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DJ Hero

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 19 mei 2009.

  1. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maakt me niet uit. Scratchen is gewoon cool :cool:
    Dat is ook het enige waarom ik ooit zelfs een draaitafel wilde hebben. :+
  2. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Over scratchen gesproken... Ik ben benieuwd wat Scratch gaat doen. Nieuwe dev waardoor het een iets andere visuele stijl zal gaan krijgen (:thumbs:), maar hopelijk doen ze ook iets aan de gameplay. Het ziet er gewoon niet lekker uit.
    En de controller blijft lelijk

    Jammer dat je zowat verplicht wordt om een keuze te maken aangezien de controllers natuurlijk niet compatible zullen zijn met elkaars game.

    Q1 2010 dacht ik...
  3. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    DJ Hero: Feel the Beat
    Tons of new details on the hottest music game of the year.

    August 11, 2009 - DJ Hero, coming in just a few short months, wowed IGN's editors at E3 2009. Activision hasn't kept quiet, revealing new artists and tracks with regularity. Today, two big UK-based DJs were revealed. The Scratch Perverts (Tony Vegas, DJ Primecuts and Plus One) and DJ Yoda now top Activision's growing list of artists.

    The Scratch Perverts are cutting it up on five mixes, including:
    • Common's "Universal Mind Control" vs. Masta Ace's "Jeep A** Guitar"
    • Eric B. & Rakim's "Eric B. for President" vs. M.I.A's "Paper Planes"
    • Noisia's "Groundhog" (Beat Juggle)
    DJ Yoda is responsible for two mixes:
    • Jackson 5's "I Want You Back" vs. Gangstarr's "Just to Get a Rep"
    • Little Richard's "Tutti Frutti" vs. Shlomo's "Beatbox"
    We caught up with Jamie Jackson, Creative Director at FreeStyleGames to get some new details on DJ Hero. We talked about what went into picking songs, whether or not Dr. Dre is dropping a new track from Detox and what to expect in terms of downloadable content. We also scored seven new videos in case reading isn't your thing.

    IGN: Today you announced some UK-based DJs. Is there a difference in style between UK and US DJs?

    Jamie Jackson:
    Yes and no. It's really more of a genre thing. Each DJ puts their stamp on their mixes and are influenced by music that is current to them. The genre of music the DJ plays, which can be influenced by where they're from, puts the unique twist to each mix.

    Grand Master Flash talks about the birth of the modern DJ.

    IGN: When you talk about mixing two songs, your options are really wide open in terms of content. How did you come up with which songs to use?

    Jamie Jackson:
    It's true, the options are almost limitless. Basically its goes like this. The DJ's -- either our in house guys at FSG or superstars like Shadow or the Scratch Perverts -- create a "sketch mix." This is sent to the "sound board," which is basically a group of music lovers from every department within FSG. These guys and girls provide feedback and answer the fundamental questions such as whether or not the mixes are something they'd enjoy listening and dancing to. This feedback then goes to the music team. These guys then select the most popular songs and start creating the actual mixes that appear in game.

    IGN: Looking at the current list of announced songs, there are a lot of old school tracks. I call anything more than five-years old "old school," by the way. As more songs are revealed, will we see more current tracks or is the fact that these songs are being mixed what will give them that fresh feel?

    Jamie Jackson:
    The game actually features a really unique mix of music from the past 40 years. Some of the new content -- from the past year even -- comes from the Black Eyed Peas, Kid Cudi and M.I.A. Additionally, Shadow did a mix for us, which we have not revealed yet and features an unreleased track from one of the biggest bands in the world.

    We have really aimed to mix old school tracks with newer tracks, adding fresh appeal to the music, just like a DJ does. If you look at the charts around the globe now, it is full of tracks of current artists covering full songs or highlighting samples from the '70s, '80s and '90s mixed with a new school beat. We've done the same.

    Obviously some DJ's, Shadow for example, have a more old school style. By that I mean, he has an amazing talent for crate digging and will find some sick '70s funk and give it a Shadow feel.

    Watch Common vs. Masta Ace.

