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DJ Hero

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 19 mei 2009.

  1. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens de releaselijst van Bart Smit 30 oktober. Anders 23 oktober, want dat is ook een vrijdag. :9

    Ik denk niet dat deze zo goed als een Guitar Hero gaat verkopen. De muziekgame 'hype' is voorbij.
    En zoals iemand anders zei: gitaar spelen kan iedereen (wie heeft nou niet lucht gitaar gespeeld ;)), maar DJ-en is ... onbekend.

    Dit is meer voor de liefhebber. De fijnproever. :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 14 sep 2009
  2. XxTopgear360

    XxTopgear360 Hasta la Vista

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Trailer Daft Punk

  3. Aernhem

    Aernhem Wilfried Daddy Cool

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daft punk wel erg vet.. maar ik zag laatst de pricetag.. damn
  4. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is niet duurder dan Guitar Hero hoor. ;)

    Hands-on: DJ Hero

    As anyone who's ever seen me tickle the colorful neck of a Guitar Hero guitar or keep impeccable time upon a Rock Band drum kit will attest, I've got a knack for rhythm games. I've never placed my hands on a peripheral that I wasn't immediately able to mentally deconstruct and use to its fullest rockin' potential [I'm only allowing this catastrophic failure of modesty because it's true. - Ed].

    My first few minutes with the Xbox 360 version of DJ Hero, however, initially left me flummoxed. That's not to say the turntable peripheral therein is poorly designed or difficult to use. No, my inability to pick up and expertly play Activision's newest bundle of musical joy is due to the fact that for the average rhythm genre veteran, DJ Hero is a horse of an entirely different color.

    We're all familiar with how guitars and drums work. The first time you pick up a plastic simulacrum of one of these instruments, you can recall the mechanics of their real-life counterparts. This mental comparison helps players of rock-based rhythm games understand what they're doing right off the bat.

    A much smaller portion of the population is familiar with the tools of the turntablist -- that inherent sense of familiarity just isn't present when staring at DJ Hero's peripheral: A black ocean of buttons, knobs, discs, switches and sliders.

    The demo I recently got my hands on -- the same demo that will soon be populating kiosks in brick-and-mortars across the country -- was kind enough to give me a one-on-one training session with Grandmaster Flash. He exuberantly explained that the means of interacting with the game are mostly tied to three functions: Tapping on the three buttons located on the record, scratching the record while holding down one of said buttons, and crossfading between the current track's two composite parts using a sliding toggle.

    The first two functions are easy enough to understand, but I had some trouble wrapping my mind around the crossfader. Not only did I find it difficult to discern when I needed to switch tracks in-game, but the toggle's three positions (left, right and center) are difficult to accurately and hastily shift between.

    It took a couple of tries, but once I finally understood how these functions translated into actual song interaction, my enjoyment of DJ Hero exponentially increased. I still can't play it on anything higher than medium difficulty (which might be due to the slight audio-visual delay present in the demo; and no lag calibration option to compensate), but I know that once I get my hands on the retail version of the game, I'll be eager to improve my mix-mastery.

    I don't mind the game's somewhat steep learning curve. However, it does make DJ Hero less likely to become a smash hit at your social gatherings. This is alleviated somewhat by the DJ vs. Guitar mode (a brief glimpse of which is present in the demo), but I don't imagine my casual gaming friends will choose to take the time to learn how spin virtual vinyl when Rock Band or Guitar Hero 5, which will allow four of them to play at one time, is sitting in the same room.

    Then again, it's just as likely that you and your compatriots are burnt out on the rhythm games of old, and desire something fresh. Rest assured, DJ Hero has freshness in spades, a fact that should be evident from its mashed-up track list.

    Though the songs are presented in an unfamiliar manner -- further detracting from DJ Hero's instant accessibility -- they're spliced together brilliantly. As I learned to deftly shift between samples on the demo's four tracks, I could hear (and, eventually, anticipate) how each song's aggregate parts blended together. It may be too soon to drop such a statement, but for a few fleeting moments after this epiphany ... I may have felt like a DJ.

    My performance during a mix involving Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" was particularly sweet. In fact, I'd say it was almost reminiscent of a curved, tropical fruit.

    DJ Hero isn't just a shameless cash-in on one of the gaming industry's largely untapped cultures. It's a completely original and entertaining take on the rhythm genre with vast amounts of potential, and I can't wait to see what the full version of the game has to offer.

