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Divinity II: Ego Draconis

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 9 aug 2008.

  1. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had eerlijk gezegd nog helemaal niet van deze game gehoord.
    Als het op Oblivion(een van de leukste game die ik ooit gespeeld heb)/Fable lijkt schaf ik deze game aan.
    Lijkt het op een game als Devil May Cry (hack and slash) dan laat ik hem voorbij gaan want daar hou ik totaal niet van.

    Ik blijf je post aandachtig volgen Dulle.
  2. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En toch denk ik dat jij net als mij en vele andere heééééél wat uurtjes in Oblivion hebt gestoken omdat het een geweldige game was \o/
  3. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    8) Vertaalmachines ftw.

    Eens kijken
    • Een 18 cm hoog figuurtje
    • Het metalen zwaardje van dat figuurtje kan gebruikt worden als brievenopener
    • Een kaart.
    • Een tattoo
    • Een poster
    • De soundtrack
    • De game krijg je waarschijnlijk ook.


    Natuurlijk. ;)

    Maar de game was niet perfect.
  4. DimlightHero

    DimlightHero Rule 7

    Leuk Bevonden:
    rechts zie ik ook nog een een kaart, zit er dan vast ook bij :9
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kaart had ik toch al genoemd? :+
  6. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De game was ook niet perfect,maar wel erg vermakelijk anders hadden zo ontzettend veel mensen aardig wat uurtjes (lees obsessie :lol: ) in deze game gestoken.

    Maar ontopic,is er al iets bekend over de eventuele release date ? of wordt dit een Duke Nukem forever clone =(
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze zomer moet ie komen.
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weer eens wat plaatjes + artwork.
    Zitten een paar oude bij, maar ik heb een zin om ze er tussen uit te plukken.

    Scroll ze. ;)
  9. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben ik weer. ;)
    Ik heb 2 previews voor jullie.
    1 Duitse waar ik geen hol van snap, maar die heeft wel gameplay vids, en 1 (wat oudere) van Gamespot.
    Die snapte ik wel. :+

    Divinity 2: Ego Draconis First Look
    Enter the dragon in Larian Studios' incredibly deep RPG sequel.

    Just how deep is Divinity 2: Ego Draconis, the latest entry in the role-playing game franchise from Belgian developer Larian Studios? Here's one example. In a friendly neighborhood pub, you, a dragon slayer, stumble upon a mass of Gestapo-like soldiers known as seekers. The seekers have taken over the pub and driven out the locals from their favorite watering hole. In a conversation, you can choose to defer to these foul-mouthed rogues, or you can challenge them to a fight. If you're victorious, they'll leave the bar, and the townsfolk will surely buy you endless pints of your favorite frosty beverage.

    Use your mindreading ability to learn your friends' deepest secrets.

    Naturally, you fight. As a trained slayer, you come equipped with a sword longer than your body is tall, and so you commence the beatdown. Suddenly, the seekers' commanding officer storms onto the scene and interrupts the fight, demanding to know what's happening. You can tell him the truth, that his men are drunken slobs and a nuisance to the village, and the officer will send his men on a punitive mission into the deadly forest. Or you can take pity on them and claim that you were exercising a little "male bonding" that got out of hand. Not wanting to involve the lieutenant in this dispute, you tell him you were just roughhousing with your new friends, and he instead dismisses them back to the barracks. The townsfolk return. Drinking ensues.

    But it's not over. You take a visit to the seekers' barracks, at which point they immediately thank you for not turning them in. But you don't play RPGs to make new friends; you do it for the gold. You threaten to tell the lieutenant what happened unless they make it worth your while. They acquiesce and give you the location of the lieutenant's secret stash of goods that he plans to sell on the black market. Do you go pick up the treasure? No, you run straight to the lieutenant, tell him what happened, and he runs out to punish his troops. And then you steal the treasure.

    "There's a lot of ways to ruin people's lives in this game," said Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke.

    Here's one more. The lovely Dana asks you to deliver a private letter to the local blacksmith who you've been trading with. You could do her that favor, but instead you open the letter and learn that Dana has been cheating on her husband with the blacksmith. Of course, you return to Dana and blackmail her, demanding money for your silence. But Dana is a strong woman. She grabs the letter, shows it to her husband, says she is leaving him forever, and runs off to see the blacksmith. The husband sulks, alone. Consequently, the blacksmith will no longer trade with you.

    Larian estimates that there are 15 to 20 possible solutions for each quest in Divinity 2, no matter how large or small. The "perfect" solution to Dana's letter quest would be to use your mind-reading ability to learn that there is a key hidden on her roof. You can grab the key and unlock the corresponding chest to find a letter that says Dana's husband killed her first lover. If you take the letter to the police, then the husband is arrested, and Dana and the blacksmith live happily ever after. Prices at the blacksmith shop will be considerably lower.