    IGN: Has your song selection been swayed at all by content restrictions? There's a lot of vulgarity and mature subjects in hip hop that wouldn't sit well with a Teen rating.

    Jamie Jackson:
    Good point! We always wanted to appeal to young and old, so this meant that in order to keep from limiting ourselves while appealing to the largest audience possible, we had to creatively mix, scratch and cut around any potential language concerns from those mixes.

    IGN: Freestyle did a number of the mixes in DJ Hero. So what goes into making a good mix and did the fact that you were doing mixes for a game change how you handled the songs?

    Jamie Jackson:
    The DJ Hero music team actually did the lions share of the mixes. We have plus or minus 16 DJs in our London studio who are all producers and DJ's in their own right including the 2004 DMC Championship winner and a top BBC Radio1 DJ.

    What goes into a good mix? Well good music to start with and the Activision music team did a great job on getting us a massive catalog to choose from. The next and probably biggest thing is a good musical ear. The FSG and celebrity DJ's all have an amazing talent for hearing one track and creatively understanding how other pieces of music will blend with it.

    This makes it sound easy, but I can tell you it isn't. Quite a few mixes didn't make it.

    IGN: Mastering Guitar Hero doesn't mean you can pick up a guitar and suddenly know how to play. Do you think DJ Hero will actually teach people how to throw down with a turntable?

    Jamie Jackson:
    I don't think DJ Hero will give some the turntablist skills to go hit the decks straight away, but it will open up peoples minds to what they can do if they want! Musically it will make you go "yeah, that track with this one really works." I think it will have the same effect as GH in that it will get people interested in wanting to play around with records and real decks.

    IGN: What do you say to the Guitar Hero player who doesn't listen to hip-hop, but who is certainly a potential customer?

    Jamie Jackson:
    Lets be clear, this isn't just a hip hop game. Yes we have hip hop in it, but we also have dance, electro, rock, pop, soul, R&B and funk. Check out the list of songs and mixes we've revealed to date. If the music appeals to you, then you'll love it, because you already enjoy music rhythm games, so here is something totally new.

    Give a list to Noisa's Groundhoug.

    IGN: Is career mode designed like previous Guitar Hero games where it's just a list based on difficulty and you play your way from easy to hard or is there something more to it?

    Jamie Jackson:
    We do not have a traditional career mode in DJ Hero. DJ Hero is meant to be a totally social game and has a wide variety of music. We didn't want to make the hip hop fan have to play through a dance set list to unlock a hip hop or vice versa. Much of the game's content is unlocked from the start. You unlock venues, characters, outfits and a few unique set lists by playing through any song and earning stars. Venues range from small clubs of 100 people to an open air festival of thousands.

    IGN: Is there any type of spectator mode where you can listen to the tracks without the game interface?

    Jamie Jackson:
    Yes, we have a Party Play mode which can be activated at anytime, simply by holding down the Euphoria button for a few seconds. In this mode the mixes continue to play allowing you to hear the unique music without having to play the game. If you want to play, just grab the deck and you can join in.

    IGN: Any thoughts of releasing some of these mixes as MP3 downloads?

    Jamie Jackson:
    We'd love to, but that's not in the plan right now. Who knows what the future holds.

    IGN: What should we make of the fact that Dr. Dre Beats headphones are shown on the DJ Hero site?

    Jamie Jackson:
    We wanted to represent the best equipment in game we could and the Beats by Dre headphones are incredibly sick, so we are featuring them in game on the DJs.

    IGN: Is there any hope for a track from Dre's Detox showing up on DJ Hero?

    Jamie Jackson:
    That'd be telling…

    IGN: You've said there will be DLC from day one. Should we expected more current songs with DLC or will it be an even mix of new and old?

    Jamie Jackson:
    Expect some very cool stuff new and old, but our aim is to deliver the highest quality and relevant popular music we can.

    See a mixing match-up between The Jackson 5 and Gang Starr.

    IGN: What are the chances of seeing full albums, like say Kid Cudi's upcoming studio debut, as DLC?