    DJ Hero isn't just a shameless cash-in on one of the gaming industry's largely untapped cultures. It's a completely original and entertaining take on the rhythm genre with vast amounts of potential
  5. s0kkie

    s0kkie Nicolas Corbin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom zoiets vets als Daft Punk in zo een fail game als 'DJ' Hero :mad:
  6. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leg uit.. 'fail game'... ;)
  7. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind dat met Daft Punk echt TE vet klinken! (Ben ik de enige DP zwaar bruut vindt? :+)

    Nu overweeg ik het nog wel om deze game aan te schaffen!
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hm, ik ken DP alleen van dit filmpje. :+

    Ben ik de enige die het echt vreemd vind om die remix in de trailer te horen? O-) (We Will Rock You). Zal wel komen doordat ik het nummer al kende vóór deze trailer (is best bijzonder voor mij. :p)

    Nog een paar keer luisteren, misschien wen ik er dan aan.
  9. Rivanov

    Rivanov Apple Fanboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daft Punk! :cool:
  10. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom zou dit gelijk een fail game zijn?
    Als jij deze game niet leuk vindt, dan haal je hem toch lekker niet, maar ga dan niet dit topic lopen te verpesten bitte.
  11. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    He, wie? :+
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  13. XxTopgear360

    XxTopgear360 Hasta la Vista

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daft Punk - Queen

  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog maar een maand! :)
    Zullen we alvast een 'Wie heeft DJ Hero al gespot' topic openen? :lol:

    DJ Hero Preview
    A reminder of why the music genre became so popular in the first place.

    September 28, 2009 - Activision is certainly not shy about releasing new entries in the blockbuster "Hero" franchise. There seems to be a new version of Guitar Hero every month, and maybe it won't be long before we're playing entire games dedicated to Oingo Boingo and Boz Scaggs. But DJ Hero is different. There's a new controller, a different take on rhythm based gameplay, and most importantly, a whole new style of music.

    We've gone over the controller and the specifics on how you play DJ Hero in great detail. If you'd like to know more about how the controller feels check out the end of this article for thoughts from our Gear Editor Scott Lowe and be sure to watch our Interview with DJ Shadow. Recently Activision let us get our hands on the full game for the first time where we tried out versus mode, guitar and DJ multiplayer and the full career mode. Although this was my first time with the deck, it only took a Jay-Z and Jackson 5 mash-up to get me hooked and goofily bopping along to the music.

    If you don't trust my word on DJ Hero, listen to a professional.

    Jumping into the main game presents players with a spread of different vinyl covers. Each one is either a challenge, or set of challenges based around a specific DJ, or type of music. Since a turntable may not be as familiar as a guitar to some players, there are thorough tutorial levels that introduce the new format. Then, as you progress further into the game, there are sets of challenges like DJ Shadow Presents, DJ Yoda, Extended Play, DJ Jazzy Jeff, and a Jay Z Mixtape. Each one contains a set of songs that you have to play through to unlock the next vinyl. As you would imagine, the challenges get progressively more difficult as the mixes get progressively more awesome.

    As you unlock mixes in each category they become available for Quicklist, a custom playlist which lists songs by difficulty and can contain up to eight tracks. As my limited DJ skills improved and I started progressing through the game I got a taste of just how intense things become on the harder difficulty levels. Mastering the crossfader, which is indicated by the note tracks moving to the left and right, is key. Making it through a section with no mistakes charges up Euphoria, which when activated not only boosts the bass but auto crossfades for you.

    The Euphoria mechanic is a lot like Star Power, but there's a second power-up that plays a large role in your score total if you can get it. Score a long enough note streak and you'll activate rewind which allows you to spin the record backwards to an earlier part of a song and retry a section. This way you can extend a streak and score even more points. Once you bump things up to hard mode there are plenty of directional scratches, meaning you have to spin the record specifically forward or backward to hit the note. Lastly, there are spikes for the crossfader. Instead of moving the switch to the left, right, or center and keeping it there, these require the player to quickly jerk the fader to a position and bring it back -- a truly difficult technique.

