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[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er is ook nooit beweerd dat die relic nodig is om damage te doen op Oryx, maar het is wel degelijk nodig om niet dood te gaan door zijn blast.
  2. badeentje

    badeentje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nu je het zegt klopt dat idd.Nooit zo over nagedacht en is gewoon automatisme om met relic te spelen.
    Vind het zo ie zo een heel indrukwekkend filmpje.
  3. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Update 2.0.2 - The one about Weapon Parts and Crucible Bounties
    Your quality of life in the Crucible is about to become more Legendary. We're also fixing Nightstalker abilities, alleviating the famine of weapon parts, and delivering some other changes that impact activities and items.
    Nightstalker Hunter

    • Hotfix fixed an issue where extra shots from Quiver was creating infinite Shadowshot
      • Re-enabled the talent node to provide three shots correctly
    • Fixed an issue where the Warsat completion time was calculating incorrectly when a large number of Guardians were present
    • Fixed an issue where the Tower was featured for Red Bull questlines in the Director for non-eligible players
    • Fixed an issue where players were able to go out of environment during the Fallen S.A.B.E.R strike
    Raid: King's Fall
    • Fixed an issue where the Daughters of Oryx death scream volume was too loud
    Quests & Bounties
    • Fixed an issue where joining players during certain phases of the Paradox mission would start an alternate encounter
    • Fixed an issue where a "Taken Trials" quest step could be completed outside the Dreadnaught
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the Mercy Rule from properly disabling players from joining in-progress
    • Warlock Radiance kills will now award +10 points to bring it in line with other Supers.
      • These points stack on grenade, melee, and precision bonuses
    • Radiance kills in the Crucible now include all kills during Radiance, with both weapons and abilities
      • This simplifies the "Sheathed in Flame" Warlock-specific Crucible bounty and final step of the "Master of Flame" quest involving Radiance kills
    • Fixed an issue where the Crucible faction rank-up package icon was incorrectly using the Vanguard icon
    • Drop rates for Legendary Items in Normal Crucible have been increased
    Quests & Bounties
    • Subclass quests no longer require the player to unlock them one sub-class at a time
    • Quest and bounty steps that previously required wins now only require match completion
    • Fixed an issue where the daily Crucible bounty "Healthy Balance" was not properly completing on match completions
    • The "Featured Matches" weekly Crucible bounty now awards +3 points per win and +1 point for completion. Progress is not lost on losses
    • The daily Crucible bounty "Live Fire Exercise" will now count top 3 finishes in Rumble as wins
    • The daily Crucible bounty "Cover Fire" will now also complete when defeating an enemy player as the Spark Runner
    • Changes to the "Crucible Forged" quest chain that unlocks Shaxx's weekly bounties:
      • Crucible Forged Quest 1
        • Unchanged
      • Crucible Forged Quest 2
        • Players must deploy 3 Relic Probes in the Salvage playlist instead of finishing captures
      • Crucible Forged Quest 3
        • Unlocked on completion of Quest 1
        • Step 1: Player must complete 2 matches in the Daily playlist
        • Step 2: Player must complete 2 matches in the Weekly Featured playlist
        • Step 3: Player must earn 9 points. Wins in the Daily or Weekly Featured playlist are worth 3, completions are worth 1.
      • Crucible Forged Quest 4
        • Unlocked on completion of Quest 1 & 2
        • Player must earn 4 points. Wins in Control are worth 3, completions are worth 1.
        • Same as above, but in Rift
        • Same as above, but in Clash
        • Same as above, but in Rumble
        • Same as above, but in Skirmish
        • Same as above, but in Salvage
      • Crucible Forged Quest 5
        • Unlocked on completion of Quest 1 & 2
        • Player must earn 9 points. Wins in Elimination are worth 3, completions are worth 1.
      • Crucible Forged Quest 6
        • Unlocked on completion of Quest 1 & 2
        • The player must complete 8 matches with at least 1,200 Score. No wins required.
      • Crucible Forged Quest 7
        • Unlocked on completion of Quest 1 & 2
        • Steps no longer require wins
        • Step 1: The player must complete 4 matches with at least six Auto-Rifle kills
        • Step 2: The player must complete 4 matches with at least six Pulse Rifle kills
        • Step 3: The player must complete 4 matches with at least six Scout Rifle kills
        • Step 4: The player must complete 4 matches with at least six Hand Cannon kills
      • Crucible Forged Quest 8
        • Still requires completion of all other Crucible Forged Quests to unlock
        • Players must earn 20 points. Wins in any playlist are worth 3, match completions are worth 1. No regression on loss
        • Still unlocks Weekly Crucible Bounties account-wide on completion, which can drop 300+ Light Level gear and Exotics
    Iron Banner
    • Increased drop rate for Legendary Gear in the Iron Banner playlist
    • Increased Iron Banner reputation gain from games by 20%
    • Added a package at Ranks 3 & Rank 5 that grants additional rewards to the player
      • Known issue: Some of the items from the Rank 5 package will not be awarded when you open it until you return to orbit
    • Added an Iron Banner Ghost Shell that can also drop in the playlist at Rank 5
    • Gear that buffs Iron Banner Faction reputation gain now have corresponding perk description and icons
    • Fixed an issue where Tempered Buff was not correctly appearing in the Character Screen
    • Adjusted Rumble landing positions on Frontier for better spacing
    • Moved Heavy ammo crates on Asylum
    • Added Asylum to the Skirmish playlist
    • Added invisible physics and kill volumes to prevent players from going out-of-bounds on The Burning Shrine, Frontier, and Vertigo
    • Fixed text in the introduction to Widow’s Court
    • Banshee-44 has remembered where he was keeping his stores of Weapon Parts, and now sells them for Glimmer
      • Faction Rep turn-ins have accordingly been reduced in value from 75 Rep back down to 50 Rep per 25 Parts
    • Shaxx now sells all three Legendary Swords to players who complete the quest "Blademaster" to obtain one of the Exotic Swords
      • Legendary Swords now have a Level Requirement of 40
    • Fixed an issue where players could not accept a refurbished Arcadia ship from Amanda Holliday if they already had one in their Vault
    • The Agonarch Rune can no longer be transferred to the Vault or between characters to prevent a circumstance where that action would lock the player's other characters out of potential rewards
      • Charged Agonarch Runes can still be vaulted and transferred between character
    • Fixed an issue where the "Wolfsgrin" emblem was not available from the Collection station if the player had a full collection
    • Fixed an issue where the "Laurea Prima" emblem would keep getting awarded to the player upon entering Orbit
  4. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice. PDX 45 van de gunsmith komt deze week met counterbalance en fitted stock en Injection Mold
    Lyudmila ook. Glass Half Full, Counterbalance, Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Hand-Laid Stock
    Laatst bewerkt: 18 nov 2015
    AnubisNefer en bulletproof010 vinden dit leuk.
  5. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  6. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo, de tering. IB droprate is zeker goed verhoogd.
    Vandaag 3 chests gehad. :eek:
  7. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Joh, zal bij jou eens niet :+
    Graveheart vindt dit leuk.
  8. VapoChill