    Jamie Jackson:
    We think the music in the game has the chance to do many things and this is certainly one of our goals. We're working on lots of cool stuff behind the scenes up to launch and beyond, so you'll have to wait and see for now.

    IGN: Can we expect more downloadable tracks with playable guitar parts?

    Jamie Jackson:
    We are aiming to release a good balance of both guitar and DJ tracks. We are really pleased and excited by the co-op DJ/guitar mode and we can see it introducing GH players to a game they may not have otherwise picked up.

    IGN: Is there any artist that isn't in the game that you wish you could get?

    Jamie Jackson:
    Well, we have so many in DJ Hero that I don't think I can say there is, but there are of course DJs and musicians we want to work with in the future.


    edit: Ik zie dat de eerste 3 filmpjes dezelfde zijn. Niet mijn schuld, ik heb gewoon de 3 verschillende codes gekopieerd.
    Klik zelf dan maar rechts op het goede filmpje. :p
    Laatst bewerkt: 12 aug 2009
  4. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Masta Ace & Gangstarr _O_

    Begint steeds meer een must-have te worden.
  5. XxTopgear360

    XxTopgear360 Hasta la Vista

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hier nog even een filmpje

    En dan vooral die laatste 8)

    Ik heb ook nog even een vraagje

    Als je hier kijkt http://www.xbox.com/nl-NL/games/d/djhero/ staat er spelers: 1 t/m 3 maar er staat ook dat je iets kan doen met je Microfoon weet iemand daar wat vanaf
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 aug 2009
  6. XxTopgear360

    XxTopgear360 Hasta la Vista

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Achievements van Dj hero staat ook op Xbox360achievements.org

    There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

    My First Set 5
    Complete a setlist on any difficulty setting.

    The Full Set 30
    Complete all mixes at any difficulty setting.

    Super Scratchin' 20
    Successfully perform 10,000 scratches.

    Harsh Fader 20
    Successfully perform 5,000 crossfader moves.

    Freestyle DJ 10
    Trigger every Effects Zone and every Freestyle Sample Zone in any mix on hard difficulty or above.

    Special Effects! 5
    Turn the effects dial during every Effects Zone in any mix at any difficulty (not in the tutorial).

    No Mistakes Allowed 20
    Successfully perform all scratches in any mix on hard difficulty or above.

    Tap King 20
    Successfully press the platter button(s) for all tap icons in any mix on hard difficulty or above.

    Fantastic Fader 20
    Successfully perform all crossfades and crossfade spikes in any mix on hard difficulty or above.

    Superstar DJ 30
    Get a 100% Hits in any mix on hard difficulty or above.

    Good Times 15
    Earn 10 stars by playing any of the mixes in the Grandmaster Flash Presents setlist.

    Multiplier Madness 5
    Achieve an 8X multiplier during any mix (not in the tutorial).

    Perform 4 rewinds without missing any icons in any mix on any difficulty.

    Graduation 10
    Complete the tutorial Learn to DJ - Advanced Techniques.

    Double Trouble 10
    Complete a 2 player one on one local game (DJ v DJ only).

    Supporting Act 5
    Join and complete 3 online games.

    Headliner 5
    Host and complete an online game.

    Win Online 25
    Win 10 online games.

    New Jack 1
    Complete your first mix (not in the tutorial).

    Four Star 4
    Earn 4 stars in any mix on hard difficulty.

    Five Star 5
    Earn 5 stars in any mix on expert difficulty.

    The Gift of Music 10
    Unlock a bonus mix on any set list (where available).

    Hello World 5
    Have your score posted to the online leaderboard.

    My 50 Pence 5
    Attain a 50 streak in any mix on hard difficulty or above using a DJ Hero™

    Turntable Controller.
    Tonight We DJ in Hell! 30
    Attain a 300 streak in any mix on expert difficulty using a DJ Hero™

    Turntable Controller.
    200 Deep 15
    Attain a 200 streak in any mix on hard difficulty or above using a DJ
    Hero™ Turntable Controller.

    All Over the World 15
    Complete a mix in every venue.

    Five in Ten 20
    Earn 5 stars in any 10 mixes on medium difficulty or above.