    So far, every mix I've heard from DJ hero has what it takes to be included in a perfect party mix. There's even a special set dedicated to turntables and a guitar playing together. These ten tracks have been specially mixed to work with both instruments and are an excellent way to get someone who might be intimidated by the new hardware into the game. If you don't want to play guitar or DJ, there's microphone support that allows you to MC the party. It isn't scored in any way, but it does allow anyone to pretend they have the same skill set as Flavor Flav.

    While Guitar Hero games have always been great for the people playing, what about those who have to watch? Mostly they stand off to the side listening to bad karaoke. In DJ Hero, whether you're playing or not, you'll want to get off your ass and dance. And if you're playing and badly need a dance break, you can always hold the Euphoria Button (it's like star power) and the game will jump into party mode which lets the music run without scoring or the user interface. This is a welcome feature considering how good the music is. Once you hear the full soundtrack it's easy to see why someone would want this game at their party, whether it's being played or just providing the soundtrack.

    If your party attendees decide to they want to take control of the music there's also versus mode. Two DJ's play against each other on a single track for the high score, and the effects knob (it's like the whammy bar in Guitar Hero) can only be used by one person at a time. This not only changes the pitch of the track, it also doubles the current multiplier, so it's key for posting high scores. The first person to use the knob gets control of it for the duration of the effects-sensitive portion of the track. You have to be something of a quick draw artist to get the multiplier every time, and it makes multiplayer more than just note tracking.

    When you jump into a song there's plenty of customization for your DJ including appearance and all of the gear that comes with playing a show. There are custom headphones, your deck, the deck design, and most importantly your effects. Before each set you get to choose a package of these custom sounds like an air horn or an MC screaming "Yeah Boy!" over the music. The effects are mapped to the center (red) button on the turntable and can be used throughout the song.

    So far the DJ Hero peripheral, the familiar presentation, and the music combine to make for a very fun party experience. We look forward to getting our hands on the game for even longer.


    The Deck

    By Scott Lowe

    With the launch of DJ Hero, Activision will yet again be introducing a whole new genre of music game to the industry, and with it a whole new era of peripherals, beginning with the DJ Hero turntable. Activision is tapping into a completely new market of music fans with DJ Hero, and with the included turntable peripheral, will bring a whole new experience to the player. While the DJ Hero turntable is hardly an authentic recreation of the mixing process, it does give a fairly life-like vibe. With the DJ Hero turntable, Activision did a great job of integrating the core gameplay controls and preserving aesthetic authenticity. At first glance, you'd probably think that the DJ Hero turntable controller could actually play vinyls – sooner or later you'd realize that there are buttons on the disc platter, the absence of a needle arm, and/or that the entire chassis is made of plastic, but you get the point. But the looks only account for so much when it comes to music game peripherals, what really matters is the feel and performance, and we are happy to report that the DJ Hero turntable fares well in this area -- for the most part.

    The frame of the turntable is composed of fairly strong plastic and is pretty tightly constructed with as few small, breakable parts as possible. The two most seemingly vulnerable areas of the design are the crossfader and control panel door, both of which seem like they could be easily snapped off if forced or extended too far beyond their intended range. Similarly, the crossfader is a little loose and we would like to have seen some extra resistance for both the peripheral's long-term durability and in-game feel. Additionally, the crossfader's middle notch that gives a tactile indication of when the player has reached a centered fade could have been a little more pronounced and made gameplay a little more accessible for casual or entry-level players. Strangely, the effects dial is devoid of any position notches and can be spun a full 360-degrees, which eliminates the player's ability to both visually and ergonomically identify which setting they are currently set to.


    The platter itself is perhaps the most impressive aspect of the turntable's design, with a textured faceplate that looks and feels like a real record and can be spun a full 360-degrees. What we enjoyed most about the disc platter is that it isn't rigidly mounted to the frame, or in other words, it allows for a little inward depression if you get really into it. The buttons are reasonably sized and can accommodate finger shapes and sizes of all varieties, and feature a textured vinyl-life finish comparable to the rest of the platter faceplate. Unfortunately, the vinyl-style texture doesn't afford a sizable amount of grip and we would have liked to have seen a softer, rubber-like material used.

    For those concerned about using the turntable as a lefty, the developers instituted a rather ingenious flippable control pod design. In its default righty-position, users will find a series of ports on the right side of the control section. What isn't immediately recognizable is that the ports are the same on the left side, making it simple for users to simply detach and flip the control pod for left-handed use. Located underneath the deck is an unlock switch, which detaches the control pod and locks back in in the desired position.

