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[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fuck jou zeg. Ik heb 1 paar schoentjes, class item en 2 chests als drops gekregen..
    Daarnaast kreeg ik 2 keer een 311 class item uit rank 5 :/ die drops zijn echt bizar. Dit is namelijk over ruim 50 potjes namelijk en de meeste zijn allemaal later in de week waar ik zo rank 3+ was op mijn poppetjes.
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  2. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Had zondag nog wat IronBanner gedaan met @graveheart...:F:

  3. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vraagje, stel ik koop the taken king. Komen er daarna nog meer uitbreidingen? Namelijk geen zin om er dan nog meer geld in te pompen
  4. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zover bekend: nee. Er komt sowieso wel het een en ander aan. Franchise moet 10+ jaar meegaan. Met de E3 zal er wel wat bekend worden. Alleen voor destiny 1 zal er denk ik weinig bijkomen afgezien van gratis events
  5. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou de game niet kopen hoor @Korkss :+
  6. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Why not? Ik heb destiny op de ps4 gehad op release, vond het wel leuk maar dat spel vond ik dus matig qua inhoud, voelde leeg aan etc. Maar lees dat er na die tijd veel veranderd is, ben dus wel benieuwd
  7. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    bedoelde t zo ook niet ;)

    Maar qua PVE content is t nog steeds mager naar mijn mening.
    Ben helaas al lang en breed uitgekeken op PVE.

    Speel deze game nu eigenlijk alleen nog door het pvp gedeelte van de game.(Trials en Elimination)
    Het blijft gewoon heerlijk schieten enzo alleen die redbar warriors zijn soms echt om gek van te worden.

    Maar als het PVP gebeuren je niet trekt dan ben je denk ik snel weer klaar met deze game.
  8. Kapitein_Merijn

    Kapitein_Merijn PSN: Kapitein_Merijn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je de legendary edition koopt heb je meteen alle dlc en waarschijnlijk nog goedkoper ook.
  9. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha dit soort scrubs zou ik de hele avond wel willen afknallen. :+

    Stapje in de goede richting... Nu elimination graag bungo :+

    Ramblinnn 1vs3 trials comeback (34kills)
    Laatst bewerkt: 3 feb 2016
    CrazY en MightyMikeDX vinden dit leuk.
  10. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    NF 1 : Monte Carlo
    NF 2 : Fall Emote, Blow a kiss.
    NF 3 : Fall Emote, Bring it on.

    En nog 2 Exotic engrams.

    Krijg nooit wat.
    CrazY en Mallakai vinden dit leuk.
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    TLDR versie

    2.1.1 (coming soon)
    • Feb 9th
    • We’ve got a fresh round of revisions to the player experience.
    • Some matches will start with 0 special ammo
      • All 3v3 playlists will feature the new Special Ammo behavior. Skirmish, Salvage, Elimination, Trials, and any rotating 3v3 playlists are covered.
    • Freelance playlists where noone can enter with a fireteam
      • Freelance 6v6 features a mix of Clash, Control, and Rift.
      • Freelance 3v3 features a mix of Elimination, Salvage, and Skirmish.
    • Trials will feature the new Matchmaking updates
    • Damage Referee
      • If your connection is good your weapons will feel a bit more reliable, your kills will feel a bit snappier, and players with poor connections should be less frustrating to fight.
      • If your connection is bad expect to lose fights a lot more often, even if you think you shot first or escaped behind cover in time.
    • Kings fall
      • Daughters Encounter - Camera will not snap back to its default position causing weird visual issues.
      • Ogres will no longer teleport.

    This week at Bungie
    we’re on final approach with the February Update.

