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[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hij zit gewoon heel raar op mijn hoofd, pas gewoon niet goed, dat heeft verder niets met mijn onzekerheid te maken. Ik wil juist dolgraag eens een raid doen, heb er genoeg gedaan in WoW, op alle niveau's daar.

    En ik kan wel schikken met die headset, alleen ben ik met mijn heasets op de PC gewoon veel beter gewend, dat zal ook wel een punt zijn.
  2. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aight :) 3 more to go
  3. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben ook beschikbaar
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  4. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou wel mee kunnen maar kan pas vanaf 21:00 ... kortom, daar hedde geen hol aan :+
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  5. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Koop dan ook een fatsoenlijke/goede voor je Xbone, problem solved.
  6. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Koop een fatsoenlijke headset ... of pak je ballen vast en word volwassen. Ding op je bakkes zetten. Als je moet janken omdat dat ding je kop afknelt knal je je poot op de mute knop, heeft niemand d'r last van.

    Problem solved.
    bulletproof010 en xerofox vinden dit leuk.
  7. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat blijft keen scout, smoke bombs etc toch fijn op de Nightstalker.

    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  8. ageQned

    ageQned Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan je met de Iron Banner hoger dan 300 light spul verdienen of ook tot 300?
  9. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maintenance van 18u tot 20u op de dag van de reset? Goede planning Bungie =(
  10. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    8 uur doen we de raid gewoon ;)
  11. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prima, en als het langer gaat duren dan kan zelfs rampage meedoen.....ik ben iig online (al twijfel ik soms wel met de nieuwe dashboard update)
  12. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  13. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dus ik kan mijn Messenger en Hopscotch niet meenemen?

    Dan maar mijn Lyudmila-D (full-auto), 1 van mijn pulse rifles of mijn Eirene RR4 sniper en mijn Cholere Dragon nog iets.... ;-) (of zwaard)
  14. Sake1989

    Sake1989 Relax

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben eventueel ook beschikbaar vanavond als jullie nog 1 zoeken.
    Zo eerst maar 1x heroic doen, hopen dat er wat leuks uit komt :)
  15. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    2.0.1 - The one with Eververse Trading Company.

    • Tess Everis has returned from her vacation and is now back at her station in the Tower
      • Added a new currency, Silver, that can be purchased from console stores
      • Tess's booth has been given a facelift to reflect her new venture with the Eververse Trading Company
    • Lord Saladin has returned from his hiatus and brings new wares for Iron Banner challengers
    • Players who may have deleted their pre-order Ghost Shells after the Taken King Launch can now obtain them again from the Speaker
    • Fixed an issue where some Taken King Collector's Edition purchasers did not receive their Shaders
      • They can now be obtained from the Shader Collections Kiosk
    • Fixed an issue where some of the Year 1 Special Order Emblems and Shaders were not appearing in Collections
    • “Shot Package” perks have been removed and replaced on Shotguns with a non-range-boosting perk
    • Fixed an issue where Black Spindle had an unintended +20 Attack bonus
    • Fixed an issue in which Rare Sniper Rifle scope upgrades did not correctly show progress
    • Fixed an issue in which activating the "Eye of the Storm" perk was not using correct feedback when readying weapon
    • Fixed an issue in which the “Second Wind” perk was incorrectly applying on the initial spawn
    • Players can now reroll Stat nodes and Upgrade nodes on Exotic armor via the “Twist Fate” node
      • Twist Fate will require Glimmer, Armor materials, and a Glass Needle, which will be available from Xur during his weekly visits
    • Fixed an issue where No Back Up Plans did not consistently trigger Force Barrier on Shotgun kills
    • Fixed an issue where the “Air Traffic Control” perk on Taikonaut Helm did not properly increase heavy ammo drop rate with a Rocket Launcher equipped
    • Smoke Bombs used with Sealed Ahamkara Grasps no longer costs two charges