    We still have many questions about the DJ Hero turntable -- how does it fare after extended use? How does the Renegade Edition compare to the standard version? We'll have to wait to closer to release to get these answers and render our final verdict, but from what we've seen so far, we have high hopes for the DJ Hero turntable.
  15. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hebben, hebben, hebben! Als iemand hem deze week al ergens spot: posten! :+

    De lineup wordt trouwens steeds beter en beter met Q-Tip, Gangstarr etc.
  16. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eerste DLC is dus bekend. :9
  17. Zeepsop

    Zeepsop BRO BEANS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    David Guetta is _O_ Het is dat ik laatste tijden krap bij kas zit, anders had ik deze al ge pre-orderd. :cool:
  18. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze komt er, en misschien ook wel dat DLC:)
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb voor deze maand 3 games gereserveerd, maar naar deze kijk ik toch meeste uit. :9

    Wel jammer dat ik het waarschijnlijk niet op de release zal hebben =(
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat tot nu toe bekend is:

    Artists confirmed, but no songs yet:
    Public Enemy

    Songs known (76 of 100):
    -"Ace of Spades" by Motörhead
    -"Al-Naafiysh (The Soul)" by Hashim
    -"Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen
    -"Around the World" by Daft Punk
    -"Atomic" by Blondie
    -"Beat" by Shlomo
    -"Big Beat" by Billie Squier
    -"Bittersweet Symphony" by Aranbee Pop Symphony Orchestra
    -"Boom" by Grandmaster Flash
    -"Boom Boom Pow" by Black Eyed Peas
    -"Bring the Noize 20xx" by Zakk Wylde
    -"Bust a Move" by Young MC
    -"Bustin' Loose" by Chuck Brown & The Soul Searchers
    -"Cars" by Gary Numan
    -"Da Funk" by Daft Punk
    -"Day 'N' Nite" by Kid Cudi
    -"Disco Inferno" by 50 Cent
    -"Disturbia" by Rihanna
    -"DJ Hero" by DJ Z-Trip feat. Murs
    -"The Edge" by David Axelrod
    -"Elements of Life" by Tiësto
    -"Eric B is President" by ric B. & Rakim
    -"Excuse Me Miss" by Jay Z ft. Pharrell
    -"Feel Good Inc" by Gorillaz
    -"Fix Up, Look Sharp" by Dizzee Rascal
    -"Genesis" by Justice
    -"Give It To Me" by Rick James
    -"Good Thang" by Q-Tip
    -"Groundhog" by Noisia
    -"Hella Good" by No Doubt
    -"Here Comes My DJ" by Grandmaster Flash
    -"Hey Mama' by Black Eyed Peas, ft. Trippa Irie
    -"Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani
    -"I Can't Stop" by Sandy Rivera
    -"I Heard It Through the Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye
    -"I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5
    -"Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice
    -"Insane in the Brain" by Cypress Hill
    -"Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys
    -"Izzo (H.O.V.A.)" by JAY-Z
    -"Jack of Spades" by KRS-1
    -"Jayou" by Jurassic
    -"Jeep Ass Clutter (Aaron Lacrate & Debonair Samir Remix)" by Masta Ace
    -"Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner
    -"Just to Get a Rep" by Gang Starr
    -"Lapdance" by NERD
    -"Last Night a DJ Saved My Life" by InDeep
    -"Let's Dance" by David Bowie
    -"Lookin' at Me" by Wale
    -"Loser" by Beck
    -"Monkey Wrench" by Foo Fighters
    -"My Name Is" by Eminem
    -"Nothing But You" by Paul van Dyk
    -"Paper Planes" by M.I.A.
    -"Pjanoo" by Eric Prydz
    -"Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry
    -"Poison" by Bell Biv Devoe
    -"Robot Rock" by Daft Punk
    -"Rock the Bells" by LL Cool J
    -"Rockit" by Herbie Hancock
    -"Sabotage" by Beastie Boys
    -"Satisfaction" by Benni Benassi
    -"Shook Ones, Part 2" by Mobb Deep
    -"Short Circuit" by Daft Punk
    -"Shout" by Tears for Fears
    -"Six Days (Remix ft. Mos Def)" by DJ Shadow
    -"Somebody Told Me" by The Killers
    -"Strange Enough" by Nasa ft. Karen O, ODB, and Fatlip
    -"Tap" by Grandmaster Flash
    -"Technologic" by Daft Punk
    -"Television Rules the Nation" by Daft Punk
    -"Time of the Season" by The Zombies
    -"Tutti Frutti" by Little Richard
    -"U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer
    -"Universal Mind Control (UMC)" by Common
    -"We Will Rock You" by Queen
    -"Word Up!" by Cameo

