian)? Zoja, toch weer gekozen om een xbox one te kopen? Heb sinds die tijd mijn GT veranderd.
  14. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is XerofoxHD. Iemand anders Mike
  15. MightyMikeDX

    MightyMikeDX MightyMikeDX

    Leuk Bevonden:
  16. nawa

    nawa Zelfbenoemde Halo fanboy en Huntercape Fashionboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Omg, in dat filmpje op de map in de european dead zone. Een Omolon Scout Rifle met Hawkmoon-esque geluiden. EARGASM!

    Kijk zo uit naar die nieuwe Hunter Klasse.
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  17. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leuk die Gjallarhorn, maar wat dachten we van (bijna) perfecte rolls op de helmpjes? Gelijk alledrie gekocht :D
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Welke warlock helm verkoopt die?
  19. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    light beyond nemesis
  20. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mijn 3e Dry Rot..

    4 weken later, bijna dagelijks playlist en nog steeds geen Hopscotch! 8)

    Wel een Kau8 Constellation scar gehad, dat verzacht de pijn een beetje.... een klein beetje maar.
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.

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