    Four in Twenty 25
    Earn 4 Stars in any 20 mixes on medium difficulty or above.

    Five in Twenty 35
    Earn 5 Stars in any 20 mixes on medium difficulty or above.

    Props! 5
    Watch the entire credits.

    Legendary Status 80
    Earn 5 stars in every mix on hard difficulty or above.

    The Grandmaster! 35
    Earn 5 stars in every mix on medium difficulty or above.

    360 Degrees 20
    Perform a 360 degree rewind in any mix without missing any icons on hard or expert difficulty.

    720 Degrees 35
    Perform a 720 degree rewind in any mix without missing any icons on expert difficulty.

    The New Style 10
    Construct and play all the mixes of a quicklist online with another player.

    Guitar and DJ 15
    Play the Guitar DJ mode with one player as the DJ and the other as the Guitarist.

    Spin Back King 20
    Perform 20 rewinds.

    Walk-in Wardrobe 10
    Complete any 10 mixes in 10 different outfits.

    The Vinyl Cut 50
    Earn 20 stars by playing any of the mixes in The Vinyl Cut setlist.

    DJ Shadow Presents... 30
    Earn 15 stars by playing any of the mixes in the DJ Shadow Presents setlist.

    Bonus Bangers 35
    Unlock all available bonus mixes from all setlists.

    Turntable Perfection 100
    Earn 5 stars in every mix on expert difficulty.

    Here Comes the Hot Starter! 25
    Earn 50 Hot Starts in any complete mixes.

    Shout Out 5
    Complete any mix using a microphone in a single player game.

    Euphoria DJ 15
    Complete all the Perfect Regions and activate Euphoria in any mix on hard difficulty or above.

    Euphoric Hoarder 20
    Complete all the Perfect Regions in any mix on hard difficulty or above, without using Euphoria.

    The Power of Two 15
    Both players activate Euphoria and Star Power simultaneously in Guitar DJ Mode.

    The Choice Is Yours 15
    Play an 8 mix custom setlist on medium difficulty or above and get at least 3 stars on all mixes.

    Master Blaster 20
    Complete a setlist using the Ghetto Blaster deck

    (weet alleen niet hoe je die plaatjes erbij krijgt)
    Laatst bewerkt: 18 aug 2009
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het zijn de achievements die je kon verwachten van een muziekgame. :9 Niks speciaals, maar ook niks vreselijks.
  8. XxTopgear360

    XxTopgear360 Hasta la Vista

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze vind ik toch best wel tricky

    Turntable Perfection 100
    Earn 5 stars in every mix on expert difficulty.

    Maar krijgen we hier nu ook een microfoon bij of kan je gewoon je headset gebruiken

    Shout Out 5
    Complete any mix using a microphone in a single player game.
  9. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De achievements zijn wel cool. Ik weet alleen niet of ik ooit die dj vs dj local ga halen. Heb maar een paar vrienden die ook een 360 hebben en of ze de game gaan halen is nog maar de vraag.
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zover ik weet krijg je geen microfoon... Maar dat kan nog veranderen natuurlijk
    Met GH II en III kon speler 2 tenminste met de (reguliere) controller spelen, maar nu zie ik dat neit gebeuren.
    De eerste kans op deze achievements krijg ik dus bij DJ Hero 2.

    Voor de zoveelste keer: Ik háát MP achievements.
    Er is altijd wel wat waardoor je het niet kan halen.
  11. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind deze multiplayer achievement (de Live achievements dan) wel meevallen. In bijvoorbeeld Wolvenstein is het gewoon abnormaal wat betreft MP achievements. Deze lijst ziet er goed uit. \o/

    Ik weet nu bijna zeker dat ik deze ga halen. Het zal m'n eerste Hero game worden.
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je hebt slechte MP achievements en je hebt héél slechte MP achievements. Deze zijn gewoon slecht. :+

    Jij kan dus deze ook niet halen:
    Ik vind dat achievements altijd voor iedereen haalbaar moeten zijn.
  13. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien kan dat online wel? Daar staat namelijk niet nadrukkelijk local bij, zoals dat wel bij die andere staat. Dan speel jij gewoon met de gitaar en ik als dj. ;)
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh ja...zou ook kunnen natuurlijk...