    Mixes known [56 of 93]:
    -"Ace Of Spades" vs. "Groundhog" (Guitar vs. DJ)
    -"Another One Bites the Dust" vs. "Da Funk"
    -"Around the World" vs. "Bust a Move"
    -"Beats" vs. "Big Beat"
    -"Bittersweet Symphony" vs. "Rock the Bells"
    -"Boom" vs. "Tap"
    -"Boom Boom Pow" vs. "Satisfaction"
    -"Bring the Noize 20XX" vs. "Genesis"
    -"Bustin' Loose" vs. "Time of the Season
    -"Da Funk" vs. "Strange Enough"
    -"Day 'N' Nite" vs. "Boom Boom Pow"
    -"Disco Inferno" vs. "Last Night A D.J. Saved My Life"
    -"Disturbia" vs. "Somebody Told Me" (Guitar vs. DJ)
    -"The Edge" vs. "Eric B. Is President"
    -"Excuse Me Miss" vs. "Give It To Me"
    -"Eric B is President" vs. "Paper Planes"
    -"Feel Good Inc." vs. "Atomic"
    -"Fix Up, Look Sharp" vs. "Genesis"
    -"Good Thang" vs. "Big Beat"
    -"Here Comes My DJ" vs. "Cars"
    -"Hollaback Girl" vs. "Feel Good Inc."
    -"Hollaback Girl" vs. "Give It To Me"
    -"Hollaback Girl" vs. "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life"
    -"I Heard It Through the Grapevine" vs. "Feel Good Inc."
    -"I Heard It Through The Grapevine" vs. "Let's Dance"
    -"I Want You Back" vs "Just to Get a Rep"
    -"Ice Ice Baby" vs. "U Can't Touch This"
    -"Insane In The Brain" vs. "The Edge"
    -"Izzo (H.O.V.A.) vs. "My Name Is"
    -"Jayou" vs. "Big Beat"
    -"Jayou" vs. "Rockit"
    -"Jukebox Hero" vs. "DJ Hero"
    -"Just to Get a Rep" vs. "Shook Ones, Part 2"
    -"Let's Dance" vs. "Jack of Spades"
    -"Lookin' at Me" vs. "Hey Mama"
    -"Megamix 1" by Daft Punk
    -"Megamix 2" by Daft Punk
    -"Monkey Wrench" vs. "Sabotage" (Guitar vs. DJ)
    -"My Name Is" vs. "Loser"
    -"Nothing But You" vs. "I Can't Stop"
    -"Paper Planes" vs. "Lookin' at Me"
    -"Play That Funky Music" vs "Just to Get a Rep" (Guitar vs. DJ)
    -"Poison" vs. "Intergalactic"
    -"Poison" vs. "Word Up!"
    -"Robot Rock" vs. "Al-Naafiysh (The Soul)"
    -"Robot Rock" vs. "We Will Rock You"
    -"Rockit" vs. "Lapdance"
    -"Satisfaction" vs. "Elements Of Life"
    -"Short Circuit" vs. "Jack of Spades"
    -"Shout" vs. "Eric B is President"
    -"Shout" vs. "Pjanoo"
    -"Shout" vs. "Six Days (Remix ft. Mos Def)"
    -"Somebody Told Me" vs. "Pjanoo"
    -"Technologic" vs. "Cars"
    -"Television Rules the Nation" vs. "Hella Good"
    -"Tutti Frutti" vs. "Beats"
    -"Universal Mind Control" vs. "Jeep Ass Gutter"

    5 gameplay filmpjes (weet niet zeker of ze nieuw zijn)

    En waarom krijgen wij in NL nooit leuke pre-order bonusjes. :'-(
    Dit is er een van de UK.
    Waarom is ie leuk?

    Queen natuurlijk!

    Over de controller:
    Eigenlijk hoop ik dat je de mogelijkheid hebt om met draad te spelen als je dat wilt. Ik verspil al genoeg batterijen aan mijn GH gitaar.

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