    VapoChill Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kreeg ook 3x een chest op rank 2, maar niet hoger dan 300.:confused:
    Op rank 3 krijg je van lord salad een 310 artifact.
    En op rank 3 dropt de hand cannon, nu nog met goede perks.
    Laatst bewerkt: 18 nov 2015
  9. badeentje

    badeentje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb ook al 4x die chest gehad.Hoogste was 304.
    Die artiface is helaas een blauwe.Maar kun je infusen in een andere char als je die questline niet wilt spelen waar je de 310 bij krijgt.

    De machinegun heb ik nog niet zien droppen.Ook nog weinig mee zien spelen.Misschien dat die geheel niet gedropt word en alleen te verkrijgen is in de tower.Dat zou ook kunnen natuurlijk.
    Iemand die heb al heeft en hoe is die? Fijn of valt ie tegen?
  10. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb gister de HC zien droppen bij @Dave Paparazzi
    Dus de HM zal ook wel droppen.
  11. Nol

    Nol Pulp Fiction

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Badeentje... Als ik het goed begrijp krijg je die 310 dus in de questline en niet in ib zelf ?
  12. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    in de IRON BANNER dropt dus 1 x een blauwe artifact van 310 en als je rank 4 of hoger ben heb je zelfs kans op een ghost shell van 310-320 :D

    Dernaast is t pakketje wat je krijgt op rank5 ook een kans op iron banner geAr/wapens en/of ghost shell van tussen de 310 en 320.

    Dus dat worden alle drie me chars naar rank5 brengen en pray to rngesus dat ik een 320 ghost krijgt:rolleyes:
  13. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rank 5 is zoo belachelijk makkelijk in 2.0 vorige iron Banner had ik misschien 20-30 potjes gespeeld op mijn alts voordat ze rank 5 waren.
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  14. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gaat dat ranken nog sneller in IB2.0 dan? :eek: Heb Iron Banana sinds TTK niet eens gedaan.
  15. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yup gaat hard zat..
    En nu als je 1e char rank 4 is en je gaat op je andere char beginnen aan IB die nog lvl 0 is kan je al drops krijgen die normaal alleen voor rank 4 kunnen droppen...

    Maargoed met de loot die nu tussen 310-320 valt vanaf rank 4 word t wel intressant deze iron banner :thumbs:
  16. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zodra de Hunter IB rank 5 is ga ik nog ff met de Warlock aan de slag. :)
  17. Raafie

    Raafie GT: Raafie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mijn stats op destiny tracker zijn ineens gereset , kijk hier mijn clash:
  18. VapoChill

    VapoChill Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Krijg je op rank 5 nog rewards of niet ?
    Zit nu op rank 4,5 ofzo.
    Loot tot nu toe:

    Rank 2: 3x chest
    Rank 3: 3x Hand cannon / 1x arm
    Rank 4: Chest/ 2 x arm
  19. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je krijgt op Rank 3 en Rank 5 een pakketje van Saladbar.
    Op 3 krijg je de 310 blauwe artifact.
  20. VapoChill

    VapoChill Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik bedoel als, je op rank 5 blijft door spelen ?

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