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[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kan ook overdrijven haha.

    Maar ja is misschien ook wel logisch. Bungie is groot. Maar nog een grote dlc doen en dan ook nog Destiny 2 voor volgend jaar. Tsja dat vraagt ook wel veel.
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  2. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dus Sparrow Racing is het Winter event. Geen speciaal iets met Kerst dus? :eek:
  3. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Denk het niet. Loopt ook tot 29 december en had ook niet verwacht dat er dan nog een update kwam net voor Kerst.
  4. Tha Pielius

    Tha Pielius Tha Nudies!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thanks haha! Ik ben al een tijdje niet heel erg actief meer op het forum maar toch geinig dat je me nog herkend :p Ben met een paar gasten vanochtend op zoek gegaan naar een pick up group via destinylfg en toen we uiteindelijk bij Golgoroth aankwamen (40 minuten na reset ofzo) hadden we meteen het idee om iedereen een orb toe te wijzen en dus ook een bijbehorende "gaze" beurt. Na 2 pogingen hadden we hem neer en toen waren we blijkbaar één van de eerste die het hadden gecomplete. Best insane en heel grappig om vervolgens je eigen team op reddit/bungie forums te zien verschijnen.
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  5. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    things like Festival of the Lost and Sparrow racing, which is our winter event...

    Hieruit kan ik opmaken dat er met kerst niks speciaals gaat komen.. =(
    En voor d2 ben ik bang dat t dezelfde weg gaat afleggen als y2.. Als ze nu niet eens 1 DLC in year2 kunnen brengen met een raid.. Zie ik dat ook in destiny2 niet gebeuren.. =(=(
  6. Pride

    Pride Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is nog iets iets nieuws gekomen sinds King's Fall raid hard mode? Of kan ik nog even beter geen Destiny spelen haha
  7. Raafie

    Raafie GT: Raafie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Anders lees je ff de laatste 2 pagina's..
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  8. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou ja die challenges voor de raid zijn vorige week begonnen. Vanavond december update waar Sparrow racing komt en de nieuwe exotics.
  9. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  10. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Downloading patch.
  11. VapoChill

    VapoChill Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe hadden jullie de nightfall gedaan, de vorige keer met die shield brothers ?
    Als ze allebei terug komen, is het wat lastig met die irritante charge steeds.

    Ook vaag: Wil ik is met die weekly crucible bountys beginnen, kan ik de laatste al inleveren ?
    Kreeg de: eyasluna op 304.
  12. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Damn die Dragons Breath perk.
    Rampage vindt dit leuk.
  13. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sprintlock... het... het is weg :eek:

    DragonsBreath > Gjallarhorn 2.0
  14. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    • The SRL event is live in the Tower until December 29th

    • Talk to Amanda Holliday to get started on Sparrow Racing Quests and Bounties

    • Race to unlock new SRL rewards

    • Check out Eververse for a new stock of items


    • Fixed some issues where the player could sometimes get stuck in a slow sprint speed

    • Players can now use charged melee attacks while tethered by Hunter's Shadowshot ability

    An in-depth overview of Titan changes



    • Titan Melee: Extended Titan Melee range (+12.5%)

    • Sunstrike: Decreased DOT Time (6.5s -> 5.5s)

    • Hammer of Sol: Reduced Damage Resistance during Super (-9.09%)

    • Hammer of Sol: Slowed Hammer travel speed by (-1.32%)

    • Hammer of Sol: Reduced the ability to create never ending chain of explosions

    • Forgemaster: Reduced Splash damage detonation radius multiplier) (-20%)

    • Flameseeker: Turned down Hammer tracking bonus (-25%)

    • Flameseeker: Removed +1 Recovery, and +1 Agility stat bonuses

    • Fleetfire: Addeded +1 Agility stat

    • Firekeeper: Added +1 Recovery stat

    • Cauterize: Added cooldown (0s->3s)

    • Catapult Lift: Faster Initial velocity (+5%)



    • Titan Melee: Extended Titan Melee range (+12.5%)

    • Storm Fist: Increased base damage (+18.2%)

    • Overload: Now also provides faster melee recharge (+50%)

    • Discharge: Additional Damage (+7.69%)

    • Discharge: Changed AOE to spherical shape

    • Amplify: Increased Super energy bonus (+30%)

    • Headstrong: Now also provides Faster Sprint

    • Transfusion: Improved cooldown (5s->2s)

    • Unstoppable: Now provides +2 Armor (+1 additional)

    • Unstoppable: Increased damage resistance (+25%)

    • Juggernaut: Improved Shield health (+14.3%)

    • Juggernaut: Now works when airborne

    • Catapult Lift: Faster Initial velocity (+5%)



    • Titan Melee: Extended Titan Melee range (+12.5%)