    Crimson Days begins February 9th when we deploy 2.1.1. A Tower strewn with floral arrangements isn’t all you’ll find in the download. We’ve got a fresh round of revisions to the player experience. There’s plenty to talk about – something for almost every type of Guardian. We’ve assembled a squad of eager developers to shine a spotlight on their recent efforts.
    Let’s begin.
    Special Ammo Inbound
    Perhaps this has happened to you before:
    You’re about to begin what you hope will be an epic fight in the Crucible. Your Fireteam materializes on the surface of your favorite map in a haze of luminous energy. The leader of your Fireteam plants a flag in the opening pose-down (maybe it’s even you), while you contemplate your favorite choke-point to set up shop. The match begins, and you’re on the run. You sprint down a lane that leads to that sweet spot where you always teach a clinic on how to kick some ass.
    [BOOM – Headshot]
    Looks like someone knew where you were headed and treated themselves to an easy first strike at your expense. And you rage... Oh, do you rage!
    Have you ever wondered how the opening sprint might play out if that clever Sniper didn’t have bullets right at the outset? We’ve asked ourselves that question. Senior Designer Derek Carroll has the answer.
    How will the February Update change the Special Ammo economy in the Crucible?
    : After the update, players will start certain matches without Special Ammo. Once the match has begun, those green Special crates will behave in the same ways you’re used to (although you may be looking for them a bit more).
    What motivated the new ammo economy?
    : The PvP team wanted to increase the use of Primary weapons, especially at match-start. Sniper rifles and shotguns, in particular, inspire great happiness or sadness depending on which end of the weapon you find yourself. We wanted to somewhat delay that gratification (and sadification).
    In which playlists will these changes be part of the new Meta?
    : Please don’t say “Meta.”
    Meta, meta, meta (deal with it). Where will Snipers be shopping more urgently for their cans of whoop-ass?
    : All 3v3 playlists will feature the new Special Ammo behavior. Skirmish, Salvage, Elimination, Trials, and any rotating 3v3 playlists are covered. I will take special care to say that Rumble is not a 3v3 mode, and is safe from this change.
    Why not 6v6? People get sniped there too you know!
    : There’s no proof of that. No, seriously, there are several reasons to limit this change to the 3v3 modes. First, the larger gametypes are generally less sensitive to initial conditions, which gives us more freedom to have Special Weapons going from the beginning. Also, smaller gametypes like Skirmish are a bit more hardcore, with more weight applied to each player in the match, so we felt we could try pushing Primary weapons for those initial engagements. Conversely, Control is the friendliest place to enter the Crucible, so we wanted to make sure that we don’t present new players with a fundamentally different game than what they’re used to.
    Change is always met with debate – especially when it results in fewer kills for some of you. We welcome your voice in the conversation that is sure to ensue. If you’re one of those Snipers who is used to firing the first shot, don’t lose heart. You’ll still have many chances to ventilate some helmets.
    Stand Alone – Together
    When Rift was the game in Iron Banner, we heard from a lot from solo players who felt sidelined by the team activity. It’s true that a squad of lone wolves who meet for the first time in orbit will almost always find themselves at a disadvantage in a match-up against a Clan that always flies together. That’s why scrubs like me join them! Skill is valuable, but so is a trusted teammate who knows the sound of your voice.
    We’ve heard plenty of chatter from players who want to let matchmaking choose their teammates for them, but wish their opponents would do the same. If you’re one of them, you have a new champion. His name is Designer Jeremiah Pieschl. We lovingly call him “Jerpie.”
    What are Freelance playlists?
    : Freelance 6v6 and Freelance 3v3 are mixed-mode playlists that are only accessible by solo players – no Fireteams allowed. Freelance playlists will be available sporadically on the weekly rotators in your Director.
    What was the goal here?
    : The design goal of Freelance playlists was to facilitate an even playing field. Both teams will be on equal ground, though an advantage can be gained by opening a voice channel to Team Chat. A secondary goal was to provide playlists with a wider variety of engagements. Featuring mixed-modes with all of their associated maps means players will have a much more diverse experience and see less repetition in the combinations selected by matchmaking.
    What gametypes will we find in those playlists?
    : Freelance 6v6 features a mix of Clash, Control, and Rift.Freelance 3v3 features a mix of Elimination, Salvage, and Skirmish.
    Look for them next week. If you want to fight alone (but with teammates), and you want everyone else to do the same thing, you’re a Freelancer. Band together and revel in your independence.
    If you’re in a Clan, I’ll see you in Rift.
    Evaluating Guardians
    Matchmaking has been under the microscope lately at Bungie.During Iron Banner, we introduced some new settings intended to reduce lag. Earlier this week, we applied those same settings toSkirmish. Yesterday, we brought Rumble and Control up to speed.
    Tomorrow, Trials of Osiris joins the new-and-improved club.
    Crimson Doubles and Clash are also on our short list of playlists to update with better algorithms to sort you with a good, clean fight. We’ll update you when we update the Crucible.