    Quests & Bounties
    • Fixed an issue where Hunter and Warlock class level-up quests were not giving rewards for the correct level
    • Fixed an issue with some Year 1 Exotic Bounty items that were causing lingering waypoints to remain over various NPCs
    • Fixed several issues where some bounties were not correctly requiring players to complete Court of Oryx encounters within the stated time on the issued bounty
      • Affected Bounties: "Challenge the Court: Reciprocal Rune", "Challenge the Court: Stolen Rune," "Challenge the Court: Antiquated Rune"
    • Fixed an issue where some Vanguard bounties were incorrectly granting credit across entire Fireteams
      • Affected Bounties: “Heavyweight”, “Specialized Rampage”, “Enemy in Every Corner”, “Invincible”
    • Fixed an issue where it was possible to not get charges on an Agonarch Rune if another Rune was completed in the same week
    • Weekly Heroic Playlist now shows how many Weekly Bonus Legendary Mark awards remain
    • Fixed an issue where players were not transitioning to Return to Orbit upon Phogoth's death
    • Fixed an issue where players were not transitioning to Return to Orbit phase upon Omnigul's death
    Raid: King's Fall
    • Increased the number of potential Shards and added additional materials in the first King's Fall chest
    • Blighted Light explosion size has been changed to encompass the entire Arena
    • Shaxx's Weekly Bounties now unlock across all characters after completing the Crucible Questline on one character
    • Damage curves have been adjusted for all power-enabled playlists to account for the new Light levels in Year 2
    • Distinct audio cues have been created for teammate and enemy revives
    • Weekly Crucible bounty "Featured Matches" now properly progresses in weekly featured playlists in addition to daily featured playlists
    • Weekly Crucible bounties "Featured Matches" and "Making an Impact" now also count top 3 finishes in Rumble as wins, to be consistent with other Crucible quest and bounty steps
    • "Hold the Line" bounty now only requires being near only one of your teammates (instead of two)
    • Fixed an issue where the "Largest Multi-Kill" stat on the Mayhem scoreboard did not accumulate correctly
    • Thieves' Den has been removed from the Rift playlist
    • Added Twilight Gap and Asylum to Elimination playlist
    • Removed Thieves' Den from Doubles playlist
    • Removed The Anomaly and Firebase Delphi from Inferno Salvage and Inferno Skirmish playlists

    Iron Banner
    • Iron Banner is now enabled for the week of 10/13 - 10/19
    • Requires a minimum Character Level of 40
    • Recommended Light for Iron Banner is 230
    • Game completion rewards have been reworked to be a more valid source for Iron Banner rewards
    • End-of-match rewards now include both weapons and armor (including items available on Lord Saladin)
    • New Emblems have been added to Lord Saladin's inventory
    • Lord Saladin now has three daily bounties and three weekly bounties that award Legendary Marks
    • Gear purchased from Lord Saladin now requires Legendary Marks (instead of Glimmer)
    • Tempered buff is now automatically applied to your character and continues to grow in effectiveness each day of the event week
    Trials of Osiris
    • Trials of Osiris will be enabled the weekend of 10/16-10/18
    • Requires a minimum Character Level of 40
    • Requires a minimum Light of 251; Recommended Light is 290
    • Winning teams now receive Trials gear rewards directly at the end-of-match completion
    • Players that go undefeated on their Passage will continue to be invited to The Lighthouse
    • Players may continue to play in the Trials past 9 wins (but rewards are maxed out at 9 wins)
    • Trials Passages now have a Details page containing your Boons
      • Player must now purchase Boons from the Details page on their Passage instead of from Brother Vance
      • Boons can no longer be applied to Trials passages after starting a run
    • Trials gear can be purchased from Brother Vance (including some items found at the Lighthouse)
    • Brother Vance now has Bounties that award Legendary Marks
    • Crucible Bounties can now also be completed in Trials of Osiris
    • Matchmaking has been updated to make it more competitive to reach The Lighthouse
    • Sources for Motes of Light have been adjusted:
      • From completing Public Events have been increased by approximately 100%
      • From earning XP post-40 have been increased from 3 -> 5
      • From Faction Rep packages have been reduced from 5 -> 4
      • From dismantling Rare and Legendary Items have been reduced by approximately 25-30%
      • From Daily Vanguard and Crucible Bounties have been reduced by approximately 50%
    • Sources for Strange Coins have been adjusted:
      • From Faction Rep packages have been reduced from 5 -> 4
      • From Daily Vanguard and Crucible Bounties have been reduced by approximately 50%
    • Weapon Parts from dismantling Uncommon or Rare Weapons have been reduced by around 25%
    • Weapon Part turn-ins at Factions increased from +50 Rep to +75 Rep per turn-in
    • Materials recovered by Ghost Extractor upgrades reduced (but still guaranteed)
    • Ghost Shells will now be recovered at the Postmaster in your Lost and Found, if you don't have inventory space for them

    • Fixed multiple situations that resulted in the game client crashing, including the "Ward of Dawn” and “Firefly” crashes
    • Fixed some issues where audio would drop
    bulletproof010 en Graveheart vinden dit leuk.
  16. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waaaaaaaat no back up plans toch shotgun kills die force barrier geven? Gaat van crap naar zeeeer goed direct. Must have it
  17. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toevallig vandaag 310 versie gehad. Nice. :cool:
  18. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @Maddmonkey ... geen visite vanavond dus ben beschikbaar.
  19. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eindelijk klaar met de update, even wat emotes scoren
  20. Pride

    Pride Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thanks mannen voor de raid van vanavond. Ging lekker. Damn wat een lekkere loot op oryx.

    Totems: 300 ghost
    Warpriest: nada
    Golroth: nada
    Daughters: warlock bond 306
    Oryx: primary 302, head 305(310 gemaakt), boots 304, exotic rocket Truth met epic stats 310.
    FraHel en Remo NL vinden dit leuk.

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