    • Ward of Dawn: Recharged Grenade and Melee Abilities on Super cast

    • Catapult Lift: Faster Initial velocity (+5%)


    An in-depth overview of Weapon changes

    Auto Rifles

    • Small increase to base damage

    • Low RoF (Suros Regime, An Answering Chord): 3% increase from previous base damage

    • Med RoF (Zhalo Supercell, Paleocontact JPK-4:cool:: 7% increase from previous base damage

    • High RoF (Arminius-D, Necrochasm): 4% increase from previous base damage
    Pulse Rifles

    • Reduced base damage

    • Low RoF (The Messenger, Spare Change): 9% reduction from previous base damage

    • Med RoF (Hawksaw, No Time To Explain, Red Death): 8% reduction from previous base damage

    • High RoF (Bad Juju): 8% reduction from previous base damage

    • Highest RoF (Grasp of Marok): 2% reduction from previous base damage

    • Reduced damage falloff to start between Auto Rifle and Hand Cannon ranges

    • A low range Pulse Rifle will have shorter damage falloff than an average Hand Cannon

    • A high range Pulse Rifle will have farther damage falloff than an average Hand Cannon

    • Increased base damage against AI combatants by roughly 5%
    Hand Cannons

    • Increased ADS Accuracy for more reliable shooting at close to medium range

    • Reduced damage falloff to start at melee lunge ranges

    • Low range falloff starts at standard melee lunge

    • High range falloff starts at Blink Strike lunge

    • Final damage falloff extends 0.5 meters longer for a smoother drop

    • Slower ready/put away time for all shotguns

    • Additional recoil on weapon fire for all Stability values

    • Slower reload speed for all Reload stat values

    • Slower time to Aim Down Sights speed for all shotguns

    • Slower movement speed when shotgun is held. Walk and Aim Down Sights movement is affected. Sprint is unaffected

    • Add 2 frames delay when firing out of sprint

    • Increased base damage against AI combatants by roughly 5%

    • Fixed *Kneepad *perk on Hakke shotguns
    Fusion Rifles

    • Increased Charge Speed on fast charging Fusion Rifles. Reduce burst damage to compensate

    • Fusion rifles behave more predictably based on player state

    • Reduced Hip Fire Stability for all fusions

    • Increased ADS and Crouched Stability for all fusions

    • Reduction in carried inventory for all fusion rifles

    • 10% increase to PvE damage bonus to offset
    Sniper Rifles

    • Extended Sniper Rifle damage falloff so damage only reduces on very long range shots

    • Luck in the Chamber on Omolon Sniper Rifles now only buffs precision damage


    • Increased ready speed for all Sidearms


    • Arc and Void sword guard abilities can now survive a single Hammer of Sol


    The First Curse

    • The First Curse perk now refills the magazine when activated, provides better Stability, better Target Acquisition, and damage falloff starts further out while the perk remains active

    • +25 to First Curse base range

    • Fixed a bug where The First Curse perk would deactivate if the player summoned their Ghost

    • Boost to Imprecation base range and Magazine Size

    • Reduced base Range by 20

    • Lucky bullets from Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces now deal 1.2x bonus damage (was 1.3x bonus damage)
    The Chaperone

    • Reduced base damage. Increase precision damage scalar.
    Dragon's Breath

    • Remove Pyromancer and Tripod perks

    • Replaced with Surplus and Who's Next

    • Add intrinsic perk Napalm: Rocket fires on a remote detonation trigger

    • Hold to trigger to fire, release trigger to detonate

    • Detonation drops a Solar Damage napalm canister

    • Reduced projectile speed to help timing of the trigger release. Reduce detonation radius of initial rocket. Reduce mag size to 1, increase Inventory
    Fabian Strategy

    • Front Lines perk on Fabian Strategy no longer buffs Rate of Fire as a bonus modifier

    • Front Lines now increases the base Rate of Fire stat to highest speed

    • Damage per bullet is offset to match the High RoF archetype

    • Remove Extended Mag perk and replaced with Flared Magwell

    • Remove Small Bore perk and replaced with Rifled Barrel

    • Increased base Reload and base Stability on the weapon to help offset the benefits the removed stat upgrade were providing
    Black Spindle

    • Removed scope upgrades from Black Spindle talent grid (Spindle only has one scope) and replaced with Barrel upgrades
    Super Good Advice

    • Reduced chance that SGA returns ammo on missed shot by 20%

    • Added a chance for SGA to pull inventory ammo into magazine on landed shot

    Sleeper Simulant

    • Maximum inventory ammo buffed (from 7 -> 9)

    • Ammo swap exploit removed (weapon no longer converts one ammo from a different heavy weapon to a full inventory)