    Our ability to wield instant, server-side magic is limited to five playlists at a time. In a future game update (beyond February), we’re planning to apply these new matchmaking settings to all Crucible playlists. This conversation will continue, and we thank you for being a part of it.
    Stay tuned.
    Out of Bounds
    The Internet is a dangerous place for data. With the February Update, we’re installing a Damage Referee to keep more of us safe from bad connections. Recently, I had the chance to learn how it works. That conversation quickly turned into one of those moments when I smile and nod and pretend to understand what the Very Smart Person is saying to me. Fortunately, Networking Engineer Paul Lewellen was kind enough to go on the record about the newest addition to our netcode.
    Explain it to me like I’m five: What is Damage Referee?
    Paul: "Damage Referee" is our code-name for upcoming changes to the way Destiny handles things that can go wrong when you’re playing games online. Our goal is to give you a better experience in the Crucible when there are Internet problems outside of your control.
    What’s the essential problem we’re trying to solve?
    Paul: In short, we're trying to fix the Internet. Streaming movies, wireless connections, the speed of light, and a host of other things are all conspiring to harm your online experience. Normal network latency is bad enough, but even simple problems become extremely complex when the information your console is sending and receiving can be unexpectedly delayed, dropped, duplicated, folded, spindled, or mutilated. It's impossible to solve completely, but Damage Referee is our latest attempt to improve things for the vast majority of you.
    So, what will happen (in theory) if my connection is good?
    Paul: If your connection is good, a typical Destiny PvP match should feel like your best ones do now. Obviously things won't always be perfect, but we think you'll notice a positive difference pretty quickly. Your weapons will feel a bit more reliable, your kills will feel a bit snappier, and players with poor connections should be less frustrating to fight.
    What will happen (again, in theory), if my connection is bad?
    Paul: If your connection is bad, we'll be giving you even more reasons to improve it. Expect to lose fights a lot more often, even if you think you shot first or escaped behind cover in time. Things will get much better once you fix your connection, but at least you'll receive fewer angry messages in the meantime.
    How will I know this is working? Will I see fewer Red Bars?
    Paul: Not necessarily. The connection bars we show in-game are designed to give you a moment-to-moment idea of how good or bad each player's connection is to all other players in the game (not to our servers). There are many factors that go into determining your color on the coded scale. Even if your own connection is the best it can be, terrible performance elsewhere on the Internet can still compromise your experience. When you see a red or yellow bar next to somebody’s name, it indicates problems with their average connection to other players (and usually to you, too). If it’s your own bar that’s stuck on red, our Network Troubleshooting Guide has some tips to help you improve it.
    We’ll be looking at the data, as always, but we’ll be listening to you as well. This is brand new tech, so let us know if you can feel the difference when it goes live next week.
    Meanwhile, on the Dreadnaught…
    With all this talk about Crucible updates, the Raiders among us are wondering if their reports of issues aboard Oryx’s fortress have been heard. Lead Designer Gavin Irby has been listening. Our team has been crossing some items off his list.
    When we download the update, how will King’s Fall be different?
    Gavin: If you’ve ever been the “runner” in the Daughters of Oryx encounter, you’ve probably encountered an incredibly annoying issue where your camera would snap back to a default position. We’ve fixed that, which should make the runner’s job more enjoyable.
    And the Ogres?
    Gavin: We thought teleporting ogres in the Oryx encounter were totally OP, so we nerfed them into the ground! Actually, there was an unfortunate issue where the bombs were capable of blocking the Ogre’s pathfinding. That resulted in them occasionally making a very frustrating teleport to get past the blocked path. Oryx Challenge Mode should be a little more forgiving now.
    And that’s the first time that Oryx has ever been described as “forgiving.”​
    Laatst bewerkt: 5 feb 2016
  12. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    F**** You bungie!
    Blijf lekker van die sniper ammo af :mad::mad:
  13. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lol.. No special ammo on spawn. Dat gaat trials wel ff veranderen..
  14. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom ... echt, kansloze bedoeling. Waarom gaan kloten met PvP? Dat was toch prima afgezien van de lag ...
  15. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Omdat een hoop mensen kennelijk liepen te klagen over het feit dat men na de eerste bocht al een headshot heeft.
    Power of the people...
  16. BFR

    BFR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het beinvloed uiteindelijk alleen ronde 1 toch?
  17. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ... ach, na 2 jaar moet je toch ergens op janken.
  18. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jij kan het weten. :+
    Hybrid vindt dit leuk.
  19. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoeft niet.. Het fireteam dat ronde 1 verliest heeft grote kans geen special te hebben in ronde 2.
    Dit geldt alleen als er niet gewacht wordt op een special kistje tijdens ronde 1.
    De winnaars van ronde 1 kunnen nog rushen naar een kistje en zo in ronde 2 wel special hebben.
    Dit verhaal kan zich vervolgens blijven herhalen
  20. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik gok een stroom aan invective/icebreakers/sidearms vanaf nu :+

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