    Maar het is een MP achievement dus evil. :+
  15. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit word ook mijn eerste hero game:)
  16. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hm.. Eens kijken... :+
    • Guitar Hero II
    • Guitar Hero III
    • Guitar Hero Aerosmith
    • Guitar Hero World Tour
    • Guitar Hero Metallica
    • Guitar Hero Smash Hits
    • [pre-order] Guitar Hero 5

    Nee... Dit wordt niet mijn eerste. :cool:
  17. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    :+ dies goed.
  18. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Wat hebben ze met de Star Power noten gedaan? :+ Ziet er niet uit.
    Of misschien is het dat ik ze nu stil zie staan, maar volgens mij zien ze er normaal anders uit.

    Zou je eigenlijk ook met je Avatar kunnen scratchen? :9
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog maar even een Hands-on om te bevestigen dat het toch echt een goede game wordt

    Hands-on: DJ Hero

    It may look like Guitar Hero at first glance, but DJ Hero is anything but. The introduction of a new plastic controller (this time, in the shape of a turntable) certainly changes the feel of the game, but what really makes DJ Hero so novel is its sound. The music genre has become over-saturated with guitar riffs and the sounds of rock and metal. It only takes a few seconds to immediately recognize that DJ Hero brings something brand new to the table -- something we couldn't say about the genre for a long time now.

    To say DJ Hero's lineup is eclectic would be an understatement. What other game not only offers a lineup so diverse, but encourages players to mix the sounds of artists like Eminem, Tears for Fears, N.E.R.D. and the Jackson 5? Not only has developer FreeStyleGames managed to compile a variety of sounds for the game, but they've managed to combine these into devilishly edgy mixes. Certainly, this is a game that demands your attention.

    It's a rare feat that a game can be mesmerizing even when it's not being played. We can easily see people adding DJ Hero to their library, using it as the soundtrack to a house party. Good thing the developers had the foresight to add a non-interactive jukebox mode, letting you enjoy the game in a purely hands-off way.

    For many, we can see the turntable controller being an intimidating thing to handle. I met the controller with the same trepidation I had when guitar controllers first rolled out. However, while most people know how a guitar works in some fashion (who hasn't performed air guitar?), this turntable was completely foreign to me. What am I supposed to do with it? What if I look like an idiot?

    My befuddlement actually added to the excitement of getting to play a song. The motion of moving my hand back and forth to spin the toy vinyl was foreign, but easy enough to perform. To overcome its perplexing, exotic nature, DJ Hero does a great job of easing players into the experience, locking away parts of the controller in easier difficulties. As a DJ Hero virgin, I didn't dare to try a harder difficulty. This presented me with the rather easy task of simply focusing on the three colored buttons on the controller and scratching during the on-screen indicators.

    It's easy enough for anyone that's played a music game before to pick up. Like in the other Hero title, I had much more fun when I started adding flourishes, head bumping to the beat. There are opportunities to go a little wild, as well. Extended sequences encourage players to mash a colored button as frequently as they wish, similar to how the drum fills work in Rock Band. Even at its lowest difficulty, DJ Hero made me feel like I was creating the music, vicariously experiencing what a real DJ would do. Surely, that's the litmus test of a successful music game?

    Harder difficulties encourage players to start exploring other parts of the controller, like the crossfader that mixes the two different audio tracks. In addition to providing more "notes" on screen, more challenging difficulties will also require players to focus on their form, with up and down scratches indicated onscreen. As with any other music game, being able to understand all the information that scrolls down will be a challenge -- something that a novice like me couldn't master in a short amount of time. While DJ-ing may appear to be easy, it is most certainly not. DJ Hero has certainly instilled a newfound respect for the genre.

    I've only spent a little time with the game, but I'm already very excited for more. While the experience is exciting and fresh, it's still hard to swallow the incredible price tag. It plays and sounds unlike any other game out there. Question is: how much will people pay to get that experience?

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