    • Inventory no longer benefits from Fusion Rifle armor perks, but does benefit from Heavy Ammo armor perks


    • Exotic Collector's Edition class armor may now be Infused and now has the Life Exotic perk to permit use with other Exotic Armor

    • Fixed an issue where some Rare Leg armor was not granting its bonus ammo perks to certain exotics

    • Fixed an issue where the Warlock Helm armor Salicin Fen II so it no longer uses a leg armor talent grid


    • No longer turns off tracking for rocket launchers that have tracking

    ATS/8 Tarantella

    • Arc Damage Reduction applies to vehicles

    Achlyophage Symbiote

    • Time you can have golden gun active is reduced

    Nothing Manacles

    • Slightly turned down the tracking on the scatter grenade

    No Backup Plans

    • Shotgun activating force barrier only works for defender titans

    Skull of Dire Ahamkara

    • Has been added to the Exotic Blueprint Collection

    Hive Ship

    • Various chests around the Hiveship will now grant Hadium Flakes instead of Wormspore


    • Will of Crota strike has been added to the Vanguard Strikes and Vanguard Heroic Strikes playlists


    • Nightfalls now awards +500 Vanguard Rep on first completion per character per week


    • 3 of Coins are now applicable in Crucible playlists at match completions

    • Zone Control scoreboard now sorts players based on "Advantage Kills" (kills when their team holds 2+ zones)

    • Inferno Rumble now has the correct tooltip information

    • Mercy Rule no longer applies to the Rumble playlist

    • Rumble playlist must now be entered as a solo player

    • Classic rumble will continue to allow Fireteams up to 3

    • "Returning Victor" weekly bounty has been removed from rotation

    • Fixed some issues where some bounties were not accurately reflecting the playlist/game type they must be completed in


    • Heavy Ammo spawn locations have been moved away from the center of the map

    • Fixed an issue with a small hole in the environment

    Black Shield

    • Adjusted Alpha Team's Rift spawn location to make it slightly easier for Bravo to score


    • Fixed an issue where the teleporter would break for a player until they respawned

    • Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment


    • Fixed some issues where players were spawning in bad locations

    • Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment

    • Adjusted spawn locations for Rift game mode

    • Fixed some issues where players were spawning in view of an enemy

    The Burning Shrine

    • Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment

    • Fixed some issues where players were spawning in view of an enemy


    • Fixed an issue where some players able to perch in an unfair position on an interior wall

    • Fixed some issues where players were able to get out of environment

    • Dead Orbit, FWC, New Monarchy, and Eris now accept certain planetary materials in exchange for their respective faction reputation

    • Petra now accepts Etheric Light in exchange for her respective reputation

    • Year 1 Dead Orbit, FWC, and New Monarchy ships may now be obtained from their respective faction reward packages

    • Frontier Ghost Shell can now be infused

    • Discarding an Exotic Shard now takes longer button press time to prevent mistaken discards

    • Fixed an issue where all sound was too loud across the game

    • Fixed a rare crash on Xbox One during sign on
    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  15. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

  16. VapoChill

    VapoChill Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    3 of coints werkt denk ik ook met die races, kreeg een legs exotic engram.
    Ga ik naar de cryptodude, is die weg ??
  17. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Krijg ik net een mail van Bungie....

    Tell us about your experience and why you haven't been playing lately... ;-)

    Vanaf release september 2014 non-stop gespeeld en de afgelopen 4 weken geen enkele minuut. Hahahahaha.
  18. MightyMikeDX

    MightyMikeDX MightyMikeDX

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Net die sparrow races een beetje gedaan. Best leuk. 6x gedaan, de eerste game 2e geworden en de rest 1e
  19. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    oh en
    Reached for comment today, an Activision representative told Polygon, "We don't have any expansions planned for this year. We've yet to announce plans for 2016."

    en Ram en mk44 standaside zijn terug. Geen peregrine greaves though

    Iemand in de party vroeg naar wat missende blueprints in de kiosk en ik zag ook opeens een missende primary erbij staan. Nieuwe exotic primary? Op reddit denken ze van wel namelijk :eek:

    Oke, laatste edit dan. De handcannon buff schijnt de handcannons nu eindelijk op een goede plek gezet te hebben. Goed gedaan Bungo. Nu gewoon laten. Niet meer compleet nerfen van wapen classes.
    Laatst bewerkt: 9 dec 2015
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  20. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor de mensen die nog een chaperone willen... De Jolly Holliday quest kan gedaan worden door TLW te equippen en races te doen ;)

    En zag dat de NF de oude emotes van tess kan droppen :)

    PAS OP! De volgende beelden kunnen schockend zijn voor titans:+

    Laatst bewerkt: 9 dec 2015
    Hybrid, Graveheart en AnubisNefer vinden dit leuk.

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