    Mind reading is one of the most important skills in Divinity 2, and it comes at a cost. During each conversation, you can hit the mind-read button at any time and gather an extra clue, or perhaps learn that the person you're chatting with has sinister motivations. For example, the champion Richard offers you cash to enter the forest and kill goblins. When you read his mind, you learn that he will sell the goblin hearts for three times what he offers to pay you. If you decline his offer, he'll run to the forest to kill the goblins himself. You can accept his offer along with his paltry reward. Or you can take the hearts to Richard's buyer and cut out the middle man, raking in the gold. Mind reading will cost you experience points to use, and conversations that are more crucial to the main quest will cost even more. But with so many solutions, conversation paths, and mind-reading options, it's almost impossible to play the same game of Divinity 2 twice.

    The slayer academy is also where you begin to customize your character, choose your class and skills, and learn the major story of the game. Evil dragons killed the "Divine One," and the slayers have sworn to take revenge. But you must know thine enemy, so the slayers infuse you with dragon memories. You will later set up defenses to repel aerial dragon attacks. However, a funny thing happens. You become infused with the spirit of a dragon lord and gain the ability to transform into a dragon yourself. You can imagine your fellow slayers' anger when they discover that their friend is really the one thing they have sworn to kill. Imagine your surprise when you are battling against the very defenses that you set up to kill dragons.

    Such is life in Rivellon, a land plagued by bigger enemies than dragons or slayers. The evil Damian from the previous Divinity games is all grown up and has nefarious plans for the kingdom. To combat Damian and improve your character, you have access to the battle tower, which acts as your home base. Here you can spend experience points to improve in a number of different areas, including necromancy, alchemy, combat skills, and enchantments. You can also spend resources to outfit runners with armor and weapons, and then send them to fetch valuable items so you can devote your time elsewhere. You can upgrade areas of the battle tower, but usually at the expense of another area. This lets you specialize in skills you're most interested in rather than level up straight across the board.

    Custom demons like this can be summoned with your necromancer skill.​

    Rivellon is a huge area and it will take you a long time to walk to your destinations. So why not fly? When you transform into a dragon, you can explore the open world at will, and the controls handle like in a flying game. Just as you can outfit your human avatar with different weapons, you can customize your dragon as well. Larian didn't want to give too much away about dragon gameplay, but rest assured that you'll be doing a lot more than shooting fireballs as you progress through the game.

    The ability to transform into a dragon also opens up some interesting game-design options. You may be flying peacefully over a settlement when antiair attacks suddenly fill the sky. So you descend, take human form, and eliminate the defenses with your traditional weapons and spells. One effective attack combo is to cast a fear spell to make your enemies run away in fright. After that, you use a bow to strike them down from a distance. With the defenses out of the way, you can transform back into a dragon, take to the skies, and fry the citizenry to a blackened crisp with swooping fire attacks.

    We've touched only the surface of Divinity 2, but already you can see how layered Larian's latest project is. Keeping tabs on the quest log is the only way to keep up with the sheer number of possible outcomes in each quest. We'll have more on this exciting new RPG as we approach its 2009 release.

    En de Duitse: http://www.gamestar.de/previews/rollenspiel/1956690/divinity_2_ego_draconis.html

    Dit is hun conclusie (alles wat ik wilde weten)
    Knock me down with a dragon’s scale! I haven’t seen such an affectionate, detailed and engrossing fantasy-RPG in ages. Fantastic and complex characters, an excellent story line, smart and amusing brawls and clever ideas make Divinity II: Ego Draconis a glittering gem in the genre, which – if released bug-free – you should not miss!

    Potential: Very good

    Ze hebben ook een video preview, waar ik ook niet veel van snap. Maar ze hebben wel ingame beelden: http://www.gamestar.de/index.cfm?pid=1569&pk=12377

    Samen met Venetica toch 2 titels waar ik dit jaar erg naar uitkijk. :)
  11. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    We krijgen echt een fantastische herfst/winter dit jaar vol met geweldige western rpg's. Ik kijk ook erg uit naar deze. Ziet er allemaal fantastisch uit!
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Met de cinematics zit het iig wel goed. :thumbs:
  14. gnudde

    gnudde MGMT

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooie post Dulle, deze houdt ik zeker in de gaten !
  15. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Summer 2009 staat er aan het eind. Dat zou betekenen dat hij uiterlijk ergens in augustus uitkomt. Dat is al snel :) :9
  16. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, maar ik kan het nog nergens vinden om te reserveren. :'-(

    Om Mirik en Willem even blij te maken hier de 2 verhaaltrailers, maar dan van XBW zelf:

    Volgende week vrijdag komt de 3e! :)
  17. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Puike trailer. Kon je Divinity nu wel of niet zelf op een draak vliegen?
  18. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  19. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop echt dat die summer 2009 klopt. Lijkt me echt een geweldige game \o/
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ziet eruit als een snelle game. Niks mis mee. :)


    Die ik toch niet wil. :p Als de reviews goed zijn koop ik het 'blind'

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